Hi Girls
Have been dipping in and out of the thread the past couple of nights but not time to write a decent reply which is crap! Been a mixture of things; working late, cycling home (takes an hour, or longer with a big headwind like today!), packing for hols (whoop) and getting stuff sorted for the bathroom which is getting overhauled when we are away (another whoop!)
Not sure where to start with everybody's news!! Wish I could keep this message up on my screen and scroll back through the most recent pages (?).
We finally told my parents on Sunday (after my nuchal/dating scan on Friday) and they were v.shocked/v.happy/v.teary (!!) It was all a bit emotional! My mum had made prawn cocktail which I just didn't fancy (very unlike me) and she asked why and I just blurted it out "we're having a baby!!" and pulled out the scan pics! At this point myself, OH, mum and dad all had a wee blub!!! They never though they'd be grandparents (and my little brother isn't likely to give them any in the near future!), it was really lovely though and I know they will help us all they can (even though i'm knocking on 37 and my OH is 40!).
tillymum - have a fab holiday! we are off to France on Saturday for 2 weeks which I can't wait for

Not mentioning all the nice cheese & wine I'll have to give a wide berth to though

Will tell work & friends when we get back (will be 16w+ by then so probably obvious!, my clothes are already tight and hols packing has been a nightmare!)
I'm still taking FA, will probably finish the packet then stop. I did look at other vitamins and they are too big for me to swallow!
Chocolate is always good in any shape or form (today I had a milky way and some buttons but the salmon with salad and potatoes would have counter-acted those!)
Good luck everybody who has scans coming up!! I'm already counting down the days till 31st July when I get my 20 week scan
Hope you are all well and happy, sorry I can't write individual wee messages - serves me right for not posting for a few days!! Will be even worse when I get back after a fortnight!
I really enjoy this thread, as tansey says it's a really reassuring (and happy!) place to be!
Pie xx