'Older Mums' buddies thread!

:wave: hi tansey! congrats again and really pleased you are here :hugs:

:happydance: polaris woohoo!!!!!
Morning ladies

Welcome to the thread Tansey, sounds like your little bean was just meant to be! Hope you have a trouble free pg and good luck with your Appt on Sat :hugs:

:wave: Welcome Tansey and many congrats on your pregnancy! I got married in Feb too!! Lovely winter wedding ahhh I loved it. Hope it goes well on Sat. You said you're moving to the South. I'm in the Southwest, are you coming this way?

Polaris - :thumbup: Wow halfway how fab! Not long til your scan, it's next week isn't it? I've just got my date through for the next one at the end of July and I can't wait!
Hi Tansey, welcome to the older Mums, read your "essay" and hope you're smiling from here on :D

Hello to the rest of you .... Happy Halfway Polaris. You do realise this thread will go nuts at the start of November, with both of us due within 2 days of each other? Race you!!!!
I love all the activity this thread is getting now! It's definitely my favourite thread, I feel I can always come here for a bit of common sense LOL.

I had the clinic today, my BP is still up a little so they've upped my meds (they were knocking me out as it was so guess I'll be sleeping a lot!), the MW will be taking my BP every second day (I feel really bad about that, seems like a lot of work for the midwife, coming out to the house every other day!) and in two weeks I've got an appointment with the consultant, one with the BP professor and another scan to check growth (baby is breech at the moment, but they're not overly concerned about that at this point).

MW was checking baby today and she was really feeling around trying to work out which way the LO is lying ... as soon as she stopped it gave a really big movement, she said "it doesn't like being disturbed does it?!" - must be like me, I'm really awful if I'm woken up, it really isn't pretty :rofl:
Hi Ava,

Just rest and sleep when you need to, whatever it takes to keep your BP down!

My LO is just so strong ATM, really beats the living daylights out of me!!
one with the BP professor

What is this BP professor?? Is he really called that? Am I being dim??

Sorry to hear your BP is still playing up but you honestly mustn't feel bad about getting the MW out to check it. My friend was a health visitor and she loved going out to see people rather than just being at the surgery. I bet your MW is the same.

I have been wondering about something and feel a bit daft asking but here goes... when did you ladies stop taking folic acid? Or did you jsut take it all the way through? I bought some pregnacare vitamins the other day but they were so big I nearly choked on them and chucked them away. I'm only taking folic acid now so if I stop that I won't be taking any supplements at all. Just wondered what everyone else does?
Meercat I think my MW told me I could stop taking it at 12 weeks as the neural tube is formed by then - but best to check with yours before stopping :)

I have a balanced relatively healthy diet and I haven't taken any other supplements.
I thought 12 weeks too, for the folc acid. I had taken pregnancy multivitamins up to about 18 weeks, but when I went on the BP tablets I stopped cause the MW couldnt tell me if it was OK or not. I just try to eat a good diet (with the odd bag of maltesers thrown in for good measure)
Ava , Im sorry youre still having BP problems, babys obviously happy though (except for the waking him/her up thing,lol)
Polaris congratulations on being 20 weeks!!
Gol - I think they're at that "really strong but small enough still to move around" stage. Able to do maximum damage with some of those kicks! A couple of them have actually made me gasp, with the baby being breech his/her feet are right down low and there seems to be plenty of tender stuff to kick down there!!

Meerkat - I'm not sure if they call him a consultant or what, he's a Professor who runs a BP clinic so he's the BP prof LOL. As for the folic acid, I'm on 5mg a day because I have epilepsy and it's to counteract any effects from the meds I take for that ... I've been told to take it all the way through so it obviously doesn't do any harm if you continue, especially since the dose you're taking is probably the 400mg one? The pregnacare vits are quite large but you can get other brands - initially I was taking a sanatogen one I think, but pregnacare was cheaper :rofl:. The sanatogen one was a bit smaller IIRC. I just took them as a precaution, and have kind of stuck with it as a habit. Although with the amount of tablets I'm taking now, when it's time to stop I don't think I'll miss them at all LOL.

soon2b6 - every balanced diet needs maltesers. Or jaffa cakes ... I think it's a rule, if it's not, it should be ;)
Hi everyone - thanks for all the nice messages - it is so exciting being halfway through. The last 6 weeks has flown by. Yes, not too long till my scan now, it is next Wednesday. :happydance::happydance: Really excited about it - I am feeling baby move all the time now so I'm nowhere near as worried as I was for my first scan. Will probably still be terrified on the day though, LOL. Marleysgirl - yes our dates are very close aren't they? It's quite exciting. I bet you I will go over though, my mum went two weeks over on me, she would have been induced but it was the easter holidays - I was born on Easter Tuesday, she was due to be induced that day but went into labour naturally in the end.

