Fezzle thanks for the :haha: this Am I needed it!!!

AFM yep didn't sleep for crap and my temp shows it then I got another 1/2 shadow line I'm going to let it dry so I can take a pic for all of ya!!
I just keep thinking bad things I hope it's just early!! ;)
Sis - It IS still early so don't lose hope. I hope that line continues to get darker!

Fezzle - Hahaha. Too funny about your student's name. Laughed out loud over here. :)

Mischief - What's the word lady?

Terri - Hahaha. A superhero, huh? Yeah! I like that! It's too funny that I haven't mentioned my name yet and now that I think about it, I don't know anyone else's name except for yours and eRose. :)

Progesterone users - how does P usually affect your temps? I had another jump this morning but I'm wary that the P is elevating my temps. EVIL P.
Sis, PIX!!!!!!!

kfs1, Check out my chart to see what Progesterone does!
Yes kfs1 the Will make your temps jump or climb look at my charts also!!!

I'm starting to think FRER has a manufacturing issue cuz today Blod is in the middle :shrug:

I took a pic but I doubt u can see what I see for Realz :nope:

Update I took another test BFN and a 88€ test BFN I'm calling FRER about there faulty test !!! :grr:
Sis - BOOOOOOOO on :bfn: I am hoping that tomorrow you get a line!! FRER is usually so reliable - what's up with their craptastic test??? I hope they give you some free ones!!! :happydance:

Mischief - still nothing??? when do you stop the P? go back to dr? what's next step? :shrug:

Fezzle - I would have no idea to pronounce that name... maybe that's one more reason I should not be a teacher!!! :haha: the army is much easier - Sir, Ma'am or Sergeant!!!

Smiles - wowza - you have a ton of K names now!!! I am no help in that department!! my sister's birthday is September 9th - so go ahead and have your little one that day - my sister shares very well!!:haha: and I totally forgot her name is KATHI... :rofl:

kfs - awe Katie is your for reals name - not KFS1???:haha: well twinnie my for reals name is Rachelle (R-uh-shell) not Rachel... i think I told Terri once - I kinda like wish better!!! :rofl:

Erose - I am totally believing you can get your natural BFP this month!! Like Sis said some of those medications are still hanging around giving you a better chance than before!! FX for you lady!!! :hugs:

Terri - 14 eggies is so many!!! what are you gonna do if they all fertilize???:shrug: I know I know that isn't as likely... but holy smoley!!!:dohh: I am so happy for you - as I said on the other thread - I am hoping that the bloating is at a minimum for you and it doesn't stop you from doing whatever you need to do... shirts that do not tuck in!! that's what is needed for bloating!!!:haha:

TTC- can I have some of your energy??? can you just mentally send it my way??? :haha: I sure hope that means that Ms. LO will be arriving soon!!! You don't sound miserable so that is a good thing!!! :happydance:

Radkat - did you tell your mom now that your have your test results and all is ok??? if not how are you going to do it?? how exciting!!!

:hi: Vjean, Driving, Katie, futuremom (all PG ladies!!!) and all you other lovelies!!!

AFM: CD6 so not much going on - all negative OPK's... taking my Soy like a good TTCer... I had to have a steroid shot in my right big toe joint yesterday - damn getting old (bunion apparently) and the doc gave me some NSAID medicine - sooooo I was reading the warnings (i could have a heart attack or stroke apparently) and one of the cautions was that it delays ovulation.... :coffee:
hmmm ladies in my case that would not be such a bad thing!!! since I ovulate so stinking early most months (usually pos OPK on CD8) - I actually have a chance of having a cycle longer that 24 days....:saywhat:
did I take the meds - YOU BETCHA!!! :rofl:
Happy Thursday Everyone!! :happydance:
Still pregnant, nothing to see here, folks! I got a ton done over the past few days though. Besides a Costco run for some long term essentials (more wipes, detergent, etc.) I think we're ready to go! And the house is practically clean ;) I even swapped out my son's 18 month clothes for his 2T hand me downs. I must be feeling more stress free now, because I was sleeping like a baby last night - even my body cooperated by not aspirating stomach acid, which usually has me up for a couple hours coughing and chugging water - but life interfered instead. DS spiked a fever just before bed that's at 101 now :( Hoping he feels better soon, and that enough of this energy sticks around that I can KEEP the house clean until LO decides to make her debut.

Smiles, you're just behind me! And if baby K comes early these babies will have even closer birthdays! I've always liked Kelly (boy or girl) or Kiley or Kali for a girl. I think you're having a boy though. That's my totally random 50/50 guess lol.

