:wave: hey all - loads to catch up on again! what a busy bunch ....
oh dear, franny, that sounds a bit scary .... neighbours huh, not sure why people have to act so wierd. i must admit I was fuming a bit last night at my neighbours having their 'chav party' (they sit outside talking loudly, smoking and drinking stella when the weather is nice) till about 11.30pm, the police had come earlier but soon left, wouldn't life be lovely without neighbours heheh

I'm sure you and she can work it out without resorting to throwing cat poo

And I'm sure Arthur will come back soon, could it be he's sensing hormonal changes perhaps? cats are super sensitive! hope he does anyway
gol did post in 3rd tri this morning saying she was in labour and off to the hospital, so good luck gol!
marleysgirl that sounds not very nice at all ... really hope things are okay and you dont have to have any more sharp things in your a**e ... hang on in there little man! You're right though, I do wonder what happens after the 20 week scans as generally they don't look, are they being over cautious at all?
Hey the opening 2 windows thing seems to work - thanks Ava! So pleased to hear how well Finlay is doing - fantastic

at midwives, medics always seem to feel the need to be right ... ignore her, you know best!
csunshine hope they can sort/keep an eye on your uterus, sounds like it'll be okay just take it easy in the meantime, try not to worry too much (easier said I know) could well be stress headaches ... and if it makes you feel any better (it probably won't) me and OH havent managed anything since we conceived ... he says it's him not feeling 'in that way' these days due to being old (at 38

) ... have mainly given up trying to persuade him!
oh and I had a bit of brown spotting at 13 weeks and again at about 16 I think ... had an emergency scan at 13 and all was well, my mw said that sometimes that happens around the time periods might have been due? i just rang her when I got it and she referred me to EPAU.
soon2b6 i hope things are okay, i'm sure they will do something if they think things are getting unmanageable, just hope you're feeling okay...
polaris so shit about your job! you dont need the uncertainty as well ... how long have you been training?
well had MW appointment yesterday, I was nervous as I thought she would measure fundal height and it be too small, but she said that they've changed the guidelines and they now don't do that until 28 weeks as everyone was measuring small at 25 weeks and having to have growth scans. So she just had a prod around and said 'it's a nice size' (whatever that means), listened to the heartbeat (although it was nice to hear, the novelty value wasn't there because of having my doppler!) and waffled something about it being hot .... left me wondering, how
do they know if there is anything amiss just from that? oh well ...
I just noticed my ticker says 100 days to go ..... woohoo!