'Older Mums' buddies thread!

hey guys! :wave:
back from sunny dorset (well some of the time anyway), it was great! had lots of fun, went out on several boat trips (angsted a bit about whether or not it was 'safe' particularly the speedboat trip round Padstow bay and the rib across the Jurassic Coast!) but did it and had great fun. Very relaxing! Except the car developed a wierd rattle which had to be fixed today .... I seem to have to take it in every couple of weeks, it's very very annoying :hissy: :hissy:

and so much has been going on! i can't work out how to view previous pages to catch up on everyone's news whilst typing .... :dohh:

C'mon Gol! we're all on tenterhooks! :rofl: the hamper is a good plan, I've heard that - you could be the one to find out if it's true :rofl:

Hope all goes well tonight Tilly - I'm sure it will. my SIL had something similar and had several growth scans in the last weeks and 'concern was expressed' but she felt that they were just being over cautious, in fact her LO has always been super healthy and scarily forward (he's now 2 1/2), they're still saying he's small for his age even now! Bloody statistics and figures ... not sure they always help ....
having said that I have my first MW appt on Thursday (since 8 wks anyway) I'm kinda worried as I don't really think I have a 'bump' that has grown much (I just look fat, at least that's what people say), and I'm not sure I can feel LO more than I could (he/she often has quiet days, then a few active days) - does anyone else find it hard to discern whether it's stronger or not? I'm probably concentrating too much on it and not keeping a journal to look back on and compare! (oops)

Ava that sounds so fantastic! You're doing brilliantly and you and Finlay sound so strong and determined and in love! Awww! You're an inspiration! :hugs:

And Hi :wave: Franny and other new people!
Hey that was my 1,000th post!!! does that deserve a :cake: heheh
So much going on, it's hard to keep up with it all.
FX'd you go into labor soon Gol!
Happy 1000th post ellie! Sounds like you had a nice trip.
Hi Ellie, and welcome back - I'm glad you had some good weather. Did you get a pasty whilst in Padstow? There's a delicious pasty shop on a corner .... years since I was there, but I bet it's still popular! Congrats on the 1000th post, btw, you gabby mare :D

I'm glad you mentioned your bump's activity level. Nobody's mentioned keeping a note of this to me, they simply ask "Is he still active?" when I go for my scans. Some days Beanie seems pretty docile, others I can feel him constantly - and I'm not sure whether that's his differing levels of activity, or whether he's just opting to punch a different (less sensitive) part of my body, eg behind the placenta!
Hey everyone! Wow you have all been busy chatting - nice to see this thread so busy!

Gol - still sending lots of labour vibes your way!!

Tilly - I hope the scan goes well, let us know how you get on.

Franny - Welcome to the thread, this is one of my favourite parts of B&B - everyone is just lovely!

Ellie - sounds like you had a lovely time. Good luck with midwife appointment on Thursday - I'm sure you are worrying about nothing, I am really only starting to look pregnant instead of just fat in the past couple of weeks. I know what you mean about baby's movement varying too - some days he/she seems really active but then other days much less. But it does also depend what position he/she is lying in. At the moment I'm getting lots of 'internal' kicks as though baby is kicking at the exit route, LOL! Somewhat uncomfortable actually, I preferred some of the other positions!

Csunshine - oh I remember so well how time drags by in those early days. But before you know it will be time for your scan.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Well today has been another mammoth EATATHON! There is not enough space, nor would I inflict the boredom of having to read my uninspiring menu, but I am beginning to worry about this. I mean, is it normal to feel CONSTANTLY hungry? I'm trying hard to be sensible and to eat healthily but sometimes I just want to eat rubbish. I'm getting my five a day with few problems, plus my calcium and protein intake is good but I'm simply eating too much. Any advice? Or should I just get on with the scoffing and worry about shifting the flab once I've given birth? I'm about to embark on my exercise regime again, having given up totally during first tri due to exhaustion and sickness, but am worried that exercise will just make me more hungry!

Whatever advice you can give will be gratefully received - and probably whilst I'm eating a sandwich of some description!
heheh @Franny - I was like that for a few weeks seems to have eased off now and am happy with just three meals. ALthough I would KILL for a chocolate eclair today - good job oh has the car or I would be going to tesco right now hehehehe

Sounds like a fab holiday Ellie and Gol - no news aarrgghhhhh must be sooo frustrating!!!!!!!

