Moni-I'm sorry about the Tay Sachs gene. Do both people need to carry the gene or only one for the baby to get it? My DH is Jewish and I didn't think we needed testing done because I'm not and as far as we both know, we do not have any genetic diseases.

Both need to carry the gene for a baby to get it, which is why he is getting the test redone. If only one has it - it would just be a recessive gene like I have. Neither of us are Jewish or Cajun. I'm not sue where in my family line I got it from - there has been no instances of Tay Sachs in my family either - it is a very strange result.
Thought I would share my guest room redo since I'm working on DS2s and it's looking great!!


Sis, Love your guest room! So pretty! And I really like that little table you have. Have you ever used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, or made your own chalk paint? I am obsessed with it lately! You should play around with it if you haven't.

Terri, An accord is a much more practical car! When my DH and I got married he was the proud owner of a Cadillac CTS and a Rolex Daytona… He now drives a Camry, wears a Citizen watch and the FAMILY has a nice swimming pool in the back yard! :haha: Sorry about the temp dip, but I’m excited about your IVF starting!

Mischief, CONGRATS!! :happydance:
Sis-Your temperature went up a smidge. :haha: Hopefully tomorrow it will make its grand entrance. Perhaps you should start temping orally! I kid, I kid.

I hate you for your decorating sense. That room and hallway look amazing. A little jealous over here!

VJean-We posted at the same time....thanks. I told him that he didn't have to look at Accord, but any of those middle of the road sedans would be fine. He hates the look of the Camry lately, so Accord was fine and he's a Honda guy, so it's cool. A took a huge sigh of relief last night.
Mischief, what yummy line porn!! Oh, I am so excited for you!!!

Terri, I totally understand about the fancy car and glad that your hubby came to see the light. I can't say that I am above fancy clothes and stuff, and when I was a young and single professional in NYC, I probably spent too much on some of that (and I still will spend money on nice dinners out). But I always made sure to save a considerable portion of my paycheck and never lived in really fancy apartments... And when we moved away, I did look at some very nice cars (and I still sometimes dream that I'll get a Tesla at some point, uhuh... ) but ended up getting a Honda CRV. It is much more important for us to pay for high-quality child care (and possibly a private school if we feel that we need it) and vacations - education and experiences before stuff.

Katie - so glad that things are finally calming down for you! The Doppler suggestion is great and am thinking about it. Just worried that I'd constantly be checking it...

Everyone - thanks for your nice comments and encouragement, means a lot to me. I am 10 weeks today and going to do the Maternit21 test on Monday. 7 business days for the result...
Thanks Ladies and as far as the chalk paint goes ...doing that in DS2s room :haha:

Going to do a skyline w some of the buildings in chalk paint and put a barn door painted w chalk paint to cover his sink area!!

Yea that's the sink area in the other pic I still have to add hardware!!

Vjean the Lil table is actually a changing table or wash table but until I can use it properly it's for deco!! :)
Terri - I'm sorry you got the drop of doom. I hope AF finds her way to you earlier this time so she doesn't interfere with your vacation. Where are you going, btw? No DH, right? Glad he saw the light of the more affordable car. It's easy to forget about all the "little" expenses that add up.

Sis - Funny that DH said you were stealing his swimmers. And cool that he believes next month will be a BFP. Love the room. I have zero decorating sense. I'm cheap and lazy so everything is white walls and Ikea furniture. Boooring. :haha:

Driving - Good luck with the MaterniT21. 7 days feels longer when you're waiting for something like that. I'm sure all will be well. :flower:

Hi to VJean and Moni! Happy Friday to all!
Moni - When do you hear back about his gene test results? GL!!!

Sis - Your decorating looks professional!!! Love it!!! :thumbup:

Driving - GL with the Maternit21 test. Ten weeks already! :happydance:

AFM - :witch: showed up in full force after 3 days of spotting and two wasted tests :growlmad:. But I'm happy that I just finished my last day of work for two months!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: And we're leaving for a mini-vacation in Niagara Falls on Sunday and then going to Vancouver on Thursday. So we'll be :sex: in a fancy waterfront hotel - maybe it will be a west coast baby!!! :happydance:
I've been at Alton Towers today (so if I have a blastocyst, it's had some fun times riding roller coasters!), so haven't completely caught up yet, but just wanted to say congrats to Mischief!
Radkat-Thanks...I'm going to TX (1.5 hours northeast of San Antone), and will be back in a few weeks. It's a girl's trip. Well, he was invited if I was with child, but since that's not the case, he was uninvited with a quickness. hee hee.

