'Older Mums' buddies thread!

good luck tomorrow Ellie, I'm sure everything will be alright though
Best of luck Ellie, I am sure all is fine. The fact that the spotting is brown is good!!! That means it's old blood. As long as there is no fresh red blood then things will more than likely be hunky dory.


:hi: Hi Girls, I'd like to join - what a great idea for a thread :)

I'm 36 (will be 37 when the babba is born) and apart from the bigger boobs/nausea/constant hunger I still haven't got my head around being pregnant (with my first). I seem to be worrying all the time about being an 'older mum' and the 'statistics' but know I have to stop it for my mental sanity!

This will be a massive (but very exciting) life change for me and my OH. We got :bfp: on the 2nd cycle and hadn't expected it to happen so quickly! We go away camping/climbing/mountain biking/surfing most weekends so have simmered them down a bit (not surfing anymore and only cycling on easy trails) but keen to make the most of free time before the little one arrives :)

Workwise and financially it will be a bit of a struggle as we are quite equal with how our careers/salaries stand and I will only get SMP so saving hard to live on one salary. Didn't realise quite how much nursery fees were either :shock: BUT I can't wait to start our very own family! :) It will all be worth it.

It's great to hang out with other women of a similar age and in a similar situation - sorry for all my waffle! Look forward to going through this year with you all x
PS - Hope it all goes well Ellie, will keep my fingers crossed for you x
Hello Pie Mistress, I know what you mean about statistics!! I drove myself crazy with them. Good to meet you.
Hi there Piemistress, great to have you here!!!!

So, NE Scotland??? Narrow it down a bit for me? Aberdeen? Thurso? Golspie?

My dad came from Helmsdale so I consider that part of the country my 'home from home'. I love it up there.

welcome piemistress (love the name :) ) and big congrats! dont know about you, but ive found it more exciting at this age than i would have earlier (i've always done things 'out of the norm' heheh) you sound like youre pretty fit too, very impressed! i've always wanted to try surfing but always been too slug like :rofl: maybe i could aim to try it next year!

well went to epau and it had been suddenly moved due to a fire yesterday! so that was a bit disconcerting and the rooms they'd been shoved in were a bit makeshift - but they did a thorough scan, said all was fine ('single live pregnancy' doncha love that medicalised jargon) and they couldnt see any reason for the spotting, so sent me away ... lets hope thats that for scares now eh? thanks for the support guys, it really helped :hugs:

this might have been covered before but .... wheres everyone planning to give birth?
after all the hospital experiences i really would rather not go there ... i really want a home birth if I can. There is a birthing centre about 10-12 miles from me and about 15 miles from the hospital, but I'd rather be at home (which is also nearer to the hospital should it be needed). Whats your plans? (being nosey)
:hugs: so pleased everything is fine Ellie!! :hugs:

I want as natural a birth as possible - going to try and just manage on gas and air and breathing techniques - but unfortunately a home birth or a birthing centre are out for me cos I need IV antibiotics during labour (I have a floppy heart valve - very common and not a problem but can mean increased risk of infection) so I am going to hospital, I have just emailed them this morning to see if I can have a delivery suite tour so waiting for them to get back to me :)
I'm going to have a hospital (midwife-led) birth, thought about a home birth but decided I'd rather have all the modcons & professionals on hand!

I can't get a delivery-suite tour yet though, as our new hospital doesn't open until July. I'm figuring that, by the time I need it in November, it'll still seem very new but all the teething troubles will have been sorted out!

eta - Hi there Pie! Don't worry about the statistics, if we believed all the stats then we'd be afraid to go outside out front doors every day!
Really pleased that everything is OK Ellie. As you say, let's hope that's an end to scares for us all.

About the birth - I'm going to hospital because home births are not well established here at all and would have to REALLY fight to get one which I'm not prepared to do. I'm hoping to be out of hospital pretty quickly though on Early Transfer Home after 6 to 8 hours. Hoping to manage on gas and air and breathing, really not keen on the idea of an epidural. I'm tempted to look into hypnobirthing too, but think OH would be sceptical.
Really pleased that everything is OK Ellie. As you say, let's hope that's an end to scares for us all.

