Wish-Great news about your Clomid working and the testing date as your DD's bdday. Yay!! It would be so fabulous if all it took was a little Clomid.

kfs1-How are you doing? How was your fun beer and apple weekend?

garfie-Hey there! I'm with you. If your husband doesn't want to get the snip you're still in! :wohoo:

AFM-I have ten baby follies right now. Five on each side. Last time I believe I started with ten as well, so I'm hoping a few more show up or are hiding in the background. My increased meds have been giving me a little headache, but nothing too unbearable. Candy works well to ease the pain.
Sis, thats great news about Abby! I know you are trying not to get your hopes up, but I'll keep my fx'd that it all works out! Hope the :witch: is on her wait out the door, so we can start stalking your chart for O!

Terri, Yay for 10! It's a good start! Sorry about the headache, but I am very jealous of your candy! Your visit with your ex and his wife seemed to go as well as can be expected. I hope they enjoy the thoughtfulness of your flowers!

Wish! Yay!!:happydance: Good job sucking up the pain and getting the job done!

Nessaw, you are probably tired of hearding how sorry we all are for you, but we truly are. It just isn't fair, and it sucks! I hope you are able to get some answers.

Mo3G, Hope your scan goes well today!

:hi: to everyone else! Happy Monday!
Nessaw - I'm glad you can get testing done for the baby. I hope that sheds some light and helps you on your journey. :hugs:

Wish - Yay for a good breast scan. And big yay for a great O, great BD timing and a lovely looking chart! :thumbup:

Terri - I'm glad you got to visit your friends. So many people shy away from people when something bad happens because they don't know what to say, but of course, it doesn't matter if you say the perfectly right thing, it's nice to know that you are being thought of. I think the plants were perfect. Sound like your meds are gearing you up for lots of follies. I look forward to the next scan.

Katie - Whew! You are busy in September. Stop by when you get a minute.

Sis - I think it's great that you can help our your sis. Sounds like your home will be much better for your niece. I hope all the paperwork works out.

Kfs - Yay for crosshairs. No worries about them being dotted. That's just FF fighting with itself.

Momof3 - Sounds like you have some nice follies waiting!

Garfie - Definitely sounds like you're still trying to me!

Vjean - Just a thought on a GD sweets craving... Are you OK with stevia? I would make peanut butter balls by mixing peanut or almond butter with almond flour (ground almonds) with a packet of stevia, then melt some 88% chocolate (the super dark kind, has pretty much zero sugar in it, but if you don't think that will work you can do cocoa powder, stevia and coconut oil. It doesn't have quite the same texture, but the taste is the same) and put a bit on top. Kinda like a peanut butter cup. Helped me.

I've got my 20 week scan on Thursday (a few days early). Excited to see Penguin again.
Yay for lots of Follies Terri I kinda miss the scans B4 I like to now what I'm working w maybe I can convince DH to try a few more IUIs so I have a chance for my twins ;)

Radkat cant wait to see pics

Yes I think Abigail will fit in here just fine I just wish my sis would have let her stay when she was one she would probably have saved her from seeing a ton of BS over the years :nope:
We will see ehat hapoens like I said she probably will change her mind :nope:

Either way we r still TTC DH is still taking his vitamins I think he wants a baby more now than ever I guess cuz it actually happened w out help last time :shrug:
I'm not arguing I'm just walking and trying to make my body a temple ;)

Well I gotta run to the parade last year of pics since my DS1 is a senior wow a baby and a college kid wow I must be crazy :haha:
nessaw ~ My heart is still breaking for you. More :hugs: for you!

Sis ~ I sure hope everything works out for you with Abby! FX that it all goes smoothly for you and she can be in your home ASAP. :flower:

garfie ~ I agree, as long as he hasn't had the snip, it's still possible! :thumbup:

Wish ~ Yay for cross hairs and strong O. :thumbup: FX that this will be your month!

Terri ~ I hope all 10 of those follies end up producing lots of great eggs for you! Sending growing vibes your way. :flower:

Radkat ~ Good luck at your 20 week scan! Seeing the baby is always so fun. Are you wanting to know gender, or waiting for a surprise?