Ava - just as well you are now finished work, at least you can just relax and take it easy. Don't feel bad about the midwife coming out to see you, that is part of her job after all, and as Meerkat says, she probably enjoys getting out and about during the day!

Golcarlilly - wow, your LO sounds like an active little thing at the moment! Mine just feels like it's tickling the inside of my tummy, not really looking forward to the kick in the internal organs stage!!

About the folic acid - I kept taking it till about 18 weeks and then the packet ran out so I just stopped. I did buy Pregnacare vitamins but they are too big so I only took them a couple of times. Not taking anything now but I do try to eat a balanced diet.

This is one of my favourite threads too at the moment, we've got a great group of girls here I think!
You said you're moving to the South. I'm in the Southwest, are you coming this way?!

We're moving to Hampshire by DHs family coz they are all in one spot and have young children whereas my family (Merseyside) aren't all together and one brother has older kids. I said I would give it a go but it will be really hard for my Mum especially now i'm pregnant. She works full time but i'm still going to try and get her down often or me up visiting.

This thread is reassuring as I have read loads of mags and books and they just annoy me when they say at 35 ... negative...negative...negative so I love hearing from ladies like yourselves who prove them wrong.
hey all - hows your thursday?
all exciting things happening! I find it hard to get excited day to day then I come to this thread and :woohoo:
Hope your bp is ok ava. dont feel bad about them monitoring it - thats what they're there for :hugs:
hmmm i just realised i am still taking folic acid as well as the sanatogen multi, wonder if i can tail off the extra FA now? I was always a mad vitamin obsessive anyway :) so i dont mind taking them, in fact i think i'm taking less now than i ever did :rofl: (now just those two, an omega 3 fish oil (not fish liver) and probiotic)
mmmmmm maltesers :yum:

Oh no - Are we allowed those ?!?! :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks so much everyone, as always you come to the rescue with all the answers. :hugs:

Oh and I'm muchas pleased to hear that maltesers are part of the correct pregnancy diet as I'm rather partial and bought a BIG bag today funnily enough! But yes I think a well balanced diet probably should do the trick shouldn't it.

I think I'll keep taking my 400mg until they run out and I'm seeing my MW in a week so I'll ask her what she thinks about taking any other vits. I quite like the chewy ones they do for children but not sure if they do pregnancy ones?

Polaris - Not sure when Lo starts to move but I can't wait! I can see why you find it reassuring. How exciting this time next week you'll have some new pics!!

Tansey - You're so right, I've read nothing but negativity about being an older mum. But it's great here and I feel quite at home! Although I think I'm the oldest (40). Although apparently I only look 18 :rofl:
Bags of Maltesers? Bags? I'm on boxes of them - Tesco's got the boxes on offer at the moment :rofl: You're right Ellie, they'll be banned next.

Polaris, don't bank on me giving birth before you - my Mum reckons I was three weeks late! But then she said that dates weren't calculated quite so accurately back then (in the dark ages), and my brother was also three weeks late. Perhaps the switch from Julian to Gregorian calendars confused her ;) Good luck for your scan!

As for the Folic Acid - I stopped taking it at 12 weeks, midwife's suggestion.

Did we do the ages thing, Meerkat? I thought someone beat me (I'm also 40), I thought someone here was 41 or 42 ...
Hi Ladies, Hope you are all keeping well. Its almost the weekend and Im so excited as we are on holidays for a week and a half as and from tomorrow evening :happydance::happydance: We are heading to Cornwall for a few days, then on to Devon for a couple of days then to Essex for a wedding, so excited!! :yipee:

Met my MW today and this time Im not measuring big so happy days! Baby is back to back with me, not sure what the implications are of this but head is down and all i feel are arms and legs! which is lovely. She told me to make sure I bring my notes and my hospital bag in case I have a repeat preterm labor scare while away!

Welcome Tansey and congrats on your pregnancy! I have 2 fibroids, one on the uterine wall and one on the outside I think! Luckily they are not causing problems with this pregnancy, they havent grown and are no where near baby to cause problems, so hope this will be the same for you and baby makes him or herself snug and comfy and continues to grow and you have a trouble free pregnancy.

polaris congrats on reaching the halfway mark you must have a scan coming up now! Good luck!

Ummm malteesers .... stop tempting me with your constant talk of food!!!!:rofl:

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