kfs1-Son of a...guns blazing smiley. I saw that drop yesterday and thought it was also a fluke. I think we've all had enough of this nonsense, right?? How much more can we take?????? I'll just say, that maybe it will start climbing back up. I'll be hoping that happens.

I had my u/s today and I have 13 follies ranging from 10-14mm. They have to be >18mm for trigger, so I figure a few more days at a rate of 2mm per day. I am really hoping the timing works out for me to go to the baseball game and feel ok enough to go. I'm going either way, I just want to have a fun time, and not be sore and yucky. Last retrieval I was ok, so hopefully I'll be the same this time. The nurse practitioner did my u/s and she was showing me everything, and so patient and kind. Plus, who wakes up early to be at the office at 7a? Apparently, only me and one other patient so she had time to show me stuff.

Almost time for church...smooches!
About someone just dropping by and announcing a BFP... I am sort of two minds about it. If you are 19... or even 29... don't go over to an IVF or LTTC board and write a two-sentence post about how you just got a BFP. You are supposed to get BFPs at your age. It is not interesting and you do not know anyone there and are likely just hurtful.

Now, I do feel differently about someone 40+ posting a BFP (preferably with what their story was) on an older TTC board, because I find just the fact of that BFP encouraging (certainly when I was TTC, I found inspiration from that). For someone that age, a BFP is by no means the end of the TTC story as well, as many of us have sadly experienced...

Terri, great news on the follicles!!

ERose, FX.
So I went and stalked our impromptu poster.... She is indeed 20 and according to her been trying for 4 years her oh has bad swimmers...hence IVF at 19/20
It's the age thing that irritated me - really u feel like you can post in the LTTC ...??? I also get angry about people posting in LTTC when they have been trying for 6 months... Grrrrrrrrrrr
But my anger probably comes from clomid!!! Hahahaha!!!
Well, now you all forced me to go stalk the stalker. Yeahhh, I see what you mean. The thing that irritates me most about her post is she’s not 35 and doesn’t appear to have done IVF. Not to mention the fact that she’s clearly young and lacking some common sense and she’s going to bring a child into this world. Fabulous. Okay, I’m the bitch now! I don’t care.

Erin—Fantastic news!!! Oh, it’s so fun to see people getting BFPs after these long journeys. I know it doesn’t help when you are the one worrying about it, but I pay little credence to those starting beta numbers because I see wayy too many women on BNB with lowish numbers that turn out absolutely fine. FX for a promising beta today!

Mischief—Oh dear, you have way too much pregnancy around you right now and I would tell those teachers how you are feeling in a short, sweet and polite way. The whole, “I’m so happy for you but right now, I’m feeling a bit sad with my own situation, blah blah." I couldn’t go on getting group text messages and being involved in the middle of their pg conversations. We've all been there when you just get fed up with TTC and are tired with putting on a nice face about it. And you have to deal with these people on an almost daily basis. That could just be too much, when you are getting frustrated TTC yourself. I think it's worth mentioning to them. But I’m excited to see what happens when your booster shot tests out and Happy 12th Anniversary!

Future Mom—Yes! Sonoline B seems to be the highest recommended one….costs about $50 online. For me it was worth the money because I fretted so much. Here’s a link to a thread here on BNB with lots of information on how to use it, a video, etc. I love mine.


Also, you gotta use your computer to post a photo….I don’t think there’s anyway to do it from a phone. But when you go on your computer to do it, choose the “Go Advanced” button underneath the text box where you write your message and then scroll down to the “Manage Attachments” button and that’s where you can upload a picture from your computer. Looking forward to seeing the cat alien! My daughter looked like Stan’s little brother, Ike, from South Park. Cody looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Their profiles are much more flattering!

Sis—Does this mean DH is definitely not coming home in time or is it still up in the air? Oh I hope he makes it back in time for some BD! Is there a chance that once he is on the project, that the timeline could be cut short and he gets home sooner? How do you keep getting roped into making these garters and mums??? They are absolutely gorgeous work so I get why people keep asking you, but are they paying you for your materials at least? And I can’t wait for Halloween either. It’s not my most favorite holiday, but I love October because it’s the start of getting into the holiday season.:xmas9:

Kfs1—Hey that’s a nice temp drop around implantation time! I would be happy if I were you, cuz it looks like the temp is going back up. You always have very suspenseful charts! FX you don’ t have to move onto IVF, BUT, it’s still fantastic that you get some insurance coverage for it should you use it.

Terri—Awesome news on your ticket scores!! And 13 follies….isn’t that better than last time? Glad you had a good nurse who took the time to explain everything to you. That’s a rarity. Getting close, girly, getting close!

