'Older Mums' buddies thread!

oooh just realised how old and grouchy I sound :rofl:

I just rebelled! I really wanted smooth peanut butter all day ... so I've just made banana and crunchy peanut butter muffins (that was all I had :( ) - I did draw the line at licking the spoon though, even though I really wanted to!
I had mayonnaise earlier .....

And peanut butter on toast this morning ......

And I might even have a wee liqueur before going to bed :D
Ellie :sick: raw sausages!! IKWYM about the supermarket though, I fell down a drainage hole at the side of a swimming pool once and almost drowned, my leg was down the hole and I was face down in the pool (god knows how I didn't break my leg) I had to be dragged out, the cover should have been screwed down so these days we would have sued!!

Meercat lovely scan piccy!
Oh yeah I did the eating raw sausages thing as a child too :toothpick: , and (my favourite) uncooked cake mix, yum yum.
Uncooked cake mix was the best wasn't it? My DD tries to nick the bowl (on the rare occasions I bake !)
Hi guys, hope you're all ok, crikey only been off a couple of days and had 10 pages to read just to catch up, so much has happened, congratulations on all the scans (even more jealous now need to see a picture, my other half reminded me that is 4 weeks today since we got :bfp:). Golcarlilly I had tears rolling down my cheeks at one point reading your memoirs from the old days my OH asked me if I was ok and gave me a hug (silly ole thought I was crying, yeah with laughter) he laughed too when I read bits too him.:rofl:

Got first appointment with MW Friday, hope she is nice. I haven't really put on any weight cos of ms (more like morning afternoon and night sickness) , still can't brush teeth properly... "gip" but.... and there is alway a but with me, my shape is changing already, got a sticky out bit below my bust with flat sides and my flabby belly seams to have been filled with helium over the last few weeks!! Is it normal to start to show this early, OMG I can't remember it seems so long ago.

Cake mix, mmmm.... would still eat it now if I had the chance and I can recall eating raw sausages but was never been a fan of worms tho, YUK!

Ava, glad everything is ok, take it easy, rest means rest. Not long now!

Anyway, beddy byes now, soooooooooooo tired. :sleep:
Mmmm uncooked cake mix - there really was nothing better, I can almost taste it now. And when I visited my grandma she used to let me eat sugar sandwiches as a special treat. Grandma's are great aren't they!

Thanks for all your lovely messages. x I'm sooooooo excited. And I feel loads better now I've seen LO leaping around and have a pic to remind myself it's real. :dance:

My SIL is in hosp at this very moment having her baby. She had a false alarm on Monday and was sent home again but went back in last night. I'm so excited I can't wait to hear some news!! :wohoo:
OOh exciting, you might be an auntie later today then?!!

Truman your ms should hopefully wear off soon :hugs:
:wohoo: I just had a call from my Dad to say they've had a little girl Olivia Jane. Didn't get any more info so I'll wait to speak to my mum for a proper run down of events, weight, time etc!

How splendid!!
Aww that's lovely, we've got an Olivia in the family and I've always thought it was a lovely name. And being an Auntie is fantastic, I love it. Your pic is really good, in the end I bought myself a little photo album (it was just a couple of quid from boots) because I kept taking the photo out and looking at it, there was a real danger I'd wear it out LOL.

All this talk of cake mix is making me sliver, yum yum!!

I'm just back from handing in my line at work, felt really weird knowing I'd not be back to actually do any work until after the new year! I will be going in for the team lunch on the last Wednesday of term, but still ... I work with a really great group of people and will really miss the daily banter. Once the baby comes I'll be there once every couple of weeks for lunch anyway but still, felt weird ....
I'm just back from handing in my line at work, felt really weird knowing I'd not be back to actually do any work until after the new year! I will be going in for the team lunch on the last Wednesday of term, but still ... I work with a really great group of people and will really miss the daily banter. Once the baby comes I'll be there once every couple of weeks for lunch anyway but still, felt weird ....

It must be weird leaving work for such a long time but knowing you'll go back one day. It's not the same as leaving to go to a new job is it. I hadn't really thought about that before. Still, no work 'til after Christmas? Can't be bad!!! You enjoy every minute of it, you'll be back before you know it, times flies doesn't it.

PS Ahh I just spoke to my brother, Olivia's their first baby and he's so proud he's puffed up like a pigeon. It's so lovely. I just want to cry and cry (must be the hormones again).
Aww your bro must be over the moon :cloud9:

I cannot wait to leave my job, and if I can help it i am not coming back, gonna look for something part time whilst on Maternity leave!
I love my job but I don't know if it would work as a part time position so I may be looking for another job afterwards if they say no. We're very understaffed too which doesn't help :(

I rather fancy being a lady of leisure for a couple of years but not sure DH will be so keen on that plan!! :rofl:
awww fab I love the name olivia too - congrats!

leaving work ... so nice..... enjoy girls!
Hello ladies :wave:
I've finally finished reading your thread and catching up with your journies so far and thought i'd introduce myself.
I am 36, 37 in Sep and have been with my DH for 6years next month but we only got married this Feb. I haven't worked since April coz I was being bullied at work and even though work claim to have sorted it - they haven't to my satisfaction and so i left coz of the stress. Coz we are TTC and trying to move down South we decided that i would look for work after the move (if we ever sell our house :hissy:) To be honest it is very boring - i have no family or friends near me and i can be stuck in the house for days!

I had a MC Feb08 and we have been TTC ever since. 16 cycles later and we had to pay to see a FS coz our PCT doesn't have funding for any fertility investigations - no blood tests or SA! Anyway at the FS we fond that DHs SA was great but a scan showed that i have uterine fibroids. I have one that is 6cm in the wall that is squashing my womb and multiples on the lining that are acting like a coil. I would have to have an op to remove them. Basically the FS said a 'seed needs soil not stones' when we asked whether we should keep TTC ot not.

Today I am 6+3 (by my calculations) and it would seem that stones were good enough for my seed! We are soooooo happy! :cloud9: We are already further than we got last time and trying to remain positive.
I am a little worried about the fibroids but funnily enough i have been waiting to get on the waiting list ( :dohh: ) and yesterday a letter came asking me to go to see the consultant this Sat! I am excited coz I am hoping that they will scan me to check the fibroids even when i tell them i am pg. Not coz i want to see the fibroids -i want to see my LO! I want to see that the fibroids haven't grown and are not in the way or anything.

Sorry about the essay - it's really nice to meet you all!
Hello Tansey, Welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy!
Meerkat, congratulations to your brother, Olivia is a lovely name, very feminine I think.
Welcome Tansey :) Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck with your appointment on Saturday :)
Hi Tansey, welcome and congratulations! I can understand that it must be worrying about the fibroids but fingers crossed that you have a determined little bean in there and that everything will go smoothly. It must be so exciting after trying for so long. That's great that you have an appointment with the FS on Saturday, it'll be nice to hear what they have to say, and like you say, hopefully they will scan you!!

Meerkat - congrats on becoming an auntie!!
Woohoo - just realised I am 20 weeks today!! Half way through!

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