'Older Mums' buddies thread!

aw poor you, hope youre feeling better soon :hugs:
I get really impatient with all the lectures about how hard it will be - last week I was ready to rip someone's head off and think I upset a few people on facebook :oops:
well they should learn to be a bit more supportive and say less stupid things, I thought!

Thanks hon x Ha and you're so right about the gloomy people. We should be left to enjoy our bubble of joy and make up our own minds about how hard it is or isn't when the time comes. They should just keep their thoughts to themselves! :growlmad: Let's not worry about them.
I just accidentally went to the bottom of this page and there is a 'similar thread' about older mums forums which Gol posted ages ago, out of curiosity I had a look and see that she'd suggested something like this (or maybe a separate section?) for older mums but the mods said no as it might split and offend people! Oops! Hope I didnt offend anyone by starting this thread! I like it here ;)

I didn't know that. Well I love it here and can't imagine how anyone could be offended? After all there's a teen pregnancy section, not sure what's the difference? :shrug:
Vicky - Aw don't beat yourself up hon, it's knackering enough carrying one, I can't imagine how you get on with two little wrigglebums in there! It's not surprising you're exhausted. Do they kick about a lot?

Not really I only just felt them abotu a week or so ago - still just kind of flutters rather than kicks - Fynn is accross so I feel him more. (hehehe he is wiggling as I type right under my ribs hehehe) When I went to MW last week she dopplered me and explained which noises were movement and OH listens to them every night lol. I had a bit of a panic sunday - one of our dogs jumped up at me and got me right where he is eeekkkk. I was tp watching all sunday and praying but I guess that they are quite protected in there arent they.

Ellie said:
aww vicky, it must be so much harder with two, be nice to yourself (suspending the gym is a good plan!)

I just accidentally went to the bottom of this page and there is a 'similar thread' about older mums forums which Gol posted ages ago, out of curiosity I had a look and see that she'd suggested something like this (or maybe a separate section?) for older mums but the mods said no as it might split and offend people! Oops! Hope I didnt offend anyone by starting this thread! I like it here

NOOOOO it wont - there is a section for teen mums isnt there - I cant see it offending anyone hmmmmmmmm
I just accidentally went to the bottom of this page and there is a 'similar thread' about older mums forums which Gol posted ages ago, out of curiosity I had a look and see that she'd suggested something like this (or maybe a separate section?) for older mums but the mods said no as it might split and offend people! Oops! Hope I didnt offend anyone by starting this thread! I like it here ;)

I didn't know that. Well I love it here and can't imagine how anyone could be offended? After all there's a teen pregnancy section, not sure what's the difference? :shrug:

lol great minds hehe
Ellie, do you need the fairies to send you some more cotton wool to replace the broken stuff? ;) Or will you attempt to mend it yourself?
LOL at the fragile cotton wool! Ellie I can't imagine how anyone could be offended, I think it is a lovely thread. And after all, it is up to us whether or not we choose to define ourselves as 'fitting in' to the older mum category!

Marleysgirl - thanks for posting the new pics of Andrew. I can't believe how much he has grown already - he looks great!

Vicky - no doubt twins are going to be more tiring than a singleton pregnancy. I think you are right that you just need to accept and embrace the tiredness and let your body get on with what it is doing - growing TWO babies!!
that's alright then - started being concerned that i'd done something i shouldn't have, but no one has complained to me! there's various '30's/40's ttc etc threads, so i didnt even think that anyone might be offended (could always change it to 30s/40s mums or something instead i suppose)

Aw thanks I might need some specialist cotton wool menders, i don't have the skill myself - better look in the yellow pages :rofl:

I am sooooo looking forward to finishing work now! they really peed me off last week, I thought they were really rude and unsupportive in a planning meeting for my returning to my training course next year. B****ds. Working on a note to my tutor to say as much (without the swearing) and suggest that she might need to be a bit more supportive and helpful when I get back...
Aaaww ... my lovely trainees at work just emailed me to say they wanted to do me a baby shower before I leave work .... how sweet is that? I shed a little tear ... not sure about it though, i wasnt planning on doing anything like that, bit americanised? anyone else had one / planning one? (what on earth is it???)
Lucky you ellie - AFAIK it's basically a party where people wish you well and buy you pressies for your LO (at least that's what it was on Friends LOL). Play games etc ... would be a lot of fun :)

Meerkat & Vicky - never thought of it like that, with the teen mums forum, that's a good point. :thumbup:
Hello all - wow, so much going on!

