'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Thank you so much ladies you have put my mind at ease! I have heard from the nurse and she is talking to the dr and will let me know if they want to see me. I am taking progesterone suppositories atm so she said that might have irritated my tissue so she didn't seem to be to concerned.

I am so glad I have you lovely ladies for all my fears. :hugs:
Not that I want to steal Gol's thunder, but my baby could be making an appearance before hers ......

Bit of a shock at the filmed scan today - the blood flow to the placenta is deteriorating. There was talk of admitting me then and there for monitoring, but they have opted to stick a needle in me (steroids) today & tomorrow, and they will re-scan on Friday morning to see how things are going.

This baby could be making an appearance in the next two weeks. We hope not, he needs to cook for much longer, but not if the oven isn't working properly. Will try and keep you all posted.

Makes me wonder what would have happened if I wasn't having these extra scans as he was fine at 20 weeks, would I/anyone have noticed that there are now problems? His heart is strong and he's still wiggling away.
Oh Marley hope everything goes well over the next few days! :hugs:

Just spoke with the nurse and the she said the dr says NO SEX!!!

DH isn't going to be happy about that one. LOL He hasn't had any for about a week now and he's about due to want it again. I can't be dtd until after my u/s and the reason they didn't have me come in today was that they wouldn't be able to see anything anyway. I am going to be sitting here wishing the next two weeks away!:dohh:
Marley how scary. An angel must have been watching over you to have those extra scans. I sure hope the steroids help and your LO gets some more time to develop.
Hi everyone,

I've a really hectic week this week so I'm sorry I don't have time to reply to everyone. I'm pretty stressed as well because it looks like I could be out of a job at the end of September. So I'm busy doing job applications and also trying to see if I can get maternity leave under my current contract. Trying not to stress too much about it, what will be will be.

Marleysgirl - so sorry to hear about the results of the scan. But what a good thing that you were having extra scans so that they found out about it. At least baby is getting steroids now, so if he does have to come early there will be less chance of problems. Hugs.

Csunshine - as the girls have said, it's probably nothing, lots of people get a small bit of bleeding in 1st tri. Just as well hubby does know about the pregnancy after all, it would be hard to enforce the sex ban otherwise, LOL. I'm sure everything will be fine but it is worrying for you of course.

Vicky - congrats on the test results. Hope everything goes well at the next scan, that sounds like a really horrible genetic condition, really hope your baby is OK though.

Gol - still sending labour vibes!!!

Everyone else - hope all is good with you all!!
Marley - thank goodness for that additional scan. Hope all goes well for you over the next few weeks.

Gol - well at least you have a date in mind now but fingers crossed that your LO decides to put in an appearance before then!

Csunshine - I had bleeding at around 9 weeks. Went to the dr and they sent me to A&E where I had a scan and all was well. They couldn't tell me why I was bleeding either. Sometimes after sex I've noticed brownish blood but if you're worried get it checked out for your own peace of mind.

Just been for a lovely walk with OH along canal. We try not to make our talk too much exclusively about baby but it was really sweet seeing how excited he is and how readily he is prepared to give up his study! Been feeling a bit bloated and unattractive for past few weeks but not really said anything to OH about it. TOnight he said that he's even more attracted to me now I'm pregnant and that I look really pretty at the moment. Made my week and I don't think he's lying! So I'm off to spend an hour watching TV and having a cuddle.
Morning girls

Gosh lots going on atm on here!!

Polaris hope your job situation improves, all industries are suffering atm aren't they? Not a good time for you, I know how it feels, the company I worked for went into administration whilst I was there for 3 months and it was extremely stressful :hugs:

Marleys really hope that the steroids work hun, must be very scary for you, so lucky that you have found out from the extra scans! Hang in there baby it's not time for you yet!! Sending you huge :hugs: keep us posted xx

Csunshine just tell DH better safe than sorry on the :sex: front!!

Franny my DH says he thinks I am very sexy pregnant!! I think a lot of men do find it very attractive - plus probably boosts their ego/manliness cos everyone knows they have 'got you up the duff' :rofl:

I am trying to keep cheerful today, feeling bit peed off that I am last out of my Flumpy Bumps group to have my lo :hissy: and fed up at the possibility that I will have to be induced again!!!
Well, baby is still wriggling away this morning, so he's not showing signs of giving up yet!
Morning ladies - just had an awful nights sleep so feeling dozy today!

Marleysgirl - hope you are doing ok :hugs:- Just think of it this way every day your LO stays inside you is a bonus, and neo natal care is excellent. At least as you say they spotted this and are keeping an eye on you and baby. I had threatened pre term labor at 26wks where I had to be admitted to hospital and given steroid injections, and I was very reassured of the amazing care they give to early arrivals. It's a worrying time for you and your OH though. and it's good that you are close to 30wks too. Glad to hear he's active today.