About the birth - I'm going to hospital because home births are not well established here at all and would have to REALLY fight to get one which I'm not prepared to do. I'm hoping to be out of hospital pretty quickly though on Early Transfer Home after 6 to 8 hours. Hoping to manage on gas and air and breathing, really not keen on the idea of an epidural. I'm tempted to look into hypnobirthing too, but think OH would be sceptical.
Hey Ellie!! Glad all is ok, now you can start to enjoy moving into 2nd tri soon!!!

I am having a planned c section so it's hospital for me!! Even if I werent I would still chose a hospital birth and after last time would make sure I took ALL the pain relief available, including the epidural!!!!:rofl:

Was back at the MW today re my BP. It's gone up even more now so I have to go to the hospital tomorrow at 10am for a BP profile. Hopefully it wont be so high, but I think it will be. I have to face it that it looks like I have pre eclampsia again, BP high, bad swelling and protein in my urine. MW thinks same as me that I will not be allowed to go past 37 weeks. I just hope I can get that far!!!
Hope you are all well.

oh sorry to hear that kiki ... is there anything you can do ? glad they are looking after you well though .... and not long till you meet your lo now! i hope you're okay :hugs:

polaris i have heard people talk about hypnobirthing but not read much into it - can you 'try it out' (well not the birthing bit!) to see how well you respond etc? if you felt it works then sod what oh thinks :)

i had been poo-poohing the idea of cravings ... but all of a sudden I REAAAALLY want some of those Horlicks sweets you used to be able to get ... like little round tablets of horlicks in a packet .... d'you remember them? i doubt you can still get them now :( i want them!
I'm going to have a hospital (midwife-led) birth, thought about a home birth but decided I'd rather have all the modcons & professionals on hand!

I can't get a delivery-suite tour yet though, as our new hospital doesn't open until July. I'm figuring that, by the time I need it in November, it'll still seem very new but all the teething troubles will have been sorted out!

ooohh that sounds rather smart ...........

maybe i'll go and have a look at the birthing centre ... i just know from being there a lot (and visiting SIL and friends in the maternity bit) that our hospital is manky and VILE!
I am pleased everything was good Ellie, they didnt find a reason for my bleeding either:shrug:
Kiki, I hope your BP settles but it sounds like you know what youre looking at! Ive got everything crossed for you to make it to 37 weeks.
Re the birth. I have had 2xsections so will be in hospital no question. My consultant has agreed for me to try for a vbac providing I dont need any help (no induction, no ARM, no ventouse) your on your own, kind of thing!! Failing that I will have to have another section which I dont want at all. I would love a home birth but that is out of the question due to the small risk of uterine rupture (I say that so casually but am actually sh*t scared really)
Kiki, sorry to hear that your blood pressure is up again. Not too much longer to go till 37 weeks, I hope that everything will remain stable till then. Good luck at the BP screen tomorrow
Ellie - so pleased everything is OK :) Hopefully that will be your only pregnancy scary moment :)

Piemistress - welcome, you're in my area of the world I see - I'm in Aberdeenshire :)
Really pleased to hear it all went well for you Ellie and that your mind is now a bit more at rest :hugs:

Birthwise : I asked my midwife about my local midwives unit (Montrose) which is about 35 miles away. A couple of friends have given birth there and couldn't say high enough things about it. She said it wouldn't be a problem but I shouldn't rule out AMI (Aberdeen Maternity Hospital) as they also have a very good midwives unit. I guess the thought of being somewhere much smaller is more appealing though.

I haven't considered a home birth TBH - too scared I guess! One friend had a water birth and raved about it! I did read an article about 'hypnobirthing' in one of the Sunday Papers and am now reminded to go and find it online.

PieMistress is (one of many) nicknames my OH has for me. Not sure why as I don't eat pies (just lots of pickled stuff just now!) .... but then again he is a bit :loopy:

This constant needing to wee is causing me some potential embarrassment! The past few times i've been for a wee jog I've had to find a convenient bush half way round as I knew I wouldn't make it home! :oops:

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