Hey all :wave: not been around much lately .....
Wow I can't believe Andrew, he is amazing!!! What a little trouper! Amazing eyes too! It was such good luck that you were in that study and got the extra monitoring, and now here he is! Really well done! Do you know when he will be able to go home?
:wave: to everyone else .... can't wait to see these dungarees
Feeling a bit unsure about everything at the moment. Got upset at the midwife appiontment last week when I said I don't feel movement some days and they (there was a student in there as well, and a different midwife again -dont think I've seen the same one twice) freaked out saying i MUST go in if ever I don't ... thing is my LO does have some quiet days, at the moment there aren't any days where I feel nothing at all but it can be quiet for many hours, and I just feel like I am not sure I can justify going in there several times a week! I have started getting my doppler out nearly every day again and all always sounds fine, he/she usually starts wiggling when I prod them with it

, and I've noticed that when I'm awake in the night (usually around 5am at the moment) there's a load of prodding and wiggling going on, so maybe they're nocturnal ?!?
when she measured my fundal height it was also 'on the bottom line', she said that was fine but now i'm worried about whether everything is growing okay ... I guess they'll check that out if there isn't an improvement by next time? i also had +1 glucose in my urine, and they said that needs monitoring as it could mean gestational diabetes, but all i've read says that it can be common in pregnancy and doesnt necessary mean anything or that it needs treatment (or that there's any evidence that treating it has any effect on the outcome for mother or baby). Sigh ... this trimester seems even more fraught with concerns than the 1st!
Sorry guys ... just feeling a bit tired and out of control with it all. Also my neighbours are p'ing me off today. And we've got a friend staying with us (indefinitely!!!) while he looks for a house in the area - when he said his wife and daughter weren't coming to join him until 21st November I had visions of him helping with the delivery!!! Eek!
Hope everyone else is in a better mood than me!