Welcome Mrs.!
Heather, letting go of time frames has been a tough one for me. It used to really stress me out. I try really hard to continue to remind myself that it will be wonderful no matter when it happens.
Kay, it's very frustrating temping with little ones in the house. Just do the best you can and you should still see a clear O pattern.
Michelle, My dh has the craziest sex drive of anyone I know! Not that I walk around asking people, lol. He wants it
Every morning and
Every night! It gets exhausting when I'm not using him for his sperm.
It's ok to change your mind as often as you need to about ttc/ntnp. Being a mother is very hard whether you have 1 or 12. Be kind to yourself. I think we are hardest on ourselves.
Kelly, sorry your dd isn't herself.
I did tell dh he was playing with fire right now and he actually stayed home a little later this morning so we could bd! I am so surprised! So tww here I come!
A quick question, I know ff will put my O date for tomorrow because of the + opk today. I'm just not convinced it's not today. I also had a + opk at 4am this morning. (I had to pee & couldn't sleep.) I know it's only the difference of a day.... but I'm impatient.
Which day would you consider O, today or tomorrow?