'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Yeah they check the chambers of the heart, the veins and arteries connecting it and the spinal column - not sure what else though!

I am off to the mw this morning, looking forward to hearing the hb as I don't have a doppler. I have forgotten my notes and my pee sample though :dohh: I left them on the worktop at home!!
Hello everyone :)

Haven't been here in a few days, just lots to do nowadays, preparing the room, and of course lots of sleeping :rofl:

Anyway I'll try and catch up :)

soon2b6 - we were really relieved! We didn't think it would be my waters, but you never know and it was a bit scary. I was 29 weeks but still, way too early for this little one to be thinking about making an appearance!

gocarlilly - she said it could be thrush but I don't have any other symptoms ... I've had it pre-pregnancy but thankfully not during. I'll probably get the results of the swab at the MW on Tuesday. Can't believe that will be my 31 week appointment :eek: Glad you've started the nursery - how's it coming along? And only 4 and a bit weeks of work to go :happydance: Hope the MW went well today :)

massa - welcome :)

magik - so glad your scan went well! It's so exciting to see the LO on the screen! 26th June will be here before you know it :) As for the US machine, I can sympathise ... when the baby moves around I'm always so curious to know what it's doing, I would LOVE to know!

ellie - thanks, am definitely feeling better :) That meditation retreat sounds fantastic! How relaxing ... perfect for a mum-to-be to just chill out and think happy baby thoughts :baby: The anomoly scan is good, it takes ages, which is fantastic because you get to see the LO in detail for about 20 minutes! They check EVERYTHING ... measuring limbs, checking every part of the heart and other organs, making sure everything is where it's meant to be and the right size etc. It makes it so real because you can see you have a real live person in there, with all the working parts :baby:

Well all our mothercare stuff arrived, and I've started gathering things for the hospital bag. I've also started putting together a birth plan, but I have no idea what I'm doing LOL so not sure it will be making any sense. Hopefully will have a chance to talk to MW about what needs to go in it. We've emptied the spare room (soon to be nursery) so are about to order up a carpet, then we can get started. Our crib came but no point putting it together until the room is ready, but I've set a deadline of 5th July - the weekend after I finish at work - to have everything done. I'll only have 5 weeks till my due date by then and I don't want to risk an early appearance and nothing done for baby!!!

Off to do a couple of little jobs then bed ... am sleeping for Scotland now, not sure how long that will last so will definitely be taking advantage of it while it lasts!

Oh got the BP guy on Friday, the health visitor (first appointment) on Tuesday morning just before I see the MW. And tomorrow have the financial advisor just to get everything sorted out so that when the LO comes along, all that kind of stuff is done and organised ... another thing to check off the list :happydance:
Hi ladies

Just found this thread, please can I join you? I'm 40 and pg with my first.

There are so many questions and worries its lovely to read what you all think.
Hi Meerkat, you are very welcome. It is great to have people to shares questions, worries, and joys with. How are you feeling at the moment, have you got a scan date? Love your avatar by the way!
HI Meercat, welcome to the thread, I love your avatar too!! It is great to be able to chat to other 'older' mums to be on here :)

Ava I am sleeping for England! What theme are you doing in your nursery? DH is halfway through painting ours now and we are off to look for a carpet on Saturday :happydance:
Hello everyone,
Ava, I have never before done a birth plan but seem strangely drawn to the idea this time (perhaps its a last baby thing, or maybe Im just becoming more of a control freak as I get older, lol, dunno!)
Meerkat, Hi and welcome, meercat was a nickname for my eldest son when he was very little (he sat like a meercat and was a skinny little fellow) sorry a bit random!!!!!
Its our wedding anniversary today, oh is currently playing a very dated looking video (well it was 15 years ago) and OMG I was so much thinner and lovlier then:sad2:
Hi Everybody :hi:

Haven't been online for a few days now - so much to catch up on with your news! Had a great long weekend away recently on the Isle of Skye which was amazing. Blue skies and (hot!) sunshine all weekend :-)

Meerkat - loving your avatar too! I remember seeing meerkats when we were in South Africa and I could have watched them for hours they were so cute!

My clothes seem to be getting tighter, weighed myself this morning and am 1/2 stone up since I found out I was pg. Just can't seem to stop eating! Mwahh! Or getting up in the night for the loo!

