Wow there's been a lot happening in here! I keep reading but never seem to have time to reply, but Finlay is sleeping just now so I'll take my chance ....
soonie - love the comment by your Mum about being offered a section! I've had similar comments, about how I haven't "given birth", come on people, it's not like I'm "too posh to push"! Anyway, how's Holly doing?
franny - thanks for the growing vibes, got another weigh in today, will see how he's doing. Must say that his growth spurt last week has boosted my milk supply tenfold, I'm amazed! Am taking the opportunity to build up my "stash"
deej23 and maybebaby3 - congrats on your pregnancies and welcome to our little corner of BnB
Meerkat - glad to hear you've started buying stuff. Be warned though, now you've started .... it took me a while to have the confidence in the pregnancy to start buying stuff, but then once I began I couldn't stop - and still haven't! I hate shopping for me, but for Finlay I seem to have no self control whatsoever ....

Speaking of pumps ... I have the medela swing, it's pretty good. I haven't tried a manual one though, but I am thinking about it (to have in my bag incase I need to express when I'm out and about, now that my milk production is up!).
Marleys - LOL at the emails. It takes a while to go through all those sites, eh? I signed up for a bunch of them, seemed like a good idea at the time! And CONGRATS on the test results! Seems like we just keep getting better and better news about Andrew -long may it continue! As for wandering the corridors looking for a pump - I had the best midwife ... she would come in at 3am with a pump on a trolley - I'd express, label the bottle, press the buzzer, she'd come back, take the bottle (or syringe, in the beginning) and pump away - clean it all up and take the milk to the NNU. She was a total star. All I had to do was wake up, express, ring a buzzer and go back to sleep. The last night I was there she wasn't on and the MW said "do you want woken at 3 to express?" I said yes and at 3am she opened the door to my room (I had a room to myself, since I didn't have Finlay with me) and said "it's 3am", closed the door and left ... it was such a shock to have to get up, prepare the pump, express, label, clean the pump, put it back, put the milk in the fridge ... the first midwife had totally spoiled me!!!!
ellie - if you've got any doubts, just call the hospital. Not sure if you recall but I went in a couple of times with reduced movement, the last time being the Sunday before Finlay was born. They hooked me up and it showed a deceleration, and they would have given me a scan but it was a holiday weekend. 4 days later they discovered my fluid had gone and when he was born 3 days later, he had been tangled up in the cord (thankfully just his body) - poor little mite could barely move, which explains why I wasn't feeling any movement. Like Marleys said, his heartbeat was fine (until they started inducing me, or the cord tightened) so that wouldn't have shown anything up. Not telling you to scare you, but more to say to follow your instincts. Remember there are people at the hospital whose job is solely to help women with problems in pregnancy - don't be afraid to give them a call if you feel you need to.

And if you come across someone who makes you feel like you're overreacting, ignore them. You are the Mum, so even if you were overreacting (which you're not), you're allowed!
Oh and as for falling asleep when LO arrives... if you're breastfeeding apparently you release a hormone which helps you get back to sleep after a feed (according to the BF counsellor in the hospital) - so if you're not knackered anyway, the hormone will send you off LOL. I've never had any bother (and I used to when I was pregnant) ... head down and I'm out. LOL.
polaris - good luck on the job front

And enjoy the naps, every pregnant woman has the right to nap as much as she wants! I really enjoyed my naps towards the end, and now they are a thing of the past ... I lie down thinking Finlay will be sleeping for a while, and he wakes up 10 minutes later
Vicky - congrats about the scan! That must be a huge relief.

And wow twin boys - you are going to have so much fun!
Gol - how's it going?
We've got a weigh in this morning, will update you all later ... our little man is piling on the weight now, his little legs and his face are filling out ... getting cuter by the day. Forgot to say he's been giving us huge smiles for the last couple of weeks, so adorable!!

Oh and is making some cracking noises, just so so cute