AFM ~ I ended up not having my scan today. Had my IUI instead. I ended up having an LH surge on my own Sunday morning. They gave me instructions on Saturday to still test LH, and if pos on Sunday, call as soon as I could so I'd catch the nurse on call in the am. Once I got to talk to her yesterday, she said to trigger as soon as I could, and my scan appt was changed to an IUI. So, the IUI is now done, and I wait until October 6th to test. I asked the nurse I got today about the 12 mm follie, and if there was a chance an egg came from that one too. She said there's a chance it got to 15 by today. They said the 15 mm's can produce eggs, they just aren't as mature as a 20 or so. But since the right side had the bigger 16 mm on Sat, they had me lean to the right this time afterwards.
Momof3-Well, that's a surprise, but a good one! good thing your DH was around to give his sample. Phew! Now..10/06, we'll be waiting to hear your results. fxfx :dust:

Radkat-Thanks. :hugs: Hope you're doing well.

VJean-Sorry to talk about candy. You have one more month and you can eat all you want!! I'm super eager for the next few days. Everyone else's updates are keeping me excited. :) My retrieval is supposed to be around 9/30-10/03. I'm hoping for earlier in the week. I have a dentist's appointment on 10/02, and I'd rather let the hygienist know that I'm kind of waiting for an update rather than telling her that I had X fertilized or X transferred. Maybe she'll be pregnant and I won't have to worry about telling her anything and she can talk and I can just sit there with my mouth open. :haha: I hope she is...she deserves to get pregnant before me.
Wish - Twinnie!!! Yay for crosshairs. :happydance: Your temps are looking good lady! That would be SO amazing if you got your BFP on your daughter's bday! Are you going to Canada for work or for fun?

Terri - I'm starting to get really excited for you again. ER will be here before you know it! :happydance:

Vjean - Aww - you poor thing. You'll be able to indulge in TONS of candy soon enough. :) Any progress with the MIL situation?

Rad - Can't wait to hear how your scan goes. Pics please!

Garfie - It ain't over until the snip! Keep on it! :sex:

Sis - How was the parade? Glad to hear that your DH has been taking his vitamins and he's on board now! That makes things much easier. My DH has been great about his vitamins, too.

Momof3 - Wow. I'm happy that you were able to catch the surge and get that IUI done! And now we wait (the worst part). :coffee:

My temps are looking preeettty boring this month. BUT I did find out that my DHs insurance covers IVF and I think we'll have coverage sooner than I thought. So, if things don't work out, I could possibly move forward in November/December. :)
KFS- YAY TWINNIE!!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::loopy::loopy:
that is so awesome that you get IVF covered under the hubbies insurance!!!! that is so cool that within 6 months you are gonna have your :bfp: !!!!! I'm believing!!!!

EDIT - Kfs I forgot to answer your question - My DH and I are headed to Canada for a hunting trip for my hubbies 40th birthday (October 4th) he is hunting Bear, Caribou and Moose... we are driving (3 days each way) and will be gone from 1-14 October.... I would say fun - but its a lot of work to take the DH ANYWHERE :rofl:

moni - that is so awesome about your heartbeat!!! it jumped up there very nicely!!! so how long do you get scans every week??? how you feeling? any MS?

Terri - here's hoping your hygeniest is already PG!!! well if you have your retrieval on October 3rd - that is DD2 birthday!!! wooo hooo might be an exciting day this year!!! FX FX hope the shots are too bad and you increased meds aren't causing issues for you!! :hugs:

Momof3 - wow chango for you!!! I agree with Terri good thing DH was around for his donation!!! now the TWW.... here's hoping its good to you!! FXFX!!

