It's been absolutely ages since I posted on this thread - mwahhhhh! Not sure where time has been going, every evening i'm home it feels like I have something to do (and none of it is baby related!!). Our spare room (to be nursery) is in total CHAOS and i'm having mild panics at getting it all ready in time (I know I shouldn't fret and it will all be fine!!). Am feeling bubs kick more each day now and OH has felt him/her too.
Welcome to those that have joined this thread!
I celebrated my first sober birthday recently in as long as I can remember. We went out for a nice meal and I had a half lager shandy made with 1/3 lager (!!). It's the first (very diluted) drop of alcohol i've had since being pregnancy and tasted lovely. OH had a sip and said he could only taste lemondade!!
Have got our last holiday away soon before the baby comes, and are heading down to Wales in our camper van for a week which i'm really looking forward to

We will be able to fit baby in when he/she arrives but it will take some clever packing for sure!!!
Csunshine - I was so sorry to hear of your loss and will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that you have some good news for us soon
Seity - I love kayaking too

We have sea and river kayaking pretty much on our doorstep so am very lucky!
Vicky - Wow! Twins!!! That must be very exciting/nerve-wracking!!! Are you noticeably bigger with 2 than with 1 ?
Gol - Congrats on baby Myles!!!!! Such fantastic news xox
Freyasmum - Congrats on your pregnancy. I love the name Freya but sadly it's a bit of a mouthful with my OH's surname (which is Fryer). A lot of the names I love begin with 'F' but can't use them (ie/ Freya, Faith, Faye, Frank)
Meerkat - I'm also sleeping really badly at the moment and it's getting to the point where I don't look forward to bedtime as I know the next few hours will be spent tossing and turning and waking up with backache (even my dreamgenii pillow doesn't stop me from rolling onto my back). I've been a bit of a grumpy moo the past few days which isn't like me at all
Ava - I love hearing all about Finlay! Am so pleased he is putting on the weight and the BF is going well
Marleysgirl - Good luck at the hospital, will be thinking of you and hoping bubs can stay in for a little bit longer x
Polaris - Any word up on the job front as yet?
Ellie - I've got yoga on my hit list of things to sort out! There are no pregnancy classes near me but a local teacher said it would be no problem to join her class and she would keep me right with what exercises I can and can't do!
Sorry if i've missed anyone! Serves me right for leaving it so long inbetween posts!!
Happy Friday everyone, nearly the weekend - whooop!! Got my 24w appt next week so will be giving work my official finishing date when I get my MatB1 form. Am thinking 2 weeks before due date but am I being crazy? I have an office job that I really enjoy but I guess I don't know how knackered i'm going to be by then!