'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Hi, Marleysgirly, good luck for the interviews, the only preggo interview I ever did I nearly threw up on him, I got the job though!! All the best.

As for judgements - grrrrrrr dont get me started, what business is it of theirs if the wine is for YOU anyway???? we are grown up and it isnt illegal is it?

I had a MW appt today, Im a bit concerned cause like you Ava I have raised BP, Im on meds for it but my baby is mesuring ahead by 6 weeks!!! Im 26 weeks and I measure 32 weeks, thats quite a difference. Last appt 2 weeks ago I measured 2 weeks ahead and I wasnt too fussed by that cause Im a "larger lady" anyway so I figured totally exact measurements would be hard, but 6 weeks................. I have a GTT booked in 2 weeks and I hope it isnt that but I do feel a bit odd after eating a normal non sugary meal (feels a bit like I ate too much sugar, heart races, feel dizzy) However there is no sugar in my urine so I dunno???? We will see I guess.
soon2b6 - Did they say anything to you about measuring ahead? My MW never mentioned it, just noted it in my notes. I'm a "larger lady" too but I know that's not a factor because it's the measurement has been increasing each time - so it's not just because there's more of me! I got my blood test results back and they're all fine, blood sugar fine too so that was a relief. Maybe we're just going to have big bouncing healthy babies :) I am wondering though, if my BP remains high (or gets worse) and the baby continues to measure ahead, will they let me go to 40 weeks or will they take me in earlier? Have they mentioned anything like that to you?

The MW is coming to visit me tomorrow to take my BP at home so I'll ask her about the possibilities I think.
Thanks Ava, all my babies up to now have been tiddlers no bigger than 6lb 15oz, so I dont know what they routinely do if your having a whopper!!! I hope mine isnt too large though cause Ive had 2 c/sections and they have gingerly agreed for me to try a natural birth again, but if the babys big it may be too risky. My mw didnt make much of a deal of it really but I asked her what I was measuring and she agreed 6 weeks was quite a lot, like you I measured ahead last time too but it was only 2 weeks ahead last time so this is a fairly big jump in 2 weeks. Im pleased your bloods are all good, let us know what the mw says.
Hi all: Just found this group :)

Im 39 and having my first and am sooo glad this group is here - feels quite daunting being an older mum and also new to all the stuff that happens...

Im due early Nov - got my 20 week scan in 2 weeks.

Anyone else due end of Oct/ early Nov?
Hi all: Just found this group :)

Im 39 and having my first and am sooo glad this group is here - feels quite daunting being an older mum and also new to all the stuff that happens...

Im due early Nov - got my 20 week scan in 2 weeks.

Anyone else due end of Oct/ early Nov?
Me me me me me!

I've just turned 40, and I'm expecting my first on 3rd November. Or so "they" say, I still reckon it's a gory gruesome Halloween baby! :rofl:

Welcome to the older mums!
Hello LdS39, Welcome, Im due in September and I am 36, although feel much older, more like 76 I think!!!
Hope your scan goes well.
Welcome :)

The MW just left and I'm going down to hospital this afternoon as BP still high, and my urine had a trace of protein, and she says my left ankle is slightly swollen. Hopefully will turn out to be nothing, but they want it checked out to be sure. Wish me luck! Hopefully other signs will be unconnected (i.e. don't have pre-eclampsia) and they can just put me on medication for the high BP. Fingers crossed! They are really busy at the hospital, so I'll have to sit around for a few hours, but hopefully they can give me something to sort my BP out!

Also baby's head is 4/5 palpable (which I understand isn't too unusual at 32 weeks) ... heartbeat was fine, baby very happy with itself in there. :happydance:
Welcome LDS :)

Ava good luck at the hospital hope they don't keep you waiting too long!

16 days left at work for me after today :wohoo: I am so excited!
Welcome Lds39. I'm due at the beginning of November too. My scan is on 24th June - when is yours?

Avabear - good luck at the hospital. What does 4/5 palpable mean? Sorry I should probably know these things!

