'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Evening All :D

Csunshine, I have to say, your condition sounds extremely yeuch! I hope it sorts itself out soon.

Just back from hospital, been jabbed (steroids) in t'other rear cheek. They put me on a fetal heartbeat monitor and baby's heart is still fine, strong, within normal rates (averaging 150-155). He was trying to wriggle away from the monitor pressing down, so he's still active. I'm not convinced Wednesday's scan was correct, but we'll find out tomorrow morning.
Did you find the steroid job very painful? Ive heard others say its a bit nasty. Glad bubs is moving well.
Kinda - I was warned it would sting, and then be sore. Yes it stung (any needle will), and it's sore for about 5 minutes until you walk it off into your system, but after that it's fine. Some people feel a warm glow for hours afterwards, but not me - well, not that I can tell, I've just shoved a huge chinese curry down my belly!
Vicky - congrats on the testing scores - must be a relief. Hope your next results are just as good :thumbup:

Meerkat - a Christmas baby! :baby: Excellent!!!

Seity - congrats on the doppler, it can get addictive!!!

Marleys - have posted on your thread in the premature section but :hugs:, let me know if there's anything I can do.

Polaris - sending you lots of job vibes, hope you get it all sorted out soon :hugs:

franny - what a sweet OH you have!!

tillymum - fingers crossed it's not OC! Keep us posted. Oh and don't even start me on MILs. Suffice to say I love that you'll get to prove yours wrong :rofl:

CSunshine - I don't know anything about it but I'm guessing if they were really concerned they'd have admitted you, hopefully it will move up soon :hugs:

soon2b6 - 48 weeks OMG. Good luck with the consultant, hopefully the measurements are off :hugs: And congrats on last box!!!

Just a little bit of Finlay news today - when he left the hospital last week, he weighed 4lb 11 3/4 oz. Yesterday morning he was weighed at the clinic, and he weighed 5lb 5oz!!! So chuffed that he's putting on plenty of weight! :happydance:
eeekk so many posts hehehhe I still havent worked out how to read and post at the same time.

Gol - any news?
Marley - my sisters twins were born at 32 weeks and they are perfectly fine. I am sending you hold tight vibes xxxxxx
CSunshine - hope the condition gets better I have no experience xxx

Girls its friddaayyyyyy yay. I have a wedding reception tomorrow and dont think I can take the pace lol xxxxxxxx
Morning ladies!

Well looks like Golcarlilly is finally in labor from her post in 3rd tri - good luck hun hope it all goes smoothly:happydance:

Ava - great news on Finlay's weight, sounds like he's thriving!

Marley - Good luck at your apt today. Those steroid injections sting alright, my face was really flushed for a day after each one. Fingers crossed they can keep baby where he is for a good few weeks yet.

Soontobe6- hope your MW got her measurements wrong!! - maybe your LO is still a small one swimming around in lots of fluid! I found my LO's movements slowed down around 35 weeks - now it's just shifting movements with the odd kick and punch. Good luck with your Consultants apt today.
eeekk so many posts hehehhe I still havent worked out how to read and post at the same time.

I open two windows ;)

Yay for Gol! Hope it all goes well for you!!!
Morning all. Well I'm feeling a bit down today. One of my cats, Arthur, has not come home for two nights. He's a real sweetie and very affectionate - he's my surrogate baby if you like! And I'm really missing him. I'll be devastated if he's gone for good. We live in a semi-rural area and at the back of our house is just fields so am hoping that he's taken himself off for mini adventure and will be back soon. But this is the longest he's ever been gone for. OH even said he was worried last night which is unlike him and made me cry! Hormones! In addition, our neighbour is being a right cow. Unfortunately, one of my cats likes using her garden as a toilet. I've put a litter tray outside, offered to to come and clean up the mess myself but she refuses. For the past two days she has left cat turds (not wrapped up, I hasten to add, just fresh poo!) on top of my bin. I saw her yesterday afternoon and asked her if she would mind putting it into the litter tray and she went mental at me! Never in my life have I had a stand up "fishwife" style row with someone but I called her a stupid crank and walked off! Eek! OH then spoke to her and she was nice as pie to him. GGGRRRRR! But he thinks it's hilarious that I called her crank, because she is, and that my hormones are bringing out this feisty side.
On a lighter note, my mum is coming to visit this weekend and we're going to go and look at baby things - not buying, just window shopping and getting an idea of prices as she wants to buy the pram. We're then going for a pamper night in a hotel which will be good for my out of control hormones!
Sorry for the long post, it's just that I know that you lot will understand!

