Ava -

Fantastic news about Finlay you must be so excited to get him home, sounds like he's doing really well too, it's brilliant that you get to spend your first 2 nights with him in the hospital too.
Marleysgirl - Good luck with your filming - how cool is that! and hope everything goes well with your scan tomorrow.
Welcome Seity and Csunshine
Well i'm officially on maternity leave - woo hoo! and today is my first day of deciding 'ummm what will I do today?' and i'm making the most of it too
I did my 3 pre-natal classes which went really well, and I feel so much more prepared for what is ahead.
The 'all-day' class on Saturday was shortened due to swine flu precautions, but the covered the necessary stuff like the stages of labor, what to expect, when to go to hospital, pain relief options and after the birth. Unfortunately as the class was shortened they didn't do the parenting class but they did say that they go through everything in the hospital after the birth and have a good home support system too which i'm relieved about. DH found it very useful too - as I think he was starting to stress about what to do and what to expect, and he's grateful for being a male! I was hell bent on getting an epidural before the class, but now I think i'll see how it goes, and try out the other pain relief options.
Yesterdays classes were excellent too, I did a class on self help skills for labor, which covered exercises, breathing, relaxation and pelvic floor exercises pre and post birth, and what to expect down there after the birth and how to treat it - all a bit gross, which to be honest if you knew about it before you became pregnant you might think twice

, though i'm glad I now know what to expect.
Then I did a breast feeding class, which was really good and I feel more prepared for that too, and how to hold the baby etc, so now and I'm to give it a try. The MW did say that there is no need to bring a breast pump or bottles to the hospital as they supply everything while you are there, which was good to know. And she advised not to use a breast pump for 2 weeks after the birth (unless you have a prem baby) as it can cause over production of milk, so i'm going to wait until after i've had junior before I buy a pump in case, baby doesn't latch on or I don't produce enough milk.
So all in all I'm in a very calm and relaxed mood right now - Im off to buy an exercise ball to encourage baby to drop!