Sis - I hear you about doing all the senior stuff - my DD2 is a senior this year too and we are planning her graduation party already!! already got the DJ lined up!!! :bunny: (my dancing smiley)

AFM: 4DPO... :coffee: nothing going on... Made stuffed peppers last night - YUMMMM.... volleyball game tonight - I am working concessions!!! popcorn = :toothpick:
the weather here is absolutely awesome sunshiney all day and 70s...
got an email today from a coworker with her 8 week ultrasound picture attached... yay... I am happy for her and asked her to deliver on my birthday - didn't think that was too much to ask :haha:
Hi Ladies, Catching up where I can…

Neesaw—Still thinking of you and hoping you are holding up. I agree with the other ladies that it’s a heartbreaking thing to have to do, but hopefully, having the doctor’s test the baby will bring you some answers. I’ve said it before, but you are a very strong lady. :hugs:

Garfie—Glad to see you pop in. We miss you around here! Like I said, if your naughty bits are coming into contact with one another and no protection, you are still in this game.

Terri—I love that your IVF is cycling around again so quickly. And 10 is still a great number even if others don’t show up…I’ve seen ladies doing IVF who are only getting a few follies even after all the stims. Wait, what’s going on with your dental hygienist? I must have missed her fertility story? And you truly are an angel with the co-worker's Birthday and the ex and his wife's tragic loss. Karma will pay you back ten-fold!

Sis—I must have missed something because I didn’t know there was even talk of you getting your niece. What wonderful, exciting news! I sure hope it works out. And I forgot to tell you that those mums and garters you made were amazing! I’d never heard of that tradition either. I’ll have to ask my hubby if he heard of it because he lived in TX for a long time. And just throwing it out there, I got pregnant again my second cycle after the m/c so I’m holding out hope for you this next cycle.

Mom—Good luck on this IUI! Glad you caught the LH surge! I think it’s interesting that your clinic has you lean on the side of the dominant follie. Never heard that before from other ladies doing IUI but there must be something to it!

Wish—Oooh, everything sounds really good with a nice, strong ovulation this time. Did you get a good amount of bedding in this cycle? And have a fun trip to Canada! Btw, That popcorn picking teeth smiley had me rolling! :rofl:

VJean—What a hot mess with the MIL situation! Well, I guess if she does end up being there for 2 weeks, you can endure anything for a brief period of time, even a MIL. That’s so good that you can reuse some baby items, but what a drama with the co-sleeper. I kind of understand not wanting a replacement brand. I had the BEST bassinet that pulled right up to the side of our bed so it was basically like co-sleeping because it was at the same level as our mattress, and I donated it to a women/children’s shelter after my daughter got too big for it. That was a nice, feel-good thing to do…but how was I to know that NOW it’s terribly hard to find and much more expensive?! I probably wouldn’t have been so philanthropic had I known. :haha:

Driving—Super news about the complete amnio results….I think I already said that, but it’s worth repeating!

Smiles—I had Baby Blues with my daughter, too. They suck. It’s like your rational mind knows it’s due to the hormones but you can’t control your emotional mind to sync up with reality. I used to stand in the kitchen cleaning baby bottles, staring at the back of my husband’s head who was sitting on the couch watching sports, weeping because I thought he didn’t love the baby. I knew it wasn’t true but you can’t stop the emotions from flowing out everywhere. I mean stupid stuff just sets you in a tizzy. Hang in there lady, this too shall pass. Hope you and Mia are doing well. <3

Radkat—20 week scan already coming up! It seems like your pregnancy is flying by so quickly. And “Penguin” will likely no longer be a penguin any more, as you know. Post pics when you can and tell us the new nickname.

Mischief—Woohoo! All those numbers sound great. I can understand why you are feeling hopeful for this IUI. Glad you checked back in!

Kfs1—I can’t find anything about beer and apples? Must be on another thread? I’m glad that your insurance is going to code DH surgery under non-fertility. And WOW on DH’s insurance covering IVF. That is so rare, it seems. I’m sure you guys still have out of pocket costs but nothing compared to paying for everything on your own. What a huge relief and happy, happy news!

Moni—Just more happy news coming from your end! That’s a nice, strong heartbeat! I don’t think I ever got a reading that high with the millions of times I went into the doctor during first trimester. I’m just so tickled for you. You had all that waiting and waiting for IVF and getting past cysts and such, and here you are. So awesome!

