'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Absolutely fantastic news about Finlay going home next week!!!!!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Ava FAB news about Finlay coming home :happydance: and congrats on the BF!! bet you are over the moon!! :hugs:
Ava :hugs: That is fantastic news!!!! I had been wondering how you were all doing.

C sunshine - 10lb 6oz :huh: OMG, toddler indeed!! no I would like a BABY please!! LOL
Ava -:happydance::happydance: Fantastic news about Finlay you must be so excited to get him home, sounds like he's doing really well too, it's brilliant that you get to spend your first 2 nights with him in the hospital too.

Marleysgirl - Good luck with your filming - how cool is that! and hope everything goes well with your scan tomorrow.

Welcome Seity and Csunshine:hi:

Well i'm officially on maternity leave - woo hoo! and today is my first day of deciding 'ummm what will I do today?' and i'm making the most of it too :-)

I did my 3 pre-natal classes which went really well, and I feel so much more prepared for what is ahead.

The 'all-day' class on Saturday was shortened due to swine flu precautions, but the covered the necessary stuff like the stages of labor, what to expect, when to go to hospital, pain relief options and after the birth. Unfortunately as the class was shortened they didn't do the parenting class but they did say that they go through everything in the hospital after the birth and have a good home support system too which i'm relieved about. DH found it very useful too - as I think he was starting to stress about what to do and what to expect, and he's grateful for being a male! I was hell bent on getting an epidural before the class, but now I think i'll see how it goes, and try out the other pain relief options.

Yesterdays classes were excellent too, I did a class on self help skills for labor, which covered exercises, breathing, relaxation and pelvic floor exercises pre and post birth, and what to expect down there after the birth and how to treat it - all a bit gross, which to be honest if you knew about it before you became pregnant you might think twice :shock:, though i'm glad I now know what to expect.

Then I did a breast feeding class, which was really good and I feel more prepared for that too, and how to hold the baby etc, so now and I'm to give it a try. The MW did say that there is no need to bring a breast pump or bottles to the hospital as they supply everything while you are there, which was good to know. And she advised not to use a breast pump for 2 weeks after the birth (unless you have a prem baby) as it can cause over production of milk, so i'm going to wait until after i've had junior before I buy a pump in case, baby doesn't latch on or I don't produce enough milk.

So all in all I'm in a very calm and relaxed mood right now - Im off to buy an exercise ball to encourage baby to drop!
So happy for you Ava! sounds like its all falling into place! (and I'll get piccies up as soon as we are even REMOTELY close to finishing...that could be weeks still tho!lol. think it'll end up like you guys-last minute renovation!)

Marleysgirl...have fun in front of the camera today!

sheesh...hard to keep up on here!! lol. Can't remember who said it but the comment "its a haven of common sense in here" sounds exactly like what i need today!! Have been reading too many books and too much internet crap lately and have started stressing....big time. Yesterday evening I had to forced myself to clear my head...wandered aimlessly through the garden(we have a big property) and ended up sitting for an hour watching a hedgehog munch on his dinner. I read about BFing, I read about babies not sleeping, about realtionships on the brink because of newborns...and even tho I know that all is well with DH and me...I am FREAKING!!! :( Silly...but please, someone in this safe haven of knowledgeable beings...tell me its normal ((even at our age!!!LOL)) to be p*ssing my pants!! I have run a successful business, dealt with thousands of people from around the world....but the thought of having this little being dependant on me....EEEEEK!!!

OK...rant over..phew..just needed to get it out before i explode! Thanx for listening!

(Tillymum....*sigh* I wish I was in the place you are now...realxed and comfy!! Good for you!)
You ladies are the best!!!! I mean that!

You all ROCK!

Ava so happy for you! BF can be very trying at times. LOL just hang in there you will soon have all the practice you'll need. LOL

Oh and about my friend she went on to have another baby after the wopper. LOL but he was only about 8lbs LOL I wouldn't have another one. :wacko:

Nothing new here just ready to go for my scan and it's so far away!!:growlmad:

You ladies towards the end are so fortunate!! I wish I was there! Well maybe not I really like the 2nd Tri part, cause then people know you pg and it's a bit more fun. LOL

Good luck and enjoy the rest of you pg.
Hi everyone.

Ava - I'm so pleased to hear that Finlay is coming home soon. The parentcraft sounds like a really good idea, you get to be with him but have the safety net of all of the medical staff on call if necessary. That's brilliant news that he's taking to BF so well.

Tillymum - yay for maternity leave! Glad that the antenatal classes were good, you sound really well-prepared and ready for baby.

Acer - I actually think for me it has still not properly sunk in that I'm going to be taking home a little baby in November. I mean I know I'm pregnant, I feel very bonded with baby inside of me and love feeling movements etc, but it's still going to be such a huge change when he/she is finally here. I have my moments of panic too, believe me! I think it is only natural, but I'm sure we will be absolutely fine when it comes down to it. I know what you mean about being a bit older, it can feel like everyone thinks you should know everything because you're in your 30s whereas in actual fact I haven't a clue about babies!

Marleysgirl - hope the filming went well - keep us informed!

Csunshine - hope the first tri goes by nice and quickly for you. I remember so well how much time dragged by in the early days. At least you don't have too long to wait till your scan though.

Hope everyone else is well.
Ava - That's great news about your baby!

Marleysgirl - Have fun with the filming. Very exciting.

Csunshine - I know what you mean, this first trimester is just dragging on. I have a dating scan tomorrow, so I really hope to see the heartbeat and that everything is OK with the little one. Assuming all is well, we plan to tell our parents the good news. After that we can decide if we'll start telling friends or not. Knowing my husband, I'm thinking we'll tell.
Seity you should be able to see enough to confirm and quiet all your anxieties. LOL I am sitting here wishing the next three weeks away. LOL so I can have a pic of our lo. I have told a few people but not many. I told my Dad and his wife my two best friends and a couple other special people but I won't be sharing with many more until I get past the 12wk mark.

