'Older Mums' buddies thread!

I think if the scan is within a handful of days of your lmp dates (5 or 7 days I think) they stick to your dates cause scans arent 100% accurate with the dating, so they might well keep to your dates.
I know what you mean about not wanting to know and wanting to know the gender all at the same time, I find myself asking everyone for their "predictions", lol and getting cross when they say boy cause I have 4 boys and 1 girl would like another girl, ah well ya get what ya get, and I do love my boys.
soon2b6 - Did you know the gender of any of your children beforehand? I've decided I don't want to know but quite a few people seem surprised by this. Hope you don't mind me asking but I just wondered what your thoughts are and whether you knew about any of yours?
I "accidentally" found out with my 4th baby (had to have lots of scans and the doc just blurted it out) and I have to say it was OK to know, we got his name sorted out and everything but there is a moment of excitement when they are born, as you frantically look for the bits, or lack of them that was missing from his birth, so we didnt find out with his younger brother and havent with this one, hey I can wait (I think,lol)
Im glad your scan went well, at my 20 week I asked the sonographer for 4 pics (thinking she would realise I wanted 4 different ones) and we got 4 the same and paid £4 per picture for the privelige, grrr and it wasnt the best pic either.

We learnt this at the 12 week scan - asked and paid for 2 photos, got 2 copies of the same photo. Grrrrrrr indeed. So when she offered photos at the 20 week scan, we asked whether they'd be all the same or different ... all the same. We got just one copy and scanned it ourselves!

But we should (hopefully) get more scan photos tomorrow, it's my lengthy U/S scan for the research midwives - my reward for taking part is another good look at the Bean, and free photos!

Heard the Bean's heartbeat for the first time today :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Got a letter from the hospital a few days ago, asking me if I want to switch from Community MW care over to a new "Placenta Clinic" based at the hospital. It implies more visits (not just 4weekly) and possible more scans. I'm undecided, as it's a bit of a trek (and expensive parking) to get there, but on the other hand it'll be in the brand new hospital in 4 weeks time. I'm gonna talk it through at length with the research midwives tomorrow (that'll bore the pants of OH).
cool on hearing the hb marleysgirl :happydance: ! good luck tomorrow - hmm the promise of a shiny new hospital (and possibly shiny flash scanning equipment) is quite tempting!!!

I just had a look at the leaflet I got sent for my scan next week, and it does say that they will only give you one scan picture (you can have multiple copies of it) and that its harder to get decent pics later on and 'many are disappointed' well at least they're honest!

Not sure, and I hope I'm wrong, but I think things might not be going so well with tansey ... not sure if she's around, but if you see this hon really hope you are okay :hugs:
Soon2be don't think i knew you had 5 kids already!!

Marleysgirl I love hearing the hb it is fab isn't it?

Ellie I was thinking the same - Tansey I hope you are ok :hugs:
Marleysgirl - congrats on hearing the heartbeat, it's just so nice to hear isn't it? You never get sick of hearing it either!!

ellie - can't believe you're nearly 20 weeks already ... so exciting!! :happydance:
News from today's scan - which was originally planned for the MAPs research study, but has now also formed my first scan for the new Placenta Clinic study.

Beanie is doing just fine, he was very active during the first part of the scan - almost too active, they had trouble getting the measurements from him because he kept moving! All measures checked out fine except his femur length, which is slightly short. They say it's the only soft marker for Downs that they can see, and it's possible that the measurement was foreshortened due to the angle, so they're going to keep an eye on this.

Second half of the scan was listening to the pulse & heartbeat, OH heard the heartbeat for the first time. Beanie's heart is strong and regular; the blood flow to the placenta is the issue of concern, I'm not maintaining a steady "downbeat" (they can see "notching" on the sonograph). My placenta is however consistently thick and not mis-shapen, they're happy with that. By this time, Beanie had had enough of the prodding and was sulking! We tried to get good scan photos (my reward for participation in research) but he kept turning away, and ended up in a typical stroppy position face down, limbs tucked up!


I'm switching from community midwife care to the hospital's Placenta Clinic, as they want to monitor & scan me every couple of weeks, particularly as time goes on, to ensure the placenta is still feeding him okay. Ultimately it could mean they control when I go into labour, if they think the placenta is beginning to weaken too early close to the EDD.

To celebrate (well, he looked fit & healthy and we're staying positive), we tootled over to Babies R Us & Mothercare, and I've finally succumbed to maternity trousers & jeans!
Cool that hubby got to hear the HB - because it normally happens on MW visits (for me at least!), they often miss it (I know my hubby did - he only heard it in hospital). It will be great for you to be scanned more often, and if anything should change they'll be right on it :)

Congrats on buying the maternity clothes ... sounds like a good day all round :happydance:
Hi Ladies,
Hope you're all keeping well.