AFM—Daughter’s 5th Birthday party is over and it went well. We had over 20 kids and lots of parents so it was crazy, but so fun. And all the Pinterest projects were a hit! Of course, as soon my body was able to relax and breathe after the party, is when I got sick. I’ve got a nice cold going, but I’m SO thankful it didn’t come on before her party, when I had tons of stuff to do. I’ll post some pics later when I get my shiz together! I just have to get through my husband’s birthday this weekend and I’m DONE with September madness!

Otherwise, pregnancy is finally consistently going smoothly, fingers crossed it continues this way. Every week I exhale a little deeper knowing that Cody's chances of survival increase should I go into preterm labor, etc. He’s a wiggly worm so I feel him moving around often and that’s definitely reassuring. I don’t have to use my fetal heart doppler anymore but I keep it just in case I get a scare with not feeling him move. I still highly recommend it for early pregnancy if you are a worry-wart like I was and hate to wait it out between doctor’s appointments to make sure the baby is okay.

My current heartburn, swollen feet and moments of squirting pee on myself when the baby presses on my bladder aren’t exactly fun, but I’m so grateful for this child, so I don’t complain. Although my lady parts are unhappy that maxi pads have made a reappearence in their territory due to the pee-thing, but there's no choice. I can't just walk about peeing myself through my pants! Oh and I’m very much enjoying sex again….just thought you all would like to know that! We didn’t do the deed through the whole first trimester (and into the second) due to the spotting and cramps, but now that everything has settled down and I’m getting my libido back, I forgot how much I truly enjoy it. So there you have it! That’s probably more than you needed to know from me for now.:haha:
Wish - I will have scans the next 2 Tuesdays - next Tues is my last appointment with the RE and the Tuesday after that will be my initial appointment with the reg OB. I'm sure it will calm down after that!

Terri - 10 is a great number - I had 10...

Katie - glad all is smooth and that the sex is great! :blush: I've been very cautious with BDing... it will be nice to have my regular libido back.
Moni - my 7 week heart beat was 176 bpm, almost the same as yours!!!! :happydance:

KFS - good luck on IVF, that's so exciting!!!!

Wish - where in Canada? I'm close to Toronto :thumbup:

Mom and Mischief - good luck on IUI!!!

Katie - when did you start feeling movement? I can't wait!!! :happydance: And what is up with the squirting pee? Is that a thing? :shrug: When did that start?

AFM we went for the 12 week scan today!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Here are the measurements: 82.7 mm crown to rump, 24.2 mm bi-parietal diameter, 1.9 mm nuchal translucency. So I THINK that means that baby is measuring around 14 weeks? :shrug::shrug::shrug: We got our first photo shoot too! :happydance: OH thinks it's definitely a boy, but I don't think it's even possible to see that yet :haha:
Glad to hear Future Mom - I was starting to think that maybe it was too high!
Hi FutureMom! Are you going to post an ultrasound pic? Did they tell you that baby is measuring more like 14 weeks or did you research that based on measurements? I started feeling movement way early but maybe because I knew more of what it felt like from having my daughter. At 12 weeks, I was feeling a heaviness in localized areas of my tummy that would sometimes be a rolling sensation....like if someone took a round, smooth stone and gently pressed it against your uterus from the inside. That kind of rolling pressure, I guess. But definately by 15 weeks I was feeling more activity. It truly is the best part of pregnancy!

Now the peeing, well, that started around 18 weeks or so. At first I thought it was just an overage of pregnancy discharge until I realized....it wasn't. Gulp! But I think this is due to it being a second baby and having weaker muscles, than it being a normal thing for most women. :)
Happy HUMPday ladies!!!

Well I'm all done w the girls Mums but now theBand director wants me todo 2 for the band so I will be Super busy the next few days trying to get it done!!! :nope:

Moni great <3 beat I say girl u too Future mom!! ;)

Gotta get the LO up for school :hi: to everyone!!!
Wish-I can't believe your chart. Isn't it crazy what a pill for 5 days can do? I'm super excited for you this cycle. I'm sure you've said it a million times, but when do you leave for your trip north? Don't forget to get your books on cd!

