'Older Mums' buddies thread!

I don't know about pets going weird - my rescue cats were chosen & collected after I was already pregnant, so they've only known me in this condition! Be interesting to see if they change after the birth, but then again, they're bound to change habits anyway with a baby in the house.

Franny - I'm at the new St Mary's hospital. It's very swanky but a bit impersonal.

Ellie - hmmmmm. 40 years is Coral, I believe? But you say they don't want ornaments. I'm guessing an all-expenses-paid holiday to the Great Barrier Reef isn't really within your budget! Are there any "experiences" they might like - a spa day, hot air balloon ride, champagne day at the races? (and I did type all that before reading Franny's reply!)
thanks guys ... 40th is Ruby, someone else suggested a special rosebush or tree, which is a nice idea, as is the photo - thanks Vicky! They have one on their sideboard which has been there forever, I might ask my brother to sneak by and 'borrow it', a more recent photo might be tricky though! They won't want to go anywhere though, they haven't been away for years and hate going away believe it or not! Hence the boat trip day out - the closest we could come to what they might like - just wanted to get them something else as well. We took them on the London Eye for my dad's 70th and everyone loved it except for my mum who hates heights and sat clinging to the seat in the middle the whole way through!
any other ideas gratefully appreciated though - am running them all past my brother!

Not sure about pets going wierd as I don't have any. But my MIL's dog keeps trying to get up on me and putting her head on my belly and has been more 'fussy' with me than usual, which leads MIL to reckon 'dogs know when you are pregnant', I imagine cats and other animals have a sense of it too.
back on the subject of movement ... LO's been super quiet these last 2 days, I did tell the mw this yesterday and she wasnt in the least bit concerned (she wasn't my 'usual' one though, she was just covering), saying that you should only expect very regular patterns of movement from about 28 weeks ... the hb was fine, maybe mine is just very very very lazy?! (like his/her mum?!? :rofl:)

you can see how well I'm getting on with my essay today can't you! I have actually managed a few hundred words (of rubbish, granted) and I might do a few more before OH gets back this evening ... that counts as progress for me!

wonder how Gol is getting on ?
Hi everyone.

Marleysgirl - that's great news, so glad to hear that LO can stay put for longer.

Franny - I really hope your cat comes back, I don't have pets at the moment but I do know the stress of when they go missing.

Tillymum - good news that the head has engaged. Although not so good about the discomfort!

Csunshine - just rest up and take it easy as much as you can, hun. Get OH to spoil you a bit!!

Ellie - good luck with your essay, LOL at your compulsive B&B-ing instead of what you are supposed to be doing! I so know that feeling. The training programme was three years, mainly placement based, I am so happy to be finished but really hope to have a job at the end!

Can't wait to 'meet' Gol's new arrival!
Hi Ladies, well after 4 hours of phoning the hospital to no reply:dohh: Then ringing a different unit and demanding my results, I finally find out that my blood is showing elevated bile levels, so looks like I have the dreaded OC after all!! I have to go into hospital tomorrow morning to be reviewed by the doctors and have LO assessed! I wonder if they will induce me as i'll be 39wks tomorro, or let nature take it's course if they have caught it early! So tomorrow will be a day of being poked and prodded by doctors - what a lovely way to spend my Saturday! I have to monitor baby's movements, which are plenty active today!

Wonder if my LO will be here by Monday, ahhhh i'm not ready (only kidding - I think!!?!)

Still uncomfortable with LO being so low though I read that it can be weeks after head is engaged before anything happens!

Oh I'm getting nervous now!
Wish me luck!
Good Luck Tilly :happydance:

Interesting that Ellie's midwife reckons you only get regular patterns of movement after 28 weeks - that could make it more interesting for me to try and keep an eye on Beanie's activity level! It's already tricky because I can't feel much at the front (anterior placenta). Mind you, I can feel flippin' hard kicks right now, I think he's fed up of my using the laptop today!
Good luck for tomorrow tilly ... hope all goes well. will you be tempted to prod one of the medics back just to see how they like it ? :rofl:

i think different midwives must have different opinions ... have they asked you to fill in a chart or anything marleysgirl, or just keep a mental note?
Sorry, I wonder if anyone can help. I was advised to come onto this thread.

