'Older Mums' buddies thread!

great - i'm not sure it helps for them to panic you! I'm sure all will be absolutely fine ... here's to good blood flow and lots of booting and punching for you :)
nice one on the big pants!
Hey Freyasmum - congrats on your pregnancy and welcome to the thread!

Marleysgirl - hope that all goes well tomorrow. Will you be able to get online at all if you are admitted tomorrow?
Freyasmum - Welcome!
Marleysgirl - Good luck tomorrow.

I got to go kayaking for work today. I love it when we get to do fun stuff like that. I get to go out again next week too. It'll be right before my NT scan, so I'll be a tad damp for my appointment -lol I hope they don't mind.
Not sure I'll get on here - I'm certainly not paying a fortune for the TV/pc access thingie they have in hospitals. I'll have to see how easy it is to manipulate the BnB forum over my mobile phone, I'll post if I can. Failing that, I might have to get my OH to bring the laptop in for a few days! :D
Ellie - glad you went in and all was well, I know it feels a bit odd to go down there, thinking you're "making a fuss" but that's what they are they for. You are just looking after your LO :hugs: Oh and how's the essay coming?

CSunshine - Please keep in touch, feel free to join in this thread as much as you like and hopefully you'll have some exciting news for us in the not-so-distant future :hugs:

Meerkat - Glad you had a good week off, and I used to love when Finlay had active days, it felt so nice!

Seity - congrats on finding a HB so quickly on the doppler! It's such a nice noise, you never get sick of hearing it. Totally addictive! :thumbup:

Marleys - sorry the placenta is still playing up :( I really hope LO can stay in for a while longer, every day is a bonus. If you have to have a section, it's really not that bad. Obviously it's not ideal, but it's OK. All through the pregnancy I felt a section was going to be the way Finlay was going to arrive. When it actually happened, it was a pretty incredible experience. I remember looking at hubby as they were operating, and suddenly hearing this cry - the tears were streaming down my face and seconds later they held up this beautiful, perfect little boy for us to see (they didn't tell us what he was, they let us discover that for ourselves) and I've never felt anything like that in my life. It was overwhelming and amazing. They took him away for a minute to check his APGAR score etc and once they were done, they wrapped him up and laid him on my chest. After a while - maybe 10-15 minutes, I don't really know! - they took him away to the nursery. But he would never have coped with a normal delivery so there really weren't any other options, and all that mattered was that he arrived safely. When you see him/her, you won't be thinking of anything other than how amazing he/she is, I promise you. :hugs: Have you got a text buddy to let us know how you get on tomorrow (says me, who never got round to organising one!) - I tried to do BnB from my phone and I couldn't, could be my crappy phone though! Anyway if you need a text buddy (or email buddy) I'd be happy to help, just PM me :) I'll be working on the huge number of thank you's anyway so will be about! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :hugs:

Freyasmum - welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy :)
Just have to post this, so chuffed ... Finlay got weighed today :)

When he was born, he was 4lbs 8oz. When he left the hospital two weeks ago, he weighed 4lbs 11 3/4 oz. Last Wednesday he was 5lbs 5oz.

Today, he was 5lbs 15 1/2 oz. :happydance: He's nearly 6lbs!!! So thrilled :happydance: All that expressing and BFing is really paying off :happydance: :cloud9:
All through the pregnancy I felt a section was going to be the way Finlay was going to arrive. When it actually happened, it was a pretty incredible experience. I remember looking at hubby as they were operating, and suddenly hearing this cry - the tears were streaming down my face and seconds later they held up this beautiful, perfect little boy for us to see (they didn't tell us what he was, they let us discover that for ourselves) and I've never felt anything like that in my life. It was overwhelming and amazing.

When you see him/her, you won't be thinking of anything other than how amazing he/she is, I promise you. :hugs:

Ava - Your post started me blubbing! :cry:

Fab news about Finlay's weight gain, and well done you for all that expressing!! :hugs:
aww fab ava, he's doing brilliantly! well done both of you!

any news marleysgirl ...? hope all is okay :hugs:

Seity how was the kayaking? sounds fun! i love canoeing (gentle - not very good at it!) - wont be doing it this year though :( hope the NT scan went well.

Polaris any news on the job front?
oh, and the essay still has a LOT more work to do on it .... :( I really can't get my head round it! a fellow trainee called it 'mumnesia' - apparently that's a recognised term?!? :shrug: (maybe he was winding me up) I've only got 3 or 4 more full days to do it, and i'm off to yoga tonight so i won't be doing it then .... Oh well, I'm sure if I can really crack on it will get done, it won't be very good but just hoping it will pass!
Ellie - when did you start yoga? Was it before you were pg or is it part of your pg excercise?

