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Older Ladies TTC - Please be my friends....

Where is everybody :shrug:

Hope you're all having fun whatever your doing, and not working yourselves to hard. What news girls?

I have managed to get to CD10 with no positive OPK yet - which I am very happy about - so hoping it will stay away till at least CD12 whilst trying not to panic about anovulation - oh the perils of an early ovulator!
Hi girls

Sorry ive not been around much this month. Thought i would try not being here everyday and then maybe i would relax a bit more. Not working much though. Today is cd13 so im due to O any day now. Just need to keep my fingers crossed and find myself things to do for the next 2 weeks.

Hope you are all ok.

Oh and Amos nice to see you back TTCing again xx
hiya ladies im back to cd 3 !!!

im having my bloods taken today and oh sending in a s-s so we'll see if there is a problem..

the doc was really unhelpful i had to practically force him to do anything at all !!!

it gets me we pay our taxes don't rely on anyone for anything yet we were almost denied a simple test !!
Where is everybody :shrug:

Hope you're all having fun whatever your doing, and not working yourselves to hard. What news girls?

I have managed to get to CD10 with no positive OPK yet - which I am very happy about - so hoping it will stay away till at least CD12 whilst trying not to panic about anovulation - oh the perils of an early ovulator!

So know what you mean Nise :hugs: I am an early ovulator too, without help cd10-cd11, managed to get it extended by a few days with Agnus Cactus, and made it to cd14 last cycle with AC AND soy (read since that you shouldn't do both, so only doing soy this time!) and I've been through the same worry that I might not ovulate each time I pass cd11! Saying that, i got pg when I ovulated at cd10 and not since, so not so sure I should be so focussed on extending it after all! Hope you get your +opk tomorrow :)

lissaloo, good luck with your test today and more importantly good luck getting the results. I waited over a week before phoning for mine (mainly to psych myself up to the possibility of bad results), and it was quite an experience to get them. First the secretary couldn't tell me and had to speak to GP, then she came back and just said all was normal and when I asked what the figures actually were, she said she couldn't tell me, so had to get back to the GP again. She called me back but was so confused, she couldn't distiguish fsh to LH ect..., so in the end, she had to get my GP to call me back, by which time I was in the gym changing room, couldn't hear well, so had to repeat everything, so all present now know that I am ttc :)

spencerbear, have fun bding. What perfect time to ov with all that snow, nothing more attractive than staying under the duvet! I was supposed to go to a meeting in Lewes this morning, didn't even make it to my office in Eastbourne!

I have just started my 8th cycle since m/c, 10th total if I include the one right after the m/c, bouhouhhhhh, really feels like it is never going to happen now. Out of boredom with it all, I am taking a more 'au natural' approach this time, ditched the monitor, the ac and EPO which did nothing anyway, bding as we normally do, which is 3 times a week anyway and not every day around ov, will probably temp around ov though just to confirm that it happened and when. Seeing FS in three weeks time finally (was referred beginning of Nov.....)
Hi Ladies, Hope you are all well and not to inconvenienced by all the snow.

Spencerbear - Good to see you back, hun - how goes it with the big O watch?

Lissaloo - Good luck with your bloods etc - unfortunately you've got to be quite strong with the Dr's, it's not easy but you are entitled to a few tests. I managed to get my FS to put me in for a US transvag scan - he was slightly reluctant and then shook his head and said why not. Hope you get good results, I shall keep an eye out for them.

FBbaby - Really hoping the au natural method works for you, it sounds like you've got quite a good relaxed method going on, you are bound to catch that eggie soon.

As for me - well I got my smiley face today so hoping to O tomorrow coz DP is not here today :hissy:. So typical!!! Anyway - we got a little action in last night and booked in for some more tomorrow. :winkwink:
Feel certain its been ages since ive posted on this thread! sorry! hope everyone is doing well and depending on where you live, hope you are inside safe and warm outta the snow!

Its 10DPO for me today...NOT testing early - just waiting to see if the temps stay up and the mean ole' witch stays away...

Big hugs!
yeah for ov coming up. There was a thread agesssssss ago on ttc on whether waiting for ov or the 2ww was more stressful. Most replied the 2ww, but for us older ladies, I think the worry about ovulation suddenly going haywire means that knowing that it happened and therefore that there is at least a chance of a bfp feels almost like winning the lottery! Have fun Nise, with this weather, hard not too enjoy warming up close together under the duvet!

mama4, sounds like you are due to test on your anniversary. Crossing all my fingers that you will have more to celebrate. It was the anniversary of my meeting OH last Sunday, and AF showed up on that day (as it did on my birthday in November). I was double gutted as it would also have meant baby would have been due on my OH's birthday, but really hope it will be many smiles and hugs for you this week-end :hugs:
hi everyone , well here in Westgate we have no snow were on the coast so we never get much !!

hope your all ok this thread has been busy since yesterday had loads to read :)
Hello ladies....hope everyone is doing well.

