garfie-Hey chica!! It looks like you may have just ovulated on CD65. Notice the rise and increased temps? That's the best I got, but I hate that you haven't had the witch show just yet. Funky! Glad you had fun at the music festival.

Momof3-What's up with these dudes? I did check my hubs Fertilaid bottle, and it's getting lighter so I guess he's taking it. I'm over it though. He's either going to do it or not. He knows I'm serious though, so he better be taking it! he is really upset about having to get another SA. He's like 'You just came back home and now I have to have a 3 day hold? Do you WANT to punish me?' I said 'I wish I had known we needed another one because you could have done it right after I left.' It is what it is.

kfs1-Sorry for the witch, but on a serious note, if you're going to do IUI, you need to call the doctor TODAY to get your Clomid/Femara and get your CD3 bloodwork. Maybe you can get it ordered and to your house stat. Otherwise, you may have to wait one more round, and that would be an inconvenience.
:hi: Doing My AM check in!!!!!

My Neice is going again today she said the tech yesterday was an idiot FX they find something good and she can move forward!! It's already been such a roller coaster for her!! :(

Kfs sorry about AF I would move to IUI if it's possible u should be able to get your scan and pick up Ur E blocker from Walgreens or whatever pharm u use then order your trigger since u won't need it for a few weeks!! GL

Erose how are things going??

Think I'm gonna butter DH up in Vegas and get him to give the green lite on IVF!! :devil:
Kfs ~ Sorry about af. :hugs: I say try for the iui. :thumbup:

Ok, so we tried anyway the past two times I O'ed since finding out about DH's poor, pathetic, low count sperm. Just to give it a what the heck try hoping for a miracle, but not expecting anything to happen at all. So the past 2ww's have been non looney totally expecting af to come. Well, at 11 dpo today, I'm officially looney and starting to be hopeful enough that if af comes I'll actually be more disappointed than last month. Last month didn't cry at all when she showed! At 8dpo, so last Sat, I had some pink spotting in the am, and brown spotting in the early afternoon. I thought, "Great, my LP this month is going to be shorter than my usual short LP of 9 or 10 days." Put on a pad and all waiting for af to come full force. Nothing since! I have two different progesterones. Suppositories that keep af away even when I'm not pg, but have to be refrigerated. Then a pill form I can take by mouth with water that doesn't have to be refrigerated, but even with taking it, af comes right on schedule with a short LP when I'm not pg. The pill form kept me pg with #2 and 3. I took the pills with me on our vacation so I wouldn't have to worry about keeping the suppositories cold while driving cross country. So, pills it is this month. My LP's are never longer than 10 days with the pills, and today is 11 dpo, so af should come today. No sign of her whatsoever. There's still a chance she could still show up today since the day is still young. But as long as there is no sign of her, I'm looney. Esp with the spotting at 8 dpo. I'm starting to wonder if it could have been implantation. But I've never had ib before, so it's not typical for me. I've also started feeling extremely exhausted a couple days ago, but that could also just be from traveling. Looney now, but too afraid to test at this point!
Oh man momof3 - sounds promising to me. I'm getting excited for you. Fx fx fx!!!

Terri - thanks for your words of encouragement. Love you girl.

Sis - good luck with your niece.

You're right ladies. On to IUI it is. I'll be home from SC tomorrow so I can get my day3 bloods Thursday. When exactly do I have to start taking the meds again? I have the scripts at home but can't remember. Guess I should call my RE, huh?
Momof3-Yeah, sounds really exciting. Get a test, and then you will know for sure. Wouldn't it be crazy if this time worked??!! Crazy awesome. hee hee.

kfs1-I had to take my clomid CD3-7, but I know some people take it CD5-9. I would call the RE now so you know whether you need to rush out and get it when you get home, or you can get it the next day. Love you too, cutie! I forgot you were on vacation. Enjoy the time with your mom/family.
Terri - sorry about your gpa...I know that is rough. Hubs and I planned a day trip to visit my gpa and he passed away that morning before we got there - so I know how that is. :hugs:

kfs - I was day 3 start on clomid as well.

sis - hope your nieces scan went better!

