Hi everyone - thanks for all the nice messages - it is so exciting being halfway through. The last 6 weeks has flown by. Yes, not too long till my scan now, it is next Wednesday.
Really excited about it - I am feeling baby move all the time now so I'm nowhere near as worried as I was for my first scan. Will probably still be terrified on the day though, LOL. Marleysgirl - yes our dates are very close aren't they? It's quite exciting. I bet you I will go over though, my mum went two weeks over on me, she would have been induced but it was the easter holidays - I was born on Easter Tuesday, she was due to be induced that day but went into labour naturally in the end.
Ava - just as well you are now finished work, at least you can just relax and take it easy. Don't feel bad about the midwife coming out to see you, that is part of her job after all, and as Meerkat says, she probably enjoys getting out and about during the day!
Golcarlilly - wow, your LO sounds like an active little thing at the moment! Mine just feels like it's tickling the inside of my tummy, not really looking forward to the kick in the internal organs stage!!
About the folic acid - I kept taking it till about 18 weeks and then the packet ran out so I just stopped. I did buy Pregnacare vitamins but they are too big so I only took them a couple of times. Not taking anything now but I do try to eat a balanced diet.
This is one of my favourite threads too at the moment, we've got a great group of girls here I think!