Fezzle-Oh that is great news!! I'm glad the medicines are helping you, and now you can get the referral that you need. Such good news!
Fezzle - great news! Yahoooo. Fx for your DHs SA tomorrow.

Terri - I'm taking 100mg of clomid. I'm following your lead and I'm going to take it at night. :) Really just worried about mood swings and hot flashes (since I'm already hot all of the time)!
kfs1-Hopefully you'll be fine. I wish I had a hot flash. I'm always cold. I attribute it to no hair, but I was cold before that..It's just my nature.

Hubs and I went to the IVF "class" today and it was fine. She just put the schedule on a calendar versus having it in list form, like I already had. I like the list, especially because her calendar was a generic Day 1 start at 1st of the month. Since my meds/such start in the middle of the month, I don't like looking at it that way. Whatevs...hubs did find out that he can do his donation at home, so he was happy about that. Ugh! What a baby. If he's happy, I'm happy. He needs a total of about 20 sperm max (well, depending on how many eggs I have), so I think he can get that whether he's at home or in the clinic. :haha:

I did find out that they do assisted hatching for anyone over age 39, so yes, I will be having assisted hatching, which makes me feel better about everything. She said that I respond very well to the medication in the past, so she was feeling pretty positive about everything and so was I. They will do the 5 day blastocyte transfer if I have several embryos that make it to day 5. If on Day 2, they see they have plenty, and Day 3 something significant happens where they all start failing, they will do an immediate transfer on Day 3. This will make me sad because if something significant happened overnight, will the remaining two really have a good chance of survival? Highly unlikely.

She also said that because I'm a positive responder, they may not need to push out the days so much. You stim for 10-12 days, but if I'm doing better than expected, I may not have to do the shots for so long. That would be cool, although I paid for a ton of meds. Catch 22. HA!

All in all, another positive day. I'm feeling really good about things right now. Except for the fact that I was so eager to leave work, I left my BCPs right at my desk. I'll have to go back to work tonight to pick them up. Minor inconvenience. Let's get this party started...Oh, and speaking of parties...no unprotected parties after 7/24. Boooo...
Moni - I'm glad AF came along and your moving right along with IVF. That's great!

Sis - I'm sorry about your niece. On a lighter note, enjoy Vegas with your rockin' red hair.

Smiles - Love OITNB. Amazing characters. Have you found some other shows to watch?

Terri - I'm sorry about your grandfather. It sounds like he had a long, full life though. Always hard. I'm excited about your IVF. It's nice that hubs can do his sample at home and that you'll some assistance with your hatching. Bummer to no unprotected parties. Overall, sounds really great! :happydance:

Wow, Kfs! You waste no time. Good job for moving quickly on the IUI. :thumbup:

Momof3 - I'm sorry AF is a tease. Witch, indeed.

Fezzle - Your tests sound great. I'm glad you can get your Day 21 tests soon too.

AFM - Nothing much to report. I'm hoping that the nausea is lessening overall. I've got my blood test to check for chromosomal issues on Monday, then my parents are coming into town Wednesday. We're not telling anyone until we get the results from the blood test and get the 12 week ultrasound. So we'll see how observant my parents are. I'm quite sure my mom will suspect. No wine, a bit bloated. We'll see. :haha:
Hi ladies,

I broke down and logged in from my computer instead of replying from my phone and I have to say it's sooooooo much faster and easier...whoo-hoo!

Terri....so sorry to hear about your grandfather :cry: Did I read that right? He was turning 100???? Wow, God bless him. :hugs:
Oh and super excited about your IVF :happydance: reading what you wrote about the mock transfer and the procedure itself was interesting. It truly is amazing. Boooo on having to use condoms BUT its for a good cause. Just think once your preggers you can use any left over condoms for a water balloon fight...:haha::haha:

Rad..I found out they are canceling OITNB and I think after September Netflix won't air any of the episodes anymore. :growlmad: I'll have to find something else to watch after I finish watching all of season 2.

