Wish ~ Have a great time in Charleston! You'll be visiting my state. :thumbup:

Mischief ~ Sorry about what happened before the iui. Hopefully a miracle happens anyway. :winkwink:
Just wanted to say :hi: sorry cant respond properly plus I'm still a Lil hungover!! :haha:

We r having a blast but my dogs are barking from all the walking tonite we don't have any show tickets just going to a Fancy dinner , Serendipity and the High roller we will see what else pops up!!!

Mischief I got my last BFP w 11mil try not to fret !! :hugs:

AFM totally lost on my cycle haven't been able to temp much and only got in 1BD kinda hard when u r sharing a room!! :shrug:
We will try again tonite I guess !!!

Hope everyone is Well!!
ERose-I'm so sorry about the BFN. *hugs*

Terri-You are freaking awesome with the information you provide!

Mischief-*hugs* regarding your dh's early release. I hoh that he still has enough for the IUI!

Sis-Have fun in Vegas. I was just there in February. I went to an amazing sushi place off the strip. So much cheaper and much better than all the sushi places on the strip. Let me see if I can find the name of it.

AFM-In my 2ww. I have my HSG scheduled for August 5. I took the day off from work, for two reasons, in case it is painful and if it turns out structurally I'm screwed, i want to wallow at home eating junk food! Oh so my insurance does not cover IVF buuuuuuttttt my company provides me with an HRA. I can use it for procedures insurance doesn't cover so if i need to go to the IVF option at least I will have a couple grand to help me out!
Blues-hopefully you won't need the IVF option but at least you have some sort of financial help. And I hope you don't need an HSG either! I will share all that happens in hopes that it can help someone.

Sis-glad you're having fun!
Rad: Good luck at your test today! I don't blame you for not telling your parents the big news but wow, that's going to be tough, huh? Do they know that you've been trying?

Smiles: Too funny about your baby being a sleepyhead during your ultrasound but MAN, what cute pictures!!! Totally worth the wait. LOVE. :) And, I can't tell you how sick I am of hearing about incompetent doctors! I can't believe someone at your office literally lied in your file about the oral supplements. WTF?

Katie: How have you been feeling? Hope you're having a great time on your trip.

TTC: You're getting close there! How are you feeling?

Fezzle: So happy to hear that you had great test results. Happy that things are moving forward for you. And I TOTALLY agree about your "in the mouth" comment. :) :) :)

Wish: Love that new puppy of yours. So cute! And yay for a girls trip! :happydance: I loooove Charleston. Such a great city. Hey - and since we're twins, I had my AF right in the middle of my beach trip, too. :)

MomOf3: Don't feel left behind! We're all in this together - doesn't matter what stage you're at. I'm only starting IUI this month and I have noooo clue what I'm doing or if it will work so chances are, we might be going through an IUI cycle together at some point. :)

Mischief: Ugh. How frustrating about what happened before your IUI. I understand why you're upset. Question: Does your husband have any motility issues? My RE seems more concerned about motility that quantity.

Blues: Your chart's looking good! How are you feeling? Either way, you're smart to be proactive in scheduling the HSG just in case. I think you were smart to take the day off, too. Most people are fine but if, for example, they find a blockage, they might try to push the dye through which can be painful (happened to me). More importantly, you don't know how you're going to feel emotionally.

Terri: What's going on lady? Are you away again?

Last dose of clomid today and then I see my RE on Wednesday morning for an ultrasound. Question about the IUI process. My DH needs to get another SA done for his urologist but will also need to provide an SA for IUI with a 4 day hold before. Do I use OPKs in conjunction with the trigger shot? I'm just worried about timing everything out.

Oh, and I also love OITNB, ladies. :) I liked the second season a lot. Has anyone else been watching the leftovers? It's pretty good.
Hi kfs1-yes, I'm away for a few more days. Will be back home on Wednesday night.

I wouldn't worry about using opks because the Clomid helps the timing of everything. Plus, they are expensive. I hope I never have to use them again. Is your hubs supposed to have a four day hold for the urologist? Too bad he couldn't do that over your Clomid days. Maybe he can get a hold in now and then give the sample to the urologist and then a four day hold prior to your IUI. Do you have a date yet? I guess they have to check your follies and such. You probably still have a week plus to go so you have time. I'm so excited for you!!
Hi all am on summer holidays now so can catch up properly. 10 dpo nowt to report!
ERose- Sorry for the BFN, honey. Let us know what you're thinking when you feel like it.

Terri - Hope you're enjoying TN. I'm always struck by how green that part of the country is.

Wow, Seattle! You're getting really close! Just a few more weeks!

Smiles - Those US pics are so dern cute. And wow about the dr. Just... wow. Glad you asked questions to figure out what was up.

Wish - Enjoy Charleston! That's one of those cities I've never been to, but definitely want to visit. How fun to go with your daughters too. And your dog is adorable.