First scan next Friday 12th - can't wait, it seems to have come round really quickly. OH said he won't be able to sleep the night before, bless :-)
hey all,
welcome meerkat! :)
wow i am impressed ava and golcarlilly with your super organisation and getting nurseries done! i guess the looming 'deadline' is what motivates it - i need deadlines to do anything so i imagine it'll be august/september when i get up the energy to persuade oh to get on with it .... long after you've had your lo's! how exciting!
oh and Happy Anniversary soon2b6! i am sure you are Just as lovely now!
ohhh piemistress i darent go near the scales ... i was a size 12 pre-bfp (ok wavering between 12 & 14!) now i'm either in maternity clothes or stretchy 18's :cry: i think i'm eating too many carbs though ... but today i realllllly wanted a jacket potato and tinned macaroni cheese, ok not so healthy but i did have veg on the side and fruit earlier!
Meerkat - welcome :)

golcarlilly - we're going the Dylan & Daisy theme from Next, very neutral and peaceful. This weekend we're planning to touch up the paint and get rid of the carpet, hubby is meant to be organising a new carpet (why did I think it was a good idea to let him organise something that would hold up everything else when it wasn't done?!!). Once that's in, we'll basically just be putting in the furniture and waiting for the baby!! It's so exciting doing the room, must be the nesting instinct LOL. Have you got a theme?

soon2b6 - the birth plan is actually harder than I thought to sort out because I don't have a clue what I'm doing LOL but I figure it's really just a way of letting the MW know the things I feel strongly about or think she needs to know, things that for one reason or another haven't made it onto my notes. Does that sound right? And Happy Crystal Wedding Anniversary! You going to do anything special to celebrate?

PieMistress - good luck for the scan, the 12th isn't far away at all, very exciting!

ellie - I think you just reach a point where you realise you've got no time left and if the baby comes early (please god no!!) you have nothing done LOL. Plus I really want to relax once I stop work, don't want to be running about painting walls or building furniture LOL. As for the food, there's a lot worse things to eat than a baked potato ... speaking of which it's Friday night and that can only mean one thing ... takeaway! :rofl:
Hi guys, hope your are all ok. Thanks for redirecting me here Ellie, much appreciated I feel so much better around people my own age, not quite so old now!! I will be 40 in 21 days and counting!

Have read every single page of this thread all 30 pages, so by the time I got here most of my questions have been answered or at least discussed. Only one question,my doctor has suggested I to go to the Leeds Screening Clinic for a Nuchal scan and a few other scans and blood tests the cost is £193+ is this the same scan you have at the hospital I have heard it mentioned on quite a few of the forums but can't seem to get an answer, sorry if I am wittling. But I am worried sick something will go wrong and just need reassurance. Was going to take another test just to be sure but it's not the same as a scan. No point going to early I know that, but when should expect to be scanned and what will it tell me? should I have both private & NHS?
Ps Has anyone heard from Smiler has she had LO?
Hi'y'all older mums!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. If you haven't spotted my thread in the Tri-2 forum (here https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-second-trimester/142495-you-thought-your-downs-risk-bad.html), I shall summarise - we've been diagnosed as high risk for Downs syndrome (1 in 5), but we're taking a very positive attitude to the statistic and accepting the 4 in 5 chance of a fully healthy baby.

On a more happy note, OH felt the baby moving last night for the first time :D He came to bed late, so I was half-asleep, and was pressed up against my relaxed bump .... and spent 20 minutes going "wow" and "that's my baby" and stuff like that :D I think s/he was dancing a jig in there for him!

The anomaly scan is a week on Monday, I'll come back and let you all know how that goes.

Truman, to answer your question, not all NHS clinics to the Nuchal Fold test (Manchester doesn't yet, although it does have the quadruple blood test [which I had]). So before you decide whether to go private, see if you can find out from your local NHS ultrasound clinic whether they carry out Nuchal translucency scans.
Marleysgirl ... sorry to hear that your pregnancy is considered high risk but I just wanted to say I think your attitude is absoloutely wonderful, positive and inspiring. This baby is extremely lucky to have you for a Mum. :hugs: And 80% chance of a healthy baby is, IMO, the best way of looking at it ... I am sending lots of healthy thoughts your way.

I hope your scan goes well and you at least get a bit more information to go on, I think you are right to be prepared for either ultimate outcome, you really have a great attitude.

How sweet that your LO was moving around lots for his/her Dad! Sometimes I feel sorry for Dads because we get to feel them moving all the time, while they don't ... plus no matter how much hubby prods and gently jiggles my bump, the baby won't dance on demand LOL.

