could be? or maybe just a 'hungry day' ... i had one of those on friday and didnt stop

I swear these babies are out to demonstrate how wilful they are already ... maybe yours just fancied a lie in??
well I went up to the ward as instructed, waited round for ages, a lovely nurse came and listened on the doppler (as i thought!) and said all was fine but they like to get a scan to check the fluid as a 'gold standard' (!) so went off to phone ante natal, which took 1/2 hour for some reason! so went down there, met by rather rude woman who just shrugged at me and said 'go and sit down over there and you'll have to wait', duly waited for about an hour before being scanned by rude woman (who was ok by then, just one of those 'abrupt' types), had a good thorough look and said all was ok, fluid 'normal', blood flow good, could even see lo's lungs 'breathing' the fluid ... he/she was lying across (usually is!) face down kicking at my bladder, not very active though. They seemed to think it was fine 'at the moment', but said that I 'must' go in if I don't feel it, no matter how many times or when, and sometimes they see people throughout because they don't feel movement!
Still confused as to whether there's any 'standard' for movement, like the different midwives saying different things to me, the nurse on the ward said it's usually later to keep an eye on it, but the nurse who scanned me said from 26 weeks there 'should' be at least 10 movements in 12 hours, but also that they dont believe this count is a useful standard anymore, they prefer to say that if there is any noticeable change in the baby's pattern, and the woman is worried, that's the time to get it checked out.
Phew .... (although still nowt going on that i can feel)
Hope Gol and Tilly are doing okay?!