Hello everybody! Haven't had time to post for a while, got a lot to catch up on!
Hello, can I join too? I know I'm a bit late joining this thread, but I'm 38 and expecting my first baby, who seems very active at the moment!
Welcome Snowy

It's so lovely feeling them wriggle about, isn't it?
I have a "morphological" scan tommorrow
Hope it went well, Szaffi
Polaris - glad you enjoyed your holiday, as you say, once you get big it's much more difficult!
What is the name of the breast pump you got cos I haven't got a clue what to get!
Mine is a medela swing. It's really good, but once I bought it I discovered I could have hired one from the hospital for a £10 deposit! It's handy anyway, and pretty easy to clean. Don't think I could ever go back to hand expressing now, it's so much faster with a pump! How did your AN classes go?
Ellie - congrats on starting the nursery! It makes it feel totally real, doesn't it? Oh and about people's reactions, I remember when I was pregnant someone said to me, "I hear congratulations are in order, was it planned or unplanned?" People are really odd sometimes

As for the pump, they're not scary at all

and you can always hand express ... I think though if you plan to BF you might find that there are times when you want hubby or grandma to feed the LO, or you might have a night out ... or like me, I don't want to BF in public, so will take some EBM with me in a bottle. If it's quite rare that you'll need to express milk, I'd just get a manual pump.
Acer - we were still doing our nursery at week 35

We finished it, and less than 2 weeks later Finlay was born!!! I love the jungle theme, any chance of some photos when you're finished?
Marleys - so exciting that you'll be on the telly box!! Let us know when it will be on, can't wait to see it!!

Oh and sounds like you're nesting to me
Meerkat - congrats on the scan!! Don't worry if you do have to have a section, it's really not a big deal. The team who did mine were great and did a fantastic job. Hopefully though the cord will move up and you won't have to worry about it.
Gol - a very belated happy birthday! Hope you had a great day
CSunshine03 - welcome to the thread

It's a haven of common sense in here

Sorry you didn't manage to surprise hubby, for all men can miss just about everything (well at least mine can), sometimes they are surprisingly perceptive!!
Tillymum - congrats on the ML!!!! Relax and enjoy
Pie - congrats on the scan. Nice to know that they don't consider us to be older mums till 38, we both skated under the radar there didn't we?!
Seity - welcome!
soon2b6 - wow 6lbs already? A nice healthy bouncing baby!
Our news ...
Finlay had his feeding tube removed on Monday (was his last tube) ... and today we go to Parentcraft ... Finlay is coming home this week!! Should be Thursday, we stay at Parentcraft for 2 nights then he is discharged and our little boy will finally be coming home!
Parentcraft is a great thing, we get a room at the hospital where we stay with Finlay and look after him, but we are still in the unit, so we can get support from the staff. You can stay 1 night or 2, and we're going for 2 since it's our first baby. I can't wait, I'm just off to pack up our stuff and do some last minute tidying, because the next time I'm in the house, our little boy will be with us
Oh and we tried BF last night - Finlay was a PRO!! He knew exactly what to do and latched on right away. I need a bit more practice, but he was fantastic!