Sis...again, sorry to hear about your niece, I hope she gets some answers. :hugs: Oh and have a kick ass time in Vegas! Get your hubby all juiced up and then convince him to do the IVF :haha:

Moni....excited about your upcoming IVF as well. Sending positive vibes and thoughts your way. :hugs:

KFS...I vote go with the IUI as well. Let's get you a BFP! :hugs:

AFM....the 3D/4D ultrasound session went well. The baby was not 100% cooperative and kept it's hand up over his/her face for 99% of the time and refused to move about and wake up so the tech had me drink some cold water then walk around a bit and brought me back in after she did another scan. Nothing! the kid was still laying there in the same position with his/her hand over it's face. So she had me leave again so she could scan another person and this time they gave me a Coke. I guzzled that and walked and sat and waited and the baby was moving all around and I thought "great, we got some action" we go back in and this kid is STILL sleeping with the hand over the face. So the tech felt bad and offered for us to come back since we only got a few pictures without the hand but before she sent us on our way she asked if we wanted to try again after she scanned another lady, I said sure....so my husband, my mother and my MIL all went back out to the waiting room and I had another half can of Coke. We go back in and hope for a miracle. I think the baby was tired of being poked and prodded and in one of the pictures he/she flipped us the bird then smiled right after that. :haha:. I thought "this is definitely my child" LOL. I'll post a collage of the pictures from the session. We're due to go back for another sessions (free of charge) since we were there 2 hours and couldn't get a lot of pictures and movement. This time I'm going to take my son and daughter with me so it'll be great to see their reactions. My 2 step-kids are away on vacation so they won't be there which is a bummer.
Hi ladies stalking until can get to a computer but almost had a heart attack when Smiles mentioned OITNB getting cancelled and immediately went to research because I freaked out! The announcement was a hoax. Whew!! Anyway lots to respond to hopefully tomorrow. :)
Ha! I too immediately left BNB to google season 3 of OITNB and make sure that the cancellation wasn't true. Thank goodness! But too bad we have to wait a year for a new season - you'll have to find a new show for all this bed rest time either way, Smiles! How are you feeling? Are your iron levels improving?

Terri, I'm glad you're so excited for IVF. I'm truly bummed to read Erin's news today though. The weird thing is I'm actually not a very positive person. I call myself a realist (which makes my husband roll his eyes) but I'm also superstitious of being positive. It's a mental thing really, but I believe in assuming the worst will happen, and then at the very least you can be happily surprised, and it seems like Murphey's Law that if I can really convince myself something's not going to work out, then it does. But here on BNB I'm really hopeful and feel so positive that everyone is going to get their positive. I think I'm jinxing you all! I need to start being more negative, lol. Kidding....kind of ;)

AFM I had a lot of menstrual type cramping the past couple of days and a lot of CM. I'm afraid it might mean baby is already starting to get ready to make an appearance, but I'm not ready! Hold tight, kiddo, you have a little more baking to do. We'll see. No bloody show though. Movement, heartbeat, position, everything continues to be good, so I've relaxed my worrying around those issues.

Radkat, I hope you start feeling better soon. Gotta love the blissful second trimester - you'll be there before you know it.

Anyway, it's late and I'm exhausted (having just stayed up to watch an episode of OITNB of course) and clearly I'm rambling. Who needs wine when you can just exhaust yourself with pregnancy and late nights and feel just as loopy!
We're just on the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of OITNB- we've had too many evenings taken up by football and now tour de france highlights! But, I was away for a week too.

terri- that all sounds really positive! Very excited for you and moni doing IVF and kfs doing the IUI!

Smiles- that ultrasound sounds hilarious!

ttcinseattle- wow, sounds like you are really close now!

