Terri - have a GREAT time in Philly. Whatcha doing there - just vacation? Have a cheesesteak for me, Hmmmm - your temps are quite interesting. Dare I say implantation dip?? :) Also, interesting about your friend taking the week off after her ET. I would probably be nervous to move around, too!

Sis - I love that you have a little girl name picked out. What about if it's a boy? We've discussed some names but nothing concrete yet.

Nothing much over here. Period's winding down but still a ways off from OPKs and all. I've had fewer twinges down below so I'm hoping that means that my cyst has gone down.

Speaking of cysts, Wish, any more symptoms?

My SILs birthday is Monday so I'm sure we'll do something to celebrate and I'm also getting together with my sister and her family to celebrate my bday and my BILs birthday. June is always craaaaaazy with birthdays for us.

Also, my DH has a second interview at a great school on Monday so we'll be shopping for a new shirt/jacket for him. I'm trying not to get excited but this job would be a serious life-changer for him and actually for both of us. Think positive thoughts for him please ladies.

Love you all. Have a great weekend!
KFS- :hi: twinnie!! I will be saying some prayers for your DH and his interview on Monday - how exciting! Have a great weekend celebrating all those birthdays!! :hugs:

Terri - I LOVE me some Philly!!! I hope you have a super weekend - Lord knows you are going to eat well - the food there is amazing!!! Loving your temps lady!!

Katie - you do have some serious willpower to wait till 20 weeks!! I am excited for you!!!

Sis - awee picking out names is so much fun - unless you are a celebrity and then I don't know what the heck happens.... uhm north??? Apple? Pilot inpsector? anyways I am sure you have a sweet texas size name all picked out!! :hugs:

Fezzle - I totallly agree about seeing these things after people died - my dad's parents died before I turned 16 - what I wouldn't do to talk to them today... I have so many questions (like why my grandma hated her first name - Ella?? and went by Muriel ? like that is better) so yes to all of you that have folks from the greatest generation still around - pick their brains!!

:hi: to all you other lovely ladies

AFM: well no :sex: this entire week and I cannot tell you ladies how much I am hurt by this :sad2:... so I have stopped temping/taking supplements and I am ramping down - I guess you can say we are NTNP... I just cannot continue on 110% by myself - its too painful for me... I am also going to cut down on my time on BnB... I will still come on and cheer you on... and sends hugs and love when you need it...but I need to concentrate on other things and let my heart heal from this... right now I am so hurt/angry that I want to lash out... so I know I have work to do on me... :bike::bike::bike::bike:
so ladies - I am full of expectation that there are going to be some serious BFP's before the end of the year. I will be here cheering you all on!!! Much love ;):-k:!:](*,)O:):lolly::paper:<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Wish big :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug:

I know how u feel I'm in the same boat I consider NTNP since he's not taking his vitamins and I'm not getting any help I found a ero pharm I can get meeds from though :haha: not going there just yet hoping I can convince him to take his vitamins and make this baby the good old fashion way!!
We are here anytime u need us also I think I feel better working on me and my DH seems to feel less pressure now which is good mybe a break is what u guys need!!
Also my DH was admiring the Baby girl next to us at dinner the other nite maybe give him a dose of Baby Fever!!! :)

As for the names yes Celebirties go outta there way to make baby names stand out I think:nope:
My Lil girl name is my Mimi and Great grands middle name it's always been waiting for that Lil girl to give it too and it was going to be her first name but I decide on a short 1st name and Lillian as her middle name plus DH and the boys all have middle L names
If u saw my guest room u could figure out her name DH always ask what's the deal w the Lil birds everywhere :rofl:
I wasn't going to think of a boy name cuz I was afraid it would make the baby a boy but I did find a name but it's up to DH as I picked DS2 name so he has say so but I'm thinking he will cave and I have a nice cajun name picked out !! ;)

Erose GL w Stims

Terri have fun in Philly

Kfs1 hope u can get :sex: soon!!!

I woke up to a Snow storm in the living room ... Luna killed my new purple pillow :nope:

Happy Friday everyone !!!
Wish- :hugs: you definitely can't do it all alone. I hope your DH gets on board.

kfs- good luck to your DH for his job interview!

Sis- I like your girl names!

terri- have fun in Philly!