Any news on tillysmum anyone?
Ava - Sounds like Finlay's coming along nicely. Good job with the BF!
Ellie - Fist kayaking class was fun. NT scan is next week after the second kayaking class. Good luck with the preggy brain.
Just have to post this, so chuffed ... Finlay got weighed today :)

When he was born, he was 4lbs 8oz. When he left the hospital two weeks ago, he weighed 4lbs 11 3/4 oz. Last Wednesday he was 5lbs 5oz.

Today, he was 5lbs 15 1/2 oz. :happydance: He's nearly 6lbs!!! So thrilled :happydance: All that expressing and BFing is really paying off :happydance: :cloud9:

That is such wonderful news! See you didn't need any advice on the BF! You did fine just by yourself! That is a huge milestone! It just amazes me how fast they grow once they are born.

Well ladies I stopped bleeding today so WOOP WOOP DH and I get to start some serious scroggin this weekend!:blush: fxd that I get back here soon!

I will watching all of you progress!

Marley hope your doing well today keep us updated fxd LO stays as long as possible inside but if not the steroid they have given you should help tremendously!
Hey Meerkat, I started just a few weeks ago, it is a 'specialist' antenatal class, but you can go to a regular yoga class as long as the instructor knows you are pregnant and will adapt the exercises for you. I did used to do a lot of yoga though up until a couple of years ago and just couldnt get to classes anymore, which has helped me get into it much easier and quicker and to know a bit about what I am doing, but it is still a lovely class and they do loads of breathing and 'talking to baby' exercises as well as good postures to get into for labour etc.

Csunshine glad you are feeling a bit better - :rofl: at you 'scroggin' that sounds like a northern england kind of term!! hope to have some great news from you soon :hugs:
:hi: everybody!

It's been absolutely ages since I posted on this thread - mwahhhhh! Not sure where time has been going, every evening i'm home it feels like I have something to do (and none of it is baby related!!). Our spare room (to be nursery) is in total CHAOS and i'm having mild panics at getting it all ready in time (I know I shouldn't fret and it will all be fine!!). Am feeling bubs kick more each day now and OH has felt him/her too.

Welcome to those that have joined this thread!

I celebrated my first sober birthday recently in as long as I can remember. We went out for a nice meal and I had a half lager shandy made with 1/3 lager (!!). It's the first (very diluted) drop of alcohol i've had since being pregnancy and tasted lovely. OH had a sip and said he could only taste lemondade!!

Have got our last holiday away soon before the baby comes, and are heading down to Wales in our camper van for a week which i'm really looking forward to :) We will be able to fit baby in when he/she arrives but it will take some clever packing for sure!!!

Csunshine - I was so sorry to hear of your loss and will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that you have some good news for us soon :)

Seity - I love kayaking too :) We have sea and river kayaking pretty much on our doorstep so am very lucky!

Vicky - Wow! Twins!!! That must be very exciting/nerve-wracking!!! Are you noticeably bigger with 2 than with 1 ?

Gol - Congrats on baby Myles!!!!! Such fantastic news xox

Freyasmum - Congrats on your pregnancy. I love the name Freya but sadly it's a bit of a mouthful with my OH's surname (which is Fryer). A lot of the names I love begin with 'F' but can't use them (ie/ Freya, Faith, Faye, Frank) :(

Meerkat - I'm also sleeping really badly at the moment and it's getting to the point where I don't look forward to bedtime as I know the next few hours will be spent tossing and turning and waking up with backache (even my dreamgenii pillow doesn't stop me from rolling onto my back). I've been a bit of a grumpy moo the past few days which isn't like me at all :(

Ava - I love hearing all about Finlay! Am so pleased he is putting on the weight and the BF is going well :)

Marleysgirl - Good luck at the hospital, will be thinking of you and hoping bubs can stay in for a little bit longer x

Polaris - Any word up on the job front as yet?

Ellie - I've got yoga on my hit list of things to sort out! There are no pregnancy classes near me but a local teacher said it would be no problem to join her class and she would keep me right with what exercises I can and can't do!

Sorry if i've missed anyone! Serves me right for leaving it so long inbetween posts!!

Happy Friday everyone, nearly the weekend - whooop!! Got my 24w appt next week so will be giving work my official finishing date when I get my MatB1 form. Am thinking 2 weeks before due date but am I being crazy? I have an office job that I really enjoy but I guess I don't know how knackered i'm going to be by then!
Got my 24w appt next week so will be giving work my official finishing date when I get my MatB1 form. Am thinking 2 weeks before due date but am I being crazy? I have an office job that I really enjoy but I guess I don't know how knackered i'm going to be by then!

