Polaris - Nice to see you back. Glad you enjoyed your hols!
Soon2b6 - Do you usually see an osteopath? Or just during your pregnancy?
Marleysgirl - Good luck this afty, you dark horse you!!
Acer- I also love the jungle theme. Would it matter if it turns out to be a girl? They have girls in the jungle too dont they!
I just got back from my scan!!! Aww it was so lovely to see LO again, leaping around as before but this didn't seem to cause a problem with the measurements etc. The sonographer was lovely and talked us though everything she was doing and we could both see the screen clearly all the time which was fab.

is developing as expected and everything looks good. The only thing is that the placenta is close to the exit so I have to go back for another scan at 35 weeks to make sure it's moved so LO can get out ok. The sono seemed to think it prob would move by then and said not to worry. Hmmm..
If it doesn't she said I may have to have a c section.

Not sure I like the sound of that. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. DH said I shouldn't worry about it and I mustn't spend all day googling to find out all the possible scenario's. I haven't yet...
Anyway, we're still on team yellow and the baby looks like Skeletor, so that's lovely

Oh and he/she was yawning a lot - Ideal, I shall take this as a sign that my baby likes to sleep.

Just like me!!
Apologies for thr format of my pics, I'm still getting the hang of compressing files