AFM- my temps have taken a nose dive! I hope it's estrogen. We got a very functional BD session in last night and will hopefully get in a couple more (but more fun ones!) over the weekend. I have a Dr's appointment on Monday. My normal GP is away on leave now for awhile, but she said she'd leave her recommendation for me to be referred to the fertility clinic in July for whoever took over her patients- I figured it was close enough to July! This new GP also specialises in sexual health and gynaecology, so Fx I'll get more help! I'm feeling more optimistic having had two "real" periods since I started taking Metformin, but my LPs have been short and I'm still not positive I've ovulated.
STIMs are okay. I'll be okay with the pen thingy I have to do tonight (Gonal F), and I'm a pro at the Lupron at this point (its as small as the Ovidrel needle), but I'm not happy with the Menopur needle. I really dont understand why it has to be so long, and I didn't have a good experience w/it this morning, but I suppose I'll get used to that too.

I, too, have a short first name picked out if I have a girl... You can probably tell from my username. It will be Rose after my deceased grandmother. Probably Rose Olivia. There aren't many middle names I can make work with Rose as it seems to work better as a middle name, but I want it as the first name, so still considering middle names. If we have a boy, Miles Steven.

Well, Sis and Wish, I'm wishing you luck with NTNP. A lot of times that is when it happens for a lot of women, so I'm HOH for you both! And Wish, once again, so sorry things didn't go well and you are feeling so crushed. I really hate that for you. :( I do think the NTNP thing will be good for you guys though... it will help you to not feel like you are putting so much in, and getting so little in return with DH. And it will also take the pressure off DH (they can be such big babies when it comes to this stuff!).

Terri, have fun in Philly! Glad your temp decided to take flight this morning. Yay for a little P in your system. :) I don't blame your friend for taking the week off after ET. I'm taking off too, but my RE said three days should be fine. It just so happens though, that my fam is coming down to visit on July 11th, so I'm going to be off for that anyway. If my ET ends up being a 5-day transfer on the 7th, I'll have the good three days to lay around and do nothing, and then when my fam arrives, I'll just be sure and take it easy. We'll just be lounging around the pool mostly anyway by that point!

kfs, thinking positive thoughts for your DH's interview!! GL to him!! :thumbup:

Fezzle, thinking about you and your family during this difficult time, Hun.

Hello to everyone else. I'm working from home today, so I'm going to take a break and go lie down for a bit. So tired for some reason. Oh, one more thing... my temps never went down below CL when AF came. They got SUPER close, but even popped back up a lot. I've been weirded out about by that since AF was over yesterday with just a teensy bit of spotting, and my temp was still up. It finally dropped to one of my normal pre-O temps this morning. I'm thinking maybe the Lupron messed with my temps, so I'm starting to wonder if I should even temp this cycle at all. Not sure what good it would do. I looked up a lot of IVF charts on FF, and a lot of them didn't temp... some did, but a lot of them just recorded their meds, symptoms, and put a vertical line on the day of ER.
Wish- :hugs: you definitely can't do it all alone. I hope your DH gets on board.

kfs- good luck to your DH for his job interview!

Sis- I like your girl names!

terri- have fun in Philly!

AFM- my temps have taken a nose dive! I hope it's estrogen. We got a very functional BD session in last night and will hopefully get in a couple more (but more fun ones!) over the weekend. I have a Dr's appointment on Monday. My normal GP is away on leave now for awhile, but she said she'd leave her recommendation for me to be referred to the fertility clinic in July for whoever took over her patients- I figured it was close enough to July! This new GP also specialises in sexual health and gynaecology, so Fx I'll get more help! I'm feeling more optimistic having had two "real" periods since I started taking Metformin, but my LPs have been short and I'm still not positive I've ovulated.

I think we were posting at the same time Fezzle, so I wanted to respond to your post real quick! GL at your Dr appt on monday! Hoping your temp dive just means you're close to O, and that your fun BD sessions are going to pay off. :thumbup: It does sound like the metformin is working, and maybe with each cycle, it will get better and better. But of course, I'm HOH for you this cycle anyway. :flower:
Thanks, ERose! Good luck figuring out your temps this cycle!
kfs1 - Happy birthmonth :) And good luck to DH on his job interview! Your dog's photo looks like the dear dog we had when I was a kid - "Cinders." She was almost like another sister to me. So sorry you lost yours. :hugs:

Wish - Sorry that DH is feeling too stressed about things, which is affecting your happiness too. NTNP could be the best move for you right now. We'll miss you if you're not around here, though. :hugs:

Sis - I LOVE the name Mimi Lillian!!! I hope your get your DD very very soon!!! Let's aim for next month together - July BFP!!! :happydance:

Fezzle - "a very functional BD session" :rofl:!!! I totally get what you mean. It does take some of the mystique out of BD, for sure. How exciting that you are going to a fertility expert!!! If we're not preggers by my birthday (August 23) I'm gonna ask for a referral to one.