Mischief, can't believe your chart is still so high and still neg - what a let down! When will you stop the P? You did an IUI right, so no chance really that you ovulated later?
kfs, oh yes, the P can def make your temp higher. Take a look at my prior chart from my IVF cycle. I've always had the standard temp rise from my natural P, but with IVF you don't O on your own since they're taking your eggs, so I had to do P injections in my butt muscle (OUCH). My temps were through the roof high! Those were some of the highest temps I've ever had. After a week or so, I switched to Crinone, which is a prefilled applicator of gel, and my temps went down a tad, but still stayed high, even after AF started!

Good morning everyone! Sis, I sure am sorry to hear about your faulty FRER. Ugh!!! I was getting so excited. BUT, it's still early, so I'll be waiting to hear about another line from you soon. :winkwink:
Fezzle-I never would have read that name as Queefa. All the letters are jumbled up. I also think it's funny that you didn't say her name. I wonder if she noticed. HA!!HA!!

Wish-You are so funny; you forgot your sister's name. Well, I had 14 follicles, so probably not so many eggs, and probably even less than that will actually be mature. If I can get >8, that would make me happy. And..if they all fertilize, even better. I'm really worried (not really worried-concerned) that I will need a lot of frozen embies for additional chances. I really don't want to have to go through these shots again unless it's absolutely necessary. And if I do have embies to freeze, I am planning on using them a year later and save that storage costs. I did check the paper saying that if there is extra "stuff" I will donate it to science. Someone can learn something from my :jo: eggs. HA!!HA!! Oh and yay for your medicine delaying ovulation. It can't be a bad thing. It's crazy that the medicine actually mentioned that. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

Sis-Yeah, call FR and get some free tests. That is so messed up that you get a line in the middle or half a line. That is emotionally traumatizing!

ttcinseattle-Sorry to hear about your son's fever, but I'm really happy you're doing so well and getting proper sleep. Yay! And how awesome would that be if not only are you and Smiles bump buddies, but you have your babies on the same day!

Mischief-Still HOH for you, even if you're so over this whole process.

AFM-I read a scary blog about the after effects of egg retrieval and I'm freaking out a bit. I don't want to be unable to walk for three days. A little discomfort I can understand, but not being able to pee or eat is scaring me. hee hee. Hopefully the girl just had a bad experience. I'm definitely going to the store today to see if I can find some cotton/knit skirts with ruching to wear around the house/outside. I hear the bloating is severe as well. I'm 5'6 with legs for miles, and fairly thin, so bloating is NOT cute on me, and I don't really have baggy shirts. I don't tuck my shirts in, but most are slightly fitted. I go back for another ultrasound in the morning. It's getting closer! :dohh:
We seem to get a good amount of Welsh students and some Irish students too, so by the time I've been teaching here a few years, I'll be an expert at some of these names!
Terri, you could easily get all 14 eggs. Remember, I had 20 follies, but at first only 15 were maturing at the proper pace. But in the end... they retrieved 20 eggs! I'm rooting for all 14 of your follies! And don't let that other girl's story worry you too much... I was only in some pain the first day and a half or so. It REALLY eases up a lot by the next day. The first day is the roughest, but they gave me pain meds. Yes, the bloating sticks around a lot longer, but I just wore comfy clothes to work because my manager knew what I was doing, so she understood. I highly doubt you'll have days and days of not being able to walk or pee or eat. That sounds really extreme to me. That poor girl must've had a really bad (and rare) experience. Its no cake walk, that's for sure. And I know everyone is different. But don't worry yourself too much, because I think that girl's experience is rare. I was able to eat and pee like normal. I was just in some pain the first day or so, and hunched over to walk. The worst part of it all was trying to sleep the night of the procedure... there was NO position that was comfortable. But I got up and took one of the vicodin they gave me, and felt a lot better. Halfway through the next day, I was already noticing a HUGE improvement. Only the bloating lingers (for quite a while, lol).
BFN, y'all. I stopped Progesterone last night and hope AF will show up very soon. When she gets here we'll do 100mg Clomid CD 3-7, scan on CD10 (ish), and if there's a follicle IUI #3 before I go back to work. I'm going to eat very carefully and pray pray pray that I ovulate this cycle!
BFN, y'all. I stopped Progesterone last night and hope AF will show up very soon. When she gets here we'll do 100mg Clomid CD 3-7, scan on CD10 (ish), and if there's a follicle IUI #3 before I go back to work. I'm going to eat very carefully and pray pray pray that I ovulate this cycle!

