Great pic Smiles!!!

Katie :) Boy names: Brantley, Dempsey, Charlie, Bentley, Brently, Berkley, Rigby, Henry, Henley, Cody, Cory, Colby, Kobe, Casey, Finley, Brady, Grady, Avery, Brody, Bodie, Ramsey, Remy, McKinley, Zachary, Anthony, Crosby, Ashby, Wesley, Bradley, Carey, Oakley, Dacey, Dorsey, Flannery, Jeffrey, Andy, Perry, Buckley, Bailey, Dunley, Jeremy, Westley, Kingsley, Rory, Murphy, Murray, Denley, Gregory, Quincy, Kinney, Mickey, Toby, Jamie, Macauley, Landry
Don't think Harley is on there or Riley!!! :)
Sis, with your naming skills, feel free to give me some suggestions on middle names that go w/ Rose. I'm pretty sure I'm happy w/ Rose Olivia. But I'm not super attached. I really only picked Olivia because it's one that works. I don't want a middle name that sounds like it could be one name with Rose when I say it out loud.... Like Anne or Marie. I want something that sounds like it's clearly a separate name.

Wonder why I'm all of a sudden talking about names... I must be feeling in my heart like the IVF is gonna be it. But I don't want to jinx myself, so I need to chill out!
Smiles!!! That is the most amazing 3D ultrasound picture...you can totally see the baby for realsies. How cute!!!!!! Wow, my 3D ultrasound with DD was not nearly as clear, but that was 5ish years ago. I was very disturbed because my daughter looked like she had thick black hair with a widow's peak and she looked like Elvis. And she had dark rings under her eyes (which is actually normal cuz I guess their eye area skin is still thin), but she looked like a beat-down Elvis. I was so disturbed I cried the whole way home. She came out and looked nothing like the pictures. But your pic is amazing!! I may need to think about having it done after seeing yours. I wonder if the u/s tech really calls the baby "he" all the time. Honestly, I think they are well-trained enough to know not to slip up like that. I mean, that would be a huge infraction and totally unprofessional. Are you guys leaning a certain way toward boy or girl or does it not matter either way for you?

Sis--Thank you for that really GOOD list!!! I actually like quite a few of the names on there. Like Cody, Brently and Landry (that last one I've not even heard). There's actually other names on there I like but I can't use because they are already in the family or like, I dated a Coby and it was a mess and my friends would wonder why I'd name my baby that! The middle name for the boy will most likely be Allan, my grandfather's name and the most special man in my life growing up. And let's be honest, it's an easy go-to middle name. You know, if we broke from the long e names, we also like Easton. But Easton Allan sounds like "Ethan Allen" furniture stores, so I dunno about that.

VJean--Oh you have a little Hadleigh! And calling her Haddie is super cute and if we have a girl, I could see doing the same. We'd spell it Hadley because (I know this sounds OCD) but it matches more to my daughter's name, Kaylee, with the Y and E. Hey, aren't you supposed to be posting an u/s pic soon?!

Wish--I don't think there's one single thing wrong with starting to think about names. You will have a child or multiple children and it's perfectly normal to start thinking ahead!

Mischief—Your temp keeps climbing. Very nice! Watching you this cycle. 

Fezzle—Great to hear you are on your way to the Fertility Specialist, even though I’ve said it before, it will be such a relief to figure out if there’s anything that needs tweaking to get you pregnant. I just think it’s a step in the right direction for you. But it looks like your temp jumped up today?

Hi to everyone else! You know we haven’t heard from quite a few ladies lately. I wonder where OlderMom, Blues Honey, Felcity 45, Batty Atty, Hoping4Argyle and SPP (although still checking in on the thread) have gone to? Would love to get updates from them. I know Garfie is sticking to her journal for her sanity’s sake, but I can still check in on her over there to see how she’s doing. She continues to tell the funniest stories!

AFM—You know what I should be doing? Cleaning my dang house. I have absolutely no desire to even get the vacuum cleaner out. Or even open the closet door that stores the vacuum. Now I remember that this first trimester “don’t give a shiz” feeling is why I hired a housecleaning service when pregnant with DD. But I can’t afford that luxury now, so we’ll just have to live in squalor for a few more weeks until I get my motivation back. And the progesterone makes me sooooo tired....I can't believe it doesn't have the same effect for you ladies who take it! I have an ultrasound tomorrow….the nuchal translucency one. It’s the one that looks for trait of down syndrome and I believe they do other measurements and look for possible anatomical defects. I’m nervous but not crazy nervous. This is the first ultrasound I will be going into where I’m not freaking out. Having that home doppler has been key to my sanity in being able to check for baby’s heartbeat when the urge hits. With my DD, the stupid doctor’s office scheduled this scan too late in my pregnancy (I think you have to have it done between 10-12 weeks) and I was 13 weeks or something, but I showed up all excited to get to see my baby again on ultrasound and they turned me away because I was too far along. I’m still pissed thinking about it all these years later!!! I didn’t get another ultrasound until 20 weeks for the gender reveal. Why did I stay with this doctor’s office again??? But I’m super excited to see baby moving around again. I am so, so grateful. I should also be getting the results back for all those genetic/chromosome tests next week. Will be relieved to get that over with, too. Okay, maybe I should go do something productive like eating. Toodles!
I made it back from Philly! We had a pretty good time, and oh, such good food! We were stuffed the entire day/night. HA!!HA!! This morning I had chicken and waffles benedict with a hot sauce hollandaise. Then, we stopped for hoagies to go on the way home. HA!!HA!! I'm an exercise in gluttony. Don't do what I do. hee hee. We danced, ate, walked around, shopped a bit, and just laughed and laughed.

