'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Ava you lucky thing I am green with envy you have finished!! Glad you can rest now though and take it easy :hugs:
My latest worry is the size of my bump... its beginning but I guess I thought it should be bigger..

LDS - my bump was barely there until just before my 20 week scan. Some people just get massive bumps and others don't. Even now at 32 weeks, people keep commenting on how neat it is. I was in hospital at the tail end of the week and the woman in the same room as me was a week overdue but she was HUGE! It looked really hard for her to move around, sleep etc, and I was very grateful for my neat bump!

Oh I got another scan on Friday to check progress and my "neat" bump is bang on for dates, perfectly sized, which was a relief because when the MW measured it last Tuesday, it was 3 weeks ahead! :baby:
Hi ladies.

Marleys girl - congrats on the scan. That's great that measurements are all perfect. Beautiful picture by the way. So it's a little boy - got any names yet?

Avabear - you are making the right decision finishing work early. You need to look after yourself and baby. I know what you mean about trying to do too much, I am the same most of the time. It is nice to have the decision taken out of your hands really by the midwife telling you what is best for baby. At least now you can rest and relax and will have plenty of time for your final preparations. That can only be good for your BP.

Meerkat - I hope your scan went well today.
meerkat how'd the scan go?

marleysgirl CONGRATS!!! so cute! so glad he's doing well!

Avabear I'm sure it is the right thing, get some r&r before lo comes and i'm sureyour LO will be fine.

I keep worrying about bump size too ... I do have a belly but it feels like mostly fat :( and some days it really just looks 'normal' . I know everyone is different but you know me :rofl: it makes me worry about how do I know whether bubs is actually okay and growing?? I had a client cancel last week because her sister had a missed m/c at 18 weeks ... I know mine is still alive cause I use my doppler (in fact I am off to use it right now!) but what if he/she isnt growing? Arrghhh .......

Oh back on the subject of food (esp marleysgirl!) I hate to pick on anyone in particular but now theres a thread in 2nd tri saying we "can't" eat salad, pre packed fruit or things like olives!!! What the **** is going on ..... I kind of wish, I know this forum is for support but if people get told that (and not everyone does) it then gets everyone else worked up when they hear it, know what I mean?

Anyway ......
Have been almost giving myself panic attacks thinking abotu allllllll the stuff that needs doing. OH is ill again (manflu although he thought it was swine flu.....) and is about to go away again, so it'll be at least August before we can even consider getting decorating done, never mind all the other stuff that needs doing round the house. And we've got a cat and kittens living in our shed ... OH just wont do anything, he just works all the time then at weekends we're knackered and he goes off to play dungeons & dragons ... it just seems like we go to work, eat, sleep, that's all we have time and energy for. Groan.

The kittens are cute though ...........
I saw your post in the food thread Ellie, and posted my own reply too ... Sheesh.

Do you reckon there's a market for making & delivering "safe" meals to mums-to-be, that fit with all these guidelines? Could be a new business for me!

I'm sure your bubs is doing just fine, Ellie. I must admit to being slightly worried about my scan today (given my Downs statistic), and it was reassuring to be told that the baby looks fine, is growing perfectly on target, has a strong heart etc. My OH was squealing like a little kid, he was so excited! I'll get another scan next week as part of the research group, so more piccies then.

On the bargain front ... I bought a mixed bundle of vests & babygros off eBay weeks ago, and now I'm re-selling the pink ones from it! Hopefully I'll break even on that transaction. And I found an Avent electric steam steriliser in the local Age Concern shop for £4.50, complete with three bottles (no teats) - just tested it, it works fine.

Anybody know whether you can use the steam steriliser as a vegetable steamer too? If you put in more water, so it stayed on for longer? Strikes me as they both do the same thing!!!!

eta - just read Polaris' post. Yes, the Bean has a name already (we had them ready for both boy & girl). He'll be called Andrew :D

eta2 - on the subject of second-hand stuff, is there any reason why I should avoid getting a second-hand breast pump? They seem to go dead cheap on eBay, is it just that nobody else buys them second-hand, or is there some reason why I should avoid?
hi ladies, just popping in to see how you are all doing!