Nise- hope you are getting in some good :sex::sex:

FB- you are so right...the waiting to O seems way worse than the 2ww to me...just so worried I won't even ovulate!!

Right now I am on day 11 of my cycle and I AM STILL BLEEDING!!! I do not have time for my body to go haywire NOW....I am 37 and not getting any younger!!!!

Mama- when are you testing?????

Spencer-I know how you feel about not coming around much- I am just now getting back into the swing of things and it did me loads of good to not come here so much (no offense ladies) It just made me not be as obsessive about things!

Lissa- hope you are getting ready for the big O in a few days!!!
Hi Amos im doing good looking at conceive plus and maybe some epo ''

i seen a lot about vit b6 is anyone taking anything that helps ???
Amos, is it bright red bleeding? Gosh I can see how you would have enough of it. Do you think it is related to the m/c? I can't remember if you had a proper AF since. After the bleeding from the m/c stopped, I started bleeding again a week later, light brown blood, then 10 days later, AF came full blown. It did get more or less back to normal after that.

lissaloo, I tried just about everything I think! Preseed (which I'd use when I conceive) for 6 cycles, conceive plus for 1, epo 100mg a day than 200mg (that made no difference at all to my cm, so stopped this cycle), agnus cactus, which did seem to help me ovulate later, but I stopped it this cycle since I've started soy and the two supposedly shouldn't be taken together. I have also started royal jelly (for eggs quality), and q10 enzyme (supposed to help with lining). Truth is, the only thing that I can definitely say has made a difference is the vitB complex, which has extended my LP to 14 days with no spotting. What I am sure of, is that it does get really expensive each month.....
Lissa- we used something this last pregnancy and now I am drawing a blank as to what it is called. Like pre-seed but it's called something else. Dangit!! I will look tonight. Not sure if it was that, or we just boinked at the right time, but I got pregnant right away.

FB- this is my second cycle since my last mc, but the first cycle was only 3 days and wasn't very heavy. It has sort of turned to dark brown now...haven't had red in a few days. But twice it has acted like I was stopping only to wake up the next day with more blood! I assume I am really just now getting "cleaned out"!! But I am so ready to do the horizontal mambo it's not even funny!!! (and not just for TTC purposes either!!) :haha:
Hi everyone :wave:

I thought I would pop in and check how everyone was getting along. Hope you are all well and keeping hold of that PMA :winkwink:

Hopefully the snow isnt too bad for you all!! Its definitely melting away here so OH will be delighted that he can play golf at the weekend :)

Well, I am due to go and get my 1st blood tests done tomorrow (at long last!!), so Drs can see whats going on....not sure exactly what the tests are all about, but think glucose, thyroid, Progesterone etc etc (from what I can make out on the form anyway :) )

Baby dust to you all X

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi girls

Wow loads of posts in the last couple of days, after nothing for a few lol

Hope everyone is doing well??

Well according to my persona i O'd yesterday and day before. So now its down to the 2ww. Going to really try to relax more this time and fill my days (looks like the house will get a good spring clean). I also agree though i hate the waiting to O much more than the 2ww
hey girls !! so i wont bother with all that jazz then just gonna stick with the pre-seed !!
Hi girls :flower: sorry i havent posted in ages - just needed a little break.

Hope you are all well my lovlies.
Trying soy for the second month and also got some conceive plus. I personally prefer preseed as it comes with an applicator which makes it far less messy! But, if i get a BFP with the conceive plus then obviously that will be the superior brand!! EPO does not seem to work for me (not consistantly anyway) and I take 3000mg a day- is that way too much??:shrug:

So, 2ww for me now I guess. FX for all of us still waiting. xxxxxx
How is everyone today??? Let's meet for a drink- I really need one today. Feeling really down and had an inconsolable crying weekend :cry::cry:
How is everyone today??? Let's meet for a drink- I really need one today. Feeling really down and had an inconsolable crying weekend :cry::cry:

Aww. I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm praying for you.:hugs: Okay, so who's serving?
Thanks TaeBo....I will serve-just didn't want to virtual drink all my myself :haha:

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