Radkat-Glad to hear the betas keep turning out well. Ye-ha!!

Mischief-I agree...a normal LP is the silver lining to AF. That's for sure but I hope you don't get AF too. fxfx.

Sis-Hopefully you can catch that egg this time around, and then go back to NTNP. hee hee.

nessaw-Sorry you're feeling so irritated and miserable, but yes, it is definitely to be expected. Go shopping!!! Or do whatever makes you happy. Just take a break from it all!

Well, I went to my consult today. I didn't hear anything that I didn't know already (thanks bnb!). hee hee. I forgot to ask what type of BCPs I will be on. They have a class that is optional where I can learn more about it. I'm considering going only because hubs can go with me and learn about it too,. He is completely clueless. They also have an injections class, and I don't know if I want to go to that. I mean, I did injections for IUI, and I am such a nerd that I always read the well-written instructions. It depends on the time of the class and whether I want to leave work.

So...long story short, if I need to move to IVF, I will order my BCPs as soon as I get my results from the blood test, and start taking them for three weeks. Once that is done, they will monitor me with U/S. Then, I start taking additional injections every day, then take a trigger shot in my butt, have ER and ET and I'm on my way. I figure my timeline for ET will be sometime early to mid August. The nurse will give me a calendar once I get my blood test. Of course, I'm still thinking positively about this IUI. Not really sure why other than my sore tits. hee hee. But of course, it could be the progesterone. ramble, ramble, ramble.
Rad - Great news about the betas. Ahhh. You can relax a bit until your next appointment.

Mischief - Really hoping that spotting was just a fluke thing. Your temps are still looking good.

Sis - How's it going over there?

Terri - Sounds like you have a clear plan for IVF, although, I have to say your temps are looking good and the fact that your boobs are hurting has me kind of excited! That's all I'll say about that, though, for the moment. :) Haha - I know what you mean about "not learning much at the doctor." I felt the same way at a few of my appointments myself. :)

Moni - Has the evil AF arrived yet?

Nessaw - I'm so sorry that this cycle has been so tough. What are your next steps?

eRose, Katie - where you ladies at?

Wish - miss you Twinnie!

Hi everyone else.

DHs interview went "well." He didn't seem as excited as he was after the last round but this one was with the principal and the whole committee (I think 3 other people) so it was much more nerve-wracking. Plus, he's still really down in the dumps about our dog Eli so I think that's affecting him, too. So, it's done and if he doesn't get it, he still has his other position so no big deal really.
Everything ok I guess KFS1 haven't gotten any BD in since Sat :( DH goes to sleep way b4 me and my LO has been getting in our bed since his puppy is in there too!!!
Yes we have a Bed FULL!!!! :nope:

AFM working on DS2s room painted 1/2 last nite but need to go to the gym so I will finish later!!!
I havent lost any weight and that drives me batty but my arms and legs look slimmer so I'm guessing I've gained muscle :shrug:

Have u tested Mischief and Terri?????

Back in the Flat Lands!!! :nope:
kfs1-I hope your husband gets the job. They don't know his normal demeanor, so they may think that he is just normally calm versus his usual wild and wacky manner. HA!!HA!! Let us know the outcome. Thanks for the confidence. I'm feeling reserved.

Oh, my sister called me yesterday at 6:45a Eastern, 3:45 her time to say that she THOUGHT her dog (Huskie) passed away. She was catching a plane to Utah early and she said bye to the dog, and the dog was lethargic/still. He stopped eating about a month ago, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. His brother passed away about 6 months ago, so she thought he might be depressed. She had to leave the house, but she was really scared/sad. Her husband is a firefighter so he wouldn't be home until 8a, and she couldn't get in touch with him. She called the vet, who lives down the street, and the vet went to her house and called her back with bad news. :( Poor :dog: We're all pretty sad because we just lost her other dog that she had for about 14 years, and this one was about 11 or 12. She hasn't known life without a dog for a long time. Anyway, hate to make you feel sad again, but everyone knows that dog losses sure are difficult.