AFM- OH produced his sample this morning at home and I took it into the clinic. For some reason, he didn't produce a very large amount (not as much as I usually see!), but the woman who took the sample said it was enough and that it was about quality not quantity. He should be able to get the results middle of next week. If we weren't self-funding, the results would take 2-3 weeks! And that would have been on top of a waiting list of up to 3 months! I think it was money very well spent.
Fezzle-they only need 1ml, and that is not very much at all, so rest assured on the quantity. :)

Smiles-That's so crazy about the baby not cooperating when it's time. And...I can't believe you stayed there for two hours. But...ultrasounds and pictures are important! Especially when you have an entire group with you. hee hee. I'm glad he/she smiled. How funny. Better luck next time with the kids.

ttcinseattle-You're really not a positive person? That totally surprises me. I guess because we didn't get to know the real you before you got preggers. HA!!HA!! There wasn't enough time for you to wallow in your sorrows month in and month out. You know I love ya! Glad things are moving right along, and you're feeling great.

Thanks for all the well wishes. We're off to TN in a few minutes...i'll be checking in from the road. Have a great week all! <3 :flower:
I googled semen amounts after I got home and was surprised the average is normally so small! It always seems like so much more when it's in my mouth! :haha:

Have a great trip, terri!
Oh thank God OITNB has not been cancelled!!! I'll gladly wait for a new season.

Fezzle.... I laughed out loud at your comment about it seeming like more during oral! OMG! :haha: Gosh, I love you! FX your hubby's SA comes back with good results.

Terri....have a safe trip.

Attached is a picture from the last u/s session. Bottom left is the baby flipping the bird. :haha:


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Oh....TTC, I go back to the doctor for an iron level check in a couple weeks. When I spoke to the hematologist at my initial visit ( thank god I insisted on a consultation before anything was done) I asked him if it was possible for me to take oral supplements first then go to the iron infusions of need be. He looked at my records and said "it says here you already tried oral supplements and it didn't work" I said " well whoever wrote that is lying, I've only been on pre-natals no one suggested or gave me a prescription for iron pills" he said " I'm so glad you asked because I would prefer you start on an oral supplement and I love patients who are advocates for ther health and who ask questions. I'm sure the others will be pissed at me but I don't care, I'll give you a prescription for a high dose iron supplement, then we'll check your levels again". I like this doctor! He doesn't do unnecessary stuff. Now I'm wondering who the hell lied in my chart! Was it my dr or the dr at the blood management place who kept pushing the damn iron infusion even after I asked her could I take an oral supplement. I think it was them because they were the ones who recommended this hematologist not my OB/GYN. :growlmad: If I've learned anything it is to ask questions of your dr and if you're still not satisfied get a second opinion and third if need be. Doctors don't know everything even though we expect them to.
Fezzle- :rofl: I so laughed out loud at your semen and mouth comment!!AMEN sista!!! I hope your DH's SA results are stellar and you get pg all on your own next cycle!! :hug:

Terri - So sorry to hear about your grandfather :hugs: and I hope you have a great weekend seeing family and reliving what an awesome man he was!!
I am so excited about your IVF - I mean you are just weeks away from being PUPO!!!! :happydance: that is awesome!!!! don't even get me started on men and doing their "donation"!!!!! :haha:

Erose - MASSIVE :hug: to you sweetie!!! I know its hard when the BFN comes - but it does sound like you have a plan and you have so many :cold: - that is a good thing - I know by the end of this year - you will be feeling that baby moving around!!! :flower:

Smiles - Love love love the pic from the ultasound... so sweet!!! and I have no idea what OITNB is - never heard of it ever till this thread...but I am glad its not cancelled for you ladies!!!:haha:

ttcinseattle - I hope your little one stays put a little longer - but not over your due date :thumbup:

Sis - so sorry about your niece - but she is lucky to have you to help her know what to do!!! I hope you are having a ROCKING good time in Vegas!! I hope you rock so much that little eggy doesn't have a chance - then you can come home and name this baby - Elvis or Chance... :haha:

Radkat - it would be so hard for me not to tell... I would be smiling from ear to ear - they would know something was up with me!!!:haha: but I understand why you are waiting... what an exciting time for you and oH... Have a great weekend with the family :)

kfs- hope the clomid is being nice to you :flower: and I hope the IUI does the TRICK!!! BFP just around the corner!!! :hugs:

Moni - so glad your timing is working out PERFECTLY!!! Can't wait to see your IVF line porn!! :haha: (you too Terri and Erose)

AFM: my avatar pic is the new man in my life - Duke - his owner didn't want him anymore so we took him... he is such a good boy - same age as our female golden - but so calm - he is an old soul... anyway I feel like he fits perfect into our little family... (talk to me in a couple days when he starts peeing/pooping on the floor!!! :haha:)

I am 7DPO by best guesses :shrug:... don't feel anything different or out of ordinary - I started taking my temp again and they are exactly like every other month... hopeful that maybe the one time I got a donation during fertile time that it did the trick...but going on with my life... running and doing the things I gotta do!!!

Next week I am in Chicago two days (Mon/Tues) then I am taking my two girls (22,17) and we are road tripping to Charleston SC to spend the weekend with my little sis (the one that is 10 years younger and in the Air Force) so its a girls weekend and I am so excited!!! The only down fall??? AF should arrive WEDNESDAY!!! Nothing like beach time with AF!!

hope you guys have a great Friday... and have big plans for the weekend!!!
Fezzle ~ I'm glad your test results came back in normal range. :thumbup: Good luck with the SA!

Smiles ~ So sorry baby didn't cooperate during the u/s. Hopefully you get more face shots next time. And that's so crazy about the iron stuff. I'm glad you asked questions first!

Terri ~ Have a safe trip. :flower:

What is OITNB?

I had to figure out where Erin's news was posted. Been anxious to hear from her. I'm so sorry, Erin. :hugs: I was hoping this would be it for you. Hopefully your FET cycle will work.

Got our 2nd SA scheduled the other day for this Monday afternoon. DH wants to do a 4 day hold this time. See what results we get with a longer hold. They still said 2-5 days, and didn't say do the exact same as last time or hold longer than last time, so I guess it's ok. I'm kinda feeling behind everyone here. Everyone is already moved onto iui or IVF or is about to. If it wasn't for our trip, I'd probably be closer to my iui cycle. Maybe I'd be getting an iui this month, and hopefully have a greater chance at a bfp. I guess on the upside, this cycle the due date would be really close to #2's bday. This way I guess the bday's are spread out some. Definitely won't be due near her bday, unless we get a trying naturally again miracle. I wouldn't mind being due near her day if it happened, I guess just trying to find a silver lining in having to wait some more.
Smiles- I'm glad you asked about the iron! When I meet with my Dr again, I'm going to see if my ferritin levels are high enough now that I can stop taking my iron pills. I am tired of the green poo and constipation! My Dr wanted my levels to be over 50 and last time they were 38, but now they are 'normal'.

ERose- I missed your news, but sorry to hear you've had a negative.

Wish- I love Duke! He looks like such a happy dog! Have a fun trip!

Momof3girls- good luck for your DH's SA. My OH did a 5 day hold. OH's instructions said not more than 7 and no less than 2. We're still way behind when it comes to any fertility treatment just getting our tests done now, though so far we haven't had anything that's indicated we need an IUI or IVF, especially since my periods have started again. I guess we'll see with my Day 21 test if I'm actually ovulating and what OH's SA says. Although I'm not against an IUI or IVF because I'm impatient and would be fine with doing anything that will get me pregnant sooner!
Hey, girls!

Long time, no see! I hope everyone is well!!!

A quick update before I go catch up on y'all's news...

