'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Hi and Welcome Sandollar! :)

Avabear 73 - Are you based in Aberdeen too? Am really glad to hear the feeding is going well. Have they said when you might be able to take him home?

Hope all of you on maternity leave are having fun and/or watching box sets of Desparate Housewives/SATC/24/Prison Break etc!! It must be such a countdown to due date! I haven't started doing anything about our spare room crammed full of junk yet!

Our weekend away in the van was sorta fab and sorta not! We were up in the NW of Scotland (about 1.5hrs up from Ullapool) and the fab part was it was sooo relaxing, sunny with gorgeous beaches and we did lots of fun things. The sorta not fab part was that I got bitten by a tick which has sent me into a total hysterical frenzy that i've now got Lyme Disease. I know statistically it's unlikely but my pregnant wee mind doesn't work like that (especially as a friend got it and 2 years down the line is still ill), especially as symptoms can take up to 30 days to appear. Will make appt tomorrow (and no doubt start crying hysterically in front of the GP). :help:

Pie xx
Soon2be, we are just going out for lunch for my bd, don't really feel up to much more than that!!

Ava, have added you on facebook, Finlay is soooooo gorgeous, an absolute sweetpea, bet you can't wait to have him home :cloud9:

Pie glad you had a good hol, sorry to hear about the bite, are there any tests you can have straight away? I am sure you will be fine, try not to worry :hugs:
Thanks Golcarlilly but there aren't any tests (blood tests even) that can give you a yes/no answer, I need to STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE! As what they say Lyme Disease can do to the unborn baby is horrible :(

Hope you have a fabby birthday !!! :) :) :)
I am sure it is very rare though? try not to worry and yes, you must stop googling, it makes a headache into a brain tumour!
soon2b6 and Meerkat - he's eating up a storm! It's still through a tube, but he's now up to 25ml every 2 hours! Thankfully the expressing is still going well!

Pie - yes (to your first question!) and no (to your second!). They don't commit to anything like a timescale, I presume because things with babies change so quickly, and they don't want to disappoint parents. But things are definitely going in the right direction now, it's so exciting to see him improve a little every day :cloud9: Our little hero :baby: Try not to worry about the tick bite, was it a tick or a midge? I know on the west coast those midges are ridiculous. Let us know how you get on with the doctor. :hugs:

Gol - thanks :hugs: We're just so in love with him! I didn't imagine I could feel that way ... the second we heard him cry (before we even saw him), we were blubbing - it's so overwhelming! No wonder you don't feel up to more than lunch, won't you be nearly 40 weeks by then? Who knows, maybe you'll be celebrating more than one birthday that day!!

I had a terrific (and terrible) day on Saturday! I got my first skin to skin :cloud9: - wow! He was amazing, he just lay on my chest, trying to hold on with his little hands, I could have stayed there all day. Just an amazing feeling, and we're going to try and do it every day. Then later that day I got my BP checked - it was really high and they admitted me again!! They've upped the dose of my meds, so we'll see how that goes. I got out on Sunday so at least it was just one night.

Yesterday we tried the skin to skin again, but he was due a feed and was really hungry. As the nurse said "Mum's going to be gummed to death!" because he kept trying to feed! We put him to the breast just to see what he would do, and he went straight for it, latched on right away! The nurse was so chuffed (and so were we!). So today when I ask, I'm going to make sure he's already been fed so that we can just enjoy the cuddle. So cute though and what a little star!! Really reassured me that when the time comes, he'll know what to do :happydance:
Is it being pregnant?

What you wrote, Ava, about the skin-to-skin contact ... I was almost blubbing!!!!
Me too Marleys!!!

Are they not having you bf cos he is so little yet Ava? sorry you had to get admitted again but glad you are ok now, are you on meds for your BP?

I feel really odd today, I feel really nauseous and have low back ache - could they be signs I wonder?
Hi ladies hope you are all keeping well.

Pie, hopefully it's not a tick bite and just a mozzie bite and you'll be in the clear.
Glad to hear you had a nice break.

Ava - great to hear you got to hold Finlay, sounds like he is doing really well, fingers crossed he'll be home soon. Hope your BP stays in check too.

GOL- is today your birthday? If so Happy birthday! If not then happy almost birthday!

Welcome sandollar.

All fine with me counting down my days to Mat leave, not sure what i'll do to keep myself busy!

My non work day today so i'm off to buy things like bottle sanitizers, sheets and look at breast pumps!
99 days left to go!!!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Wrote a long list of things I have left to get ... most of it is small stuff (breast pads etc), but I'm now hunting eBay for a secondhand baby monitor, having discovered how much they cost!

eta - Yayyyy, got one for an acceptable price!
Marleysgirl congrats on reaching double figures!!

Tillymum, thanks, my bd is Thursday :)

I need to try out my breast pump but am scared of starting my boobs off leaking cos they haven't done as yet!
I need to try out my breast pump but am scared of starting my boobs off leaking cos they haven't done as yet!

Gol - Ah bless that made me laugh out loud (I'm at my desk at work Oops!).
Maybe :baby: will come early and arrive on your birthday! :haha: Not long now anyway, are you excited?

