Hello everyone
Haven't been here in a few days, just lots to do nowadays, preparing the room, and of course lots of sleeping
Anyway I'll try and catch up
soon2b6 - we were really relieved! We didn't think it would be my waters, but you never know and it was a bit scary. I was 29 weeks but still, way too early for this little one to be thinking about making an appearance!
gocarlilly - she said it could be thrush but I don't have any other symptoms ... I've had it pre-pregnancy but thankfully not during. I'll probably get the results of the swab at the MW on Tuesday. Can't believe that will be my 31 week appointment

Glad you've started the nursery - how's it coming along? And only 4 and a bit weeks of work to go

Hope the MW went well today
massa - welcome
magik - so glad your scan went well! It's so exciting to see the LO on the screen! 26th June will be here before you know it

As for the US machine, I can sympathise ... when the baby moves around I'm always so curious to know what it's doing, I would LOVE to know!
ellie - thanks, am definitely feeling better

That meditation retreat sounds fantastic! How relaxing ... perfect for a mum-to-be to just chill out and think happy baby thoughts

The anomoly scan is good, it takes ages, which is fantastic because you get to see the LO in detail for about 20 minutes! They check EVERYTHING ... measuring limbs, checking every part of the heart and other organs, making sure everything is where it's meant to be and the right size etc. It makes it so real because you can see you have a real live person in there, with all the working parts
Well all our mothercare stuff arrived, and I've started gathering things for the hospital bag. I've also started putting together a birth plan, but I have no idea what I'm doing LOL so not sure it will be making any sense. Hopefully will have a chance to talk to MW about what needs to go in it. We've emptied the spare room (soon to be nursery) so are about to order up a carpet, then we can get started. Our crib came but no point putting it together until the room is ready, but I've set a deadline of 5th July - the weekend after I finish at work - to have everything done. I'll only have 5 weeks till my due date by then and I don't want to risk an early appearance and nothing done for baby!!!
Off to do a couple of little jobs then bed ... am sleeping for Scotland now, not sure how long that will last so will definitely be taking advantage of it while it lasts!
Oh got the BP guy on Friday, the health visitor (first appointment) on Tuesday morning just before I see the MW. And tomorrow have the financial advisor just to get everything sorted out so that when the LO comes along, all that kind of stuff is done and organised ... another thing to check off the list