Gol - :hugs: he'll be here soon!

Polaris - Not sure how it works in Ireland but over here once you reach your 26wk of pregnancy your company has to pay full Maternity pay even if you loose your job. Is the company closing down or making redundancies?

C-Sunshine - Hope your spotting has cleared up. I had 2 bouts of brown spotting and 2 bouts of red spotting up until 14 weeks went to EPAU each time and all was ok, and look at me now ready to pop - so try not to stress too much (though easier said than done) DH and I didn't do the deed for the first 16wks! Bless him!

We'll i'm being tested for Obstetric cholestasis due to my hands and feet itching, should get the results tomorrow. If I have it I will probably be induced next week, though I'm really hoping I don't have it!
good luck for the test results Tillymum, hope you don't have oc, ooh if you get induced next week we could have lo's on same day!!

Just been sitting outside reading my book but have had to come in it is absolutely scorchio!!
Oh forgot to say - I mentioned it to my MIL that i'm not having a big baby and her response was "Oh it's official now is it! well if you go over due it could still turn out big!":saywhat:
OOh sounds like she just HAS to be right by hook or by crook!!!!

Yep! Well DH was 3 weeks late 9-1/2lbs and breech - and she had a natural birth, so she must be still traumatised 34 yrs later and must feel like it's only fair if I go through the same!!! who knows - I'm a lot smaller framed than she is!
Hello ladies I have to talk about this So thought I was over the rough spot. NO!! I went to the loo and when I wiped I felt a bulge. It appears that I have a prolapsed uterus. I freaked out and called the on call Gyno who was in emergency surgery so it took like forever for her to get back to me. She listened to my concerns and told me that there isn't anything that can be done as my pg progresses it will go up where it belongs and until then I just feel like I have something hang out my vaj-jay! Still I am scared. I will just take this one day at a time!:shrug:

Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Aww hun :hugs: I don't have any advice about this condition I'm afraid but hope you are ok and hope it sorts itself out quickly and doesn't cause you any pain, have they advised bed rest?
C-sunshine - My mum had this when she was pregnant with me, and it sorted itself out, she told me she was stressed out about it, but I'm living proof that it may have no effect on your little beanie - so hang in there and be positive!:hugs:
I hope I dont miss anyone, everyone has such BIG issues at the moment.
Polaris - hope the job scene improves, you dont need the stress just now:hugs:.
Marleysgirl, Wow, like Tilly says every day is a bonus and special care does seem very good for little babies now. Will be thinking of you and hope all goes well:hugs:.
Gol, must be a pig of a thing being the last one, maybe your body just cooks babies longer.:hugs:
Tillymum - I hope it isnt OC, but if it is at least you get to meet your baby a bit sooner than you might have done:hugs:.
Csunshine - I sont know anything about this but it sounds scary, it does make sense that as you go on and your uterus gets bigger, it will go back inside and probably fairly quickly, I hope it does anyway:hugs:.

I saw my mw yesterday and my monster has grown even more, Im getting a bit worried now I have to say. She measured me at 48 weeks, yes thats 48 not 38. My main worry is that the placenta is not designed to take a 48 week pregnancy. Baby is reasonably active but less so than it has been ( but like everyone says, hardly surprising cause of the lack of space) Im also a little worried that my previous C/section scar might not be able to take the pressure!! However Im trying to put it all out of my mind for now and I have an appointment to see the consultant t'moz so I can ask then. Oh and it seems they may have lost my GTT results GREAT!! but again we will see tomorrow, *sigh* feel better now.
Oh thank you ladies I am feeling more positive!

They haven't said anything about bed rest yet but they did say no intercourse. LOL When I told DH this he said well I haven't gotten it in the last two weeks so what would make me think I was going to get it now. LOL

I am not feeling real well atm I have a headache but I think it's stress so :shrug: I am trying not to take any tynelol so I might just have to break down and take some.
Thanks girls.
The job situation is a little bit complicated. Basically I am on a trainee contract which finishes at the end of September. Every other year, the trainee posts have automatically been upgraded to qualified posts since I will be fully qualified at the end of September (yippee!). But this year, because of the general state of the country/economy, it looks like there may not be enough jobs to go around and so they are holding a national competition, interviews at beginning of October. Not much good to me, as it will probably take months for anyone to be employed off the panel and I obviously wouldn't really be in a position to start work at that stage. So I am hoping that I can take my maternity leave before my current contract ends at the end of September, which would give me a bit of breathing space at least. I have been told by HR that it is 'likely' that my application for maternity leave will be approved even though my contract is officially due to finish at the end of September. So fingers crossed. I think it's just the uncertainty that gets to me a little bit. But I'm trying not to allow myself to get too stressed out about it.

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