We had our 2nd IUI on Wednesday. I felt really good about it until the night before, when my husband convinced me we could "fool around" and he just wouldn't finish. He said it would make giving his contribution at the doctor's office in the morning easier. Well... he finished. He looked so guilty and was sorry I know, but I was so angry (with both of us!) and hurt! I've really never been so upset with him. So for the IUI his count was much lower (13 million) than it was on our successful IUI (35 million). This one was so much worse too - the shot hurt worse (I don't know why) and I still have to give myself the booster on Monday, I was on estrogen until last night and hated it, the actual procedure was even really painful (my cervix was quite angry!). So I feel pretty down and upset still. :(
I don't blame you for being upset- when the chances are smaller, you don't want to do anything to make things even harder! I hope an amazing spermy finds its way somehow though!
Fezzle, I cannot believe you said that! But it's so true! :rofl: I'm glad your test results were normal this time. Metformin has straightened so much out for me. I'm glad it's working for you too!

Terri, Thanks so much for sharing all your IVF news and info!!! I hope you enjoy your trip! We haven't gone anywhere this summer... I'm living vicariously through you guys! Have some fun for me!

MomOf3Girls, I'm sorry you're having to wait! That's one of the hardest parts of all this. For me the last two years are just a blur of waiting. It's hard to enjoy life like this! I know some people don't like to do all the meds, but honestly even if I didn't need them I think they really help to time the IUI. For both of mine my doc has used Clomid and a trigger shot to time it PERFECTLY. It's really amazing!

Wish4another1, I hope AF does NOT show up! Enjoy your girl's weekend!!

Smiles013, Good for you for advocating for yourself! And how frustrating! Nobody is perfect, not even the doctors we are relying on. :(

ttcinseattle, How exciting! I hope all continues to go well!

Radkat, I don't blame you for waiting to tell. I wonder if your mom will suspect??? :)

kfs1, That's interesting about your doctor and your husband. I've known several women like that. They blossom around men, but are off-putting around women. Odd. Taking Clomid at night is a great idea. I had mood swings AND hot flashes - no fun! But 100mg of Clomid this cycle got me to ovulate earlier than I ever have before - CD14 - and so it was totally worth it! Good luck to you!

Sis, So sorry to hear about your niece! :hugs: for both of you!!! You know how when people hear you're TTC and they say, "Go on a vacation and relax! That worked for my friend!" and you get SO ANNOYED because it's just not that easy?!?!?! Well I'm going to say it anyway - I hope this vacation works for you!!!! :p Also, your hair is AWESOME!!!!
OITNB,(for those who don't watch near as much TV as I do, you must have lives or something... :haha:) is Orange is the New Black. It's an original Netflix show set in a women's prison. It's a comedy/drama with really great characters. Several of them have gotten Emmy nominations.

Fezzle - OMG :rofl:!

I'll update properly later. Have a good day everyone!
Fezzle-bwwaahhaaa!! I wanted to share what you wrote but my younger brother and gf are in the car with us. I had to do a silent chuckle. Hee hee. Gross. :haha:

Momof3-you're not that far behind, really and it would be no fun if we were all at the same stage of the game, so just enjoy your natural cycles. My hourglass figure has seriously disappeared with these shots. If you look at my avatar, my waist looks like Spongebob Squarepants. Just a straight shot. It's disgusting. Hopefully it will all turn into a bump very soon.

Mischief-welcome back!! We missed you. And you have to put things in perspective. On a good day my hubs has like 2M post wash so 13M is amazing on this side of the Mississippi! It only takes one and you had success last time, so let's just hope for even better results his time. I would have been crying too if hubs said he wasn't going to finish and then did it. I hate lies, even if they are kind of dumb.

Wish-do you still have the puppy? And now Duke!! He is beautiful. You have a full house for sure. Enjoy your time in Charleston. Eat at The Cotton Club, Poogan's porch' and Cru cafe if you can. Their mac and cheese is one I approve. Have a fun girls weekend!!

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