Golcarlilly - yay 16 days!! Wow that time has gone by quickly!
Hi guys how's it going? Another bad day today, pounding head all day and I want to throw up everytime I stand up. I didn't have ms at all with my other two (different dad) and I know it was a long time ago but I don't remember feeling this ill either. Spent the afternoon disappearing to the loo for a quick cry and then back to my desk feel pathetic and sorry for myself!!:cry::cry: Then to top it all this afternoon I had spotting, a few drops of bright red in the loo totally freaked me out. Fine now, but I can't remember, is it normal don't want to make a fuss. Sorry whine but no one no's I'm pregnant and this is the only place I can go to talk..
Aw sorry to hear you had such a bad day. First Trimester can be a bit miserable, between feeling sick, worrying constantly that something will go wrong, and not being able to tell anyone. I'm sure the spotting is probably nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on it and get it checked out if it continues.
Thanks Polaris, my OH wants to tell the world, we have been together 11 years and we never talked about a baby till 6 months ago, weird I was dead set against it, worried about how it would affect everything/one. Now I'm nervous/excited, I know these things happen but he would be devasted and whilst he is looking at prams I'm sat here worrying. I have read so many negative threads, sometimes I wish I didn't have the internet, tmi.
No, I'm ok thanks Golcarlilly. The headache has gone too, thank god. I felt so ill yesterday. Didn't go to work today, felt a right fake - rang in sick. Not like me at all, but I got up when I was ready and the ms wasn't quite so bad. I spent all day taking it easy and not worrying. Thanks for asking. How are you not long now!!
You are not a fake, you are right to ring in sick. The most important thing is to look after you and baby. Glad that you have had no more bleeding, I'm sure everything is fine.
Thanks Polaris, It was a lovely day today as well, the sunshine always helps when you are feeling down. I walked up the garden and saw Mr Squirrel stealing the tiny apples off our apple tree (always makes me smile, I think of advert with the mission impossible tune he is so cute and very funny when he falls over!). Got my first appointment with mw on Friday (19th). Feels like it has been a long time coming!
Hi Everybody,

Sorry I've not been on her for a while, a mixture of stress at work and getting out in the hills enjoying the good weather!

Truman - I know what yhou mean about negative things on the internet, for me it's the confusion between what is safe/what is not as so many sites differ on their opinions! (at my scan today the Consultant said a glass of wine every now and then won't do any harm :)

I had my dating/nuchal scan today which I wasn't that nervous about till I got on the bus to the hospital. They have now brought my due date forward a week to 20th Dec :) I didn't get the stats from the nuchal though because they had to send my blood tests away to Glasgow so won't find out till at least next Friday (am expecting the stats to be relatively high though as I will be 37 when Eggnog is born) but the nuchal fold measurement was low.

How is everybody else? (Marleysgirl - how are the job interviews going?)

Going to France next weekend, trying not to think too much about all the yummy cheeses and fine wines I'll be abstaining from!
Hi PieMistress, don't worry about the tests, everything else was ok so fingers cross. I will be 40+6mths when this one is born, and having tests done as well (recommended by my doctor) So i know it is easier said than done but on another note if you are lucky you might have your lil one in time for Christmas what a present!!
Hi everyone

Truman - hope you're feeling better, first tri can be really horrid at times!

PieMistress - good luck with the results, sounds like a good sign if the measurement was low :)

I'm just back from a 2 night hospital stay. I don't have pre-eclampsia, thank goodness, but my BP got really high so they put me on medication and monitored me really closely until it stabilised. It's still measuring in the 90s but it will take a few days for it all to settle down I think. The community midwife it meant to be coming to see me tomorrow, I have an appointment at the hospital on Monday and on Thursday need to see my consultant. I'm definitely a bit happier now that I'm on medication but I'd be even happier if it was down in the 80s! They did say they might need to tinker with the dose a little bit to get it right so we'll see what happens. I really hope I don't have to go back in before the baby's due but I think that is just wishful thinking!

Tell you what though, the care I got was amazing, the MWs were so friendly, warm and helpful (so were the doctors). It's just a totally different atmosphere to the feeling I had on the gyn ward a few years ago, where they were always too busy to deal with you .. the MWs were really busy but they always made time for you, were just really nice. Made me feel much better about being in hospital when the LO comes!!

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