'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Evening ladies :)

Hubby just came out with a cracker which I have to share ....

Me: (with pregnant belly on display) "am I getting stretch marks at the bottom of my bump or are the old ones?" (when I say old I mean from long before I was pregnant)

Hubby: "How would I know?"

Me: "All the times we've had sex, you've never noticed my stretch marks?"

Hubby: "No, when we have sex I'm too busy concentrating on your face"

Needless to say we both dissolved into fits of giggles ... who is he kidding? Does a man having sex EVER concentrate on your face?!! Does he even know where it is?! :rofl:

:rofl::rofl: That is brilliant!!

Mind you, I do think men are sometimes much less aware of these things than we are. My SIL had given me some cream for preventing stretch marks that she swears by - "no stretch marks at all after having twins" - and I was explaining to OH that I was certain that I would get stretch marks because I already have them and I've never even been pregnant and a lot of it is genetic disposition etc. and he was like, "where?". I pointed them out and he was like, "oh right, they're stretch marks are they? they're not that big of a deal really are they?" I honestly don't think he'd ever given them a second glance, bless him.
it was a very diplomatic answer to give him credit where it's due!!

Would have been a lot more impressive if he wasn't already in fits of laughter before he finished the sentence :rofl: :rofl: Bless him :hugs:

Polaris - I think you're right, they just don't notice. We're a lot harder on ourselves than they ever are. Sometimes they are really innocent about these things and it's very endearing! What was the cream you got from your SIL? I'm thinking that I've been lucky so far but I should really start slapping on the creams ....
it was a very diplomatic answer to give him credit where it's due!!

Would have been a lot more impressive if he wasn't already in fits of laughter before he finished the sentence :rofl: :rofl: Bless him :hugs:

Polaris - I think you're right, they just don't notice. We're a lot harder on ourselves than they ever are. Sometimes they are really innocent about these things and it's very endearing! What was the cream you got from your SIL? I'm thinking that I've been lucky so far but I should really start slapping on the creams ....

It is Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula. She used this in combination with Bio Oil.
[/QUOTE]Mind you, I do think men are sometimes much less aware of these things than we are. My SIL had given me some cream for preventing stretch marks that she swears by - "no stretch marks at all after having twins" - and I was explaining to OH that I was certain that I would get stretch marks because I already have them and I've never even been pregnant and a lot of it is genetic disposition etc. and he was like, "where?". I pointed them out and he was like, "oh right, they're stretch marks are they? they're not that big of a deal really are they?" I honestly don't think he'd ever given them a second glance, bless him.[/QUOTE]

A friend of mine said the same thing about her o/h and cellulite, she was trying and trying and trying to get shot of it, talked to him about it and he couldnt eve see what she was referring to, so maybe sometimes we worry over nothing?!?
A friend of mine said the same thing about her o/h and cellulite, she was trying and trying and trying to get shot of it, talked to him about it and he couldnt eve see what she was referring to, so maybe sometimes we worry over nothing?!?

I think we do!!

Congrats on reaching 24 weeks soon2b!!!
Belated congrats soon2b6! Being viable is such a nice feeling ... :)

I just went onto Mothercare site and ordered up a bunch of stuff, including a glider crib, mattress, bedding, various other things ... they've got 10% off all orders over £100 till tomorrow night. I also ordered the bio oil and the cocoa butter so we'll see if it works :)

Now I have to go on to the Next website and order some stuff, and then the Mamas and Papas for the furniture. Am suddenly starting to feel like we're running out of time and haven't got anything done ......
You sound like you are on top of things to me! We are putting in double glazing in the upstairs of the house (downstairs is already done) so I'm trying to organize that at the moment. Not even going to think about baby stuff till that is done.
All this organisation puts me to shame, yes I am viable now (thanks for kind words btw) and I haven't so much as bought a new vest! Very little of my "stuff" is good for another baby (thats what im telling myself, he he he:blush:) so I need to get some new things.
I just thought my babies come normally at 37-38 weeks so that gives me just under 14 weeks to:
get baby stuff organised
finish college course
"survive" summer holidays,lol
get new school uniforms and shoes x5
sort out new garden shed (needed for junk storage, so I can have a downstairs bedroom in case of c/section - bathroom is downstairs)
Decorate current "junk" room as bedroom
Jeez, there are other things too but that has scared me enough for now:help:
I haven't even started to think about what i've got to do before the babba arrives but TBH i'm trying not to think about anything until after i've had my first scan (not till 2 weeks on Friday!) although I did feel a little giddy when I noticed that Mamas & Papas are opening a shop in Aberdeen :)

But my potential list of things to do doesn't seem as hardcore as yours soon2b6 (!) Not having any children (yet) I can only imagine what the summer holidays must be like!

