Hi guys, not been around for a while. Would like to say I have been busy but to be honest other than going to work everyday I do little all else lol! Getting sooooo lazy.
Anyway, congratulations Seity, Gabriel is gorgeous and such a lovely name.
Welcome to Pollypop & Catters - same boat as me with the age gaps. DD will be 20 and DS will be 16 when lil one is born. DD doesn't really say much as she is at uni and has her own life..... but DS it kinda looking forward to having a lil sister to take care of even if doesn't say it, he had such a smirk on his face when I told him we were having a girl, I think he likes the idea that he will always be my lil boy. Made me laugh the other week he had his hand on my stomach and felt her move.... he moved it very quickly saying "mmmm bit gross but as least I can tell her I felt her move when she was in your stomach"... made me laugh out loud and smile for the rest of the day!!
But I know what you mean it seems such a long time ago now, but I am sure it will all coming flooding back to me, a bit like learning to ride a bike but far more thrilling lol!
Csunshine - congratulations on being on team BLUE. Makes shopping a little easier I have noticed that most stores are either one way other the other (either pink or blue) not much in the neutral zones... although I really don't want to buy everything in pink!
Maybebaby - hope lil one turns for you, a friend of mine's lil one was breach but they turned her a couple of weeks before she was due (not a comfortable experience but she really wanted a water birth and said it was worth it.....)
Polaris - a girl I work with has opted for another c section with baby no 2, she made me laugh when she said she was too posh to push!!!! She isn't trust me, but she said she thought it was better than the natural birth as she knew when and where it would happen and how long it would take - guess she has a point!.
Hope everyone else is ok, according to my dates I have 11 weeks to go but the hospital have but me down for 12th June a week earlier..... guess we will just have to see. All I know is that I only have 8 weeks to work!!