What happens if you go into labour in Harrods? or Tiffanys? hmmmmm worth a trip just to see maybe hehehe

I didnt get the dreaded call from the hospital yesterday (had bloods for downs taken 8 days ago they call 'in a week' if you are high risk and post letter if you are low risk) however I cant take the wait and uncertainty so I am calling them this morning - I jumped out of my skin every time the phone rang yesterday so decided to take the initiative.

My pre pg BMI was 24.5 I dont smoke NT measurements were 1.1mm and 1.4mm at 13+1 so only thing against me is my age (36) - keep everything crossed for me at 9am ladies xxxxxxxxxx
Franny - don't worry about the constant eating, we've all been there. Some of us (me) are still there! But I've found that I'm now having to shrink my main meals, I can't eat a whole plateful (squashed stomach), so I need to graze all day just to keep up my calorie intake. Honest. That's my excuse, anyway!

Vicky - I'm still crossing fingers for you, it's 9:40am, have you made the call yet? When you have, and you've jubilantly come on here and told us your statistical score, I'll scare you with mine .............
Hello Franny - I love the word EATATHON :haha: It eased off for me during tri 2 but now I get a bit hungry again, maybe boredom dunno, will have to watch it,he he. I try to walk as much as poss but I find that Im out of breath now in no time!! Yesterday took the childeren to the cinema and they (of course) wanted to have a seat at the very back, up looooooaaaaaads of stairs, I was not amused!! Excercising in tri 2 is a good idea I think, go for it!!
Vicky - hope your phone call went well this morning?
Ellie - holiday sounded good! but 1000 posts OMG well they say its good to talk,lol.
Tilly - how was the scan? Hope it put your mind at ease.

I have to see my consultant on Friday, should be discussing "the birth" and whether this baby is toooo big to come in the normal way or if it needs to be another c/section. I hope I can have a normal birth cause even though Ive had 2x c/s before (and there were no probs with the ops)for some reason the idea of a planned section terrifies me, oh well I will have to go with the flow I guess!!
Vicky - I'm still crossing fingers for you, it's 9:40am, have you made the call yet? When you have, and you've jubilantly come on here and told us your statistical score, I'll scare you with mine .............

Ooohhhhhh whats yours? I hate all the testing part of me would rather not know but then for armed and all that.

Well I called them at 8.10am (lol too impatient) and they put me through to the department and my summary hadnt been received from the lab - both the antenatal clince and the department that processes said I would have most likely heard after 8 days if I was high risk the processing lady said high risks were coming back in 2 days atm. Anyway the lovely lady said she will call the lab for me this morning and call me back to let me know but she said she is confident based on how long its been. Bless them eh - I feel a bit relieved but still not 100% but hey how damn statistics eh hehehehehehe
Morning ladies

Vicky good luck, hurry back and let us know how you got on :hugs:

Ellie glad you had a good holiday, welcome back and happy 1000 posts LOL

Franny I go through phases with eating, some days I can't stop, others I don't seem to be hungry at all, my advice is just go with the flow!

Thanks for all the labour dust and vibes everyone but still no sign of anything happening :( Have decided (with DH's persuasion) to just stay home now till LO makes his appearance, TBH I don't feel as confident driving now, my attention span is not very good so think I am better at home!!
Gol - if you're staying at home from now on, I hope LO doesn't take too long to arrive. There's only so much Jeremy Kyle & Judge Judy that a person can take .......

Vicky - I rated one of the worst Downs stats scores seen on here - a 1 in 5 chance. Our hospital doesn't do NT measurements, only quadruple blood tests. They offered us more testing (amnio) but we declined, we're optimistic buggers (or awkward buggers :D) and see the score as 4 in 5 chance of "not Downs". No soft markers have been spotted on the frequent growth scans, nor any other health issues. Doesn't matter to us, we'll love our Beanie regardless :hugs:
Thanks for all the support about the scan.:hugs:

It went really well, and you can now all officially call me 'Queen of worry for nothing!' Though DH and I are both very glad we got it done as it was very thorough and the Consultant took lots of time checking baby out and explaining everything to us.

So..... I'm not having a small baby - in fact he/she is already around 7lbs and could be 7-1/2lbs when born (approx).... but good news.... which I can't wait to tell MIL I'm NOT having a BIG baby either :haha:. Baby measured bang on where it should for my due date.
He said the fundal measurement can be very inaccurate and can change 10 mins after it's taken if baby changes position slightly - but it's good to get it checked out if there is concern.

Placental flow was great - no restrictions and is high so should cause no probs in birth. And amniotic fluid levels are good too. And my fibroids haven't grown and will cause no problems. The only thing he couldn't tell me is when he/she will decide to come out to play! So very relieved now, just have to go and buy raspberry leaf tea and eat some curries and bounce on my exercise ball a bit more.