Erin - ahhh, so the mystery of the Rose is solved. :flower: It's not your name, but your DD's!!! I hope you get to meet her very very soon. You must be so excited about everything that's happening for you now with IVF. I vote that you don't bother with temping and just enjoy every second. :dust:

AFM - I don't think we :sex: at the right time this month. :nope: The month I got my BFP we BD'ed pretty late in my cycle (I think around CD 16 or 17), which we couldn't this month due to OH's business trip. Oh well. I can't test until at least Tuesday. I figure, if we ARE preggers, then :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:!!! But if not, then at least I can drink on our trip to the west coast at the start of July. :wine:

Hope everyone else is having a good start to their weekend :hi:
Well, I finished my work, and now I'm just waiting for 2:30 and then I'm rolling out. I'm actually going to get home in time to watch the start of the 3pm game! yeah.

Fezzle-That's great news that you are going to see the specialist very soon. I think your temp drop is because your'e about to O, so your functional BD and your fun BD will pay off!

Wish-I will miss you but I know stepping back is the right thing to do. You'll definitely be missed around here. And...your parting signature with the bike just had me cracking up. You're a nut, and we love you!

kfs1-My high school friend is turning 40, so my bestie and I decided to go to Philly with him to celebrate. He's always a hot mess, but we'll have fun. He'll just get wasted and complain, and we'll sing karaoke and talk about the food/wine. I can't wait! We're only going for Saturday and Sunday (see hot mess). One day is plenty.

ERose-Love the name for your baby girl. Yikes on the long Menopour needle. Why is it so long? Be careful! I would probably stop temping for IVF until after the transfer, but that may be too much pressure. I have gotten so used to it, it's weird when I don't. I can actually sleep in? What?! hee hee.

Sis-Maybe the NTNP thing is good for you too. I also love Mimi. I love all names these days...hee hee. My hubs likes all names K, so I'm agreeable to that. I have a list on my phone of about 10 girl K names, and only like three boy K names. Anytime some NBA or NFL player has a crazy K name like Kwali or Kaques, he asks if I like that name. Uh....no. I like regular names. Kacey, Kelsey, Kelly, Kamille, Karmen, etc...HA!!HA!! I would like for their employers to not stereotype my kid because they can't pronounce their name. And it would suck having everyone say your name wrong.

Futuremom-You never know what the secret is, so don't give up just yet. Tuesday it is! We will wait.

Ok chicas, now I'm out...
I'm just skimming and don't really have time to post - but I just can't resist adding that we never thought we'd have kids so I used my girl name on our dog! So now if I get pregnant I'll either have to rename the dog or pick something else. Maybe nobody would ever tell her... but knowing MY relatives... "Well, your mom named you after her DOG!" :(
So much to catch up on, don't have time to comment. Everyone have a great weekend!!
Wish - I'm so sad that you're feeling so down. This process is so emotionally draining and it can't help to be fighting with your DH. I think NTNP is just what you need to get your happiness back, even if it's temporary (or not). The last break that you took did you a world of good so I'm hoping that this one will to. That said, don't disappear entirely Twinnie!!! I need to know how much other half is doing.

Sis - I'm sad for you, too, but are you OK with NTNP? You seem to be in a good place and you're always so busy!! :) Sorry about your pillow. :)

Erose - oh man - that needle sounds awful. I'm such a baby with that stuff. Can your DH help you with it maybe? How are you feeling today?

Mischief - look at those temps, girl! Looking good.

Fezzle - I'm hoping you're close to O, too. But either way, it sounds like things ares improving for you (yay) and I'm sure that doctor will be able to help even more.

Future - are you certain that your BD session was so late last time around? Were there any others earlier? Either way, like Terri said, every cycle is different so don't give up hope yet. But like you said, you'll be able to indulge on your trip if things don't work out so there's always a bright side I guess.
Mischief- we have friends who named their daughter the same name as their dog (who died not that long before they started having kids)- both Mollie.

I used to like Daisy, which was my family's dog's name while I was growing up, though with girls' names I change my mind often!
My chart looks better, but if I wasn't only 9 dpiui I'd swear I
was out. This morning I'm feeling like AF is due any minute, though she's not. I have cramping and spotting - including two teeny teeny tiny (but still there!) clots. :(
Wow mischief, your chart really does look good!! Hoping the tiny spotting is a good thing and not AF coming anywhere near you! Fxd!