Sorry Mischief. :( Well, I have a good feeling about the 100mg of clomid! You'll O, I'm sure of it. Your charts have been looking GREAT. I'm feeling good about IUI #3 for you!! :thumbup:
Sorry, Mischief! I hope your next cycle goes well- it sounds like you have a good plan!
I think I'm O'ing today. I had my pos OPK yesterday, and had some cramping last night at bedtime, which I associate with O most likely. But my temp didn't go up enough this morning, so I bet my ovaries were gearing up last night, and the egg is coming today. We've been BDing every other day for the past week or so. Definitely got one in yesterday right when DH got home from work. I think I'll go ahead and initiate one tonight as well.

Quick question... I usually have a pos OPK two days in a row, and I almost always O the second day. Well, yesterday, my OPK was pos in the a.m., but it wasn't pos anymore last night, or this morning. I guess it was a short surge... I'm hoping a short surge doesn't have anything to do with whether an egg gets released or not, right? Any opinions? I guess I'll find out if my temp spikes tomorrow, but its been on my mind.

Btw, one thing I wanted to say, mostly for our friends on this thread who are doing IVF or may soon be doing IVF. I'm hoping that my failed IVF isn't discouraging anyone... I almost hated to even post it, worried that Terri and whoever else might let it put negative thoughts in their own heads. I want you guys to know that even though I did not get pregnant from my fresh cycle, I did get 8 total embies out of it, and my RE said at my follow up the other day, "There are definitely a couple babies in there just waiting for ya'." So while I didn't get prego, I have never considered that cycle a failure. As far as I'm concerned, with 6 embies still waiting for me, it was a success. In Vitro did what it was supposed to do as far as fertilization, and now we just have to pick the ones that are meant to stick around for me. :) That was just how it was supposed to go down for me, that's all. I feel sure that the rest of you IVFers are going to be reporting excellent news with your fresh cycles.:flower:
If this group didn't already know that Erin is a total gem, we do now! You are such a lovely, positive, caring person, and your outlook is amazing. Your doc is right, and you're right that it's just about figuring out now which of those embies are meant to be your baby(ies)! I now have another friend who just got pregnant with IVF (I'm not even supposed to know about it, we're not that close, but have a mutual bestie) and it was on her 3rd attempt. It definitely seems like FET is where it's at. This surprised me at first because from my donor days I had an excellent track record of getting my donor moms pregnant on the first try. I was even allowed to do one more donation than is normally allowed because a couple trying to have a genetic sibling had their FET fail, and asked if I'd he willing to do a second fresh donation for them. BUT I guess the big difference there is that it was my body taking the beating of producing all those eggs. Theirs just had to get prepped to receive it. When you're doing your own fresh transfer, I can absolutely see how the odds would be lower because your body is just worn out at that point.

And FWIW Terri, in all of my donations, I only hyper stimmed once (sounds like that's what you were reading about that scared you). It did suck, although nothing I wouldn't go through in a heartbeat to have a baby (I don't even mind that I went through it for someone else.) I knew that they were stimming my body too quickly though (refused to ever go back to that clinic) and should have spoken up louder than I did. I'm sure your doctors are making good choices for you and would dial you back if you started responding too quickly.

Mischief, big hugs, and I'm anxious for AF to get here and start this next cycle for you!!!
No, no, no. I was expecting for everyone to say "No way - your temps just look great on their own!" :winkwink:

Mischief - So sorry that this cycle didn't work out. :hugs: to you. Have a cocktail tonight or something.

eRose/Terri - Man, ladies. IVF is sounding a little scary with the pain, bloating, etc. I mean, it makes sense I guess, but STILL. I think you're both amazing and I just KNOW it's going to work out for you both.

