'Older Mums' buddies thread!

I was just wondering when everyone felt the baby move for the first time. I live on tender hooks everyday and can't wait to feel movement. :

Truman I felt Chloes first movements at 17weeks, which is relatively early can be as late as 24wks. It is just the most amazing feeling in the world!

Welcome Angelas congrats of your pregnancy.
Hi all

Apologies for not popping by for so long. I've not had a minute to myself since I started this maternity leave malarky. I had more time to post when I was at work!!

I hope everyone is well and I see there has has been plenty of good news since I last came by...

Congratulations Ellie, Kalden is gorgeous! You must be so proud :happydance::happydance:

Truman - Wonderful news hon, I'm soooo pleased for you x :hugs:

Fab pic Vicky, you look great! Glad to hear the twins are doing well.

Got my first sweep on Weds, so that should be something to look forward to... eek
Hi, guys. Hope everyone is feeling ok. Welcome Angelas your not old I'm 40 lol, when this baby is born I will be 41, my daughther will be 20 and my son will be 16... OMG I AM OLD ....

Meerkat, why are you having a sweep? do they not leave you to full term anymore? Both my children were born at 42 weeks, DD was a natural labour but had to be dragged out with forcepts and I had to be induced with DS he wasn't coming out for love nor money..!:rofl:

Anyway, I have been referred to the obstetrician. Apparently, I will be undergoing glucose testing has anyone else had this?
Meerkat, why are you having a sweep? do they not leave you to full term anymore? Both my children were born at 42 weeks, DD was a natural labour but had to be dragged out with forcepts and I had to be induced with DS he wasn't coming out for love nor money..!:rofl:

Hi Truman, the hospital consider me to be high risk at aged 40, they reckon my old persons scaggy placenta may stop working after 40 weeks so they're starting sweeps this week to try to move things along before then. And I'm booked in to be induced the day after my EDD if the :baby: hasn't arrived by then.

Can't say I'm too thrilled about it, everyone keeps telling me how awful it is to be induced. Even the obstetrician! So that's nice then! :nope: I'm trying not to dwell on it. :ignore:

How did you get on with being induced? Was it ok? Tell me something nice about it please... :cry:
Hi Meerkat,
good to see you again, glad to hear you are making the most of your maternity leave, make sure you get some time to just chill and take it easy too though as there's not much of that once the little one arrives, lol!

I've no personal experience with induction, but the one thing I would say is that for me I was just so happy that baby was here safely that I honestly didn't care that I hadn't had the childbirth experience that I had hoped for.

My sister-in-law was induced at 37 weeks with the twins and she had a very easy delivery, she went in at 8 a.m., was in active labour by 11 a.m. and the twins were born by 8 p.m. that evening. She had an epidural as the contractions were very painful but generally a very good experience.
i have my 20wk scan on thursday. my son wants 2 come with me. i think he thinks he's going to actually see the baby as something other than black and white grainy images. i hope he's not disapppointed! end of term is next tuesday. can't wait. am fed up of teaching kids xmas carols all day! lol!
Ok so ladies I'm back again. I'm not leaving for at least 9 months!

I have an early scan on Jan 5th and Dr has me taking a baby aspirin and using the progesterone suppositories.

Look how far you all have come! You all are almost finished. WOW love the scan pics ladies!
Ok so ladies I'm back again. I'm not leaving for at least 9 months!

I have an early scan on Jan 5th and Dr has me taking a baby aspirin and using the progesterone suppositories.

Look how far you all have come! You all are almost finished. WOW love the scan pics ladies!

Huge congratulations! I'm so pleased for you. You really deserve this! Looking forward to hearing about your early scan, I have a really good feeling for you this time round.
[/QUOTE]Hi Truman, the hospital consider me to be high risk at aged 40, they reckon my old persons scaggy placenta may stop working after 40 weeks so they're starting sweeps this week to try to move things along before then. And I'm booked in to be induced the day after my EDD if the :baby: hasn't arrived by then.

