'Older Mums' buddies thread!

:hi: Hello, can I join too? I know I'm a bit late joining this thread, but I'm 38 and expecting my first baby, who seems very active at the moment!

Due to start antenatal classes on the 16th August, don't know what to expect and whether I'll feel really quite old or not! x
Hello Snowy, I've seen you around the other areas of B&B, glad you found us "older mums" eventually!

Nice to see your antenatals start in August - I've had a moan elsewhere about mine not starting until I'm 35 weeks, which strikes me as a little late! Oh well, at least I won't forget what I learn ...
Hi everyone, its been a bit busy on 'ere!
Ava, Wow in a cot is real progress, they must be thinking about sending him home soonish hopefully. FX.
Hello Acer and Snowy and welcome. I never did antenatal classes with any of mine so I dont really know what they are like. Hope you feel better soon Acer.
Nice to see your antenatals start in August - I've had a moan elsewhere about mine not starting until I'm 35 weeks, which strikes me as a little late! Oh well, at least I won't forget what I learn ...

35 weeks does seem a bit late, but as you say one benefit is it will all be very fresh in your mind. It remains to be seen whether I will find it beneficial or not, being my first I considered I might learn something. Will give an update once I've been.
Hi Acer welcome to the thread! (sorry only just seen your post!)

Ava what fab news!!! OOh fingers x'd he can come home very soon :hugs:
Hi Snowy!

Oh, I am so nervous, I have a "morphological" scan tommorrow - which I assume is to make sure everything is growing as it should be. I'm so terrified they find something (I think I was reading way too many sad stories)...
Hi Acer and Snowy and welcome to the grannies! :winkwink:

Ava - Ah the news just gets better and better, it can't be long before he'll be home! So pleased for you x

Marley - I know what you mean, my antenatal classes start at 34 weeks, seems very late really.

Does anyone else go to other antenatal things, such as yoga or aquanatal etc? I have no clue as to what I should be doing. :nope: I feel like there's a bit of an abyss between my scan tomorrow and the antenatal classes in November!!
Hi everyone.

Just back from my holidays on Saturday - had a lovely time - so glad we decided to take the holiday before bump gets too big and heavy!

Avabear - huge congratulations on the arrival of little Finlay! It sounds like he is doing brilliantly and won't be too long till he's home with you. Well done on the expressing too.

Won't be long till we have some more announcements from this group either - Golcarlilly and Tillymum won't be too much longer! How exciting!

Happy birthday on Thursday Gol!!

Welcome to all of the new people and congrats on your pregnancies!

Hope everyone else is well - good luck to those who have scans coming up soon, looking forward to pictures!
Hi Pol, glad you had a good holiday.
Meerkat, Im not doing anything "proper" antenatally, no classes no yoga or whatever, but I am thinking I may go to see an osteopath to make sure everything is lined up properly for the birth (pelvis/spine), but I havent even decided on that yet.
Szaffi, Hope your scan goes well, Im always apprehensive at scan time.
Wonderful news AVA you must be on :cloud9: your posts are making me really excited to meet my little one! What is the name of the breast pump you got cos I haven't got a clue what to get!
And Meerkat :rofl: at the thought of trying one out in the shop - I'm sure mothercare would raise a few eyebrows if I brought one into the change room! Then decide I don't want it :-)

Welcome Acer and Snowy hope all is going well so far in your pregnancies.

I've got my first antinatal class this saturday as I turn 37wks - I was a little too laid back when it came to booking it, my MW nearly dropped when I told her I hadn't booked anything a month ago and ordered me to make a booking after my apt!! It's an all day class so i'm hoping it will show us the basics of what to expect! I'm also doing a breastfeeding and pain in labour class next monday.

Also heard today that the new midwifery unit/ward is opening at our local hospital on the 12th of august so might be delivering in nice new clean surroundings

Scaffi hope everything goes will with your scan, it's easy to become worried when you read bad news. Fingers crossed your LO is perfect.

Polaris - glad you had a nice break.

GOL any movement or signs of a birthday arrival? hope you are doing ok.

pIE -glad your doctor gave you some reassurance!

I'VE GOT 3 DAYS LEFT AT WORK :happydance:
Yayyyy Tilly - you finish work and then start immediately with the A/N classes! You can tell us all what they're like ....

I'm currently looking at the Avent Isis manual breast pump - I'm only planning occasional use, and it does well in the reviews. ETA - woohoo, got an eBay bargain again!
Hey guys - wow its been busy on here the last few days!!!! :wave: acer and snowy and anyone else new! welcome :wave:

Gol that sounds promising - could beeee..... are you 'all set' (as much as one can be?!?)

Ava that sounds so wonderful about how well Finlay is doing - he'll be home in no time and gumming his little head off :hugs:

Pie I hope you're okay - STOP GOOGLING!!! I think it is really rare and they are keeping an eye on you by the sounds of it - I'm sure all will be just fine, it must happen all the time.