Futuremom-Ahem..are you going to SHARE this fab photo with us? I would love to see it. Glad all is well!

Katie-You always have me cracking up. :rofl: Sorry you're squirting pee all over the place, but luckily we have pantiliners/pads that you can use so you're not an embarrassing mess. We can't have that going on. And glad you're getting your party on now that you're feeling better too. That made me smile. Oh, so the hygienist story was that she is the one who told me about Shady Grove Fertility Center. She has been trying for several years now, I believe, without success. So I would hate to show up there pregnant next week (which obviously isn't going to happen), and she's not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she has a little bump when I get there next week.

My big news is that after I dropped a ton on IVF, I went on a spending binge and I decided to get season tickets to the Orioles for next year AND we're going to the playoffs!!! I really wish I had been at the game last Tuesday when we clinched the division, but alas, I was watching from home and getting so pumped up that I just had to do it. I "asked" hubs if I should do it and he was like 'you're buying one ticket?' He is so dense sometimes. I told him that if he didn't want to go, I could easily find someone, but I think he's going to go with me. Who cares what he does. I"M GOING!!! hee hee. I also mentioned opening day tix, and if I had two, he could come along and he likes opening day, so he agreed to get two tickets. Anyway, I have to choose my seat tomorrow at 10a, and now this whole process is consuming me. I am just PRAYING that this cycle works out where I can go to the game(s) and have a fun time and not be a hot, bloated mess. hee hee.

As far as fertility is concerned, my doctor did my u/s this morning and it's official. He is not a morning person. He said that he thought I was really fun (I am, was my response!), and then he said 'I'm just going to do a quick check, not look at all your follies.' I was like 'ok.' So, he went really fast, and I couldn't see how big they were, but I think he clicked about 7 times. From my brief glance at the screen, it looked like they were about 10mm, but I'm really not sure. My lining is thickening (it was t 5.1). They will call me this afternoon regarding my meds. I'm thinking that the retrieval will be prior to the games, and during the games I'll just be waiting for blastocyst stage. Per-fect. :happydance:

Hi to all the moms and everyone else!
Terri - first off I AM SO JEALOUS :mrgreen:!!!!!!!!!!!!! season tickets AND playoff tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :saywhat:
I would love to get season tickets - our closest stadium is Busch Stadium in St Louis - and my DH is a diehard Cardinal fan - me eh...take em or leave em - I do love Yadier Molina - but its just not the same with Pujols gone... he was electric!!!
and it sounds like your follies are doing just what I demanded of them - grow grow grow - we need frosties for the siblings!!! :haha:

and we are leaving on 1 October but DH sprang a surprise we have to stop by his counsins on the way - :saywhat: not on the way at all... :growlmad:
we will be back 14 October (its volleyball senior night)

Sis - good luck getting all those fabulous mums done!!! please send some kinda of creativity up here to Illinios!!!:haha:

katie - love love your posts... sorry about the squirting... and YAY for :sex: being good and back on the calendar!!!! and you are naming him Cody??? i totally missed that before... LOVE!!! my best friend in high school name her son Cody - he is a marine now!!! :thumbup:

future - PICTURE PLEASE - we need ultrasound porn too!!! geez!!! :haha:

:hi: to the rest of you ladies!!!

AFM: tomorrow I have my first EVER progesterone check!!!!!!!!I am excited to hear the number and hoping its normal and ladies I am not ashamed to admit that I have been putting on steroid cream everyday and i don't have POISON IVY!!!:finger: (and no spotting yet - knocking on wood here!!) hope I don't jinx myself
however... I am an angry lady today ??? I mean more than usual - I am assuming this is clomid related... still feelings ovary niggles.. again I am sure clomid related...
I feel good - hopeful... trying not to yell at everyone!!!:haha:
Hi everyone!!

Terri - 10 follies is excellent. I have a good feeling about this cycle for you. And tix sound great - it is so easy to let this process become overwhelming and forget about all the other fun stuff you should do!

Katie, ha, I know all about leaking. :p It took me like a year after birth to be able to run again without wearing a heavy pad and still don't enjoy impact exercise as much any more. But right now, coughing and sneezing is dangerous.