Futuremom-Sorry for the witch, but your vacation sounds fabu. Have a great time and go make a baby or two while you're out west!!

Driving-You got it girl....all of the above. Daycare and schools are important!

Going to the Orioles game tonight and will be drinking a Miller Lite immediately! Talk soon.
Morning Ladies

So the results are back - any ideas?

What do you ladies think?????

HCG - Below 1 (deff not pregnant):haha:

FSH 13.7

LH 9.7

TSH 1.6

Estradiol 458 (4465)

From what I can understand I don't have PCOS - my reserve is diminishing and I don't have thyroid problems. Of course according to my dr - everything is normal!!!!! - hmmmm yep real normal not to have AF show after 57 days:growlmad:

Today is our village fete - so I will try and get back on later - maybe I should wear white trousers:haha:


I don't have my paperwork handy with the information on your numbers Garfie, but if I get to it later, I'll report back. Glad you don't have PCOS. That's a good thing. Have fun at the party today! <3
Garfie - I'm not sure about your #s but all of the other ladies will definitely be able to help you. Ugh. Doctors always say "everything's normal", right? Sad that we all have to be so proactive.

Sis - LOVE your redecorating skills. Great job. And happy you got a well- timed BD in and that your DH was OK with it. Sounds much more relaxed and I'm sure he feels a lot better about things. I hope you're not able to drink in Vegas!!!

Terri - your temp's back up, right? What are you thinking? I'm so happy things have been resolved with your DH. Good approach, making him think about his financials. :) I'm so jealous of all of your trips.

I know I'm missing a ton of people but I'm on my phone in the dark in my friends apartment. I had to meet up with friends last night so I spent the night. Sucks I couldn't temp so close to O but what can you do? I only had a flashing smiley yesterday but wasn't able to BD so hoping for a solid smiley today. Stupid advanced OPKs.
DH felt really happy about his demo lesson so all we can do is wait now. I was just so happy that he was happy!!! All that matters to me. Love you girls!
:howdy: Ladies - Happy Saturday to ya!!

kfs- :hi: twinnie - so glad to hear that your husband was happy with his "performance" - I was interviewed one time by a panel of 5 and I was sweating bullets - I must have done ok I got the job...but those are not fun!!! and I would hate having to "perform" too but that makes me think that they really care about who they are picking - so that's important too!!! and I do hope you get your solid smiley today - you made me chuckle with your updating on your phone in the dark... I thought "in the parlor with the candlestick" I don't know why clue suddenly entered my mind!!! I loved playing that game when I was a kid!!!
much :hugs: to you - I am expecting GREAT things for this cycle!!:headspin:

Terri - :hugs: for your drop of doom - but I know IVF is on the way and I was thinking the other day - if your DH has to give the sample at the clinic for IVF - maybe his numbers will be better?? I remember you saying that you felt kinda strange keeping it warm between the girls and sat it on the seat - maybe keeping it warm will let a few more swimmers keep swimming??? :shrug: I don't know... and I am not sure why I am thinking about how to get more swimmers for your DH :haha:
except that I am praying for your BFP so my mind keeps coming up with strategies!!!
Your trip sounds awesome! I know you will have a super time!! especially without DH - traveling with men can be such a PAIN!!! :haha:

Sis - HOLY COW!!! you can decorate lady!!! I do not have one drop of creative juice in me... I am doing good if I have pictures of my family in the frames not the random people that come in them!!! :haha: You could make some money consulting and telling people how to do that!!!
:shrug: I don't know what to say about those flat temps... so strange but regardless :thumbup: on getting DH to :sex: and so cute that he figured out your evil plan :haha:

Garfie - have no ideas about your numbers :shrug: but Terri and Sis should have you covered... glad to see you posting - been reading your journal but its good to see you here!!:hugs: and I totally agree that you should wear white pants and its not normal to not have a period for that long!!! :growlmad: doctors!!!

Futuremom - sorry about that stupid AF!!! but I agree with Terri your vacation sounds lovely!! I have not seen Niagara Falls but its on my list!!! :hugs:

my computer keep shutting off so I am posting this so I don't lose it!!!
here we go with round two!!

Driving - good luck with that test on Monday!! I don't remember but are you finding out the gender? I know you can with that test!! :hugs:

Terri - forgot to say this on first post - good job talking to the DH about the vehicle situation - and I hope when you come back the sedan will be in the driveway!! money/vehicles can be such a touchy area!!!

Moni - how strange that no one has it in your family - very random that you are a carrier... well I guess that's a good thing - and I do not understand how your Dh's test is inconclusive? either its there or not right??? bleh!!!
anyway I know you guys are gearing up for IVF!!! You and terri might be IVF buddies!!! :hugs:

:hi: to Vjean, Radkat, Blues, Erose (where you lady), Nessaw, Seattle Michief and anyone else I missed!!!

