Hey guys :wave:
haven't been around here very much so really sorry

but wow everyone looks to be doing great! so many exciting things happening! Just spotted the popeye arms,

bless his lil' cuteness! when is he coming home, do you know?
congrats seity on your neice/nephew too ... and to meerkat, yay 3rd tri! I must admit, I am finding it more scary than 1st Tri, not because of the birth or afterwards, but just because there seems to be much more to worry about!
Not been having a great time really, work are p'ing me off and not being very supportive, some of us know what that's like .... can't get motivated for next piece of coursework, not sleeping well and everyone seems to want to comment about 'how much worse it'll be' etc (of course I will at least be doing something then not lying awake fruitlessly for hours, or struggling to get up for work!) , and we've still got a friend staying with us although he is moving out on saturday

oops that sounds mean, he's no trouble really (!) but can't wait to have our house back!
Also still trying to get feckless decorators to come round and actulaly bloody work!
Still, the weather's been fab hasn't it

and i found 3 tiny little frogs in my garden yesterday, very cute, and our tomato plants have been yielding loads of yummy toms!
Hope everyone is okay?