Futuremom, wonderful results :)

Nothing much new here, except having annoying back/pelvic pain that comes and goes. Which means that instead of taking my brisk walks, I eat. Has been better this week, so goal is not to gain any weight.
Twinnie - Your chart's looking gooooodd! Wow. Driving 3 days each way to Canada, huh? And now you have to swing by your DH's cousin?!?!?1 I hope you can stop in some fun places along the way. Sounds amazing to have a two-week vacation!! Oh, and I totally had anger issues when I was on clomid. One night, I literally hid in our bedroom because I felt like I wanted to rip my DHs head off for absolutely no reason at all. At least I knew I was being irrational, right?

Katie - Glad to hear that your daughter's party was a success. And I'm so happy that the pregnancy is moving along smoothly. I did laugh a little at your "squirting pee' comment. :haha: Man, the things us women have to go through! Oh, and I also don't think I knew that you were naming your little one Cody. Awww - so adorable!!

Future Mom - Congrats on the great appointment! I have no idea what those measurements mean but I'm happy that things are looking good! :happydance: How are you feeling?

Sis - Hope you're not too busy running around over there. :hi:

Terri - That's great that you got so many tickets to the O's. I can't IMAGINE how pumped your whole city must be. Good for you for going on a spending binge - you deserve it!

Driving - Sorry that you're having pains. :( Hope they go away soon so you can get back to taking those walks.
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been checking in, but I've really missed you girls. I've mostly just been posting in my IVF thread, as I was on three threads before, and it just got to be too much. Anyway, wanted to read up on you ladies today.

Driving, sorry about your pains. :( But hey, eat away! This is the time when its fully justified. ;) Glad to see everything else seems to going well!!

Wish, I'm so excited that you got clomid!! Honestly, sometimes thats all it takes! GL with your P test. Knowledge is power, so if you're good, then great... if you're low, then you take a supplement. I'm super happy to see you so excited about continuing your journey!!

Hi FutureMom, I'm with everyone else... would love to see an u/s pic! I'm so happy that your appt went so well today! Sounds like everything is moving along great!

katie, your posts are so honest and funny, I love it! Sorry for the peeing, but it's ALL worth it!!

nessaw, I hated reading your news, and I know there are no words. I really hope they can get you some answers. Our hearts are all with you.

Vjean, looks like things are moving along nicely for you as well. Super happy for you! I'm sure you and DH are getting excited.:thumbup:

Rad, I hope your scan is great tomorrow, as I'm sure it will be!!

Sis, how exciting that you're getting Abigail! I recall that story, and I know it broke your heart. You will be SO good for her!! I'm also happy to see you still in the TTC game. You've been through a lot too, so hang in there, it's gonna happen for you again!

Momof3, how exciting that you had your IUI! FXd that this is it for you!

Garfie, so happy to see you still around. So many times we thought we'd lost you. As long as DH isn't snipped, keep it up, girl!!!:winkwink:

Smiles, sorry to hear about the baby blues Hun. I'm sure you know that it will pass. I'm happy to see that you and LO are doing well.:flower:

kfs, Terri, and Moni.....Love you girls. :flower: I've kept up with you on my IVF thread, so all updated! And hello to anyone I may have missed!! I hope I caught everyone!

AFM, I had 2 frozen embryos transferred last Thurs. I had to take a whole cycle off after my failed IVF cycle. We did try naturally though, but to no avail of course. So I was excited to get on with my FET this month. My RE and I have very high hopes for this cycle. During my fresh cycle, my E had skyrocketed over 3000, which could've made my lining unreceptive to the embies. We'd never really know for sure, but its quite possible. This cyle, since I didnt have to go thru the stims again, my E was at a nice 300-400 or so. :) Literally 10X lower than my fresh cycle. I felt really good this time around without the ER too. After my ER last time, I remained pretty bloated up until the ET, and still had fluid in my abdomen the day of. So in all, I just feel like my body was more ready this time. I'm nervous... but staying optimistic. :)

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