Momof3 - I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated, but it does sound like you're on the right track with DH's SA, etc. Hope it's feeling like that to you. :flower:

Mischief - It sounds like DH's count was still OK despite the slip up. Quality, not quantity, right? Hope it works for you.

Sis - Sounds like you're having a great time in Vegas. For a second, I was like, Sis took her dogs to Vegas? Duh, let's not get so literal! Hope your feet recover. Vegas is always hard on the feet. So much walking and usually not in comfy shoes.

Blues - Hooray for the HSG being scheduled. Maybe that will be just the thing. Or maybe this cycle will be a BFP! Sounds like good/bad news re: IVF, but any little bit helps.

Nessaw - 10 DPO sounds good!

Kfs - Thanks for the well wishing on the test today. Blood draws are pretty anti-climatic. They take 2 minutes and it's like, we'll get back to you in a week. So I'm hoping to know more next Monday. RE: SA's and timing, I'd talk to your RE to see when s/he thinks. Sure would be nice to get it now if he can.

AFM - To those that asked about my parents being here and my mom suspecting I'm preggo. No, my parents don't know that we've been trying. But she has weird spidey sense about me anyway (e.g. kept asking around my mc if I was OK, emailed me out of the blue a couple weeks ago to ask if anything was new. Keep in mind, this is all over the phone. She lives across the country.). So yes, she will definitely suspect, but she won't say anything. We'll she won't ask if I'm pregnant, so will probably ask if I'm feeling OK, etc, and hope that I tell. Oh well, we're going back to visit family, mine and DH's in August, so we can tell then.
Hi all! I am still catching up on the thread after just getting back from vacation. Had a great time, am so relaxed, in second trimester, energy coming back and nausea all gone! Whoo! Also just got Maternit21 results back - all normal! Also, it is another boy! Am happy to give my sweet boy a brother (slightly wistful that I'll never have a girl, but in the end, I just want a healthy baby).
Terri, sorry to hear about your grandfather, but I hope you are enjoying the family time!

Sis, did you have the $1000 sundae at Serendipity? I just saw it last night on Food Star. It looked delicious! Not sure it looked $1000 delicious thou! :icecream:

Driving, I'm so glad your results were great! And another boy will be fantastic!

Smiles, love the pics! I'll be doing my 4D ultrasound in a few weeks....can't believe I'm almost in third tri. Yikes!

:hi: to everyone else! Sorry I can't respond to everyone. I read daily, but like to reply when I'm at work, vs on my iPad...and I haven't been in the office for a few weeks (offsite meetings). Hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow and I can get on here properly!
Officially 36 weeks today, let the countdown begin! I've been nauseated the past couple of days, and having a ton of very thin CM. One old wive's tale that has held true for me this pregnancy is girl=increased CM. Sorry for the TMI, but the past week or so has been extra ridiculous. I'm having lots of low round ligament pain and even pain in my tail bone, but also lots of heartburn so I don't think she's dropped yet. I'm expecting to be pregnant for another 3 weeks at least, but who knows?! Washed swaddling blankets today just in case.

Radkat, my mom is the same way! When I was younger, I had to put things out of my mind when I was around her that I could get in trouble for because it was like she could read my mind. Not that I ever did anything wrong ;) It's nice that your mom won't pry though. You'll be able to share soon enough!

KFS, Good luck with your US on Wednesday! Hoping that this cycle will be it for you!

Mischief, sorry to pry...but I couldn't tell from your post. When your husband finished, did he do it in a productive place? I'm guessing not based on how upset you were :( But I still think you have a very good shot this month. Your chart is on it's way up up up again!

Driving, congrats on a boy! I have the same pangs about not giving my little guy a brother. Boys are awesome, as you know! (Although my easy little guy is getting a little harder as he approaches the terrible twos.) But I'm sure I'd have similar pangs about not knowing what it was like to have a daughter if the situation was reversed. All that matters is healthy!

Terri, hope you and your family are doing okay. My almost 90 year old grandmother arrives this week from overseas. I can't tell you how much it means to me that she'll meet my daughter. The trip will be slightly bittersweet though, because this will definitely be her last visit to us. I expect my mom (and I) will be traveling her way a lot in the coming years. I can't wait for you to get back and get going with IVF!
Driving - I'm so happy that you're starting to feel a little better. Congrats on the great test results. And yay for another boy!

vjean - So happy to hear from you! I can't believe you're almost in your third trimester?!?! What's been going on?

TTC - So amazing that you're so close. I love hearing about all of the different symptoms. You sound like you're ready to go!

Mischief - I agree with TTCinSeattle. Your chart is looking good! Fx.