Sis-You know I haven't tested!! I had a test in the bathroom drawer, but I woke up a smidge late and forgot all about it. 10dpiui is still really early and since I hate those ICs (why did I buy them?? :nope:), I'm going to wait until Saturday. My blood draw is Monday, so I should know by Saturday anyway. Good or bad....It is amazing to me how you stay in the flatlands. I've never seen anyone with consistent flat temps from month to month. I'm glad the gym is treating you well. One or two months until vacation, right? Get your bikini body ready!

Mischief-We're counting on you to test and bring us some good news. We need it!!! :happydance: It's been two days since your spotting incident so I'm feeling really good about your chances.

Hi to everyone else! :wave: VJean, Katie, Radkat-check in with us. Momof3-You've been a stranger, Futuremom-Did your TWW turn into the start of something big? You girls know I like reading your updates.
no AF yet...

I've found the quickest way to get AF is to "Murphy's Law" my way into it. Schedule a pap smear. Wear white pants. Plan an elaborate romantic date night with hubby. Any of those should work. ;)

Edited to add... Do you want AF to show or not? For some reason I think you do... but I'm not sure! Sorry!
kfs1, I know from being on the principal's interviewing committee that BOTH sides of the table feel a little awkward during those interviews! There's just something really odd about sitting there with your boss interviewing another teacher... you feel like you're also being interviewed and it makes things weird. I'm sure it went better than he thinks!

Sis, you've got to kick that kiddo out of your bed and get busy!!! :) As for the weight loss, I have to do the South Beach diet for my PCOS and it works well for me when nothing else ever has. I'm getting really close to my goal. I'm not very good at depriving myself of anything. This is low carb but not no carb so I still get to eat the foods I like. Good luck with your diet! We're painting around here today too... keeping busy...

Terri, so sorry to hear about your sister's dog! Our 12 year old baby has been sick lately and I had a "pins and needles" day yesterday waiting to hear about her lab results. She's got so many issues... we're just trying to keep her comfortable at this point. I'll be very sad when her time comes. :( I see your temps are still up! Yea! I hope this is it for you!!

AFM - Nothing yet! No spotting at all since my hour or two of insane mega spotting 10 dpo. Some mild cramps for a minute or two here and there, but other than that no symptoms at all. I don't want to get my hopes up, but my parents will be here for a visit tomorrow and I so want to be able to finally give them good news!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!!! :)
Mischief-Does that mean you're waiting until tomorrow?! Come on! hee hee. Just kidding. Test when you feel comfortable. Have you taken progesterone before? Just an FYI that it will delay AF. It won't prevent it from happening, but it will delay it. Last time I stopped taking it and still had to wait another 6 days before the witch showed up. grrr...And so sorry to hear about your cat. :hugs: I hope she is ok for another couple years.
Mischief-Does that mean you're waiting until tomorrow?! Come on! hee hee. Just kidding. Test when you feel comfortable. Have you taken progesterone before? Just an FYI that it will delay AF. It won't prevent it from happening, but it will delay it. Last time I stopped taking it and still had to wait another 6 days before the witch showed up. grrr...And so sorry to hear about your cat. :hugs: I hope she is ok for another couple years.

Haha! She's not a cat - she's a 60 pound Boxer. I'm laughing because she acts more like a cat now than our cat does! :) 12 (almost 13) is old for a Boxer so I know our days are limited. She was such a good dog!

Like an idiot I tested yesterday - disappointed of course. The doc said wait until Thursday, so I guess I'll test again tomorrow! ;)

I've never taken progesterone, and knowing that it's supposed to delay AF is one of the reasons I freaked out when I started bleeding 10 dpo. I just kept thinking, "Of freaking course it wouldn't work for ME!" The doc said to call with test results on Thursday and then they'll tell me whether to continue with the P supplements or stop. We're ready to try IUI again next cycle, and I've got a bunch of questions for my next appointment starting with "WTH was all that bleeding 10 dpo?!?!?!" :)
Hi all - I have been following the thread as I can but been busy with work and nervous about the pregnancy... But, after today's appointment I feel a little better :) Baby's still exactly where he or she should be, little heart is beating and we saw its little legs and feet waving around. Wonderful :) Now I have to start with the battery of tests (they drew so much blood I'm not sure any is left)... But the dr. said that as to miscarriage, I am 95% out of the woods.
Terri, good luck at your appointment... and you have serious willpower not to test...
So glad u are doing well Drving!!!!