Can't say I'm too thrilled about it, everyone keeps telling me how awful it is to be induced. Even the obstetrician! So that's nice then! :nope: I'm trying not to dwell on it. :ignore:

How did you get on with being induced? Was it ok? Tell me something nice about it please... :cry:[/QUOTE]

Hi Meerkat, being induced isn't that bad,honestly. I went in to hospital at 12noon and at 2pm they gave me whatever drug it is start the contractions. I remember my waters didn't break on their own so this 12 year old doctor had to do it (only joking but he was very young....) Anyway, Daniel was delivered at 9pm.

So in the scheme of things it was a pretty quick labour and I guess that is what everyone talks about. You don't feel as "in control" ..... lol as if you ever could!!

Anyway, unlike natural labour which builds up gradually and you work your way through each contraction at an inspecified pace, being induced starts your contractions off and progresses the labour quicker so the contractions builds up quickly and the time between contractions is shorter. With dd it was approx 36 hours from first contraction to delivery (not fun)! So, if I was to be induced again I wouldn't mind. But.... I would ask for a pethadine jab sooner and not be a martyr and try to be tough waiting till the end lol :rofl:

What I really want to say is please don't worry, you will be fine and in the end you will have a beautiful baby in your arms and you will forget everything else in a heartbeat.:hugs:

I hope it is OK to join now, this thread is really long and there's been birth's and everything. :happydance:

I live in the South East of England and I'm 8 weeks and 5 days (I think) but since I've not yet had a dating scan I'm not sure. I'm 42 and this is my fist :BFP: I though the NHS would treat me as a 'special needs' case, but apparently not.

Seems odd to be expecting when everyone around my age has teenagers or grown up kids; also my neice (18) is 20 weeks, so her babies aunty/unlce will be 3 months younger than them!? but nice to have someone else in the family to share this with. It would also be nice to have some one/two ++ my age too.

Any other older mum's to be in the first trimester? Can we chat on here or should we start a new group?

Hi HappyJacky,
congratulations on your pregnancy, had you been TTC for long?
I know this thread is long but I hope you are not put off by that and you are very welcome to join, don't feel like you have to read back through the previous pages, LOL. By rights, us who have had our babies do not really belong here because it is in the Pregnancy section, but it is such a nice thread that you cannot get rid of us!

How are you finding the pregnancy so far?
Welcome back Csunshine! It's good to see you.
:wave: HappyJacky - I remember when I first joined this thread and now I'm starting 3rd tri! Seems like it's been ages to get to this point. It's nice that there's a mix of 1st time mom's and those who've been there before in this group.
helloo all - welcome back CSunsine and Happyjacky xxxxx

All is good here nearly 33 weeks now so am hoping the boys will carry on cooking for a bit yet. Had a scan yesterday and all is ok BP a bit on the high side at 130/80 (was 90/60 at booking in) so I have to go to my mw every week for monitoring boooooooo not the deaded PE I hope eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk

I cant believe its christmas next week eekkkkkkk
CSunshine - fantastic to see you back here :hugs: Sending you :dust:

Happyjacky - welcome :) We're all at different stages but it's a lovely mix of ladies, as Pol says don't feel you have to "catch up" just jump in :)

angelas - did I say hello to you already? I can't remember :blush: My brains are all over the place! Anyway - welcome :)

And our news ... Finlay was weighed today and is now 14lb 8oz :thumbup: He's almost ready for solids which I'm gutted about because I feel it's the beginning of the end of the BFing ... and it's been incredible. But I'm going to carry on with the BFing for as long as I can, he loves it and so do I, ideally I'd like to exclusively BF until 6 months (just another couple of weeks - OMG) and carry on BFing along with solids at least until 1 year. Weaning is going to be a really bittersweet experience for me, I'm looking forward to him trying new things but I was looking at the weaning stuff today in Mothercare and I was nearly crying ... good grief I need to get a grip! LOL!
Oh thank you my lovely golden ladies for such a wonderful welcome back!