AFM: trying to keep busy... trying to not hide hostilities in my heart against DH for this cycle... but the first time he tried to get some :sex: I rebuked - my girls were sore from P after O and I was just angry with him... but a couple days went by and then it was ok... but it was funny because when it finally happened he was all shocked that I got up and went to the bathroom - cause usually I stay laying down after ...during fertile week. DUH guy its not fertile week and I have to pee!!! :dohh:
Oh well... I am 9/10 DPO and means absolutely nothing...:cry:
My body isn't really liking the no supplements either - Wednesday I was so freaking emotional... angry then crying... I don't know what the heck is going on with that!!!! and last night I had a dream I was PG and it was a boy - showing everyone the ultrasound pic - and I even dreamed about posting on BNB team blue.... I am pathetic!!!! but if I am not going to TTC I do ask that the dreams stop!!! :haha:

Hope everyone is well!! enjoy the weekend...
Garfie here's my chart but your E must be in diferent measurements


I would say your reserve is lower than norm but not awful and your TSH is great especially for a Girl ;)
:hi: to everyone wish big :hugs: still it takes time love believe me I cried at Walmart yesterday thinking I should be PG and buying stuff for the baby :cry:

FYI I'm cheap also everything I buy is resale or garage sale or something my BFF calls me a Sale :ninja: she always wants to know how the hell I find the deals I do!! :haha:
The bed in the guest room is a antique i got for $75 and white washed the table was a bundle deal at a garage sale I got it and a white washed sewing table I made Into a vanity for my Neice and a chandelier for $30 !!! :)

AFM got my temp jump didn't BD yesterday as I felt like chewing off everyone's head not sure why but I did like PMS for O!! :shrug:

Having kids over to swim today so I better get ready for the Zoo!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Hi Wish!! Thanks for all the thoughts. My hubs thinks that if he gives the sample at the facility the volume will be low. I'm like 'dude...you only need 1ml. Do you know how small that is?' Too bad. He's going to have to do it, and if he has a low count again, they will take the best ones and fertilize my eggs. Thanks for you thoughts. AND...we bought a new Accord yesterday. It's nice. He is very happy with it, and the payments are right where we want to be. He realized that the super fancy car would be super expensive (duh). Going from a 1998 to a 2014 is a HUGE upgrade in itself.

So I am in limbo like moni and nessaw. :hugs: Just waiting for AF to arrive, and not feeling good about it at all. I'm just a little down this weekend and trying to power through. Thursday will be here in no time.

Wish/Sis-Sorry you guys were crying. I cried too on my way to the post office yesterday. Thank goodness it was sunny so I could hide my red eye behind my sunglasses. It's the little things. :wink wink: Nice temp jump too.

Hope everyone else is doing better than the sad sacks on board the past few days. HA!
Love you guys! Going to a golf/bday party today and I plan to ride along and then read my book. Can't forget my sunscreen.
Sorry for that temp jump tease, Teri. But good luck to you and everyone else starting IVF. I have a friend who conceived with IVF, and her very first "baby" picture is a pic of about 4 cells multiplying in a Petri dish! It's pretty amazing.

After complaining and panicking and researching ECV and Webster Technique and lying with my pelvis propped up and a bag of peas on my stomach - I think baby flipped! I didn't actually feel it (must have happened in the night?) but before when I was using the Doppler her heartbeat was in line with my belly button. Now it's down by my pubic bone, and yesterday I started feeling kicks under my left rib instead of in my pelvis. I have an appointment Tuesday, so hopefully doc agrees.

Besides that I don't have much to share. DH and I are nuts and decided to build a house while we have our second child (two guesses how well we're getting along right now), so we're living in limbo and I have no nursery to decorate. Hopefully we'll be in our beautiful new home by the holidays, and we kept our first in a bassinet in our room for the first 3 months, so that would actually work out perfectly. I'm looking forward to a less stressful 2015. The one thing I've gotten to do is meet up with a gal who has a daughter my son's age and a little boy on the way. We traded clothes, so I am now fully stocked on pink pink pink!
Garfie, as Sis posted, your FSH is slightly elevated. But, age is more important than FSH - more of your eggs are good even if there are fewer of them - so if you are under 40, it is probably not that problematic. Also, FSH is pretty variable and you could get an under-10 result another month. You should make sure that they do AMH and antral follicle count, both of those are considered better indicators; AMH won't change much from cycle to cycle.

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