Hi Pie, I got my MATB1 form on Weds and am still deciding exactly what date to finish. I was going to work up until 2 weeks before but after speaking to 2 friends who have recently had a :baby: I've changed my mind!

They both took more than a month off before their EDD and were so glad as they said they were completely knackered in the last 2 weeks and had no energy to do anything. So they had the first few weeks to do all the last minute bits and bobs and the last couple of weeks to relax and get plenty of rest before the big event.

They both seemed to feel that a few more weeks off before the baby was more beneficial than the extra money. So it got me thinking and I've decided to finish 4 weeks before. After all, it could come early!! And it'll be my last chance for some 'me' time for a while. I know it's different for everyone but what do you think? x
Hey Meerkat, I started just a few weeks ago, it is a 'specialist' antenatal class, but you can go to a regular yoga class as long as the instructor knows you are pregnant and will adapt the exercises for you. I did used to do a lot of yoga though up until a couple of years ago and just couldnt get to classes anymore, which has helped me get into it much easier and quicker and to know a bit about what I am doing, but it is still a lovely class and they do loads of breathing and 'talking to baby' exercises as well as good postures to get into for labour etc.

Thanks Ellie, I can't decide whether to do yoga, aquanatal or something else. Maybe I should just phone around and see if there are any places on anything first. In fact is there anything else?? My MW told me I could start doing classes whenever I want to. But I notice most of them are during work time and although I know they have to let me go I'm not sure it's going to be great for our understaffed office right now. Hmmm, what do to?...
tricky innit .... my MW told me that employers are obliged to give you time off for antenatal appointments and that included things like aquanatal classes!!! but i've no idea where they are in my area, I go swimming once a week and to the gym (just walking and on cross trainer) and yoga, I do a bit at home as well, so I figured that was enough! I think some areas might do specialist prenatal exercise classes, kind of depends what you want I suppose and what you were used to doing before, probably a good idea to keep it gentle!

Finishing work - well I would finish maybe at around 36 weeks, but because of the way my training programme is timed I will be finishing at 37+5, which I don't feel is ideal but it was either that or finish at about 34 then I wouldnt be able to go back to it next September like I planned, I would have had to stay off until next November (and be forced to take lots of annual leave to make up the extra few weeks over the 52 weeks you're allowed to take). Plus the final 4 weeks will just be sitting around at teaching sessions all day, I can get lifts or get the train there, I will have one piece of coursework to finish and hand it (which is underway ... its just this essay I am hating! supposed to be doing it now haha!), so I figured that it won't be that much stress to do the teaching. I know I will be tired, and if LO decides to come early it will c*ck all of that up anyway, but that's the plan!
However, if you had a bit more flexibility about when to finish, it's really up to you... some people feel fine to work up until the end, it kind of depends on the type of job you do and how you can get there? Or if you feel the few weeks will be a good time to 'nest' and settle in, then definitely make the most of it!
Hello everyone - wow, so much has gone on in the last few days.

Had a lovely few days with my mum and we started looking at prams. Have discovered that I need a degree in physics to work out which one to get so I'm going to leave it for at least five months! Spent a wonderful night at a posh hotel with a spa and had a delicious facial and went swimming - first bit of exercise in nearly two months. It felt great and I've now ordered a maternity swimsuit to carry on the trend! I've also been spending a small fortune on maternity clothes as I go back to work after the summer hols in a few weeks and I won't be able to fit into any of my old clothes. It was a real struggle trying to find things but I'm sorted now including some great leather wedge boots from Clarks which I got for £30. Bargain!

Csunshine - your positivity is amazing. You go girl! Really hope to hear something soon xx

Ava - Finlay sounds wonderful - hope to be able to get BF tips from you in six months!

Ellie - how's that essay coming along?! I've still not done a scrap of work so next week shall see me chained to my desk

Piemistress- am out tomorrow night and contemplating having a Guiness which will be my first drink in 3 months!

Meerkat - I've slept so badly last few days that I was a real ratbag yesterday and my OH told me to go to bed and get some sleep so that I became human again! :blush: And poor Arthur, my cat, has still not returned :( We're trying to comfort the other one who's still here and goes looking for him.

Marley - hope all is well. Have been thinking of you xx

Freyasmum - hello! I'm also 36! Congrats on you BFPxx

Everyone else- hello, hope you're all doing OK. I'm off for a bowl of cornflakes my new craving! :thumbup:
Chloe Caitlyn was born on Thrusday 20th August at 8.01am weighing 6lbs 15oz.
And is just a beauty and perfect, both her Dad and I are besotted!

I had a long and horrible induction from Monday to Thursday and she finally arrived by forceps delivery after a very quick active labor.

Havent time to update more xxx

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