Kfs, thanks for asking... Turns out, I'm an idiot... I used the wrong needle for the menopur yesterday! Ha! After googling, I read a lot of girls saying they were provided with smaller needles that you can switch out on the syringe! The syringe comes with a 1.5" needle that you can use if you need to stir the med after mixing it. But it can be twisted right off and replaced with the the .5" needle for injection. I went back in and looked in the box Cigna sent me, and sure enough, there were the separate smaller needles. I can't believe I inflicted that pain on myself unnecessarily, lol! :haha: Anyway, SUCH a relief. It was much more pleasant this morning!

Terri / Future Mom... I am tempted to quit temping. I keep reading it's pointless to temp during an IVF cycle with all the injections. Plus, after ER, I'll be starting P injections which will probably cause a temp rise, but if my temps are all over the place before that, not much point. I'm back to pre-O temps now, but not sure what was up. I can only assume it was the Lupron, but don't really know. I'm still taking it, but the dose is cut in half. My P was super high last cycle too, so while it dropped enough for AF to come, maybe between that and the Lupron, my temps were just higher. I'll probably keep going for now (mostly out of habit), but may stop if things get wonky.

Terri, hope you have a great time in Philly tonight!!

Future Mom, here's to hoping you guys got some BDing in at the right time. You never know! I'm HOH for you. :flower:

Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a fab weekend!!
Sorry for all the confusion Mimi was my G Mas nick name not my baby name was just saying that her middle name and my great Gmas name was Lillian
Wren Lillian Woodring will be her name If I'm lucky enough to get twin girls Raven Rochelle will be her sis!!! Wren and Raven I so want that but it seems far fetched!! :nope:

Erose yea they give u a mixing needle and a injection needle ;) glad u figured it out!!

Mischief sounds promising :happydance: I have a dog named Layla she's my shadow but I almost used Lillian but kept it!! :)

Had a house full of bigs yesterday and got a ton of light fixtures changed but still didn't paint DS2s room so I gotta do that!!
Hope everyone has a Great weekend!!!
Real quick check-in....

Sis--I feel so high and mighty cuz I guessed Wren was the name when you mentioned the birds and it being 4 letters. I have a Mimi grandmother, too, so I figured that's who you were referecing with the "Lillian" name. Those names are very cool! I certainly would love to see you use at least one of them. :)

Smiles--This is going way back but I forgot to cyber "high five" you for taking the leap and going commando. Let the lady bits breathe, I say!

Wish--Like the other ladies have expressed, I hate to see you pull back from here because you're such a fun, interegal part of the group....but I completely understand needing to. Like kfs1 said, it did wonders for you the last time, and I think it will do so again. I honestly think you may see a big change in your DH's attitude toward TTC once you aren't focusing on it. Men and pressure and disappointment of not being able to fix something aren't a good combo and the most important thing is your relatiohip. It's the core of everything. And we definately tend to get really emotional ourselves with TTC and men don't particularly deal well with that either. I really think the break will be a good thing for you but that doesn't mean we'll miss you any less. <3

Terri--Sooo, what's going on with you this cycle? Anything to report? And we are having Philly cheesesteaks tonight for dinner specifically because people on here are bringing them up with you going to Philly. Have a blast with your "hot mess" friend. I actually find the hot mess friends we have are the most entertaining, but can only be taken in small doses! And I agree to go with names that aren't confusing to pronounce where people have to second guess that they are saying it correctly!

Fezzle--Very interested to hear how your doctor's appt. goes and who the heck knows about your temps but it very well could be due to the meds.

Erin--Yeah, I don't think you should temp during the IVF cycle. When I've seen other ladies going through IVF it doesn't appear they temp and those meds could have an impact, too. I just feel like it will give you extra cause for worry and confusion. Don't do it girl!

Gots to get off computer because my daughter is bugging me again to get on to play her games, so sorry to those I missed!
Hi ladies....here is a picture of Beanie, who no longer looks like a bean. Lol. The tech asked if I knew what I was having I said " no, I want to be surprised". Right after that everything she said about the baby she referred to as " he" I looked at her with the side eye and she said " don't worry, I refer to all babies as he by default" so since then I'm thinking " I wonder if it's a boy, she better not have ruined it for me" lol. Anyhow, I will catch up properly and post responses to everyone.


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Aww, smiles... Cutest little face!!! Thanks for sharing. :flower:

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