Sis-Great list of names for Katie. And I thought your girl's name was Wren. I think it's on your FF chart. I love Wren and Raven too. Especially being in Bmore. We love our Ravens!!

Smiles-What a beautiful picture and a beautiful baby. I think "he" looks just like you. hee hee. I am so excited for you. Oh, and since I'm obsessed with soccer, we had to watch a partial game yesterday when we were resting up for our big outing, and my gay friend was like 'Ooh, why have I NEVER watched soccer before? He can get it, he can get it and HE can get it," as he was pointing at different players. Then I said 'Too bad they don't WANT it.' HA!!HA!! I think we have another new fan of the sport.

Katie-I'm totally not making fun of Kaylee, but your story about her looking like a beat down Elvis had me cracking up. And the fact that you were crying on the way home makes me laugh/well up even more. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. I think you should try it again with little Landry (I like that name-so cool!). I also meant to say that the progesterone makes me really tired too. The past two IUIs, I have been so sleepy. By 9-10pm, I'm done.

ERose-I like Olivia a lot. I feel like it's getting more popular, and I'm not sure if it's because of SVU or what, but I do like it a lot. And, you're thinking about names because IVF IS IT!! :hugs: Oh, and thank goodness you looked up the needle size. You'd be miserable sticking such a big needle in your belly every day. Shew! I found the Gonal F needle practically nonexistent. The Ovidrel shot stung a little, but hopefully I won't have anything that I can't deal with.

Mischief-I'm feeling really positive for you and your chart. I see that you have other charts that are similar, but this one looks especially awesome. fxfxfx

AFM-Nothing fertility related to discuss. My dad is coming in about two hours and I think he's staying two days. I don't talk to him much for fear he will start talking about all his gf's and I can't stand that, so not sure how long he will be here for sure. Hubs said "I guess we're not having a party until he leaves.' I said 'Yeah, probably not, but if you want to have a party, let's have one now.' He said 'I can never turn down a party!' :dohh: Whatever. HA!!HA!!
Well... so much for the high temp this morning. AF arrived. I'm not as upset about the failed IUI as I am about this really weird cycle. Why was it only 26 days when usually it's 29-33??? Why do I suddenly have this super short 9 day luteal phase when it had been 12-14 days??? I'm so bummed out!
What?! AF? Are you sure Mischief? It's way too soon for that. That really stinks if it truly is AF. Maybe you should call the doctor and see if something can be done. This is a punch in the gut and it's not even my cycle! Super big :hugs: Are you going to do IUI again? I'm sorry.
What?! AF? Are you sure Mischief? It's way too soon for that. That really stinks if it truly is AF. Maybe you should call the doctor and see if something can be done. This is a punch in the gut and it's not even my cycle! Super big :hugs: Are you going to do IUI again? I'm sorry.

I guess I jumped the gun, although I really wouldn't classify "bright red with clots" as spotting. Whatever that was, it's gone now so I changed my chart. Did my uterus hear me sobbing and take pity??? :wacko:

We are going to do IUI again, and I'm going to call my nurse tomorrow to let her know what's going on. This starting and stopping business happened last cycle as well, just not so early (CD 34 and 13dpo). It makes it hard to take Clomid if you can't figure out if AF is here or not! :wacko:
Phew! I'm glad it wasn't really AF. Fxfx for something great in the next couple days!!
Good luck, Mischief- I hope it was just a weird bit of bleeding! Like IB knocking something loose?

I had my appointment this morning with my new Dr. She seemed nice and quite knowledgeable like the one I usually see (who's away for the summer). She's started the referral process (hurrah!). I have to go through all the tests again, but I'm interested to see if the Metformin and iron has helped. So, in a week I'm getting my Day 21 test, then I have to wait for AF to get the Day 3 tests again. It's possible I might be away when AF comes next so might have to wait until the next month, but since she's coming early lately, the timing might work out. OH can get blood tests and a SA now too. So, it's all moving along now. I think I might have ovulated now- I'm glad I'm getting the Day 21 test to check!
Fezzle-That's great!! I'm so happy you like your doctor and are moving along with things. Woohoo!!

