Mischief-Say it isn't so!! I am still HOH for you too. I think you're just trying to prepare yourself, so I'm not going to prepare myself for a BFN or AF for you. Take another test in the morning and see what happens. :) <3

kfs1-If he does get the surgery, how long will he be out of commission? Are you definitely moving towards IVF? If so, will the surgery really matter that much? It's not like he has 0 sperm, know what I mean? They choose the best 25 (haha) out of the group, so I don't know that I would do the surgery unless he is in pain, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Radkat-Gotcha! Oldies get all the perks. hee hee. I am still team yellow though. Oh, I got "Tara" a white sleeper that had crabs all over it, and it said 'pinch me, I'm cute.' It also had a matching hat. It was the cutest little outfit. Of course, being from MD, we're all about crabs here, so it was perfect! The girl outfit I got here was purple and said "daddy's little girl" on the shirt, and had two pairs of leggings on the bottom. Kind of lame, but the store was about to close, and I didn't really want to spend a lot of time in the store. I'm not a huge fan of shopping-VJean don't hate me. hee hee.

AFM-I had my ultrasound this morning and I had 7 follies on left and 7 on right. Some looked like slits, and some looked like small ovals. I still can't really decipher what is on the monitor, but that's not my job. hee hee. The doctor didn't give any sizes, but he said that my results are excellent for Day 4 of injections, so I'm hoping they don't change my medicine. I also emailed the nurse because they sent me Leuprolide, but it's not listed on my paperwork, so I'm not sure what that is for. It was only $5, so it's not the end of the world if I don't use it, but why send it, I wonder. We'll see what she says. I'm feeling really good this week. I'm just happy, not bloated and all is going well. :cloud9: I return on Friday for another progress report and the nurse will call me this afternoon with any updates/changes to my medicine.

I made a delicious fish dinner last night (with artichoke hearts, olives and red peppers), and I made blueberry muffins yesterday morning for breakfast this week. Yum!
Terri - Yeeeeeeeeeees! So happy that you had such a great appointment today! And I hope they don't adjust your meds since you're feeling pretty good with your current dosage and all. That baby outfit with the crabs sounds ADORABLE. And yuuum - I love artichokes, olives, and red peppers! I did some cooking last night, too! We had 2 monster zucchini's from our garden so I made some chocolate zucchini bread and some zucchini fritters. The bread was "eh" but the fritters - WOW - so good. Cook's Country zucchini fritters if anyone's interested.

We are most likely moving forward with IVF. But his urologist thinks that the varicocole is causing his motility issues (which I realize doesn't matter with IVF) but we're thinking of down the road, if we are able to have another. If we fix the issue now, there's a possibility that we could conceive naturally. I don't know. We're just thinking about it. He'd be out of commission for about a week or so so I could schedule it during the TWW.
Oh, if he's only out a week, then yeah, I'd say it's worth it. AND...next time you can conceive naturally. Maybe even this time if you want to try one more month after the surgery. It's a lot cheaper to get prego the old fashioned way, that's for sure. :winkwink: hee hee.
Mischief I'm so so sorry u feel U R Out!!! Big :hugs:

KFS1 I'm not sure how bad his Varicocele is but my DH Uroligist said it doesn't really help anyone as far as count to get it fixed that's why he said only if it kept hurting!!
Cuz my DH was all for it to help but his count was super high just a lot of abnormalities Now his count is questionable!!
I really think the antibiotics helped his count that time just saying that other stuff might help but I understand if u want to get it outta the way!!
Also I think I said it B4 Boxers or commando let the bits breath as much as possible Varicocele heat up the sperm and that's what causes the biggest issue!! ;)

Terri yay for Follies!!

AFM trying not to get excited about my temp jump also I had the chills all nite WTH!!! :)
Sorry to hear, Mischief :( I think the protocol they've got you on now is perfect though (it sure makes you look preggo!) so I hope it means your BFP is just around the corner.

Terri, fantastic about your follies! You're getting so close!

Sis, hope it's a BFP for you and not a summer fever! With how early you test positive, I guess we'll all know soon :)

KFS I was going to say skip the surgery since you're likely moving to IVF, but I totally understand you're thinking for the future and trying for another. In that case, I would go for it.