Terri I would use a IC everyday but that's me I'm a POAS addict!!! :haha:

Mischief I too have a old beagle he's the old man around here and my DS1s pup he doesn't really spend much time w him anymore since he loves the Pitties but I know it will be tough on us when he's gone I think he's 12 he was a rescue so not certain but the vet says he's in good shape for his age!!
As far as testing I got a dark line 9dpo last time ;)

AFM OPK is darker but not ++++ yet which is strange for me since I'm a early Oer but I will take it make those eggs nice and plump and later O sways pink ;)
I have a left over trigger shot I wonder if I should use it or if it would be a waste?? :shrug:
Terri - It's great that you kinda knew everything your dr told you. Just means you're well informed. :amartass: BTW, your chart is looking really great. Fx!

Mischief - As does yours! Just FYI, I had a blank hpt on 12DPO, then BFP on 14DPO. Fx for you too.

Kfs - Ugh to group interviews. We have at least two managers interview everyone here. I guess it's good to have a few different perspectives but it's hard on the interviewee! Hope DH got the job, but it is nice that he's fine with his current position.

Sis - You get more done in a day than I do in a week. Always painting something, doing yard work, going the gym. Impressive. :thumbup: Don't worry if you're not seeing a change on the scale yet. I'm sure you will, but the most important is that you feel better. Exciting about an almost positive OPK. You'll have to get DH to break that BD drought!

Driving - Sounds like you had a great appointment. Great to see LO moving around in there.

Hi to Nessaw, Fezzle, Moni, FutureMom, ERose, Momof3, Wish, SPP and all the others I missed!

AFM - I had a miscarriage dream last night. Sucked. Come on, July 8th! (My US date).
Erin—Diggin’ the new profile pic! What's going on with you?

Mischief—The suspense continues with your cycle this month. “Did my uterus hear me sobbing and take pity?” Oh that cracked me up! Looks like that temp is still up. And I thought P was supposed to help with spotting, so I’m wondering what that bleeding spell actually was? Very interesting. I hope you can give your parents great news, as well!

Fezzle—Good stuff all around on the doctor’s appt! Yeah, sure you have to do a bunch of the same tests over, but personally, I’d be very interested to see how much results fared compared to the first time. And OH getting his SA is a great step forward, too.

Kfs1—Here’s hoping that your DH’s second interview went well and that he gets that job. But if he doesn’t , it’s so fortunate to already have one in place. I’m seeing so many of my FB friends who are losing their jobs or their spouses are and it’s a terrible thing losing an income. But I sure do hope your DH gets this new position!

Radkat—Wonderful news on your betas!!! And the story about your LO’s 3D ultrasound was classic. I can see your DH being like, “Ehh, let’s just tuck this picture away over here in the underwear drawer for now.”

Moni—I agree with everything Mischief just said. Oh, and to add to it, take a pregnancy test. Not a cheap one…an expensive FRER. That should help the bitch along if she’s planning on coming this month. But it would be wonderful if she wasn’t stopping by. I don’t know, I just think things are looking so promising for you with the upcoming IVF anyway, even if she does show.

Neesaw—I think Caitlin Susannah is a beautiful name. And the Prime Minister thing was too funny! I sure wish your AF would just show up already. You’re getting dragged through it too much, I tell you.

Sis—That’s fantastic that you are going to the gym. Do you find it’s helping with your feeling in better spirits? That Vegas vacation is coming up…I’m still so envious. Will you be in your fertile period during the trip? I love the name Liam, too, but my daughter already has a couple in her school age group….this generation it really exploded in popularity.

Terri—Oh no, what terrible news about your sister’s dog. And losing two pets that have been in your family for so long…..I feel so bad for her. I’m hopeful again for you this cycle. Temp is still up and the sore boobs is a good sign, particularly if they aren’t usually that sore prior to AF. With my Jan pg, I had to hold them going up and down the stairs, too because they hurt soooo bad. I think it’s a promising sign.