Mischief-My fingers are crossed for you.

I'm going to meet with the specialist today to talk about IVF. It's supposed to be a 45 minute session, so hopefully it only lasts that long. I have a lot of work type stuff I need to do before I leave next week. I thought about taking a half day, but if I stay here, I can do more work stuff and take it easy early next week or later this week.

Hi to everyone else!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Mischief - Phew. Glad you're not out yet. Fx!

Fezzle - That's GREAT news. Glad to hear things are moving forward.

Terri - Where are you going again next week? I hope somewhere fun.

Nada much going on here. Celebrated my SILs birthday over the weekend. Another quick meet up with her tonight (her actual bday) and then meeting up with my sister & her family tomorrow night to finish out the June bday celebrations. Tons of fun BDing over the weekend. :) It had seriously been a month for us with all of my procedures and stuff. DH's interview is at 2:00 today. He seemed so nervous this morning but I reminded him that he already has a position so to try not to stress too much. Easier said than done of course. Starting OPKs on Wednesday.
kfs1-Yeah for BD'ing!! A month is a long time. And I'm glad your bday celebrations were fun this month.

I'm sure your husband will do great, and yeah, if he goes in relaxed knowing that he is interviewing them too, it will be a lot easier. At least that's how I feel. I'm sure he'll do great!
Smiles - great pic!!

Mischief - keep us posted.

Terri - let us know howthe class goes.

AFM - just waiting for AF...
Whatever that bleeding was yesterday, it's gone now. Today I have no cramps, no bleeding, nothing - just a bad mood! ;) I remember last cycle this weird starting and stopping business began 13 dpo and it turned out it was AF, so I'm not terribly hopeful. If I can't have a BFP I at least want a normal LP!!!

Terri, good luck with your IVF appointment! Although I hope it's a huge waste of time because this is your BFP cycle! ;)

kfs1, I'm glad you got to BD before your husband's interview! A month is a looooong time! I hope it goes well for him - sending positive thoughts his way!
Wish - I'm sorry, selfishly, that you'll be stepping back because you bring so much light to this thread. But I totally understand that's what you need to do right now. We're here whenever you want to check in! Big :hug:

Sis - I'm sorry you feel like you're NTNP. Here's hoping that DH gets baby fever. :flower:

Fezzle - Sounds like your specialist appointment went really well. I'm glad you like her.

ERose - Glad you figured out you could use the smaller needle! Ouch! All the IVF stuff is very exciting. Keep us updated.

FutureMom - Good plan, if no BFP, then some drinking on vacation!

Mischief - I'm hoping for IB too. Fx. If it's AF, she's being especially sneaky this month.

Smiles! Look at that beautiful 3D picture of your baby! I'm sure the US tech does just refer to all babies as he. You have to say something.

Katie - My DH didn't like the 3D pic of LO because he said she looked like an alien. We'd been replacing each us pic in a little frame by our bed, but he didn't want that one in there. :haha: Oh and don't worry about cleaning the house right now. Just do the basics (or let DH do it).

Terri - Your time with your hot mess friend sounds fun. I think we all have those and like them in small doses. Glad you got some good food in Philly. Good luck with the IVF appointment. Let us know how it goes.

Kfs - I'm so glad you got some good BD in! Probably helped DH before his interview too. Good luck to him!

Things are going well here. Got the beta # from last week back and it was good, still waiting on the second one, but I'm going to relax until the US in 2 weeks.
Hi all. Loving the baby names. We love Caitlin Susannah for a girl. Middle name is my mums. We were stuck on boys-one of the reasons I thought the twins would be boys was because we couldn't think of one never mind two. One we like is Cameron David but too similar to the Prime Minister!
Afm cd35 no af bfn on Sat. Totally bored of it now. V v frustrated. V v moody! You can only imagine!
Mischief so Glad it wasn't AF but it seems us Oldies get that early spotting using Clomid cuz it thins your lining or u taking Estridal after to build it up??
If not and AF shows I would ask your DR about Femara !! FX u get bat BFP!! :)

Terri glad u had a nice trip and GL w the consult today!! ;)

KFS1 yay for BD!!! :)

Erose I will look for some names and get back to ya!!!

I went to 2 Movies Last Nite w my BFF so was tired for BD but will get some more in B4 O as my temps are still low!!!

Happy Monday All!!!
Found some Erin

Rose Vivienne
Rose Margaret
Rose Eleanora
Rose Olivia
Rose Estelle
Rose Adelaide
Rose Vanessa
Rose Evangeline
Rose Eliza
Rose Anabel
Rose Natalia
Rose Delaney
Rose Alison
Rose Milena
Rose Helena
Rose Matilda
Rose Seraphina

Didn't u say u r Irish If so I would look up Gaelic names my DS2 is Elias LIAM b4 it's was so popular!!! :haha:

Just yell it out cuz when they r in trouble u will use that middle name it has to flow!! ;)

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