Hi guys, hope you're all ok, crikey only been off a couple of days and had 10 pages to read just to catch up, so much has happened, congratulations on all the scans (even more jealous now need to see a picture, my other half reminded me that is 4 weeks today since we got

). Golcarlilly I had tears rolling down my cheeks at one point reading your memoirs from the old days my OH asked me if I was ok and gave me a hug (silly ole thought I was crying, yeah with laughter) he laughed too when I read bits too him.
Got first appointment with MW Friday, hope she is nice. I haven't really put on any weight cos of ms (more like morning afternoon and night sickness) , still can't brush teeth properly... "gip" but.... and there is alway a but with me, my shape is changing already, got a sticky out bit below my bust with flat sides and my flabby belly seams to have been filled with helium over the last few weeks!! Is it normal to start to show this early, OMG I can't remember it seems so long ago.
Cake mix, mmmm.... would still eat it now if I had the chance and I can recall eating raw sausages but was never been a fan of worms tho, YUK!
Ava, glad everything is ok, take it easy, rest means rest. Not long now!
Anyway, beddy byes now, soooooooooooo tired.