I've probably missed loads of news - glad you had a good holiday Polaris! We are off to Cornwall and Dorset in a few days, be great to have a little break and glad it's now as well. Although I'm kind of getting fed up of people expressing total surprise when they learn I'm pregnant - genuine open mouthed 'really?!?!?!' reactions .... not sure why .... is it cos I is old?!?! or cos of work? (i'm on a training programme and 'most' people wait till they're finished, but most people on it are between 25-30!) or cos I just look a bit podgy and not pregnant? In any case, it's starting to 'p' me off just a bit ........

Well finally getting round to clearing out the room for the nursery - well OH did whilst off work last week - its now painted, 3 walls a sort of sagey green colour and one bright yellow!! Now we just need to paint the woodwork, get the ceiling plastered and coving put up, get new carpet .... oh and get all the bits and bobs over from SIL's ....... good grief, so much to do .......... (we're still in the midst of getting the rest of the house decorated as well ........) Who has time to go to work ?!?!
breast pumps sound kind of scary ........... ! stupid question but do you only need them if expressing?
thnx everyone for the warm welcome! :wave:
as for the classes I had the first 'meet and greet' last week(yawn!!). Its REALLY starting this Thursday and every Thursday for the next 8 weeks...1and1/2 hrs each nite. I honestly do not know what to expect!! When I'm done these I theoretically have another 7-8 weeks till I'm due so either I forget everything or I miraculously remember to breathe whilst pushing!hehehe...we'll see!

i am doing yoga which is doing wonders for my back and also swimming 3x a week...well, its more of a floating on my back kind of swimming...lol...can't be arsed to move most of the time! And we hop on our bikes alot in the evening when OH is home. sounds like alot but really its not...I spend the rest of the day doing not a hell of alot so I reeeeeally need to get the excercise for my back probs.

Anyone else around the 26th week and still don't have the walls of the nursery built?:wacko: My OH keeps saying it won't take THAT long and I know that once he gets started it'll be done in no time...but still!! I'm dying to start decorating!! tee hee!! first baby-maybe only baby- so I'm going all out on the LO's jungle-themed room!lol

Hope you're all having a good day!!!(i am...stomach flu is gone!!!:happydance:)
Ellie - Generally yes - I have heard they can also be used to simply express if you are suffering from really swollen breasts, to ease the discomfort, but discarding the milk .... Or you could use the old-fashioned remedy of cabbage leaves in the bra!

Ladies, I could be on telly soon ...... There was a link on the HIPP baby newsletter a week ago about Renegade Pictures making a documentary about how pregnancy affects women of different ages. Their researcher is coming out for an initial interview this afternoon!
Wow another BnB media star!!! (What with Shadowrat on the radio too I mean) That should be quite fun.
Good on you Acer for being so fit and healthy, itll stand you in good stead for labour. Lol the nursery walls thing, its often the motivation thats the problem and the job is simple ,I ve got lots of that kind of thing to be done here too!!
Ellie, breast pumps are really good if you intend to express or like Marleysgirl says if you get engorged breasts. I found the electrics worked best with me but expressing to give via a bottle hasnt ever really worked well for me, so I just BF. Your Nursery is coming on Ellie!!!!
Gol, in case I forget (which I could, it has been known!!) Happy Birthday for tomorrow and wishing you a very special birthday present:dust:
OOh Marleys that would be fab to be on tv!! let us know when it will be on won't you?

Thanks soon2be :)
Polaris - Nice to see you back. Glad you enjoyed your hols!

Soon2b6 - Do you usually see an osteopath? Or just during your pregnancy?

Marleysgirl - Good luck this afty, you dark horse you!!

Acer- I also love the jungle theme. Would it matter if it turns out to be a girl? They have girls in the jungle too dont they! :laugh2:

I just got back from my scan!!! Aww it was so lovely to see LO again, leaping around as before but this didn't seem to cause a problem with the measurements etc. The sonographer was lovely and talked us though everything she was doing and we could both see the screen clearly all the time which was fab.

:baby: is developing as expected and everything looks good. The only thing is that the placenta is close to the exit so I have to go back for another scan at 35 weeks to make sure it's moved so LO can get out ok. The sono seemed to think it prob would move by then and said not to worry. Hmmm..

If it doesn't she said I may have to have a c section. :shock: Not sure I like the sound of that. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. DH said I shouldn't worry about it and I mustn't spend all day googling to find out all the possible scenario's. I haven't yet...

Anyway, we're still on team yellow and the baby looks like Skeletor, so that's lovely :rofl: Oh and he/she was yawning a lot - Ideal, I shall take this as a sign that my baby likes to sleep. :thumbup: Just like me!!

Apologies for thr format of my pics, I'm still getting the hang of compressing files :dohh:


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