I'm still looking very bloated so i'm having to 're-organise' my wardrobe into clothes that do/don't make it obvious for work. Today I caught sight of myself in the loos and spent the rest of the day trying to suck in all my bloat (well, it's probably all the cheese & toast i've been scoffing - calcium is good for the little one isnt it!)
Ooh lists of things to do!!! Mine is considerably less than it was cos I had so much left to buy but have been gradually getting stuff over the last couple of weeks so am feeling a bit more organized now!

We are having a plasterer in today to do the nursery then we will be able to get on with decorating, we have bought most of the accessories and have the cot already, just need to order a wardrobe now and find some curtains.

Other things to do are paint the hallway, finish the flooring in the kitchen, dining room and hall (we put down new wood floors and just need to put the edge strips down) order carpets for stairs and landing and Nursery, pack hospital bags, wash all lo's clothes and buy a couple more nighties for labour.

The days/weeks seem to be flying now- roll on maternity leave!!
We put wood floors down about 3 and a half years ago, we still havent done the edge strips, Ive given up hope, lol.
Sounds like your house is getting "the works" golcarlilly. When are you starting mat leave?
LOL I hope we get ours done soon but we have so many other jobs to do!! I finish work on the 3rd July - can't come soon enough!!
Hello girls,

I haven't been reading this tread for a couple of days and I am trying to catch up with you all.

I have had my early scan last Saturday at Babybond and I am so happy because we saw and heard our baby bean heart :happydance:

We were very emotional :cloud9:

At the end of the scan she checked my insides and she found 2 cysts. She said it is quite normal to have one but I have one which is 6 mm and one which is 3.5mm. She said to give the letter she would give me when I go for the 12 weeks scan so these can be checked...............

I have asked if it's dangerous for baby but she said that it's not but they could wrap around my ovary so I may need to have them popped if they grow

I am in total shock and I didn't ask anything else...:dohh:

Has anyone else had this? She also said that the big one had a little blood near it or around it..........

I am so worried now!!!!!!

Help :hissy:
Im pleased the baby was good and you heard/saw the heartbeat, brilliant. As for the cysts I dont know, Ive never had anything like that, I hope they stay the same for the next scan, at least you should be able to deal with them after l/o is born then. I wont say try not to worry, an impossibility Im sure!!
I had a cyst on one of mine (they found it during a scan when i was miscarrying last year - nothing at all to do with the m/c though so don't worry) she said they were very common and nothing to worry about (most people are not aware when they get one)- mine was a 'functional ovarian cyst' and they appear sometimes in the hole which is left by the egg being released, they usually just disappear on their own (which mine did), can cause some discomfort (I had mild pain on the side it was when I sat down sometimes) and only require intervention if they grow large. I really wouldn't worry at all hun :hugs:
Oh thank you Golcarlilly, the sonographer said something like that and I said they should re-absorb themselves but as I had a mc last year I worry at the smallest thing :blush:

Hopefully they will go........
IKWYM Magik, pregnancy after m/c is very stressful! fx they just disappear of their own accord :hugs:
I had a bit of a fright today, went to sit down on the computer chair to read BnB and the chair collapsed! It just fell apart like it was made of matchsticks (it is an oak dining chair!) We've been telling the kids not to rock on it for weeks and its obviously taken its toll. I fell very hard flat on my back/backside!
Typically baby thought now would be a good time to not move, so I rang my MW and she had me go in to be checked over, she listened to babys HB, it was fine thank goodness! Im still rather sore but seemingly with no permenant damage.
Oh no, you must have got a fright! Glad that you and baby are both OK!

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