Avabear and GCL i'm so jealous you are on/ about to go on mat leave .... I have another 8wks to go - though next wk and half the week after i'm on hols so it cuts it down a bit .... I've zero motivation left for work ....plus my pay is being cut by another 10% due to cut backs!! Doesn't affect my maternity pay though luckily!

Ellie I didn't start to show properly until 20wks then !POP! and bump is growing at an amazing rate since then, I even had a guy at work comment in front of everyone on how 'huge' I am - gee thanks!!

Congrats and good luck to those having scans - it's so lovely to see!

Been feeling sooo tired lately looks like baby is taking all my nutrients and only leaving the dregs for mum!

Funny thing is i've started to notice random people smiling at me cos of my obvious bump - which is nice!

Hope all of you are keeping well xx
tilly thats sh*t about your pay but glad it doesnt affect your mat pay at least. 8 weeks - woohoo! there will be loads of us off pretty soon ... so exciting! cant wait to see the lo pics!

marleysgirl so glad they said all was good :happydance: great idea about the business! do it!
btw i hate to think i'm not being helpful on those posts but they really annoy me ... can totally see why people get so paranoid when you get told different things. and come to think of it a work colleague was very laid back about food whilst pregnant, she even ate all teh cheeses & pates etc because she thought it was all b****cks, then got food poisoining from a salad :oops. that was in a restaurant though. they were both fine anyway. i darent put that on the other thread because everyone will freak!

And like Mynx we're all hard :rofl: we were brought up on crispy pancakes, mad colours & flavourings before they were E numbers, mercury in physics class at school! (maybe that was just my school though :blush:)

i hadnt thought about breast pumps. I dont see why not myself, surely sterilised etc it would be fine, i dont know much about them though? Gawd I havent thought about anything like that really. I'd set myself the anomaly scan (2 weeks and 3 days!) as the point where I start planning it all for some reason. I'd be happy to get stuff off ebay myself! In fact my SIl is planning on giving me a load of her baby stuff, there might even be breast pumps or bottles or stuff amongst it, I'd be happy with that!

Dont know about the veg steamer thing! :rofl: you mean pop in your broccoli along with the bottles?? two birds and all that ??
Hey girls.

Ellie - I am so with you on the food hysteria topic. It really bugs me to see women panicking over these things. I also read that salad thread but avoided commenting because I hadn't the energy!!

Marleys girl - sounds like you are starting to get organised. I haven't got anything yet, although SIL has lots of stuff put away for me from the twins. I can't see why there'd be a problem with second hand breast pumps once they are sterilized. After all, they have them in hospitals so they are obviously used by lots of different women with no problems.

Tillymum - that's lovely to have random people recognising you are pregnant, I have to say that I am looking forward to that. But I'm glad that I'm not showing for work as it's less complicated not to have to tell clients yet. Ideally if I could look pregnant at the weekends and then not during the week - hmmm yes that sounds perfectly reasonable!!

PS :rofl: at using the steriliser for steaming vegetables, give it a new lease of life once baby no longer needs it!!
By the way, Andrew is a lovely name, that is my OH's name!
I wasn't thinking of steaming the broccoli WITH the bottles :rofl: but you probably only use the steamer once or twice a day, that's 16 minutes tops. What about the rest of the time? Or perhaps I should just have bought a veg steamer and used that for the bottles? There has to be a market for a combined product ....

Good point about the hospital breast pumps, of course they'd be used & re-used by loads of different women, just sterilised between times. Think I'm gonna investigate which is the best, and then hunt on eBay.

I guess I am beginning to get organised - I think it's hitting that halfway point (exactly 20 weeks tomorrow) that focuses the mind.
I really should leave that thread.

Somebody mentioned that you're not meant to have processed deli meats ... So much for my initial cravings for salami then! I bet somebody comes along soon and says I shouldn't be having coleslaw (current craving) or chips & curry sauce.
I just think it is awful that women are so worried about these ridiculous dietary restrictions. I mean, deli meats and pre-washed salad, hello? when did you last get food poisoning from any of these things? Maybe I am too relaxed and go to the opposite extreme a bit, but honestly, my midwife just advised against pate, liver, unpasteurised cheeses, raw eggs, and certain fish that have high mercury levels like marlin (never even heard of it!). And smoking and alcohol. She never mentioned anything about any of the rest of it. I am taking it all with a large pinch of salt anyway. I'm sure salt probably isn't good either - risk of high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia no doubt.
I am taking it all with a large pinch of salt anyway. I'm sure salt probably isn't good either - risk of high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia no doubt.