AFM - I just picked up the BCPs!! :happydance: I start tonight, take the last one on Aug 1st and go in for a scan on Aug 5th (I fly back in on the 4th - so this is the timing that I wanted!!) I have to pay by Monday - so that will be a little tough - but we had it saved up - but yikes $12K is the biggest check I have ever written!
Sis-Any update on your niece? I hope everything is really ok. I'm scared because you haven't updated though. I know you also have a lot going on for your trip, though, so I hope that's all it is.

moni-Yeah, that is a huge check. They want my money next Thursday when I go in for the bloodwork. I know tomorrow when I go for my mock transfer, they will probably be asking me for a residual balance from IUI, so perhaps I can put that off until next Thursday as well. I will tell them that I don't have my checkbook with me. :jo: hee hee. That's great that the timing is working out exactly how you wanted! Woohoo...you better have the most fun you've ever had on your vacation because when you get back, it'll be all business.

:wave: to everyone else!
Moni ~ Good luck with your ivf cycle! I'm glad the scheduling is all working out for you. :thumbup:

AFM~ Still no sign of the witch. I sure hope she is not playing some cruel joke on me and end up making her entrance as I'm about to test. The longer she keeps staying away, the more hopeful I get.
Momof3girls FX for U!!!

Moni yay for everything lining up!!

AFMN (afmNiece) still no <3beat she goes back Mon for more bloodwork and she took my list of test to have done so the dr was very impressed !!!
She just wants to know WHY now so we are sad but both determined!! :cry:
Sis-Good luck buttering up your hubs for IVF. If he can get a new truck, you can get a new baby. :) And again, so sorry for your niece. Onwards and upwards. Have a great time in Vegas! Hope you win lots of money, too.

Momof3-Good luck this morning. fxfx for a faint line!

AFM-mock transfer for me today at 11:30. I hope it's not painful, but even if it is, there's nothing I can do about it. It's supposedly a short and sweet procedure, so I hope that's the case. One more week of BCPs and then I'm just about on my way. :happydance:
How exciting Terri I'm sure it will only be a pinch!! GL

Well it's my last day B4 Vaca and my list of ToDos is pretty long :nope: going to get my Mani Pedi this AM then w my BFF to look for shoes since we've been told its a BUTT Load of walking!! ;)

My temp is already down so I might Actually O in Vegas!! :shrug:

Happy Hump Day Ladies!!!
Well it's af for me after all. What a tease she was coming a day late. At least I didn't waste a test. On the upside, I had an 11 day LP. A little longer, but is still too short to sustain any pregnancy without P sups. Not sure what the 8 dpo spotting was about though. :shrug:

kfs1-Sorry for the witch, but on a serious note, if you're going to do IUI, you need to call the doctor TODAY to get your Clomid/Femara and get your CD3 bloodwork. Maybe you can get it ordered and to your house stat. Otherwise, you may have to wait one more round, and that would be an inconvenience.

So, is iui always done along with using Clomid? Just curious since iui is all new to me, and looks like this will be a world I'll be getting into soon. I figured that since I o on my own, they'd just do the iui when it is near my o time. :shrug: Looks like we're going to call the RE today and see about scheduling the 2nd SA for next Monday. DH didn't want to do it this week. Wanted time to rest up after the trip so that being overly tired didn't make the results inaccurately worse than should be. Whatever. If doing an iui means I need to take Clomid first, then doing the SA this week or next makes no difference. Either way, all wouldn't be done in time to make this cycle an iui one.
I think because of our age, they will definitely put you on Clomid or Femara. My doctor thought I O'd on my own too, but I guess if you take Clomid/femara, they know exactly when you are going to O, so they can schedule you for your IUI. I know some places do timed intercourse or natural IUI (without meds), but with your hubs counts, I would think you need all the help you can get and they will probably do the clomid/follicle boost (ha ha)/trigger shot to give you the best chances. If you call today, you may be able to get started this cycle (since you have done some preliminary stuff). The results for his SA are immediate at my place, so if he gets his test done Monday, and then in a few weeks goes in again for IUI, it'll be ok.

Not sure if being tired affects sperm results. That's a new one.
Here's the latest for those that are going to need help!

