'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Csunshine, I am so sorry about your loss. Hope that you are OK, i wish you didn't have to go through this. Look after yourself.
Morning all - Gol welcome back - how do you feel?

Wonder how Tilly is.

Its weird I still cant get my head round there actually being babies at the end of all this hahaha.

We went to a wedding reception saturday night and I actually looked pregnant - it was good fun and I wasnt as tired as I thought I would - even made it to 11pm whoop whoop!!!!!!

It official I got my 'low risk' letter re the downs screening - I am gald I called them in the end as they dont tell you the stats in writing.

Ellie - hope you get some reassurance from your mw today xxx

have a good day everyone xxxxxxxxx
thanks guys, my mw worried me saying that at 26 weeks you should be feeling 10 movements per day and i needed to ring the assessment unit and go in straight away ... took me about 45 mins to get hold of them (engaged then just ringing and ringing) then the nurse I finally managed to speak to said 'oh at 26 weeks most of us are still wondering whether we're feeling movement or not', she was nice enough and said come in 'and we'll have a little listen' now I feel like a panicky little girl!!! Am going in anyway, sounds like they'll just stick the doppler on and send me home again though .....

And bang goes my essay again! Argh am really behind with it! Just hoping all is okay today ...
Fingers crossed for you, Ellie :hugs:

I had a slightly worrying night, as Beanie didn't do his usual 3am dance routine. But he's back to full kicking status right now, so perhaps he was just a little tired and fancied snoozing for a change last night :D Tell you something, today I am flippin' ravenous. Wonder if that's also a side-effect of the steroids?
could be? or maybe just a 'hungry day' ... i had one of those on friday and didnt stop :blush:
I swear these babies are out to demonstrate how wilful they are already ... maybe yours just fancied a lie in??
well I went up to the ward as instructed, waited round for ages, a lovely nurse came and listened on the doppler (as i thought!) and said all was fine but they like to get a scan to check the fluid as a 'gold standard' (!) so went off to phone ante natal, which took 1/2 hour for some reason! so went down there, met by rather rude woman who just shrugged at me and said 'go and sit down over there and you'll have to wait', duly waited for about an hour before being scanned by rude woman (who was ok by then, just one of those 'abrupt' types), had a good thorough look and said all was ok, fluid 'normal', blood flow good, could even see lo's lungs 'breathing' the fluid ... he/she was lying across (usually is!) face down kicking at my bladder, not very active though. They seemed to think it was fine 'at the moment', but said that I 'must' go in if I don't feel it, no matter how many times or when, and sometimes they see people throughout because they don't feel movement!
Still confused as to whether there's any 'standard' for movement, like the different midwives saying different things to me, the nurse on the ward said it's usually later to keep an eye on it, but the nurse who scanned me said from 26 weeks there 'should' be at least 10 movements in 12 hours, but also that they dont believe this count is a useful standard anymore, they prefer to say that if there is any noticeable change in the baby's pattern, and the woman is worried, that's the time to get it checked out.

Phew .... (although still nowt going on that i can feel)

Hope Gol and Tilly are doing okay?!
Csunshine - I'm so sorry to hear of your sad news :hugs: take care and look after yourself x
You ladies are awesome!! Thanks so much for all the kind words and yes I will be back soon, Hopefully soon so I can keep in touch with all of you and not have a totally new bunch to get to know!

Gol He is so beautiful!!!!! WOW! I am so jealous!

I hope to be posting here again soon :hugs:
Hi ladies

I'm back from my week off, feeling all refreshed and refurbed or something like that.

Tilly - Hope its all going well!!

Ellie – Glad to hear LO is ok. I know what you mean about them giving you mixed messages. I’ve found the same thing with all sorts of things. I’ve atually made an appointment to see my MW on Weds as I have a huge list of questions I want to ask her. I’m feeling very unloved and uninformed by the NHS at the moment. :wacko:

Vicky - Glad to hear your downs results were low risk x

Gol - Huge congratulations on the safe arrival of little Myles :happydance::happydance: How are you getting on? x

Marleys - Glad everythings ok again now. How are you feeling?

Franny – Has your cat come back yet hon?

Everyone else - Hope you're all well :thumbup:

PS :baby: is kicking about like a mad thing today, must be because he/she hates me being back at work!!
Take care Csunshine :hugs:

yay for holiday Meerkat - hope the refreshed feeling lasts longer than it did for me haha! Hope you get more sense out of your MW than I've got ... wonder if there comes a point where you have to go with one set of opinions and ignore all the others! I know what you mean about the NHS ... you really get the sense of how stretched they are when there are so many pregnant women they have to attend to and how 'unimportant' as people we become to them, just numbers and statistics. Ho hum .... I won't start on how mad I get when so many millions are spent on things like pointless sporting events when the nhs could be vastly improved with just some small changes (or a few more staff) !