AFM baby is growing steadily, what I thought was going to be my tiny baby might not be after all, depending on when she makes her appearance anyway! I've had a sudden burst of energy, so been doing laundry like crazy, and did a Target run yesterday, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen today and folding all the pink I washed yesterday. I told my mom I was suddenly feeling great and energetic, and she said ooh, that means baby is coming soon! We'll see ;)
Sis - Yay for a temp jump. Chills, huh? Is that usually an early PG symptom? I'm clueless. I felt cold all day yesterday BUT I am in the AC at work. That said, I usually run hot but I'm sure it's nothing. Too early to symptom spot for me. :)

TTC - awww. That's so great! A sudden burst of energy before the baby comes. It's like your body's giving you an extra boost to get things done!
ttcinseattle-Woohoo for an energy burst. I guess you might as well do all you can now because you'll be bored in the hospital waiting and waiting...I hope the wait isn't too bad.

Sis-Yeah for a nice jump. You and kfs1 are just jumping up there...looks so promising!

I don't have to do work this week, do I? Now I'm searching like a maniac on follicle counts on Day 4. It does seem like I'm doing ok. Maybe I'll have even more follies grow. The question will be, do they have viable eggs inside? Stay tuned for our next episode in two days...dum dum dum-gasp! hee hee.
ttc, I can't believe how fast time is flying by!! Lillian will be here before we know it! And Driving, Rad, Vjean, and Katie, I'm just so happy everything is going so great with your pregnancies! Anyone seen anything from Smiles?? I thought I read back pretty far, but maybe I missed a post by her or something...?

HUGE CONGRATS to FutureMom!! That was great news to read!!! :happydance:

Mischief, I was following along as you had your faint lines, and I had such high hopes for you, so I'm so sorry you got a negative this morning. I'll still HOH until AF arrives for sure though!

terri, sounds like you're doing GREAT! 14 follies is really good, and maybe there are some others trailing behind that might catch up. :thumbup: I'm super excited for you! Glad the injections are going well too. :)

Sis, ok, if you aren't going to get excited about your temp jump, then I WILL. Hehe! Love the dive and then the jump. We all know what that could potentially mean. :winkwink:

kfs, keep us posted on your DH. I don't know anything about that Varicocele, so I can't offer any advice or insight. But I'm sure your urologist and RE will be able to tell you together what the best thing is for you guys. Rootin' for ya over here!

Wish... LOVE the positive attitude, and I'm SO happy you're back to TTC. That's great that the soy is doing wonders for the CM. I probably should've tried that while I was on clomid, since my CM was so bad then!

Hi to Blues, Fezzle, Momof3, and anyone else I may have missed! I'm so behind, so if I missed you, it doesn't mean I don't love ya!

AFM, follow up with RE was yesterday. She was sorry the embies didnt stick, but she wasn't super surprised either. She said she sees it work the 2nd time frequently. She said sometimes our bodies are too full of hormones in the fresh cycle, so the uterus isn't as receptive. Apparently, my estrogen was high, even with the lowered meds, but they don't cancel an IVF cycle just for that reason. She said that could've been it, but maybe not... they never really know for sure. She got me really pumped up about the FET. She said the odds are in our favor now, and her prediction is that the FET will work. Right now, my estimated date for next transfer is Sept 4th.

As for THIS cycle.... got a pos OPK today. Imagine that.... no drugs this cycle, and I get a smiley on day 13, which probably means I'll O on day 14, right on target (at least according to the text books, haha!). That makes me kinda happy, since my eggs will have had an extra 4 days to mature, compared to what they normally had before I ever got on meds. I consider this good news, but if I'm being honest with myself, what are the chances that we'll conceive on our own after 20 months, some of those months being on Clomid, 2 IUIs, and 1 IVF? Even the month we did get prego, it was a Clomid month. So I'm not expecting anything, but hey, at least it makes the cycle more fun. :winkwink:
A lot of those hormones stay in your body for a month or so Erose so FX u can say u guys did it Naturally!!!

I'm hoping I can say the same but I've had charts fool me B4!!! ;)
I heard back from the nurse, and she said that sometimes they give an HCG trigger, and sometimes they give a Lupron (Leuprolide) trigger. It just depends on how things are going, so they give both just in case. Now I'll be mad if I get the Lupron trigger because that was only $5, and I will have wasted $45. HA! C'mon HCG. She did say that the HCG is more common, though, so most likely that's what I'll use. I was going to ask her about growing more follies, but I forgot.

