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Older Ladies TTC - Please be my friends....

i hope it all goes well at the docs ,, how long have you been trying for !!

good morning ladies how is everyone else today ??:)

i have period like pains today im guessing it's ov time :)

Hi Lissaloo, well have been off BC for 3 years and TTC for 2 years - I really hadn't realised it was that long (I know its quite short compared to some) until I had to tell the Doctor. If I had have known all of the info that I had found on this site earlier than Sept 09 - I would have been down that Doctors like lightening :rofl:

Anyway, he has given me a list of tests that I need to go to the hospital for 7 days before :witch: is due, then back to see him 7 days later to see if theres anything obvious - then referring me to FS..... so PMA is in order :)

Anyway, hope you are well..... keep positive in the 2ww ;)

welcome amanda, hope you stay is short and sweet :flower:

Happy New Year to you all ...... let the :bfp:'s start now :happydance:
Welcome Amanda and hello to all you other lovely golden girls.

Well CD1 for me today after my extra long luteal phase. Hopefully it will be followed by an extra long FP and I will ovulated later than CD10 - that is my New Years resolution - No O before CD12 at the earliest. (Don't really know how I'm gonna keep it) but I'm willing it along.

Hope everyone is in fine form today :hugs:
Good morning to my golden oldies!

Nise- glad to hear about your new year's resolution- I will be willing it along right there with ya!

Welcome to all the new ladies!!

Today is day 3 of late period for me...I have been having cramps on and off for a few days so I know she is on her way. This kind of depresses me because this means my cycle is messed up from the previous D&C. After my first D&C my cycle got back to normal right away...this one- not so much I guess :(

Oh well....hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!
HUGS HUGS HUGS Amos! Glad to see you sweets....
Morning Lissa....yep- she showed her ugly face with a vengeance this morning!! I knew I really wasn't pregnant, I was more bummed out that my cycle was off. But I guess a few days is not that bad!! Now that I have had 2 cycles since my last loss, I think we are ready to start trying again!! (Or should I wait til after Mardi Gras so I can drink like a fish??) LOL

How is everyone today??
good morning everyone ,,

let's look to the future girls there is a baby waiting for us all :)
Ok so my internet connection failed me last night! :blush:

We had a wonderful scan! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!
Dr could see little tadpole right away and said I was measuring 8wks :happydance::happydance: I even got to hear the babies heartbeat! :thumbup: It was 169 beats per minute.

I am so excited and very pleased how everything went. LOL I also get another scan on Jan 18th at 10:45am so it wont be an afternoon ordeal!

I am still really can't believe everything that I saw yesterday, but Dr looked at me and said didn't I tell you to wait one cycle before ttc again and then laughed and said you know Vic I'm just giving you shit. LMFAO he was so funny. We are just doing what we have been doing he said he could prescribe me a blood thinner but thought that the aspirin was doing the job so we would just wait.

So to make a long story short I'm on :cloud9:

Thanks to all you who checked up on me!:hugs:
YAY!!!!!!! So happy the scan went fab AND that you have a cool doctor!!! I am so excited for you!! :hugs:
YAY!!!!!!! So happy the scan went fab AND that you have a cool doctor!!! I am so excited for you!! :hugs:

Thanks and yes he is really cool and the ultra sound tech is awesome she has been there for years and gone through loads with me! She was pretty happy too. I can't wait for the Dr's nurse to call today as she wasn't there yesterday and said she would phone just as soon as she got a chance to look at the paperwork.

How are you doing and have you spoken to your insurance rep about coverage?
I am doing ok....I have not spoken with anyone else about insurance yet- waiting to see if another company buys my company- then I will see if I get to keep my job AND if they offer health insurance!!
Either way, we are starting to try for another baby mid February....I am too old to put it off past that!!!
I am doing ok....I have not spoken with anyone else about insurance yet- waiting to see if another company buys my company- then I will see if I get to keep my job AND if they offer health insurance!!
Either way, we are starting to try for another baby mid February....I am too old to put it off past that!!!

Age is just a number! You should know that! But I totally agree that you should start ttc again when your ready! :thumbup: Hope everything goes well!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!:happydance:

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!:happydance:

How are you feeling, I see your one day from testing do you have any symptoms?

Yeah, I have symptoms....of AF!:growlmad:
:witch: will arrive tomorrow. I've known for days that this month isn't it for me. I'll get there, though...I'm just taking the long route. :winkwink:

Good luck to everyone! :dust:

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!:happydance:

How are you feeling, I see your one day from testing do you have any symptoms?

Yeah, I have symptoms....of AF!:growlmad:
:witch: will arrive tomorrow. I've known for days that this month isn't it for me. I'll get there, though...I'm just taking the long route. :winkwink:

Good luck to everyone! :dust:

Sorry you feel AF coming! Know just what you mean about taking the long route, mine has had a few hills and a mountain or two but here I am so it can happen!
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been on much - back at work! boo.

Amos, am glad to hear you'll be back to full time ttc. Good luck hun - this is the year.

Sunshine - Great news re your scan, so pleased for you that all is progressing beautifully.

TBM - Sorry the witch is coming, that dratted old hag!

Hope the snow isn't causing too many problems for everyone. I'm on CDsomething! can't remember which day but it's the boring side of pre O anyway so nothing to report here.

Love and big hugs all round :hugs:
I posted a pic of my scan in my ttc journal if you want to take a look????

Hope you all are doing fantabulous!:hugs:

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