'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Just been watching Baby Tales on the ol' Health channel .... Now I know how I want to give birth - on my knees, leaning on the head of the bed, literally pushing "down" rather than along. Someone remind me of this when I eventually write my birth plan please!
Yaay so pleased for you Vicky!!! :happydance: what fab news!

Marleys I am 'oop north where it's grim' so IKWYM about the pale and interesting look :rofl:
Oh ladies you have been very chatty the last few days!

Gol hope your feeling well! I remember the wait and I went over by two weeks:dohh:

Marley smile pretty for the camera! Love the scans!

Vicky :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: lovely news!

I know there are so many other ladies that I have missed sorry but still having that pg brain I need to remember to write the names down. :dohh:
Vicky thats great news!!! All these tests do put you through it dont they??!!
I have decided that I am not having any of those tests. I will take what ever God gives me. Sounds sappy I know but after last time I just know it will be ok. :thumbup:
congrats Vicki bet you're relieved - phew!:happydance:

Marley - good luck with your scan tomorrow - hope your LO isn't camera shy for his debut TV apperance!

Just been in M&S and a sales assistant dropped some glass and his colleague pointed to me and shouted outs 'look that poor woman might go into labour cos of the shock you gave her' .......ohhhh if it was only that easy :dohh:
csunshine, that doesnt sound sappy at all.
Tilly - if only!!! *looks left and right* if it does work though, let us know cause we might all give it a go!!LOL:winkwink:
csunshine, that doesnt sound sappy at all.
Tilly - if only!!! *looks left and right* if it does work though, let us know cause we might all give it a go!!LOL:winkwink:

Thanks soon2b6 I just feel that since we have been allowed to get pg again I'm not going to do anything to upset the balance. LOL
Vicky that's great news on your scan.
Marley -have fun with your scan tomorrow.
Gol - still sending you labor vibes.

This 1st tri is still crawling by for me. I was hoping it'd speed up a little after the first scan, but that doesn't seem to be the case. All I do is eat because I've been starving since I've found out 5 weeks ago. I'm amazed I haven't gained much weight yet.
I have decided that I am not having any of those tests. I will take what ever God gives me. Sounds sappy I know but after last time I just know it will be ok. :thumbup:

I think thats a fantastic attitude!!!! I wish I could be the same - not a clue what I would have done if I was high risk though - whether I would have amnio'd or not.

Ooohh Marley - excellent have a lovely Scan
Seity - I am finding time is flying by its mad to think I am 14.5 weeks already - especially as in my mind I will only go to 34 weeks so that means only 20 weeks left eekkkkkkkkkk - not enough time at all!!!!!!

Golily - no new STILL!!!!! Lord hehe sending you more vibes today xxxx

Franny - thats exactly how we were didnt know enough about downs or amnios pre tests and didnt want to fill my head with maybe unecessary data so we decided to make a decision when we were faced with it.

I have a genetic disorder in my family too which is very nasty (and would terminate if it was found) and I have my scan for that in two weeks - basically the part of the brain that grows the eyes disintigrates within months of birth and results in total vegetative state :cry: the only way to tell is by the presence of eyes at 16 weeks - soo thats our next hurdle. I am less worries about this one as as devestatingly unbearably awful it is there really is no decision to be made if the condition is found. 'sigh' anyway onto cheerier subjects. OH celebrated last night with a few beers (hes gone to work with a sore head lol) and I had a Ben and Jerrys cookie dough - YUM YUM YUM

I really really feel the need for a massive cookie today hmmmmmm
I am ready for my close-up, Mr de Mille ...........

If the docs at the hospital play ball, then I might have another scan photo to upload tonight :happydance:
Still on my week off with DH and not had chance until now to even turn my pc on! Sorry I've missed so much, I hope everyone is well. x

Just been in M&S and a sales assistant dropped some glass and his colleague pointed to me and shouted outs 'look that poor woman might go into labour cos of the shock you gave her' .......ohhhh if it was only that easy :dohh:

How funny! Imagine her face if you did!! :winkwink:

Gol - You still here hon? I thought for sure I'd have missed the birth announcement of baby Gol. Sending more labour dust your way and keeping fingers crossed for you that it happens soon :hugs:

Vicky - Congratulations on your results :happydance: that's fab news.