Hi Marleysgirl, what you said was beautiful, thought provoking and comforting to hear. Your baby will have such wonderful parents whatever the outcome. As the a wise women once said anyone can be a mother/father is take someone special to be a mum/dad. Hope everything goes ok on Monday keep us posted. XxX
Hey Marleysgirl ... I think that is such a fantastic and thoughtful attitude! You will be such a fantastic mum and dad (well you already are!) good luck for next monday too, I hope your LO does some good wiggling for you!
Hey Truman, it depends on the area really, most areas dont offer the nuchal scan on the nhs I believe? the nhs ones are usually (I think) a dating scan at 10-12 weeks then an anomaly scan at 18-20, in my area that's it, I was told that I could have an amnio being over 35 (I didn't) otherwise I would have to go private either Bupa or a scan company for a nuchal scan. If you look at the nhs website or babybond (one of the private companies) there's a rough idea of what scans are done when. also when you book in with your midwife she should clear it up for you?
Sorry for lots of postings!! I just wanted to rant really, about ...
I hope I don't cause any offence to anyone! but I wondered what you ladies thought (as most of you are much further on than me) about all the food paranoia?
As you know I get anxious about many things pregnancy related (!) (and not!) but food is not one of them! I have to admit to getting really irritated with all the paranoid threads about can i eat this, are we allowed that, for what seems to me really ridiculous things that I've no idea why people might think they are not 'safe'??? like strawberries, pineapple, avocadoes, philadelphia cheese, cakes .... ?????? I'm perplexed and having to stop myself replying 'oh for gods sake just eat it where on earth did you get that mad idea from'!!!! it is starting to really annoy me as I think we have plenty to be worried about without stressing about whether to even eat a bit of fruit (!) why can't people just use some common sense .... ?
Sorry! As I said I hope i didnt upset anyone :) Slap my wrist if I did ;)
Feel free to rant on the subject of food, Ellie ... I'm right behind you!

I know that some of the posters on this forum are very young, and are quite scared about their pregnancies, so they're worrying ....... Perhaps our attitude of "common sense" comes with our mature age!

Since finding out I'm pregnant, I haven't eaten:- blue cheese (coz I don't like it anyway); ditto soft cheese like brie; seafood (coz I live nowhere near the sea now); pate (coz it's not xmas); rare steak (coz my OH doesn't like it). Everything else has been fair game, including cheesecake, quiche and small quantities of alcohol.
i admit i am the first to worry about things and i was probably slightly more paranoid about food in 1st tri ... I had kind of hoped that once i got to 2nd everyone would have relaxed a bit and not fretted quite so much!
actually my mil said something yesterday that might have made me worry, she was cooking tea and doing ham, i'm veggie and she said oh i dont have anything for you to eat i've only got nut cutlets and you wont be eating them, i said oh yes i am thanks i'll have them, then had to have this discussion about whether i should be eating nuts or not and i said i was eating them (in moderation) as i thought all the food paranoia was ridiculous, and she then said that she has/had asthma! which made me think maybe i should avoid peanuts? but her daughter (my sil) then said she didnt avoid nuts during her 2 pregnancies and her boys are fine with no allergies, so i decided to sod it and carry on doing what i'm doing ....
as you though, i'm not eating seafood or much fish (gone off it more than anything but I have avoided prawns - but I have a massive craving for cockles today!!!) or blue cheese (dont really like it anyway), i have had brie in a cooked fishcake in a pub and it was fine but havent eaten it 'raw'. I've avoided alcohol but feel quite happy doing that, as I feel that if I reallly want some I will, although I can't ever stop at one :rofl: hence avoiding it!
Maybe as we advance in our years (!!!!) we do have a bit more of a broader attitude towards things and also feel a bit more secure in ourselves?? Hmmm ... discuss! (I know you have anyway!)

Also we know that our mums had VERY different advice given to them when having us - my mum was told to drink guinness every day 'for the iron', which she did (explains a lot hahah) and eat liver and pate!
Maybe as we advance in our years (!!!!) we do have a bit more of a broader attitude towards things and also feel a bit more secure in ourselves?? Hmmm ... discuss! (I know you have anyway!)

I think this is probably the case. We've seen scare stories come and go (remember the Edwina Currie - Egg tales?), and the safe level of alcohol consumption goes up and down ... We're more broad-minded and accept that expert advice changes over time.

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