Don't you start rumours like that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wonder if there's any correlation between the age of the mum-to-be, and their level of worry with regard to food? Not something you can really poll about on here without offending people, unfortunately.
I wonder if there's any correlation between the age of the mum-to-be, and their level of worry with regard to food? Not something you can really poll about on here without offending people, unfortunately.

That's an interesting question, there could definitely be something in that. I think maybe because we have seen food scares and dietary advice go in and out of fashion we are a bit more sceptical about all the hype?
Marleysgirl - Amazing scan pic!! Wow it looks like someone's shining a torch in through the sunroof! And he looks so cute.

Ava - I agree with Polaris it sounds like it's the right time to put your feet up. Enjoy some rest while you can. I bet you won't miss being at work one bit! :dishes: :laundry:

Ellie - Manflu eh? I know it well.. Mind you, my OH's is more like wineflu than swineflu :rofl:

Tilly - Isn't it lovely that people smile at you now they can see your bump. I have only a belly of jelly and three different people have grabbed it and given it a shake!! I mean, honestly what is that about? I wouldn't mind if there was some baby to grab. Next one is going to get it done back to them.. grrr

Polaris - I agree with the age/food thing. Won't get on my soapbox incase I offend anyone but I'm sure some advice is just over precautionary..

I had my 12 week scan today and it was amazing. LO was leaping about all over the place flipping and performing like a seal. All measurements etc on target, good strong heartbeat. Feeling much happier now and am glad I can tell everyone about my pg. I've found it hard to keep a secret for so long. Got a pic but it's not really clear. LO didn't want to keep still long enough to be papped! he he

Still find it hard to believe what's going on inside me! :baby:
Meerkat, that's brilliant news on the scan. I was wondering how you got on. It is really amazing to think of a new little life inside yourself, isn't it? Just wait till you start feeling him/her moving about, it is the most miraculous feeling and nearly breaks my heart every single time! Soppy pregnancy hormones, LOL! Bet you can't wait to tell everyone. I really relaxed a lot after my scan and started to really enjoy the pregnancy, especially because my sickness went away completely about a week later at 14 weeks!
You're right Polaris, I really think I will be able to start to enjoy my pregnancy now. I know it sounds odd but until I saw the scan I didn't really dare believe it was true and felt like a bit of a fraud. But now I have the proof in black and white and will jolly well wave it from the rooftops. Ha!

I can't wait til the next scan already! My sis told me that by the time she got to 20 weeks she was really ready for another peek at newface. Are you having yours soon?

PS My SIL called me today, she was due last Weds and her waters broke at 6.30pm tonight during dinner. My brother thinks it was all down to his sausage casserole. What can you say to that? ;)
I know exactly what you mean, actually when I was in the waiting room for my 13 week scan, I said to OH that I feel like a fraud, everyone else except me looked visibly pregnant, I was irrationally terrified that they would scan me and there would be nothing there, they would tell me it was all in my head or something! OH thought I was a bit nuts really!

Yes my next scan is 24th June - looking forward to it!
Yes my next scan is 24th June - looking forward to it!

How exciting, not long to go. Bet the last one seems ages ago now!

I notice people keep talking about dopplers... is that the same as a stethescope? Sorry if I'm being dim. :confused:
By the way, Andrew is a lovely name, that is my OH's name!

It is my DH's name too!!

Loving the combined veg and bottle steamer idea!

I had read about the possibility of getting listeria from bagged salads - OMG as if I have time to re-wash pre-prepped salads :rolleyes: We are too busy wrapping ourselves up in cotton wool these days, I had an excellent email this morning, I will re-size and copy it on here for you all (the writing is enormous!)

Everyone is sounding so upbeat about their pg's on here now, scans and movements make it feel so much more real don't they? My DH is much more interested in my bump now he can see it moving (complete alien style whole belly wobbles now :rofl:) which adds to it too!

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