Ellie - welcome back, sounds like you had a lovely time in Dorset, I love it around Padstow too. Hope your car isn't expensive to fix!

Vicky - hope you got good news on your phone call.

Franny - I went through constant hunger until around 16wks, then it came back about 2 weeks ago! Cheese and water biscuits are the only thing that works for me.

Re baby's movements mine always seems to go quieter for a couple of days then is very active - I reckon it slows down a bit with growth spurts.

Marley - IKEA was a nightmare yesterday, as it was raining here I think half of wales decided to decend on the place, and it was like a creche. - Not a place to go to when 38wks pregnant - didn't buy much either as couldn't wait to get out!
Great news all round Tillymum :) OOh you are a braver woman than me braving Ikea during the hols AND at your stage of pg!!!! DH calls it Hell on Earth LOL
That's good news Tilly - I bet you can't wait to stick it to your MIL :rofl: I'm sorry that Ikea wasn't so enjoyable though. I need to go and buy a cot mattress, but I keep putting it off as OH will want to come along too.

*makes mental note to continue going on really sunny days, to minimise level of kids!

Well, filming for the tellyprog is confirmed for tomorrow, with the hospital providing an extra u/s scan just for them - so my belly & Beanie will get their 15 minutes of fame! Must go de-fluff my belly button now :rofl:
soon2b6 - I've gotten myself a couple of books on breastfeeding so hopefully will manage soon! If I have to express all the time, then I will, but BFing would be so much easier - no sterilising! And Good luck with the consultant on Friday, hope you get the kind of birth you want :thumbup:

Meerkat - As for the weight, I have no idea where it went. Very odd. For 3 days they had me on NBM, then Finlay was born which would have taken care of some, and after he was born I was so stressed and running back and fore to the nursery (and missing meals in the process) so I guess it just fell off. Am about to start working on the rest, and I was overweight to begin with, so got plenty of work to do! LOL!

Vicky - Flynn is a lovely name. We had so much trouble picking a boys name, thank goodness I wasn't expecting twins! We'd never have managed to pick 2! And glad you didn't get the phonecall yesterday, fingers crossed they confirm that no news is good news when they call you back :hugs:

franny_k - welcome :) Oh and when I wasn't feeling sick, I was eating. I just rationalised it as my body being busy making a person so needed food. Not that I was a pig (also possible) LOL

Gol - Jeremy Kyle? Oh dear ... sending you extra strong labour vibes, childbirth has GOT to be better than Jeremy Kyle!!!

tillymum - Glad your scan went well, must have been a relief. Plus you get to prove MIL wrong - :happydance:

Csunshine - I might be asking your expertise about BFing then! Good to have an expert on hand. :thumbup: As fro the scan, it's really nervewracking waiting for it, I remember being really anxious. We'll just have to distract you till then!

ellie - holiday sounds lovely, your batteries will be all recharged now, just in time for 3rd tri! ;) Towards the end I kept count of kicks because I thought he'd gone quiet, turns out he was moving a lot more than I realised, it's amazing how much you feel when you really pay attention. Good luck with the MW :) And :happydance: for the 1000th post!

Marleys - tell us how it goes tomorrow with the filming, very cool! It's so exciting that you're going to be on telly!!
OOh Marleys, get your fake tan slapped on aswell girl LOL!! Happy filming!

Twin 1 - 1:4800
Twin 2 - 1:3700

I am sooo happy happy happy - am doing a jIg around the room whoop whoop whoop whoop
Yayyyyy Vicky

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Gol - fake tan? I just spent 13 years in Scotland, I'm used to the "pale and interesting" look :rofl:
Gol - thanks for the eating advice and am hoping that you have some movement soon!

tillymum and avabear- thanks - you've reassured me that I'm not a fat greedy bugger!

Vicky - that's fantastic news! I shall celebrate your news by eating some more Turkish Delight which i am ADDICTED to! Have my blood tests in two weeks and am beginning to feel nervous.

Marley - your post about the downs screening results was lovely and reassuring. I feel the same as you but OH feels very differently. Not sure I'd like to go through amnio but I'm not going to worry about it until/ if it happens.

Well, I'm off to have my eyelashes dyed! Been sat in the garden for past hour not doing any school work! I'm a teacher and for the last few weeks of term I was so ill that I couldn't do anything. Now the holidays are here all I've really done is sleep and I've got LOADS of departmental stuff to catch up on. Oh well, here's to getting it done tomorrow (which is what I said yesterday!)

Have a good day everyone!

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