Still trying to get motivated to write this b***dy essay .... finding it hard to concentrate on academic stuff! I'll be in big trouble though if it's not done.
Csunshine - I'm so sorry to hear your news.

Tilly - I hope all went well and you are enjoying being a mom.

Vicky - Great news on the low risk!

Gol - Like the new avatar pic! Congrats on your boy!

I was pleased to hear the baby's heartbeat on my doppler last Friday even though I was barely over 9 weeks. I tried to get a recording on Saturday, but the LO wasn't cooperating. Sunday I tried again without the laptop set up to record and found the heartbeat again. It's so reassuring to hear.
nice one seity - try not to get too addicted ;) it is lovely isn't it! the novelty never quite wears off!
Ellie, I'm glad that all checked out okay for you.

Alas, not so good for me:( The improvement in the bloodflow (from the steroids) has worn off. Flow hasn't stopped or reversed yet, but the hospital are now worried. They told me off for not coming in last night (when Beanie was quiet) and I am under strict instructions to monitor activity and come in at the slightest worry. My consultant may call me tomorrow, if not then it'll be left until Wednesday. But it is most likely that I will be admitted before the end of the week, to be monitored for as long as possible prior to having a very early section.

Damn damn damn damn damn. I so wanted to have this baby as naturally as possible!
Oh Marley good luck and c-section isn't that bad. Lots of woman prefer that. LOL I will be checking in on all of you!

Ohhhhh :hugs: that's crap .... OH was just saying to me, how on earth is any pregnant woman supposed to live your life if you have to keep running to the hospital all the time??
Argh, won't they give you any more steriods (not the nicest of substances I know but it seemed to help last time didn't it?)
Crap I know ... but I guess if they are concerned about the blood flow then they need to keep an eye on your little man. I'm sure (if it does have to happen) you'll soon forget about a section once he's here. Keep us posted ....
Marley FX'd your LO can hang on for as long as possible.
Marleysgirl - so sorry to hear that things are not going well. I hope your little one can remain inside for another while anyway. I know it's not a nice thought being admitted but at least you can feel secure that they will be keeping a close eye on things.

Ellie - so pleased that everything is OK with your LO.

Csunshine - it's good to hear you sounding so positive and optimistic. I hope you are back here soon too, feel free to keep popping in to keep up to date.

Hi to everyone else!!
Hi all. You looking for new members?
I had my pregnancy confirmed by the doc about a week ago - it's just taken a while for me to believe it! Still feel like I'm on eggshells, and it's all going to go horribly wrong any minute, but thought I'd start joining in some pregnancy threads.

OH and I are both 36. We have one daughter already, Freya, who is nearly 4. She is an absolute legend, and will make a fabulous big sister. We haven't told her yet, because we're not ready to tell other people and don't think it's fair to ask her to keep a secret like that.

So, hi!
Csunshine - Its good to see you online still, hope we have you back here very soon hon x

Ellie - I was feeling quite refreshed yesterday but after just one day at work I'm wiped out again! I think its because I'm not sleeping very well at the moment. I've decided to bring my maternity leave date forward to November because I think I'm gonna crash and burn otherwise. :dohh: How's your essay coming along now? Or shoulsn't I ask...

Seity - Yaaaaay for hearing the heartbeat so early! Wow thats amazing! And its so lovely and reassuring isn't it.

Marleys - So sorry to hear the steriods have worn off already you poor thing. Any news from the consultant today hon?

Polaris - Hi Pol hope you're ok. Have they sorted out your work situation yet?

Freyasmum - :hi: Hi and welcome!
Hey Freyasmum :wave: congrats! I love the name Freya by the way - a possible name just come up on our list since we've just started discussing it!
And so far not agreeing on anything much ... one or two girls' names maybe, but we can't decide on boys' at all ... he wants some really (to my mind) outlandish ones that I don't see myself calling down the street! like Vivek, Satish, Castor, Gawain, Kavi (!!!!) or Alfred (quite like Alfie though)

hope you sleep better meerkat - I'm not really either, and it does add to the stress doesn't it! I've discovered using my V pillow as a body pillow helps get comfy, but it's the waking up to wee and leg cramps, then by noisy seagulls outside, then by OH snoring .... sheesh. Earplugs help a bit too!

Hope all is okay with your little man today Marleysgirl :hugs: and he's kicking you like a good 'un...
I'm still heeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

But not tomorrow. I had a call from the consultant this morning, and he was slightly less worried than the other u/s docs/scanners - perhaps because he's got the more indepth knowledge of placenta problems? He's asked me to monitor movements today & tomorrow morning, and to come in immediately if I think Beanie goes too quiet.

But other than that, he's leaving me until my scheduled 3pm scan tomorrow - and I've been told to come in prepared to be admitted (ie bring the suitcase).

Just been into town, no luck with nursing bras (two will have to suffice to start with) but did get some mega-huge granny pants in a £shop.

Time to go and pack my bag now!

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