Marley - Hope it all goes well today. Looking forward to seeing the new scan pic.

Seity - Don't worry about feasting all day I did the same, I guess your body just needs more nourishment than usual. It's not so bad now and although I do get hungry it's nowhere near as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I'm just struggling with eating healthy food rather than chips!!

I had a routine obstetric appointment yesterday. The doc said due to my age (40) they won't let me go over my due date. So that was interesting and means that :baby: will be out this year and not next. My EDD is 28 Dec. He also said if my low lying placenta stays low they'll give me a c section the week before EDD which means LO will be born before Christmas! :happydance:

Hope everyone's well, must dash DH is calling me to take me out to lunch bless. Hope to pop back in later today if I can!
Meerkat - a Christmas baby - how cool!

Marley - good luck!

Got itchy hands and feet, so seeing the doctor today, hope it's not OC!

GOL - how you doing today?
MW appt was fine, she offered me a sweep and I declined - she was fine about it, said that there was no conclusive proof that any of them worked anyway and it was entirely my choice. My BP and urine are fine and LO has a strong HB so all is well. I am booked in for induction on Friday 21st August (I have to be 14 days over my date for our area apparently) unless lazy boy decides to show before then!!!
I hope your boy decided to make an appearance on his own soon Gol!

I ordered a doppler. :happydance: I normally wouldn't have spent the money, but my brother had sent me a gift certificate for amazon for my birthday, so I figured what the heck!
Oh good luck Gol hope it goes fast if he still hasn't made an apperance!

Meerkat glad you showed while on holiday with DH. LOL

Siety you don't have to justify purchases to us we all know how it goes.

Marley getting ready for your close up I see. LOL

Hope all you other lovely ladies are doing well today!

Vicky so do they still have to run the scan in the 16th wk even though your numbers are good? I actually had the tests run last time and they came back fine, but sadly I had a mmc at 15wk+5d and we did an amnio at that time and it didn't have any amnolities (sp)sorry. I have decided this time I wouldn't do it cause it hurt like **ll! Of course it was early so that might have had something to do with it and I was still pretty upset so :shrug:

Last night when I wiped I had some brown on the tissue. I didn't really freak out, oh who am I kidding yes I did. I went and found my friend and we talked about. It never turned out to be anything more that just that three times and only after wee and wiped. Can any of you give any advice on this?
Vicky so do they still have to run the scan in the 16th wk even though your numbers are good? I actually had the tests run last time and they came back fine, but sadly I had a mmc at 15wk+5d and we did an amnio at that time and it didn't have any amnolities (sp)sorry. I have decided this time I wouldn't do it cause it hurt like **ll! Of course it was early so that might have had something to do with it and I was still pretty upset so :shrug:

The scan at 16 weeks is for something different a genetic thing in my family they are basically looking for eyes. Ohhh 15+5 eekkk poor you - did you have a 12 week scan. Sorry for your loss :cry:

Last night when I wiped I had some brown on the tissue. I didn't really freak out, oh who am I kidding yes I did. I went and found my friend and we talked about. It never turned out to be anything more that just that three times and only after wee and wiped. Can any of you give any advice on this?

I had this at 6 weeks too - mon pm we had sex then tues am there was brown blood not a lot like you. The tues evening again but dark red. I went to GP tues (emergency appointment) and they send me to EPAU for a scan to check all was well. It was and they told me it was twins.

Bleeding is common in pregnancy and the advice I got was - wait and see - if its stops all good if it doesnt it could lead to misscarriage. Personally I would always get it checked if only for your own peace of mind. Maybe get the GP to refer you to an EPAU for a scan?
Csunshine - Its more of a justification for me. We're finishing paying off some debt, so there isn't any extra money especially as my OH doesn't work.
csunshine - I had bleeding like you describe in 2 of my pregnancies the first was a twin pregnancy also, but the twin had been lost. The second time (this time) they couldnt find any reason, but baby seemed good so that was fine. Its so worrying, but its also quite common and very often is absolutely fine. If you are still worried you should maybe go and see your doc/mw and get a scan.
I had a small amount of brown spotting at 11 weeks, they did an early scan and couldn't find a reason for it, if you are worried I would contact your EPAU to put your mind at rest :hugs:

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