Driving—I audibly shouted, “OH YAY!!” when I read about your u/s and seeing the baby moving about! Such sweet, happy news. Yes, now that you are in the 9th week and saw the heart beating, you’re statistics got a heck of a lot better….wayyyy better. I think you are in the clear. I really do. I definitely recommend getting a doppler. I like my Sonoline B and it seems to get the best reviews. Cost $50 but it was worth every dollar. I couldn’t find baby until about 11 weeks and it’s a bit tricky when they are still so little and mobile, but it has brought so much comfort for us nervous nelly’s.

AFM—I bounced into my nuchal translucency scan yesterday with a smile on my mug and a skip in my step! I told my u/s tech this was the first u/s I was coming to feeling happy and positive, yet this is the one that most people are supposed to be nervous about. I’ve been getting u/s every week for the most part and I was still amazed at how much the baby grows each week. This week, the baby seemed huge. It makes sense why you get all the aches and pain in the abdomen area during this early part of pregnancy. Man, do they grow quick. But I saw baby moving about throwing its little hands up and kicking it’s feet up in the air and it was miraculous! I didn’t see that with my DD because the only scans I got were at 8 weeks, when she was a stationary peanut, and at 20 weeks for the anatomy scan, when the baby is kind of big and not moving about as erratically. So, to see how active they are when they are still so small was the coolest thing.

Anyway, when she started the scan, the tech was laughing because baby was moving so much she was worried she’d have trouble getting it to stay still to take all the measurements. And as soon as she started trying to get that going, the baby moved to a little corner of my uterus and went to sleep with its back facing up, so she couldn’t get the profile and face measurements she needed. Bugger! She even had to use a vaginal probe to try to get a better view but to no avail. So, I had to shake my hips and cough and finally baby moved enough to get the measurements. Baby’s heartbeat was 152 and measuring 2 days ahead. :happydance:
So, long story short, the scan came out fine and a few hours later I got the results of my blood work and all that came back fine, so it was a STUPENDOUS day yesterday! The person on the phone from the genetics office said she knew the gender of the baby and asked if I wanted to know and I quickly shouted, “NO!” Then, I wanted to get off the phone with her as soon as possible because she sounded like a young receptionist-type who may slip up! Here’s a picture of our little skeleton baby, with its hand up resting on its forehead. I think baby is a boy. I’m starting to get more of a feeling in that direction. We’ll find out in August!


  • Baby Ultrasound 11 wk 5 days.jpg
    Baby Ultrasound 11 wk 5 days.jpg
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Mischief-I thought it was a cat because of your profile picture. I love boxers!! My cousins breed them, and they always say whenever I'm ready to just come get one, and then I never do. I'm a wuss. Sorry to hear about your catdog. hee hee. I hope she'll be ok for a little longer.

Driving-Excellent news! I'm glad the U/S went well and the baby is doing well. I'm so happy that you're feeling much more relieved about everything. I agree with Katie-go get a doppler as your present. btw, I am scared of testing. I don't want to see negative.

Wish-I see you sneaking around, so hi!! I don't want to be the one to pull you back in when you're trying to stay away. Miss you though. :hugs:

Radkat-Thanks for the PMA! Yikes on the dream...I don't like that at all. Stop having those dreams. right.now. Stopit. hee hee. I hope tonight you have a good dream.

Sis-You have a beagle too?! that poor little guy is just left in the dust with all the other new dogs and bigs.

Katie-Awesome update! I'm so happy for you and a boy you think, huh? I can't tell from the picture. hee hee. So funny how the baby was bouncing and bouncing and then was like 'now it's time for a nap' and conked out. So cute!! Thanks for the positivity as well. Some days I just feel so defeated...and then I read your (as in the group's) updates and then I feel much better, so thanks ladies!