Gol - am hoping so much that you're in labour/ have delivered! Woo!

Ava - lovely news about your son. I love the name Finlay!

Polaris - hope you get the job front sorted soon.

Marley - hope the injections not too awful x

Everyone else, have a lovely day. I'm off fora cinammon and raisin bagel!
:wave: hey all - loads to catch up on again! what a busy bunch ....

oh dear, franny, that sounds a bit scary .... neighbours huh, not sure why people have to act so wierd. i must admit I was fuming a bit last night at my neighbours having their 'chav party' (they sit outside talking loudly, smoking and drinking stella when the weather is nice) till about 11.30pm, the police had come earlier but soon left, wouldn't life be lovely without neighbours heheh ;) I'm sure you and she can work it out without resorting to throwing cat poo :) And I'm sure Arthur will come back soon, could it be he's sensing hormonal changes perhaps? cats are super sensitive! hope he does anyway :hugs:

gol did post in 3rd tri this morning saying she was in labour and off to the hospital, so good luck gol!

marleysgirl that sounds not very nice at all ... really hope things are okay and you dont have to have any more sharp things in your a**e ... hang on in there little man! You're right though, I do wonder what happens after the 20 week scans as generally they don't look, are they being over cautious at all?

Hey the opening 2 windows thing seems to work - thanks Ava! So pleased to hear how well Finlay is doing - fantastic :happydance:

tillly :grr: at midwives, medics always seem to feel the need to be right ... ignore her, you know best!

csunshine hope they can sort/keep an eye on your uterus, sounds like it'll be okay just take it easy in the meantime, try not to worry too much (easier said I know) could well be stress headaches ... and if it makes you feel any better (it probably won't) me and OH havent managed anything since we conceived ... he says it's him not feeling 'in that way' these days due to being old (at 38 :rofl:) ... have mainly given up trying to persuade him!
oh and I had a bit of brown spotting at 13 weeks and again at about 16 I think ... had an emergency scan at 13 and all was well, my mw said that sometimes that happens around the time periods might have been due? i just rang her when I got it and she referred me to EPAU.

soon2b6 i hope things are okay, i'm sure they will do something if they think things are getting unmanageable, just hope you're feeling okay...

polaris so shit about your job! you dont need the uncertainty as well ... how long have you been training?

well had MW appointment yesterday, I was nervous as I thought she would measure fundal height and it be too small, but she said that they've changed the guidelines and they now don't do that until 28 weeks as everyone was measuring small at 25 weeks and having to have growth scans. So she just had a prod around and said 'it's a nice size' (whatever that means), listened to the heartbeat (although it was nice to hear, the novelty value wasn't there because of having my doppler!) and waffled something about it being hot .... left me wondering, how do they know if there is anything amiss just from that? oh well ...
I just noticed my ticker says 100 days to go ..... woohoo!
That's great news about Gol ... and I'm not gonna join her yet :happydance:

The scan this morning showed that the bloodflow has been restored to the placenta, apparently the steroid jabs can have that effect on me (though they didn't tell me that!). I've been given the all-clear for the weekend, and I'm back in on Monday afternoon for the next doppler scan. Beanie's heart is still strong, though I've been advised to keep a closer eye on his movements and contact the Triage unit if I think he's not being so active.
Phew - that's a relief! have a restful relaxing weekend ... I bet you're fed up of going back to hospitals all the time?!

