Proud and happy Mummy
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Here's my tuppence worth Gol! Hope it works and you come back with some baby news and piccys! xxx

I'm playing catch up again ...
As for us, Finlay came home on ThursdayHe's fantastic, has his Dad's calm temperament. The BF was really sore, so for now I'm expressing and occasionally BF with a nipple shield, but I don't want to carry on with the shield indefinitely because I've heard it can cause a reduction milk production, which I really don't want. Am hoping that I can build up to BF fully by continuing to express and gradually introducing BF a little at a time. Doing it at every feed was just really sore, which I know is partly down to my poor technique, it's certainly not his, he's brilliant, especially when you consider he's premature! He's happy to feed on bottle, breast or with the nipple shield - amazing really. Guess he just likes his grub whatever way it's presented to him! LOL!
Anyway he's getting on great, we're just about to pop him in the pram and go for a walk since it's a nice day.
Oh and on another happy note ... I put on 3 stone when I was pregnant but by the time I left hospital, 2 stone had gone (yes seriously, even with such a tiny baby!) and now I weigh only 11lbs more than I did when I fell pregnant (I think it's been all the running about), which is good, losing 3 stone was really daunting.
Right am caught up again, how do I always manage to fall so far behind?!!
Thanks - Hoping it is just a small baby, my MIL has said to me since the day she found out I was pregnant that I'll have a massive baby cos all DH's side have big babies, she even said it again this weekend - so I REALLY want to prove her wrong!
Where is this buddy thread you all keep talking about? Am I missing something? lol