Hi again ... let's see if I can condense the last two weeks into one post!
You probably all remember that I had an u/s scan that showed placental bloodflow problems, and I received steroid injections to prepare Beanie's lungs for an early delivery. A week after this, I was due for another u/s scan, but went to hospital earlier that day as I had reduced foetal movement. They scanned me on arrival and advised us that baby should be delivered as soon as possible - that day - for best chance of survival. He'd be 29+1 weeks.
Andrew was delivered by caesarian section at 19:43 that evening, weighing just 1lb 6oz. Marley was with me throughout, and got to see him briefly before he was taken away to the Special Care unit. I got to see him early the next morning, when he'd been stabilised.
I've spent almost two weeks in the hospital and fought for discharge today, although my section wound hasn't completely healed and will be monitored daily by community midwives.
Andrew is doing stonkingly well for such a preemie, which is being put down to those steroid injections. He will be two weeks old tomorrow, now weighs 1lb 9oz, and has already progressed from the ventilator onto cPap and today spent 4 hrs breathing on his own, which will be repeated and increased. He is being tube-fed EBM, and producing nice little parcels at the other end, so that system works fine! He does however show evidence (on scan) of a bleed in his head next to his brain, and we have yet to find out what this could mean, it will only become apparent with time.
Right, that's enough about me (for now) - what did I miss?