I also had my 20 week scan on Wednesday and am happy that all is well. Infact I think I had worked myself up so much to expect the worst and started crying during it all. Dont really know why.Guess its all the stuff you read in the Media about older mums etc. But then on the other hand Im crying at everything these days - even adverts!!! Crazy eh!!

But Junior is fine and well - and was doing acrobatics at the time of having pics taken so our pics are very grainy.

Anyway glad all went well for you too Polaris...

Taking some days off work now to catch up with rest and sleep. Always on the run, hence my visits to B&B are scarce...

Yay marleys girl - sounds like it all went well, i guess they are looking in much more detail than a 'normal' scan would so i'm sure all will be well! hooray!
i love maternity trousers and jeans now - soo comfy! dont have much of a bump but they really feel so much better (not pressing on anything)!
i love maternity trousers and jeans now - soo comfy! dont have much of a bump but they really feel so much better (not pressing on anything)!

Mine are still a little large, but my OH was getting fed up of me always having to hold my jeans up (because they wouldn't close around the bump) ... so I've given in to him! He's now loving the "really pregnant" look :rofl:
Marleysgirl, sounds like a really detailed scan! Sounds like he was being a bit of an acrobat. Glad you got your piccie even if he is camera shy, we keep saying he, do we know?? (sorry if youve already said!!)
LdS 39 :hugs: I was like that with my scan too, fighting back the tears, I couldnt actually cry though cause with my jelly belly they would never have gotten a picture at all,lol. Im so glad all was well, did you find out what gender you were having (God Im sooo nosey)
I finished my college course this Weds (hooray!) so I can now focus entirely on baby and dont need to worry about my pregnancy brain coming through in essays anymore.
I bought a few bits for the baby at last and now have an emergency hospital bag (just in case) I will add to it from now on till I have all I want in it, probably will have waaaay too much knowing me.
Marleysgirl, sounds like a really detailed scan! Sounds like he was being a bit of an acrobat. Glad you got your piccie even if he is camera shy, we keep saying he, do we know?? (sorry if youve already said!!)

Yes, he's a boy, we found out last week, and it was confirmed today when he had his bits on show for all to see!

Was a lovely detailed scan, it's for research purposes but it meant we got to spend a fair time watching the baby whilst they took measurements from him. And it sounds like I'll be re-scanned every 2-4 weeks, so plenty more chances to see him grow!
Maybe camera shy but not that shy then, hey!! Great to get all the scans!!
Lds - congrats on the scan, don't blame you for crying, it's a pretty emotional experience seeing this little person on the screen :hugs:
Hi ladies,

well finally here are my scan pictures - introducing the blob! I swear it did actually look like a proper baby on the screen!!


  • SCAN 22 weeks - small.jpg
    SCAN 22 weeks - small.jpg
    14.7 KB · Views: 12
Now for my big rant...

I had a midwife appointment yesterday and had a big argument with the midwife about my due date. Basically I have been going on my date of ovulation because I was temperature charting so I know when I ovulated. But because I had a long cycle, those dates are about a week behind the dates calculated from last menstrual period. So my due date from LMP is 29th October, but I know this is wrong. So I had explained this to the midwife at my booking in appointment, and she told me the date would be adjusted at the 12 week dating scan, so not to worry.

So at the scan, by LMP I was 13+6 whereas by my dates I was 12+6. On the scan, the baby measured 13+1, so closer to my dates. But the midwife is saying that because there is only 5 days difference between that and LMP, they are going to go by LMP!! I am raging because I know it's not accurate. The hospital policy is that they will probably be pushing for induction from 10 days 'overdue', but since my dates are now a week out, that will only actually be 3 days overdue. She couldn't seem to see what my problem with this was, she was saying things like 'it's a good thing, you are further along than you think' - like as if the baby is going to come earlier just because they have decided on an earlier due date!! Then she started with 'I don't want to try to scare you, but we had a woman recently who refused an induction and it wasn't a good outcome.' I was just so angry and upset by the stupidity of it all. Anyway, she finally agreed that if it comes down to it, I will be able to explain my concerns to the registrar and they will 'allow' me to go 14 days overdue! I'm now really hoping that baby comes on time, I don't want to be induced just because they have my dates wrong so I could have a bit of a fight on my hands. I should have just lied about my LMP!!

Sorry for the long rant - just needed to get it off my chest!
Interesting that they are insisting on using the LMP date, Polaris. I'm facing it the other way - they adjusted my DD to two days later (3 Nov) at the 12 week scan, and they're sticking to that date, regardless of my LMP. So I reckon I'm gonna deliver early (assuming they don't take control of my delivery due to placenta difficulties).
Polaris - you must be really angry with that response. Its your baby and your birth and they have no right to "allow you" to go 14 days overdue, you choose. In fact the World Health Organisation define full term as between 37 and 42 weeks pregnant, so by their definition 42 weeks isnt even overdue! They should monitor you for sure (and I suspect that hadnt happened for the lady with the "poor outcome") but they dont need to intervene at that stage.

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