CSunshine - fantastic to see you back here

Sending you
Happyjacky - welcome

We're all at different stages but it's a lovely mix of ladies, as Pol says don't feel you have to "catch up" just jump in
angelas - did I say hello to you already? I can't remember

My brains are all over the place! Anyway - welcome
And our news ... Finlay was weighed today and is now 14lb 8oz

He's almost ready for solids which I'm gutted about because I feel it's the beginning of the end of the BFing ... and it's been incredible. But I'm going to carry on with the BFing for as long as I can, he loves it and so do I, ideally I'd like to exclusively BF until 6 months (just another couple of weeks - OMG) and carry on BFing along with solids at least until 1 year. Weaning is going to be a really bittersweet experience for me, I'm looking forward to him trying new things but I was looking at the weaning stuff today in Mothercare and I was nearly crying ... good grief I need to get a grip! LOL!