My mock transfer was very similar to an HSG. They used the iodine to clean everything out, put in a catheter with numbers on it (like a ruler) to measure the "cavity." Once they get the measurement, they insert the vaginal probe and shoot some water into the cavity to make sure everything is cool and take a few pictures. It took about 10 minutes, and had a bit of sharp cramping, but it was bearable. I guess because I felt that sensation before when doing the HSG. Good thing hubs has his sperm analysis in a few days because again they said no intercourse for 24 hours. Check. hee hee. This is going to be a lonely time for him because I don't really want to use condoms. The doctor, of course, said everything looked good. I still can't fully trust him because he is always positive. This is the same doctor that was in a bad mood when I had my ultrasound last time.

Anyway, I also asked about ICSI versus regular IVF, and the nurse explained that with regular IVF, they put each egg in its own well in one petri dish (we make petri dishes at my plant, so I get that some of them may have various wells). Then, they take a concentrated amount of sperm and stick it in the well with each egg, and hope that one sperm fertilizes the egg. Then, they transfer/freeze the ones that fertilize after so many days. If they find that none are fertilizing, then to go to FICSI, which is a rescue program. Not sure what the f stands for.

For ICSI, they hold the egg with a suction tube (or something like that), pull out the one best sperm available and shock it to slow it down a bit. Once it's sedated, they shoot it INSIDE the egg, and hope for the best. A lot of people are using this now because the chances are better for those with low counts or poor morphology/motility. It gives the sperm a boost. My doctor is probably going to go right to ICSI, but it's going to be a game day decision, she said.

Currently, the schedule is 8/7-8/10 for egg retrieval and 3-6 days later egg transfer. It's getting exciting, that's for sure. My meds should arrive on the 24th or 25th of July, and I start taking them on the 27th. :wohoo:
Momof3 - what a huge bummer. So sorry. :hugs:

Sis - sorry about your niece again. Have a great time in Vegas!!!!

Terri - thanks for all of that info! So interesting and informative. I'm so happy that everything went well today and that you're all set up and ready to go. I can't imagine how "real" this must now be feeling. :happydance:

I got back from SC this morning and already had my ultrasound and picked up my Clomid to start tomorrow so I'm ready to go. I have to take the Clomid for 5 days and then I go back in next Wednesday and Friday for follow-ups. This is my first time using any meds. Any side effects I should know about? Hubs came to the appt with me to get some bloods taken for his urologist and to test for infectious diseases. My doctor has been nothing but socially awkward with me but my hubs had her talking up a storm! I couldn't believe it. She actually seemed somewhat human!
Sorry Momof3 and to sis' niece!

Sis - get Vegas ready for me - I'll be there next Wed - and if you are interested in pool (billiards) at all check out the convention center at the Rio - the BCA tourney started today and will have the individuals playing over the weekend - I am going out for the team tourney. (not playing this year - since I thought I wouldn't be able to even go!) If you like pool though - it is neat to see 300 pool tables in one place.

Terri -- yay!!!
You're a pool shark moni?!?! Awesome! :) Have fun in Vegas and good luck with IVF!
kfs1-I took the Clomid at night and didn't have any side effects. Are you taking 100mg? Glad you were able to get everything done today. Mission accomplished. Interesting about your doctor seeming normal when your hubs was there.
Momof3- sorry about AF

You too, kfs- good luck with the IUI!

terri- sorry to hear about your grandfather. thanks for sharing all the info!

sis- sorry to hear about your neice. Hope you have a great trip! Your hair looks great!

AFM- the lab ran all my Day 3 tests and all came back normal! Last time (which was about 4 months ago), my LH and testosterone were high and my ferritin was low. Now, everything is in range. I think it's due to the metformin and iron pills- ever since I've been taking them I've had periods again somewhat regularly. I just got my results over the phone from the receptionist in the treatment room so haven't spoken to my Dr- I guess I'll wait until all the results are in for that. I'm still curious, but also a bit scared, to know what my FSH result is, even if it is 'normal'.

OH has his SA tomorrow morning and I still have my Day 21 test (again) on the 30th- that should be all we need for our referral, but I'm feeling more confident now that as long as OH's sperm is ok, we might have a chance naturally now.

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