DH wont tell anybody. LOL he is a very private person and doesn't share with many people.
I did a class on self help skills for labor, which covered exercises, breathing, relaxation and pelvic floor exercises pre and post birth, and what to expect down there after the birth and how to treat it - all a bit gross, which to be honest if you knew about it before you became pregnant you might think twice :shock:, though i'm glad I now know what to expect.

Tillysmum - Makes me wince just thinking about it :ignore: I shall put it out of my mind for the time being!
PS Its good that you said your OH found the classes useful, I was wondering about that.

Ava - :happydance::happydance: Wow fantastic news about Finlay coming home!! I'm sooo pleased for you chick x

Hi Seity and welcome :hi: Bet you can't wait to tell the parents your fab news!

Marleysgirl - Good luck with everything - there's a lot going on this week for you isn't there!

Acer - I think you're right it's scarey being a first time mum and especially at our age after all these years of freedom to do whatever we want. And maybe its also the fear of the unknown. :shrug: But I think the fact that you're even thinking about it shows that you'll be a lovely caring Mum :hugs:

Csunshine - The first tri drags like nothing else doesn't it. TBH, even now I feel as if I've been pg for an eternity already and I'm not even halfway yet!! :haha:

Hope everyone's well! I'm cream crackered this week for some reason, might be because we had a busy weekend at the inlaws. Thankfully me and DH have a week off work next week. So if the weather is kind we'll hopefully be able to get some sailing in and some long summer walks... Not holding my breath then!!
Well, I hope that I portrayed "older mums" in a good light during yesterday's interview! I was asked things like what I think the advantages are of being older, and what the drawbacks might be, whether I think my age has affected things, stuff like that.

Today was meant to be more interviews and filming of my scan, but the crew have had to high-tail it to the other side of the country as one of the other interviewees has gone into labour! Good luck to her, don't think I'd want to be filmed at that point!

Hopefully they'll return in the next week to conclude, but we're going to attend the scheduled scan anyway as it's important for us and baby. It'll be interesting to see if he's still measuring small, or whether he has indeed had a major growth spurt - it certainly feels like he has to me :happydance:
Thanks Meerkat we spend all this time wishing it would go faster in the ttc months and then the first few month we are actually pg and then at the end we don't want it come because we'll miss out bumps in our tummy's LOL typical woman can't make up her mind. LOL

Marley sounds like you had an eventful day.

Me just went home last night made the biggest pot of spagetti and had two helpings. LOL I saved some for lunch today as well. LOL

I am so hungry atm hope I can hold off until lunch I forget to pack me snacks. I have an apple that I must bring back from lunch with me!

Nothing much else going on here just the normal 1st tri wishing it would speed up. LOL

Hope you ladies are having a lovely day!
For today's scan we had three doctors and two midwives - I think it was the excitement of a film crew being there! But the crew got diverted to another mum-to-be, and the doctors seemed kinda disappointed ....

Beanie is just fine - he's still small, measuring around 25 weeks (two weeks behind) but growing appropriately. My placenta & the amniotic sac are both looking good too. They're switching me onto fortnightly scans now.

Scan piccy, in his "I'm going to be a boxer" pose ...

Thats good news then if baby is growing appropriately, lovely clear picture, I wont be messing with him,LOL. Shame about the tv bods not filming your scan today. I dont think I would want a camera crew at the birth either.
Glad to hear the baby is growing like it should. I got my scan today, so I made the scan picture my avatar. I'm right where I expected to be and there was a nice strong heartbeat, so we've told the family and friends.
Marleysgirl - lovely scan pic, good news that baby is growing and that placenta is looking healthy. LOL at the doctors wanting to be on TV!

Seity - congrats on your scan results. Such a good feeling that everything is going well. How did your family and friends react to the news?
OOh every time I come on here we have more newbies! Welcome one and all!! :)

Marleys the scan pic is fab! I am so jealous you get to see you LO so often!! Have you found out when documentary is scheduled to be aired yet? I am so excited to see it!

Nothing to report from me yet, had MW appt yesterday and all is well, LO is 3/5 engaged which is good especially with it being my second but that's it! she didn't mention anything about a sweep which I am pleased about cos I don't want one! She suggested I mention that it is my due date when I see the mw for my cupping on Friday cos they can apparently use the treatment to help bring on labour - worth a try!

Hope everyone is ok today :)
Marleys girl - Glad to hear your scan went well, v. cute pic - will the film crew come along to your next scan? Your LO could be famous before he/she is even born!

Seity - congrats on the scan and seeing hb, it's always such a relief to see that it is where it should be and growing well.

Gol - what is cupping?

Got a class today on how to use a tens machine, and then getting one to rent from the hospital. Also seeing MW so hopefully baby is growing properly. I am also trying to see if she can book me in for a scan next week, as another MW seemed to think I need one about now as they should be checking to see if my fibroid has grown as could cause problems/obstructions at birth.

Hope all are well!
Gol, I suspect that "cupping" isn't what I think it might be - I'd have expected a homeopathist (sp?) to carry this out, rather than a midwife? I've got vague memories of Gwyneth Paltrow pictured after a cupping session, red circular marks on her back, it's meant to be an alternative to acupuncture .... Nah, you must mean something else, I reckon. Good luck for the next few days though, I hope things go as planned!

Don't hold your breath on the tellyprog ladies - I found out that it's not likely to be aired till very late in 09 or early 2010. By then I'll probably look back and go "You really had no idea" as I'll have had Beanie by then :rofl:

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