Future Mom and Moni—I can’t remember if it’s a girl for higher heartbeats or boys, but it will be interesting to see if you both have the same gender. I think it was higher for girls. Are you both finding out gender? 

Wish—Hey, that’s an awesome P number. Seriously. And coming from someone who had a terrible Progesterone scare, it really peaked my interest on how your results would come out. That is just fantastic! And although I don’t know anything about Clomid and the ovarian reaction, I have a good friend who was on quite a few cycles of Clomid recently and she said it made her quite testy. I think I hear that a bit from ladies on BNB with the moodiness. Have you told DH about the appt. yet?!

Driving—I’m familiar with those pains. I thought with a second pregnancy the pains would be less because everything had already been stretched out, but I dunno. I definitely have had more back and tummy pain through this whole pregnancy than with the first. Thus, why I am a weekly chiropractic patient now...that's helped a whole lot....and she massages my round ligaments which is bliss.

Smile—Happy Belated Birthday! Let us know what your hubby had planned for your special night out. Do you have family around to take care of Mia so you guys can go on dates?

Neesaw—Still thinking of you. :hugs:

AFM--How do I upload multiple pictures? I can only figure out how to add one?
Excuse my language but, WTF?? So, she was 16 when she started trying for a baby? Lord grant me the serenity.
Well he was suppose to be done and heading home several times now but the Company keeps wanting totry other options they won't admit the Well is F%€$3*!!! :nope:

So I most likely won't have a chance this month which makes it even harder since I would be Due 10/23 !! :cry:

He keeps saying we can try next month that doesn't help me today that just makes things worse :(

Mischief FX!!!

Terri great number!!
Beta dropping. Just thought I'd update. They said i could stop my meds today, but they do need me in for another beta on Tues to make sure number keeps dropping.

I'm sad and a little angry, but again, at least I got prepared earlier rather than later. I'll be ok. I've had a CP before, so i know the drill. It still sucks, especially with everything that goes into IVF/FET. But at least it worked. If we can just grab the ones with the right number of chromosomes next time, I should be able to make this happen. Totally wishing I had done PGS on the embies from the very beginning. Will probably do it on these last four frozen ones that I have.

I need a day or so to get past these initial emotions, and then I will get my hope and joy back, and will come back and read everyone's updates and jump back on this crazy horse.
So sorry to hear your news Erose BIG :hugs: I know it's early but it never gets easy just maybe easier than !!!! :hugs:
Take care of U !!!
Erose - :hug: :hugs: :hugs2: girlfriend my heart is breaking for you - damn this TTC!!!!! "Shaking fist at sky"
You are the sweetest lady and I will be praying for God to comfort you and the DH...
I am so sorry
Kfs - hi TWINNIE - boy our chart are different this cycle!!! What's up with your temp drop???? So interesting... Mine is kinda blah blah... I hope you get answers about insurance this week!!! :hugs:

Terri- awesome in the follies!!! Thy are doing just as I told them :rofl: seriously happy for you!!!!

:hi: to you other ladies!!! Posting from my phone and I can't go back to far!!
AFM - bfn this morning 9dpo on FRER.. :-( feeling out - great temps but no baby...but good thing is no spotting at all!! Hoping that AF isn't super late arriving - then I will be bleeding in the backwoods of Canada with a bunch of unsympathetic men
Wish it's still early and good thing is u can say u got a good O w that P number!! Hope the :witch: doesn't land in the woods that would Sux!! :nope:

AFM I got a +++ OPK this Am first time ever I hated getting that line :( I'm totally bummed cuz AF will show around my would be due date :nope:
DH is planning a weekend away the weekend B4 our Anniversary to have some alone time and as nice as that is of him it still doesn't help w my sorrow today !! :cry:

Really starting to seriously think about his suggestion of a donor I'm just afraid he will have a issue w it down the road!!:(

Hope everyone else is having a better weekend!!
Katie/Wish-I chose not to research the stalker, but that's just crazy that she's been trying for 4 years. Whatever. I'm over her. It is the internet and people can be dishonest so who really knows if she's being truthful. As long as she doesn't come back, I'm good.

ERose-I want to say 'are you serious?' but I already know the answer. I am so sorry love bug. That is simply unbelievable. Why now, why you? I hate hearing this news and I hate that you have to go back again to continue getting bloodwork done. Super big :hugs: See you when you get back. As you know, I'll miss you, but I totally understand. <3

Wish-Your chart looks great. I think it's too early and I hope the witch doesn't show up in the woods or at your doorstep, for that matter!