Aaargh ... procrastinator extraordinaire! I'm supposed to be writing an essay on OCD which is due in 2 weeks and I've only written about 1/5th of it .... I have the whole day free to do it today, but instead I'm obsessively checking BnB :rofl: help!
Great news Marley - hope he keeps nice and active for you over the weekend so you don't worry. Keep him cooking!

I think my LO's head has engaged - it hurts!
Tilly - keep us updated!

Marley - great news.

Ellie- thanks for your words of support. I'm sure he'll come home soon. I just miss him! I'm supposed to be working too (head of department in secondary school) - have loads of planning and come training to organise but I'd rather be on here or looking at prams! It'll get done before I go back anyway. I've also got a strange urge to clean the windows and bleach all the woodwork in the house (mmmm...smell of bleach...) so there is plenty of procrastination and displacement going on in this house at the moment! And your OH is not old! Mine is 40- but he went through an "it's too weird phase" and then I was so ill he just felt it would be wrong to have sex! :rofl:
Oh - and glad all went well yesterday at MW! I'm there in two weeks for my screening tests.
Phew - that's a relief! have a restful relaxing weekend ... I bet you're fed up of going back to hospitals all the time?!

I am - but then again, I am sooooo grateful that I am in Manchester now. It's a 10 minute drive to the hospital, and they've got a fantastic NeoNatal unit there, it's one of the specialist centres. I can't help feeling sorry for other people with preemies/problems who have to make major journeys to go through this level of monitoring and then visiting after the birth. :flower:

Tilly - that's brilliant news, let's see if you can also have your baby before me :happydance:
I am - but then again, I am sooooo grateful that I am in Manchester now. It's a 10 minute drive to the hospital, and they've got a fantastic NeoNatal unit there, it's one of the specialist centres.

Which hospital are you at? I think you may have told me but I forgot! :dohh:
yes, it doesnt sound so bad, my hospital is close but it's grim grim grim there, that's the poor welsh nhs for you! :)

Slightly off topic .... does anyone have any ideas for what me and my brother could get my parents for their 40th wedding anniversary? It's next week, he was supposed to be getting them Sky+ but has now said that won't work, and we have to think of something else!!! Eeeek! I'm stumped .......... they've got everything and although my mum likes ornaments and things they have a house full and don't want any more .....
Hello you Lovely Ladies Oh my has a lot been happening while I went home for the afternoon yesterday to rest.

Gol YEAH can't wait to hear how it goes!

Marley so glad your doing better

Tilly YEAH for being engaged! Not long now!

I appreciate all the kind words and have figured out that it's just gonna happen. lol I went home yesterday as I had a horrible headache and was kinda crampy. I also was spotting that brown crap again so I thought it would just be best if I went home and went to bed! I felt better after a nap and some tylenol. LOL

I am at work today and it all seems to be going ok. I still have the spotting but Dr says that can happen nothing much else going on except had to tell the boss cause of my scare.

DD is banished to her room today as she didn't even touch it yesterday :nope: she chose to go to the waterpark and is now in trouble! LOL I'm so mean. LOL

Nothing new going on with me just doing the day by day thing.
ooohh Franny - he will come home my old girl used to do this all the time - maybe the bump has thrown puss a bit?

A bit ot but has anyone got dogs? mine have been acting really weird since I am pregnant really protective lol bless them. One of my dogs Ruby spent days just laying with her head gently on my tummy when we first found out I was pregnant awwwww.


Oohhh Tilly thats fab

Ellie - how about a framed photo maybe one of them on their wedding day and one of them now together in a nice frame?
Ellie - I think Vicky's idea is lovely. We sent my grandparents for tea at the Ritz when it was their 50th. Is there somewhere lovely you could send them for the weekend or something like that?

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