Meerkat - congratulations! I will be joining you in six weeks!

Marleys - yet more great news about Andrew. I've got cravings for spinach, thinking about Popeye! The photos of Andrew is just gorgeous - you must be such proud parents.

Seity - great news about your sister. Like you, we want to have another in the future so it's a good sign for you.

Ellie - hello, nice to hear from you. It sounds like things are getting you down a bit so sending you a virtual hug and a piece of cake. Am afraid that I'd probably be useless trying to assist with coursework! I'mm finding work a bit of a strain at the moment as I've had a really bad back and had to take three days off. I couldn't get motivated to get any work done when I was off and now I'm going back tomorrow I feel really bad. Any chance of sending me some of that cotton wool to wrap my back up in?! And as for this thread offending, I feel that it keeps me sane and therefore is a NECESSITY!

Blossom - hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about your previous losses - hoping things go well for you this time around xx

Ava - yet more good news about Finlay. Keep at it lad!

Vicky - sorry that you're feeling so tired. If it's any consolation I'm only having the one but I haven't had any of this high-energy 2nd tri malarky! I can sleep in every day until 12 and then go to bed at 10 exhausted (which is how I spend most of my weekends). Did you manage to stay up for WTD?

Well we had our 20 week scan today. All fantastic. Saw little fingers and toes, backbone, ribs, it was incredible! We've already decided that LO has my pouty bottom lip and my bobble nose. And we didn't find out the sex, still on team yellow. Am really pleased as I thought I'd crack but once I got in there I was quite resolved. They went through my blood tests which they said were all excellent with high iron and reserves. So all in all a GREAT day. I don't mind having the back ache if everything is OK! Having said that, I know that this is a mere snapshot and not to get complacent. However, once we hit 24 weeks I am going to go and buy our first baby item: the baby bath! On the lookout now.

Hope everyone is well - from a smiley, happy Fran! xx :)
Vicky - no doubt twins are going to be more tiring than a singleton pregnancy. I think you are right that you just need to accept and embrace the tiredness and let your body get on with what it is doing - growing TWO babies!!

Yes we shouldn't be surprised if any of us are tired. After all we are creating new life!! Not just a cake or something. And you Vicky are creating double! Tiring work by anyone's standards! :sleep:

Franny - Congratulations on your fab 20 week scan hon. :happydance: And on team yellow still, go girl! It's not easy when everyone's finding out but hey we'll know soon enough. Shame about the backache though, hope it goes away soon.
Great news Fran :) And I can tell you, the surprise is worth the wait, every second of it. Good for you for holding out, we didn't get the choice because they don't tell you here, but I'm glad we didn't know. When else can you get a surprise like that? :) The moment you find out ... wow ... what a feeling!
Congratulations on your scan Franny! It's such a lovely feeling to see the baby in such detail and to hear that everything is going well!
franny_k great news on your scan. We are having way too much trouble coming up with a name to stay on team yellow. We're hoping finding out the gender and only having to concentrate on names for one will help.
Good news on the scan Franny,theres a moment thought isnt there when they ask you if you would like to know, its hard to resist.
Seity, lol about the names, I can relate to that too:wacko:
I'm glad you had such a great scan Franny, those moments of seeing your baby are magical :kiss:

Ellie, should I do a course in cotton wool mending before I offer to help?

I'm excited but nervous ladies ..... they're going to let me try Andrew at the boobie tomorrow! :happydance:
Ahh Marleys that will be a wonderful feeling, is it the first time?
Will be thinking of you both, enjoy!!
Good luck for tomorrow, Marleys! Sending some boobie vibes Andrew's way!

Thanks for all the messages ladies. It wasn't too bad holding out although OH really wants to know now!

Seity - we're really struggling with boys names, only have the one so far that we both agree on which is Alexander. I really like Eliot and Toby but OH hates them! :( For a girl we really like Grace and Estella. I didn't find out just because I want the surprise. I like surprises! I totally understand why people do want to find out though. I think if/ when (!) we have another we'll probably find out for practical reasons.
That's fantastic Marleys - one of the nurses who was looking after Finlay said she thought that the little babies often ate better than the bigger ones so hopefully she's right :) Good luck to you and Andrew for tomorrow x

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