Old School POAS addicts - chat thread!

Oh Kay, I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself :haha:

Nothing much to report here, CD 10 :coffee:

WTH is spermatozoa :rofl:
I have no idea, I'm pretty sure I've never used the word, so shouldn't be in my phone unless its a real word.... I kinda want to google to find out, but I'm also a little scared :haha:

Trying to keep busy and not think about it but I'm still getting the ewcm and on and off bloating and pains.
DS4 is walking! He has been taking a few steps here and there for a couple of weeks now but since Saturdays he's been toddling all over the place.
DS2s friend and his older sister are in love with DS4, they can not walk past without stopping to talk to him or stroke his hand and he has started reaching out to them as we pass them. The boy keeps saying "I wish he was my baby brother, I want a baby brother" and today he told me "I want a baby brother, its not fair, my Mum drunk a potion so we can't have any more babies" It kind of made me feel like actually my boys are lucky to have so many brothers. I hope they can always be close, my Mum never had any siblings, then she managed to drive a wedge into my close relationship with my brothers. But now after all this time on the rare occasion we see each other it is like nothing changed. I just wish it was more often.
Your kids are definitely lucky to have each other. I come from a family of four and am very close with my siblings, don't know what I would do without them.

That's why I'm so adamant that Isla has at least one sibling, I think growing up as an only child would be so lonely.
Sperm is short for spermatozoa...i'm a a bit of a science geek :blush:

Kay your boys are very lucky to have each other and I'm sure they will be close when they are older. I think the closeness of siblings has a lot to do on how they are brought up. I only have one sister who is 3 years older but she is my best friend. I really hope my girls can have the same relationship as we do.

And hooray for walking babies!!! My 1st was an early walker, it resulted in quite a few nasty bruises as she had no fear or common sense. DD2 is a lot more cautious than her sister, she is happy to walk holding on to our hands but as soon as we let go she goes wide-eyed and drops down to the floor to crawl away:haha:
Well the sperm thing makes sense now! LOL

Bless your girls, sounds so funny going all wide eyed then dropping down. He is my earliest walker, he took his first steps at 10 months, he just turned 11 months at the weekend (where has that time gone?) The others were 14 months, 11 months and 12 months. But then decided it wasn't all it was cracked up to be and went back to crawling for a month! HAHA
Although I know a little girl who was walking at 9 months and she looked far too tiny to be up and about.
Ahhh, at least we know what it means now :haha:

That is awesome re your youngest walking now Kay! Isla sounds like your first Steph, she walked early (cruised from 8 months started fully walking at just about 10 months) and is fearless. She is pretty steady on her feet thankfully so not too many accidents.
Ok I caved and checked cp as (tmi) I still have an insane amount of cm. I'm wondering if it's because ds4 hasn't fed from me at all for a little while. I've heard bfing can dry cm up quite a bit, so maybe now I'm not it just seems a lot. It's low firm and closed so I'm sure I have Ov just don't know when. It's a waiting game I guess.
We'll let you off for checking your cp, you've been pretty good so far!
Haha thanks. I am so tired today. Could fall asleep but need to go get DS3 in a bit. Last few days of him finishing at 1:30pm. From next week he'll finish at 3:30 like the big boys.
You have been really good this cycle Kay! And wow, how are you feeling about DS3 being gone all day, that will be a big change!

I don't think I've ov yet; though I was feeling ov pain yesterday and this morning so hopefully soon.
Exhaustion....an early pregnancy sign perhaps??? Although after last month I call BS on early symptom spotting, I convinced myself I had everything and af still got me. It's nice that they start the kids off slowly though. Is he enjoying it?
Mixed feelings, be so weird to not have to keep running up and down the road on multiple school runs and only having 1 child home all day again. It's kind of sad that so many of my babies are big enough to be at school. But it will also be nice to spend some time with ds4 and not be clock watching so much. I don't drive and buses here are 2 hourly so I've been trapped in since we started having to do mid day preschool runs. Dh is always home in time to get them from school so next week I'll be able to meet my friend and not have to worry about making it back. I've got all these plans for things I want to do with ds4 like take him swimming and stuff. Things I can't do by myself with 2 or more and especially can't do when I have to clock watch.

Fingers crossed for O soon. I think I'm somewhere between 2 and 5 dpo.
It will much it easier to do activities with just DS4, I'm sure you two will enjoy yourselves.

Steph, it's cruel how are bodies can trick us sometimes :nope:
Sorry Steph I didn't see your last comment. He is enjoying it yes, although he has been told off a few times for his inability be be still and quiet. Monday he lost 5 minutes of playtime, 1 minute for every time the teacher asked him to stop talking. When questioned he told his Dad "it doesn't matter, you don't have to do anything, just sit there until they say you can go out and play now" so not sure a lesson was learnt. But he is only 4, and its not like he is being nasty, he is just a talkative wriggle bum.
Sorry Steph I didn't see your last comment. He is enjoying it yes, although he has been told off a few times for his inability be be still and quiet. Monday he lost 5 minutes of playtime, 1 minute for every time the teacher asked him to stop talking. When questioned he told his Dad "it doesn't matter, you don't have to do anything, just sit there until they say you can go out and play now" so not sure a lesson was learnt. But he is only 4, and its not like he is being nasty, he is just a talkative wriggle bum.

This made me lol! Clever kid! I've always wondered why I hated time out so much as a kid, it would be awesome now if someone told me to sit down and do nothing for 5 minutes.

I've been thinking today that if I'm not pregnant by the end of the year I should really start looking for a job. I can't put my life on hold waiting to fall pregnant because I don't know how long it will take. I don't really want to go back to work in A&E but I don't know what else I can do. Maybe I could find a job at the uni or something...I'm starting to get stressed!
He does sound quite smart Kay. I'm not really a fan of time outs myself, not really sure what it teaches kids????:shrug:

Steph, could you maybe do something part time until you decide to go back FT? If you guys are managing without you working then maybe something PT would be a good option so you can still have time with the girls. Hopefully you will be pregnant before the end of the year anyway so none of this will matter :thumbup:
Too smart for his own good, although he plays dumb. If he carries on at school the way he does at home then they'll think he is really behind. Like he'll sit with a book and point out all the 'a's or all every time he see the word 'no' or something. But if you ask him "whats this letter" he goes "I don't know" He has decided that I spell his name wrong (after being able to write it properly like a year ago) and keeps putting the last 2 letters the wrong way round. He is just a real monkey. He can't help it, thats who he is. Not sure how much his teacher appreciates it though lol I told DH he can go to his parent teacher meeting and I'll go to the older 2s :haha:
He sounds like quite a character! Hopefully the teachers will appreciate him for who he is and your dh won't get in trouble at the pt meetings lol!

Emily my plan is to go back part time when I do. We have been managing on one salary, so I don't HAVE to go back but I feel a bit guilty not working. We would be able to afford more luxuries if I worked. My problem is that finding a part time job that I want to do and that will hire me is tricky! When I took my dh to A&E last month they said I could do a couple of shifts a week, but the thought of going back there fills me with dread. Life outside the hospital is so much less depressing! Hopefully I get pregnant soon and I can put it off for another couple of years.
Oh yeah and remember when I said "I've marked the ewcm as in 7 days I'll be stressing 'did I O on thursday or friday?' " ? Yeah I'm at that point. I think I'm somewhere between 4 and 7 dpo. Wish I knew. Do I expect AF in 2/3 days or not.:shrug::brat::haha:

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