I hope I dont miss anyone, everyone has such BIG issues at the moment.
Polaris - hope the job scene improves, you dont need the stress just now

Marleysgirl, Wow, like Tilly says every day is a bonus and special care does seem very good for little babies now. Will be thinking of you and hope all goes well

Gol, must be a pig of a thing being the last one, maybe your body just cooks babies longer.

Tillymum - I hope it isnt OC, but if it is at least you get to meet your baby a bit sooner than you might have done

Csunshine - I sont know anything about this but it sounds scary, it does make sense that as you go on and your uterus gets bigger, it will go back inside and probably fairly quickly, I hope it does anyway

I saw my mw yesterday and my monster has grown even more, Im getting a bit worried now I have to say. She measured me at 48 weeks, yes thats 48 not 38. My main worry is that the placenta is not designed to take a 48 week pregnancy. Baby is reasonably active but less so than it has been ( but like everyone says, hardly surprising cause of the lack of space) Im also a little worried that my previous C/section scar might not be able to take the pressure!! However Im trying to put it all out of my mind for now and I have an appointment to see the consultant t'moz so I can ask then. Oh and it seems they may have lost my GTT results GREAT!! but again we will see tomorrow, *sigh* feel better now.