soon2be6 - ouch that sounds really sore!! Glad you're ok, no wonder you got a fright
beanz - welcome

congrats on your

Good luck with your scan next week. As others have said, you never stop worrying as such throughout your pregnancy but first tri is particularly stressful

Keep us posted, hope it all goes well for you and LO
I haven't been here for a few days but we've had a funny week, so here's my update. I phoned the MW on Monday about some "leaking" that I've been having over the last couple of weeks. She told me to go down to the hospital just to get it checked out. I went down after work with hubby, they took urine samples and swabs and examined me and it's not my waters (phew!), they think it might be a little bit of thrush. They were really nice and as a little bonus we heard the heartbeat again ... first time hubby has heard it. They took blood as well to keep "as a baseline" because of my high BP I'm at higher risk for pre-eclampsia (although there hasn't been any sign of it so far).
On a lighter note, we've ordered up a bunch of stuff for the nursery, I'm ordering the furniture next week. I went to the theatre last night to see West Side Story and every time the orchestra started up the baby went mad! It was really fab, so obviously responding to the music!
I've had the osteopath as well and it's helping with the SPD/PGP, some good days and some bad but the massage and manipulation definitely eases it a bit :
Right ladies that would be well past my bedtime LOL ... it's getting reminiscent of first tri here, me in bed by 9 most nights!