older yummy mummy thread (30+)

:rofl: that made me laugh (in between my chocolate digestives) :rofl:
Mmmmmm choc digrstives.......damn you!!!!!! X
I would offer to share but I scoffed the whole pack :shock: I'm disgusted with myself :haha: I did only have carrot soup for tea though
I wish I could pig out, but our cupboards are rather bare. All this talk of food isn't helping. Gabriel was up half the night. We suspect nightmares. Anyhow, My husband finally spelled me a bit after 6am, so I could get a little more sleep before getting up for work and I overslept a little, so didn't have time to eat breakfast. At least I have some coffee to get me through till lunch time.
Seity..Emily has been doing the samething ( waking in the night) I don't know what's going on but she has been super grumpy too.

I have gone back to work ( until March) so Emily is in daycare four hours a day now, it's a home daycare so I worry..
Not sure if it's a phase they go through when it comes to change or if I should be worried..

Update.. after saying I was a SAHM, I got a job offer that was pretty sweet ( plus I will manage to get Mat. benifits) so I have gone back to work and work four 10hrs days ( 3pm - 1am)
I have been so exhausted and sick so far this pregnancy ( plus starting a new job) I lost 10 lbs..
I finally broke down and asked my MW for releif.. I was dehydrated too..
I was prescribed a fantastic medication that almost stopped the MS..
Other than that things seem to be going fine..
Question, when did you tell family and friends you were expecting ??
We told everyone pretty early on with Emily but don't have a desire to do with this one.
seity - I wish my cupboards were bare :haha:
future - wow 10 lbs! Poor you :hugs: thats great news about the job, I'm sure Emily is waking as she is adjusting to the change. I only told very close family about my last pregnancy until about 17 weeks but it was a high risk pregnancy and I didnt want to jinx it! have you told anyone? :flower:
Other than hubby and my online friends, I haven't told a soul.
I don't know when I will break it to my new boss either..
I am not high risk or anything but I happen to like being the only ones who know so far..
I am not a small person ( even with losing the 10 lbs) so I might be able to hide it for a while.
I think I will play it by ear and finally say something when I start to show... Christmas , maybe :shrug:
I will be 20 weeks by then and ( since we haven't decided yet) we might have found out the sex of the baby.

On another note, we have booked our first vaction in years yesterday:happydance:
We are going to drive to Florida for two weeks at Christmas.
It will be different to not have snow on Christmas day.
I will have my family Christmas dinner a week before...
It takes about 24 hrs of driving to get there so we plan on leaving on the 22 of Dec so we can get there by Christmas eve.:happydance:
Disney World here we come !
I bet its nice to have it as your special secret :hugs: wow, that sounds fantastic! How exciting! I love disney, we've booked a 2 night trip to Disneyland Paris for january and we are all excited already :haha: Christmas time at Disneyworld will be magic :thumbup:
Great news on the job future! I'm glad you got something to help with the MS too.
We told everyone at 8 weeks, but I can totally see waiting and enjoying the secret for a while with a second.
Have fun at Disney World. We drove NY to AL over 2 days this summer. I think it was around 20 hours of driving total. Gabriel was a real trooper for such a long trip.
future - disney at christmas sounds lovely :) 24hr drive not so much. owen barely manages 30mins without complaining! :dohh:

seity - loving your avatar pic of gabriel reading! so sweet :cloud9:

amy - disney is january sounds great! we want to do disneyland paris but maybe not this coming summer, the one after when owen is 3. either that or a disney cruise maybe.

work is super stressful! hence not being on here often. i do think of you ladies though :flower:
Just wanted to say Bye. I can't stand the 'new look'. I find it basically unusable, so I've pretty much left BnB. I still check out a few ladies journals about once a week, but that's about all I can stand.
I'll miss you Seity :flower:

4 weeks to go at work and am so fed up with the place! Only reason I'm still there is that I don't want them to start my mat leave early :dohh:
booo - I know its naff seity but we'll miss you if you go xx :hugs:

anna - 4 weeks will fly by :hugs:
Awww, seity..we'll miss you:hugs:.. I wasn't happy about the new look either but I love the ladies on here so it helps me to stay

How about eveybody else ?

Anna.. you must be getting excited.. 4 more weeks !
SO excited! 4 weeks to go, and it feels very real now :) Had a growth scan on Friday to be told that Pip's estimated weight is ALREADY 7lbs 15oz :shock: He or she is at the top of the charts for length, which isn't surprising given hubby's height (6'6"). I have 2 weeks left at work, then freedom for 6 months :wohoo:

How is everyone doing?

Susan, I can't believe you're just about 2nd tri already! How are you feeling? :hugs:
seity - dont go! you're not even on fb so we cant keep in touch :(

anna - wow 4 weeks! time flies!!!

future - how's the pregnancy going?

well we're just back from 3 nights at disneyland paris :) we had a great time! am putting some pics on fb now.
I saw the pictures on FB of Paris.. looks like the whole family had a awsome time:thumbup:
We have changed out plans and we are going to wait til next year ( or the year after) to go to Disney, but we are still going away..
We are going to leave on Dec. 26th and head to the U.S.A for some shopping then to Sanduskey, Ohio to The Great Wolf Lodge ( a indoor water park) for a few days.

I feel great now, that :thumbup:first few weeks were tough and I managed to lose about 13lbs:dohh:
Why could that have happened six months ago !!
We are telling the family this Sunday about the baby:happydance:
My parents already know because I became really ill about two weeks ago suddenly and DH had to rush me to the hospital.. I have never felt so bad as I did then...
It ended up the for reasons still unknown, my right lung calasped..they thought:happydance: I maybe had devoped a blood cot, anyways a over night stay and a sloou of medication.
I am much better:wacko:
I bought Emily a lil' t-shirt that say " No horsing around, I am going to be a big sister"
I will put it on her and see who notices first.
I will announce it on FB after that.
We are also going to find out the sex this time, I have a U/S booked for Dec 5th.. so excited.. my guess is girl:happydance:

How is everyone else ?

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