Avabear - I agree with Marely, in fact I almost :cry: every time I read any of your updates at the moment. It's lovely to hear he's doing so well x

Tillymum - Enjoy your shopping trip! I was wondering about how you pick a breast pump - not really the sort of thing you can 'try on' in the shop..

Marleysgirl - Congrats on the countdown from 100 :yipee:
PS Where did you end up getting your monitor from?

Pie - Try not to worry about the tick bite I'm sure it will be ok. The docs will give you some antibiotics or something I'm sure if there's a problem :hugs:
Tillymum - Enjoy your shopping trip! I was wondering about how you pick a breast pump - not really the sort of thing you can 'try on' in the shop..

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Marleysgirl - Congrats on the countdown from 100 :yipee:
PS Where did you end up getting your monitor from?

I've been hovering on eBay for about two days now, and managed to get a second-hand Tomy set for £14 (inc postage) this afternoon.
Hi All,

I'm the same with reading Avabear's posts! I well up and get all emotional!

I haven't a scooby what I will need for when the baby is born! Will have to find a list (am sure there is one on this forum!). We aren't doing anything to the house or buying stuff though till after the 20w scan (this FRIDAY Whoop Whoop!!) :)

Will nip onto EBay later as need to find some maternity stuff for work.

Marleysgirl - 99 days to go, that's brilliant :)

My docs appt went as expected. I was in tears (he looked shocked at how upset I was but after I'd STUPIDLY read what Lyme's Disease can do to a fetus I'd got myself in a right state). Anyway, he looked at my bite, which typically wasn't as red or inflammed looking as it had only half an hour later, then looked up Lyme Disease rashes on the internet (and i'm like hey only 50% of people get a rash!) and he just said to keep an eye on it, and because the tick had been on me for less than 24hrs it was unlikely i'd been infected (but the symptoms can take 30 days to appear).

I am a little bit calmer now but knowing what a horrible horrible disease it is makes it hard for me to be totally calm! Don't think i've cried so much since being pregnant! The baby was moving lots today though (still just flutters) so were probably being affected by my stress levels!

Anyways!!!! Am just away to post 3 baby cards for my friends - all boys too (must be something in the Aberdeen water Avabear - we have an Olly, a Joe and a Blain)

When did you all feel your baby kick properly for the first time?

Pie x
We aren't doing anything to the house or buying stuff though till after the 20w scan (this FRIDAY Whoop Whoop!!) :)

Pie x

Pie - Me too, and I'm sure you'll feel better about your bite after your scan on Friday when you see LO again. x
PS Let me know if you find that list... I need it too!!

Marleysgirl - Wow well done with the monitor, sounds a really reasonable price. I haven't even started looking at equipment yet, but maybe that will all change after my scan tomorrow..
Sorry for making you :cry: ladies!! But brace yourselves, an exciting Finlay update lies at the end of this post ... :happydance:

Gol - I'm expressing at the moment, because they are carefully watching how much he's having (they are feeding him my EBM, but through a tube for the moment), once that's sorted I should be able to breastfeed. I keep going down with these bottles - I'm doing about 80-100ml+ each session and when I got there Finlay has heaps in the freezer! Expressing is great because it keeps the production up as well so that when he's ready, I will be able to keep up with him. As for the BP I'm on the dreaded Atenolol but hoping that I will be able to come off with lots of lifestyle changes, it's not a huge dose. Fingers crossed.

tillymum - once mat leave starts, trust me, you'll manage to fill your days! I thought I'd be really bored but it goes by really fast!

Marleys - woo hoo for double digits!! :thumbup:

Pie - I felt Finlay kick at 20 weeks. Not sure if I felt something before and maybe just didn't realise what it was, but I was sure at 20 weeks. :)

Finlay's update ...

Went in yesterday lunchtime and ... he was wearing clothes! He couldn't before, because he had a drip in, but they took that out and he was dressed!!! And as if that wasn't enough, when we came back after supper, he'd had his cannula removed and he was out of the incubator and into a cot! This morning, he's gone up to 30ml every 2 hours, he's just doing great :baby: Now that he's in the cot, we can have lots of cuddles, and even my Mum will get a cuddle from him now! :cloud9:
:hi: everyone!! Mind if I join you? I'm 36 and expecting our first at beginning of November. Having a heck of a time 'connecting' with the pregnant moms in my antenatal(sp?) group as they are all beginning or mid 20's and think I am the grandma of the group!! (thanx!lol)

We're expecting a boy and we've had a pretty easy pregnancy till now...have had the stomach flu for the last 2 days and its wiped me out emotionally and physically. Feel like I've run a marathon. Beanie has been very active during my bathroom visits! Think he hates the action as much as I do!

Hiya Acer, and welcome to the group :D

Is this your first baby?

I know what you mean about being surrounded by younger mums - I don't get official antenatal classes until 35 weeks, but there are drop-ins organised by the local SureStart ..... I haven't braved them yet, I'm scared they'll all think I'm a grandma too!

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