Everything was fine with my bloodwork and ultrasound. My estrogen was 113, and she said that is middle of the road, so normal, and I'm responding well. My meds remain the same until Friday. My stomach is starting to feel a little sore, but there's nothing I can do about that. Just keep going!!! That's what I always think when running. hee hee. :thumbup:
Ok me being the POAS Addict I am I took a test and got 1/2 a shadow WTF I've never sen that B4 I must be all kinda crazy to get a 1/2 Shadow!!! :tease:
Terri.....your follie counts sound great, I'm really excited about the IVF process for you. C'mon BFP!!!!!

Mischief...until the wicked witch shows up I won't count you out.

Erose....I'm here. Lol. :hugs: And about you possibly getting pregnant naturally this cycle before the next IVF, ANYTHING is possible! So I say go on ahead and get your swirve on and see what happens :haha:

TTC...yeah, that burst of energy means little Lillian will be making her debut shortly so get as much done as possible.

Sis....half a shadow? Where the heck is the other half?!?! Now you know you'll need to pee on a ton more so we know what's going on. FX the next test is a full line!

Hi to everyone else...

Nothing much going on..just sitting back and waiting. Lol. Will be 34 wks on Friday. My mom seems to think I'll go early. As long as it's in September I'm fine with that. Since that's my birthday month I think it'll be cool to share it with the baby.

Oh, I do need some name suggestions though. Since I'm team yellow I'll need name suggestions starting with the letter K for both a boy and girl. I have a few for each but definitely would like to have more.
Smiles - Katie if it's a girl for sure (ahem - my name) :)
No but seriously I'll start thinking for you. :)

Terri - glad you don't have to adjust meds and that your body is responding so well!! :)

Sis - got any pics of this 1/2 shadow?
Sis-Yeah pics of half a shadow. You are so funny!!

Smiles-Do you seriously want my list? You know we're also team K. Karmen, Kelsey, Kelsy, Kelcey, Kelley, Kelly, Karey, Korey, Kevin, Karrie (pronounced car-ree), Kallie, Kami, Kamille (my personal fave for a delicate, pretty girl), Kameron, Kody, Kaleb, Kaliente (as a joke. We call my hubs Kyle Hottie, so my friends think our kid will be Kaliente). And don't forget Kyle or Katie! Right now I love Kamille and Karrie. There's some basketball player that plays for the Spurs that has a K name and he was pretty good this year, but I told hubs that I don't want my kid to be judged by their name.

kfs1-The mystery is solved! hee hee. I like kfs1-It's like a superhero, or Chris Rock in CB4. HA!!HA!!
I tried to take a pic but it's so wired that's it like a blob I got so mad at the test I broke it open it seems to have a BIG dent in it so I think it's faulty !! :shrug:

Smiles Kingston Kensely Kira and Kane I like unusual names so ... but some norm ones
Kelsey Kyle Kara Kim Kevin and Kenneth
I tried to take a pic but it's so wired that's it like a blob I got so mad at the test I broke it open it seems to have a BIG dent in it so I think it's faulty !! :shrug:

Smiles Kingston Kensely Kira and Kane I like unusual names so ... but some norm ones
Kelsey Kyle Kara Kim Kevin and Kenneth

I keep checking back in to see if you've tested again, Sis! I can't believe your will power! I'll be stalking your chart in the morning! FX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks mischief my chart is making me very hopeful and I hate that cuz I'm afraid I will be gutted in a few days!!! :nope:

Also I'm not sure if u Od on the date listed so FX u get a late BFP!! ;)

I did take a 88&#8364; test and it was a BFN!!!
terri- yes, just keep going! I do that when I'm running too. Sounds like all the IVF prep is going great so far!

ERose- good to see you :hugs: I think your body has a chance too before the next round. I hope you have a fun cycle

Sis- looking forward to more test updates

Mischief- no AF yet? What's your usual LP?

Smiles- The only K name on my ever growing names list is Kieran (boy).

Also, it doesn't start with a K but sounds like it- Caoimhe which is Irish and pronounced like "Queva" or "Keeva". One of my students has that name and I avoided saying her name for half the year because in my mind I kept thinking it was "Queefa"!

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