I am 41 and pregnant. I already have three children, 10, 8 and 6 and had a miscarriage in June and got pregnant straight away again. However, maybe it is the miscarriage making me worry more I don't know but are the risks for Downs Syndrome greatly increased cos of my age? I tried looking on internet but I scared myself sh@*tless!

Hi there busy!

I'm 36 and pg with my first. As far as I'm aware regarding downs syndrome the risks do increase with age. Having said that, I have read of many many stories of women who are MUCH younger than us being tested and coming back with really high percentage results. What's on your side is the fact that you already have three children, I'm guessing. I don't know enough to advise you - I'm going for my 16 week screening tests in two weeks so will find out more then. In the meantime, I was given a really useful booklet by my MW at my first appointment with her. It's produced by the NHS and provides really useful info - they offered me another copy at my booking appointment at the hospital. Are you registered with a MW yet? If so, get in touch and ask for a copy of it as it provides all the info you really need.

I've learnt not to google - anyone can post on the web and the information can't be trusted - having said that, here is a link to the NHS site about screeing https://fetalanomaly.screening.nhs.uk/tests_about. It's hard to try and relax about things when they're always going round in your head. In my experience, once I'd had my 12 week scan I felt more positive. I still worry about the screening tests but I'll just have to cross that bridge when and if I come to it. Posting on here has really helped me too - perhaps someone will be able to provide you with some more informed info than me.
Thanks Franky. I haven't seen the midwife yet. I am only 6 weeks and 3 days. You are right though. My first hurdle is seeing the heartbeat at the first scan. I am paying privately to have a scan next Friday so I am hoping I will see the heartbeat. Then I will work towards the next hurdle x
I just read on the updates that Gol has delivered. I don't want to spoil anybodies thunder so if you go to the 3rd tri it gives all the details.

Congrats Gol!!!!!:hugs:
Hey, I don't care about stealing thunder - here's a C&P of the news of Gol's baby!


i have just received a text from her OH, baby was born at 2:45pm, weighing 9lb 12.5oz. both mum and baby are doing well.

Ellie - no, they haven't asked me to chart any movements, just to keep an eye on it. He's been moving well all afternoon though, so I'm happy for today!

Busy - hello and welcome to the thread! Yes, I'm afraid to say that the baseline chance of having a Downs baby does increase with age - I won't go hunting for a table for you, but I know for myself (at 40) the chance was 1 in 96. I then had the quadruple blood test, and my chance came down to a walloping 1 in 5, but we opted not to have an amnio to confirm/deny the fact, we're just bracing ourselves in case. That said, other "oldies" have reported getting really good scores from their blood tests, so it's a very personal thing.

Please try not to worry about it, just start thinking about whether you do want to know or not, and then take testing opportunities if you do.
Big Congrats to Gol.

Good luck Tilly!

FX'd for everyone else and all the craziness that seems to be going on.

Yay! I moved up a box and the doppler arrived today. I think it's a bit early, but I may give it a practice run tonight anyway.
Sorry, I wonder if anyone can help. I was advised to come onto this thread.

I am 41 and pregnant. I already have three children, 10, 8 and 6 and had a miscarriage in June and got pregnant straight away again. However, maybe it is the miscarriage making me worry more I don't know but are the risks for Downs Syndrome greatly increased cos of my age? I tried looking on internet but I scared myself sh@*tless!


Hi ya - WALK AWAY FROM THE STATS lol. Yes the risk does go up with age - I am 36 and the risk based on age is about 1:260 - I do know yours if you want to know just yell.

I had the screening as follows

13 weeks - NT scan (they measure the fluid at the back of babies neck as downs babies hold more)
13 weeks - bloods take for analysis

then they combine the nexk measurements with the blood results your BMI and whether you smoke and add the risk together. If your risk is more than 1:250 your are offered more testing an amnio or cvs to get a definitive yes or no (the tests hold a small chance of misscarriage). From there you make your decision

My results were greatly improved after the bloods and scan and are now 1:3700 and 1:4800 (I am carrying twins)

Its scary but I am the kind of person that would prefer to know so took all the screening I was offered. My local hospital didnt offer the NT scan so I changed to one a bit further away. HTH XXXXX

YAY YAY YAY YAY CONGRATUALTIONS GOL!!! what a big baby!! Do we know the name yet xxxxxxxx

Good Luck Tilly - how exciting!!!

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