Moni-Where is AF?! How annoying. Why does this happen to you every month? Stupid cysts.
Hi girls! Thank you Katie for that lovely description of your US - that gives us TTC-ers so much hope and joy!!!! And especially today for me since we just found out that a coworker who was five months along found out yesterday her baby has died and has to give birth to it anyways. And I feel soooooo bad for her and guilty too since I was jealous about her being pregnant since we're having problems with that. And I know that she had a miscarriage right before this pregnancy too. :cry::cry::cry: So sad for her. Not sure how to help (not a super close friend). Her DH wants to name it and have a service and everything. :cry::cry: So today I'm thankful to still be able to at least be TRYING. And thanks again to Katie for her beautiful ray of sunshine. :hugs: Take care everyone!!!!
That's great news Katie so happy for u I'm good w nub shots but I can't really tell in yours but I say pink cuz she's A fighter!!! :)

Future mom I'm so sorry for your Coworker all my losses where earlyish idk if I could handle all that so late in the game!!! :nope:
My <3 goes out to her and her family!!! :hugs:

Well after a ton of Questions my niece finally confessed she's PG Again but is afraid she's having a MC :(
She's only 19 and this will be her 2nd loss so I'm going to get her tested for MTHFR!! I'm contacting her Dr Tom to get numbers and answers as she seems pretty lost!!
Futuremom-So sorry to hear about your coworker. I know she is just devastated. And don't feel guilty. Everyone here gets jealous a time or two, but that had nothing to do with her loss...I hope she gets pregnant again soon.

Sis-Sorry to hear about your niece's losses, and yeah, maybe she has MTHFR and doesn't know it. You're always so helpful. How is Abigail doing?

Mischief-Sorry for the negative the other day. I hope this morning brings good news for you to share with your parents. :dust:

I'm swamped at work this morning so I can't play. Of course, its' a day that I'm super tired. My dad left early this morning so he woke me out of a dead sleep and now I have bags. hee hee. Hopefully I can catch up later.
Terri - Sorry about your sister's dog. Ugh. It's so tough - never an easy thing. How are you feeling over there? Still neutral?

Mischief - Thanks for the cheers for my DH. Ha - interesting to hear your perspective from the side of the interviewer. I'll definitely tell my DH. It all sounds completely terrifying to me. :) So, your temps are still up but you have some spotting today, huh? How are you feeling? Any PG symptoms? Oh, and I'm sorry about your poor dog. I hope she starts to feel better soon.

Driving - FanTASTic news. So happy that you had such a great appointment and, aww, you were able to see those little legs kicking around. :)

Rad - Yikes. Sorry for that terrible miscarriage dream that you had. I'm sure it's just your nerves invading their way into your dreams. How are you feeling? Any nausea yet? When's your next appt. again?

Katie - You're absolutely right about my DH. We are SO lucky to both have jobs so we're definitely not stressing too much about his interview (although it would be nice of course). A close friend of mine just got a job after almost a year of unemployment so we're definitely well aware of how things could be. I loooooooooooooove your ultrasound pic and I'm so happy that you're finally feeling a bit relaxed. And it's so cute that your baby decided to take a nap during the ultrasound. LOVE. :)

Future - That's so sad about your co-worker. Does she know what happened? I can't even imagine what she must be going through. Hugs to her. And don't feel guilty about your feelings. It's only natural and in reality, I'm sure you were genuinely happy for her.

Sis - So sorry about your niece. Hope everything ends up OK for her.

Nothing to report here. Negative OPK this morning but I'm gearing up for some BDing. :)
Yes - I want AF to arrive - and I have tried the white clothes, fancy underwear, extra BDing route. I spoke with the nurse of the clinic yesterday and she said the shot will likely delay me by 2 weeks. Which likely means no natural cycle for me before IVF. Which might be a good thing. The nurse called to tell me that I am a carrier of Tay Sachs gene and hubby's test was inconclusive (so he is retesting today). IF he is also a carrier than our child would have a 25% chance of having the disease - which results in death by the age of 4. So, IVF w/ genetic testing might be the best option for us. Of course, he may not have the gene - we'll find out in a couple of weeks.

Oh I took a cheapie test yesterday - BFN. I'll try an FRER next week.

Driving and Katie - yay for great scans!!

Futuremom - sorry about your coworker and sis FXed for your niece.

Terri - WAKE UP!!! :wacko: Hope that helps!

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