Twinnie - Be careful on those steroids and NSAID meds girl. (What is NSAID by the way)? :awww:
kfs - no worries about the steroids - just a little shot in my toe joint - I am not worried about bulking up :bodyb:my toes :rofl: and NSAID is like Ibuprofen - but this one I can only take once a day so it must be high powered... I took it at night because I was worried it would make me sleepy (another side affect) which I do not need. I have read before that Ibuprofen can delay ovualtion... so no surprise that this meds can do it too... although it never has for me... I have pretty bad AF cramps that require ibuprofen - and obviously not had the delayed ovulation problem yet...
and by the way...
your temps are up because you are PG, screw the progesterone!!! :gun::gun:

mischief awe... :hug: my twinnie is right have a drinkie or two tonight...and then onwards and upwards!! you defintely sound like you have a plan!!!:thumbup:

Erose - you are too sweet... I don't think anyone on this thread would ever be down by reading what you write!!! You have always encouraged me when I felt like nothing could!! I just know you and Terri are going to be bump buddies!!! :) (and maybe a few more folks too!!!)

geez... I guess I should do some work... :cry:
Mischief-I'm so sorry. I hope AF is short and sweet so you can get to IUI #3 before school starts up again. How disappointing. :hugs:

kfs1-I don't remember where, but I said your temps are up because of pregnancy. hee hee. I could never trust my temps in my IUI cycle. They were all over the place. I tried, I really tried, and Ffoe kept letting me down. It could never be MY hormones fault. It's Ffoe's fault. hee hee.

ERose-I am so fortunate to have found you on here, and I would never be upset about you mentioning your cycle failing. We are all here to cheer each other on through good and through bad. Your experience helps everyone as far as I'm concerned, and I'm glad that you went through it first. You truly are an example that all of us should follow! :friends: I would keep doing the OPKs because your body may be a bit confused too. You never know.

ttcinseattle-Thanks for that...you're right. no matter how bad it is, it'll be worth it in the end. I didn't read any more stories about retrieval. It's too much. And..everyone is different so mine could be a cakewalk (yeah right!). I'm still taking the next day off work no matter what happens. They are checking everything every other day at a minimum, so there's a very small chance of overstimulation.

My day is just about over and I did about 3 things. *sigh* I'm a social butterfly and it's going to get me one day. Luckily, not today. HA!!HA!!
Hi ladies....thanks for all the name suggestion! Some of them I had while most of them I didn't so I will add some of them to my list. My son's name is Kyle and my daughter's name is Kaila ( pronounced Kyla) so those are off my list of course. Lol

Mischief....did AF show up in full force yet? If not, I'm still rooting for you!

Sis..... WTH?!?! How much partying did you do in Vegas that you're throwing these tests off?:winkwink: In all seriousness though, contact them and tell them about their sucky tests. Maybe they'll send you out replacement tests or coupons for free tests in th future?

Wish...I laughed at the thought of you having a muscular toe from the steroid injection! Hope it doesn't hurt too bad though.

Erose....we ALL have benefited from your journey an positive attitude in some way so thank you for sharing everything with us.

TTC... Hope your son feels better soon.

AFM...I had the scariest dream although a part of me feels it was happening. Last night/early this morning I had a dream that I was with one of my friends and for some reason I stopped breathing and it felt so real that when I woke up I felt myself gasping for air. Now I'm wondering did I stop breathing and that's why I had that dream or if it was just a dream really that had me waking up gasping for air. I was so afraid to go back to sleep. :cry:
Mischief - Sorry about the BFN. That sucks. Onward to IUI. Fx.

Terri - You're follie count sounds fantastic. Yay! And you can come over to cook for me anytime. Oh and no more scary blogs. Only positive ones.

Kfs - I like Sis's idea of keeping the boys cool. That's sure a lot easier than surgery, but I'd talk to DH's dr to see what he/she thinks.

Sis - WTF with the half lines? I'd be interested to see what FRER would say about it. At least some free tests, I'd hope.

Seattle - Hooray for an energy boost! Hope you can get a few more of those before LO comes. Couldn't hurt, right? Hope your son feels better.

ERose - That's great that your RE is so optimistic. And I'm glad you're back here posting regularly. We missed you! I don't think the shorter surge means anything negative. In fact, maybe your body took less time to kick that egg out.

Smiles - You got a lot of help with the K names. Has anyone said Kailey (Kaylee)? Boys names are always harder, I think. Maybe just Kai? Although that's pretty close to your other kids' names! Oh your dream sounds awful. I think our dreams can affect our body for sure, so I'm sure you were just trying to breath in the dream and it was like you were trying to dream in real life too. Yuck. I hate those.

Kfs - Another Katy (Katie) here! I guess that makes at least 3 with Katie Potatie.

Katie - Yes, DH wants to pass down his name. I'm kinda sad bc I won't get to name him, but I know it's something that DH really wants so I'm not going to stop him.

Wish - I have an US on Monday, then we are going to visit family on Saturday, so we're waiting until then so we can do it in person. Although I think DH may crack. :haha:

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