Sis-I'm so sorry DH isn't coming back home anytime soon. He better be planning an awesome getaway for your anniversary. And when I say awesome, I mean it. You've worked so hard this month on the mums, you really do need a getaway.

Last time I had 14 eggs retrieved, but I thought I only had 10 follies so that was a good surprise. We'll see how many keep growing and produce good eggs. I'm very happy with 13. Please...I'd be happy with one at this point. It's the little things!
Erose - I wrote on the other thread but once again, so unbelievably sorry for you and your DH. :(

Terri - that's a great # of follies! I would be ecstatic. :) When's your next appt?

Wish - I agree - both of our charts seem different this month but I totally feel that witch coming on in. But for you, 9 dpo is still early and I think your chart looks great, not blah!!! Give it a few more days there lady.

Katie - you're so sweet to HOH for me. My charts drive me CRAZY. I feel like there's no pattern so I always get my hopes up. It's ok though cause I'm happy that I'm able to move on to IVF asap.

Sis - hope you somehow get in at least one BD this month.

Hi everyone else! Pooped from a busy weekend.
Katie - thanks so much for all your help!!! I watched the video on the doppler thingy - now I'm thinking I might just drive myself crazier trying to find the heartbeat. We'll see. I followed your instructions for posting the photo...hopefully this works...

Erin - :hugs::hugs::hugs: You still have a few frosties at least, right? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Terri - I'm so excited for you!!!! The big game will bring you luck this month! :winkwink:

Nessaw - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Any word from the doctor yet?

:hugs: for everyone else. Here are two of the pics from our 12 week ultrasound. I think the face-on one looks like a cat alien. :haha:


  • Baby McConkey Sept 23 2014 002.jpg
    Baby McConkey Sept 23 2014 002.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 11
OMG and I totally forgot to tell you girls my HUGE NEWS...OH proposed to me last night!!!!! Not really a surprise since we've been talking about it for over a year, but he surprised me with the ring!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: We're thinking next October for the wedding. :wedding: Lil one will be 6 months so I should be allowed to :wine:, right?
Future mom- congrats!!! That is huge news. I'm so happy for you and October weddings are perfect if I do say so myself! Woohoo!! I have to get on the computer to see your baby so I'll do it first thing tomorrow but so happy you figured out how to post the picture! Yay!!

Kfs1-I got a call tonight saying I need to go back tomorrow. I thought I would go back on Tuesday but I think my estrogen levels are getting high. I was at 2352 this morning so I guess depending on that they will let me know what to do next. I've started drinking my water so my veins are working in the morning.

Sis-we just started watching the cowboys game and they did a pan of the crowd. Wish you were there. Again, sorry your hubs ruined your October. Halloween never fails. Love ya.
Congrats future mom! Great pics.

Terri great numbers, keep an coming

Katie, I'm definitely finding out asap.

Erin, again so sorry. I felt so positive about you thismonth.

Hi to everyone else...
ERose, I'm so sorry! :hugs: From what I've read, the testing is really worth it. I'm glad you'll be able to try again!

Sis, I'm sorry you missed your opportunity! Wasted cycles are so hard!

kfs1, It's a fluke. You were just chilly from the fall weather. It'll go back up! *sending very positive thoughts!*

AFM - For the last four days I've been trying to test out the booster shot. I'm 13dpiui and 8dp booster. The line was gone this morning and I cried for hours. Tested again this afternoon - line is back and clearly visible. Is it still the booster...? Is it the beginning of a BFP...? Will it be gone tomorrow morning...? I am driving myself CRAZY with this wait! Tuesday is FOREVER from now!!! And tomorrow I head back work with all the smug pregnant women... :/
I would say to at least wait until 10dpT to test my trigger was always gone by 9dpt but just in case an extra day!!!
Fx Fx Fx!!!
Futuremom - Love the pics! Congratulations! :happydance:

Wish - Holy f'ing great chart! How are you feeling?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm getting preetttty excited over here!

Mischief - I totally feel for you with the POAS/trigger annoyance. I hope your lines get darker today if you decide to test again! Fx fx fx. And stay away from the annoying pregos at work if you can!

Terri - Can't wait to hear what the doc says today!

Sis - Hope DH makes it home in time. Tell him to get his butt moving!

Waiting for AF. :coffee: Should be here tomorrow or Wednesday (my LP is typically 13-14 days). SO anxious to get moving with IVF it's not even funny!!!
I woke up in a good mood today. I could tell even before I opened my eyes, which oddly enough is a sign of AF for me, so I figured I was out. Then I took my temp - it went up! So I tested again. Still a line, but it's a faint one. Really could still be the booster so I'm trying not to get my hopes up! :/

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