News from today's scan - which was originally planned for the MAPs research study, but has now also formed my first scan for the new Placenta Clinic study.
Beanie is doing just fine, he was very active during the first part of the scan - almost too active, they had trouble getting the measurements from him because he kept moving! All measures checked out fine except his femur length, which is slightly short. They say it's the only soft marker for Downs that they can see, and it's possible that the measurement was foreshortened due to the angle, so they're going to keep an eye on this.
Second half of the scan was listening to the pulse & heartbeat, OH heard the heartbeat for the first time. Beanie's heart is strong and regular; the blood flow to the placenta is the issue of concern, I'm not maintaining a steady "downbeat" (they can see "notching" on the sonograph). My placenta is however consistently thick and not mis-shapen, they're happy with that. By this time, Beanie had had enough of the prodding and was sulking! We tried to get good scan photos (my reward for participation in research) but he kept turning away, and ended up in a typical stroppy position face down, limbs tucked up!
I'm switching from community midwife care to the hospital's Placenta Clinic, as they want to monitor & scan me every couple of weeks, particularly as time goes on, to ensure the placenta is still feeding him okay. Ultimately it could mean they control when I go into labour, if they think the placenta is beginning to weaken too early close to the EDD.
To celebrate (well, he looked fit & healthy and we're staying positive), we tootled over to Babies R Us & Mothercare, and I've finally succumbed to maternity trousers & jeans!