Siety and Vicky you two have come such a long way! So glad your both doing so well! Vicky be careful with the high blood presure it's nothing to mess with so do exactly what your MW says! Ok I'll quit being the Mom that we all can be. LOL

Polaris you little one is already almost ready to share with you his first Christmas how exciting!

Avabear thanks for the welcome! I know just what you mean, but this is the first of many mile stones in Fin's life that will make you cry. I BF DD until she was 13months old just the mornings and evenings in the later months.

Ok so afm nothing new to report just impatiently waiting my early scan Jan 5th which seems to take forever but in reality it's only 20 days. :dohh:

Hope your all well will check back later on you all

Oh almost forgot Welcome HappyJacky! I love you avatar! Penguins are my sisters favorite thing in the whole world. So very cute!
Vicky be careful with the high blood presure it's nothing to mess with so do exactly what your MW says! Ok I'll quit being the Mom that we all can be. LOL

ohh god i know PE can be fatal for babies and me eekk something NOT to mess with indeed. PE is more likely in multiples and the over 35 lol so buggered on both counts. I have been reading up and there isnt much you can do about it if it does hit though but have been reading up symptoms and am on red alert for headaches that wont go, blurry vision and sight sensitivity - no protein in my urine so thats good. Fingers crossed for me girls - on the plus side I am over 32 weeks so even if they did have to deliver now it wouldnt be fun but my sisters were born at 32 weeks and are now thriving so not deperately premature eh. xxxxxx
CSunshine - fantastic to see you back here :hugs: Sending you :dust:

Happyjacky - welcome :) We're all at different stages but it's a lovely mix of ladies, as Pol says don't feel you have to "catch up" just jump in :)

angelas - did I say hello to you already? I can't remember :blush: My brains are all over the place! Anyway - welcome :)

And our news ... Finlay was weighed today and is now 14lb 8oz :thumbup: He's almost ready for solids which I'm gutted about because I feel it's the beginning of the end of the BFing ... and it's been incredible. But I'm going to carry on with the BFing for as long as I can, he loves it and so do I, ideally I'd like to exclusively BF until 6 months (just another couple of weeks - OMG) and carry on BFing along with solids at least until 1 year. Weaning is going to be a really bittersweet experience for me, I'm looking forward to him trying new things but I was looking at the weaning stuff today in Mothercare and I was nearly crying ... good grief I need to get a grip! LOL!
hi thanxs, :D not quite sure how to do this site, used to bebo, trying hard tho, be good to talk x x
Truman I felt Chloes first movements at 17weeks, which is relatively early can be as late as 24wks. It is just the most amazing feeling in the world!

Welcome Angelas congrats of your pregnancy.
thanxs :D, not sure how to reply , im used to bebo, but trying hard lol x x
Hello to new faces and older ones - Truman Congratulations! Hope all goes well :)

I'm still lurking around, though I'm mainly in the Baby Club, hovering between the BF & FF forums (Andrew was being topped up with formula but I'm now pumping enough EBM) and I'm even dipping a toe into the Weaning threads!
Vicky be careful with the high blood presure it's nothing to mess with so do exactly what your MW says! Ok I'll quit being the Mom that we all can be. LOL

ohh god i know PE can be fatal for babies and me eekk something NOT to mess with indeed. PE is more likely in multiples and the over 35 lol so buggered on both counts. I have been reading up and there isnt much you can do about it if it does hit though but have been reading up symptoms and am on red alert for headaches that wont go, blurry vision and sight sensitivity - no protein in my urine so thats good. Fingers crossed for me girls - on the plus side I am over 32 weeks so even if they did have to deliver now it wouldnt be fun but my sisters were born at 32 weeks and are now thriving so not deperately premature eh. xxxxxx

I have no doubt that you will be fine, just make sure you know the signs and you take good care of yourself! I can wait another 8 wks or so to meet the boys. LOL:hugs:

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