Nothing to report today. Work is annoying. Done with clomid. The only side effect from what I can tell has been headaches.
Hi Sis, Thanks for the pep talk! That makes me feel like I do have a chance this cycle. I think I felt so hopeless because it was so much lower than my first IUI and I didn't have anything to compare it with. I guess I should count my blessings! I didn't realize you were sharing a room in Vegas! Yeah, that would make it a little difficult...:dohh:

Blueshoney, My HSG was very painful, but as soon as it was done I felt better, and I was able to go straight to work. So I think you'll be able to enjoy your time off! I hope so anyway! I've read again and again that lots of women get pregnant straight away after the HSG because it can clear any little blockages. Of course, I didn't ovulate the cycle after mine... :dohh: I hope it does the trick for you! Good luck! :)

kfs1, My RE said that his count was "lower than last time, but the motility is good and that's what matters." So maybe we're OK. I'll be thinking about you when you go for your ultrasound! I went for mine last Monday and was shocked that I was ready to trigger and do the IUI so fast. I hope you're ready!!!! :) I was under the impression that an OPK would be positive after the trigger so I quit using them. Any way to save some money, right? :)

nessaw, Thinking of you and hope this is your cycle! Waiting is so hard! I feel like I've wasted the last two and a half years of my life just WAITING! I saw this yesterday and thought it was spot on...


Radkat, My mother keeps calling me, too! It's weird how they KNOW! When my mother was trying to get pregnant with my brother she struggled a little. Her mother came for a visit and said, "You'll get pregnant while I'm here." And she DID. So my very UNsuperstitious mother is convinced that I'm going to be pregnant soon because she just came for a visit. I hope she's right!

Driving280, So glad your test results were good, even if it's a boy! ;)

ttcinseattle, How exciting!!! Good luck to you!!! Oh, and is there such a thing as TMI or prying on this message board??? Haha! He did finish in a place that is technically productive... just has never been productive for us. I'm still hopeful, and we have time to do another IUI before school starts again and I'm thankful for that!

AFM - My chart only looks so good because I'm on progesterone suppositories! I also took my Novarel "booster" shot yesterday. I'd never heard of doing that before, but apparently it'll trick my ovaries into pumping out some hormones. I'm hopeful! Bad thing is... it'll be ages before I can test! :(

Last cycle I started spotting 6dpo... which is today. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this time!!! So far so good... :wacko:
Well I'm back home and Alive for the most part just tired!!! ;)
I didn't drink the last day and 1/2 cuz I felt so horrible after our Sat binge :nope:
Our last nite there we ate at Gordon Ramsey's Steak House awesome food for a PRICE!!

Well as u can tell I didn't O yet probably will be today since my OPK was +++ Mon we will see hopefully we will get in one more BD today!!

As far as the OPK and (Femara) I always used mine usually the day I got a +++ OPK they would tell me to trigger that nite I O early and hate missing it!

Havent read over everything yet so I will go back and try to catch up!!
Erose I don't see your post but see comments Big :hugs: to U!!!

Smiles love the Pics super Cute!!!

Vjean after spending 350 at Gordon's we got 15 frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity and couldn't eat it!!!! :haha:
We ate our way through Vegas that nite instead of drinking!! ;)

:hi: to everyone else I promise I will try to keep up!!
Ok I need your help ladies my nieces Dr is trying to tell her it's a Molar Pregancy and that she needs a DNC this week cuz it can cause Cancer!!! :nope:

Everything I'm reading I just don't understand how she could hear a <3 beat at 7wks if it's a Molar??!??
Please help anyone that's had a Molar or Blighted Ovum need some light shed plz she really doenst want to do a DNC!!

Her U/S yesterday showed the baby shrinking but her HCG was 32000 I think!! :shrug:
Hi sis don't know if it helps but I had a blighted ovum. U/s @ 9 wks showed a 5 wk sac with nothing inside and no heartbeat. Repeat scan at 1o wks showed same and I had medical management. I thought by the nature of a molar that you didn't see a heart beat. Big hugs to you and your niece. It must be 10 x awful not knowing what's going on.xx
Yes plus w a molar there is a chance of Cancer shes only 19 so shouldn't be dealing w all this!! :(

I read a Molar and partial Molar thread that seemed to have HB and everything going well until 8-9 wks and that seems to be her case!! :shrug:

Also the HCG seems to go up after a Molar so maybe her Dr is right how was your HCG after Neesaw??

I just hate for her to have to go thru a DNC !!! :cry:
Sis - I'm so confused. How is a molar diagnosed? You say there's still a heartbeat and her numbers are good, right? So terrible!! I'm so sorry for her.
No Heart beat at the last scan and the baby was behind a week in measurement !!!

The scan yesterday showed the baby even smaller that's why I'm questioning the DNC w my MC the baby was still the same size and I still went natural!!
I'm guessing the Dr is afraid of it turning cancerous and wants to take action NOW!! :shrug:

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