:thumbup:Good Monday Morning Ladies!

Mischief - still believing for you this cycle!!! I am hoping that line is just going to get darker and darker!! FXFXFX!

kfs - I hate encouraging AF to show up for anyone - but I know you want to get moving to IVF.... so if she is gonna show - SHOW UP so my friend can get moving in the :bfp: direction...

Sis - I think I read on another thread your man is headed home... I have no idea how to delay O - the only thing that is worked for me so far is clomid!! :haha: I always heard ibuprofen delayed things but it never did for me... good luck I hope the O just waits for him to get there!! FX FX

Terri - I think I read on anther thread about your follie update this morning... sounds like they are moving in the right direction!!! I hope your E doesn't get too high and everything goes smoothly this week and the perfect timing happens and you can enjoy your playoff games!!! there is nothing like the atmosphere at playoff games!!!

futuremom :wedding::wedding::wedding::wedding: how exciting you are engaged!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: and October weddings are awesome!! Congrats!!! love your little alien pictures!!! :haha:

:hi: to everyone else...

AFM: kfs you are right my chart is awesome and I was very surprised when my temp went up this morning - still stark white BFN... :cry:
I went ahead and refilled my clomid since I will have to take it in Canada... I am really getting upset about the :witch: being in residence while we are in Canada - I happen to love hotel :sex: and that might be ruined too.... and not too mention going out to the Canadian backwoods all day and having AF issues... :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
and of course I really wanted to be PG... it would've made such a great start to our trip - once we hit Canada we will have no phones (because I refuse to pay such high rates for cell phone usage) so it would be just the two of us (cue song) enjoying our news... :sad2:
ok searching for some good stuff
I am 10DPO and not one hint of spotting!!!! I even checked my cervix every day so it is legit no spotting... I am happy about that... :wohoo:
funny story - yesterday took my two golden retrievers for a walk on a local bike path - another dog comes along - I get dragged for just a little bit on my face - holding on to each dog collar... on the bike path... yes I am a moron... mucked up my knee and toes - because of course I had flip flops on...
your laugh for the day... your welcome :thumbup:
Wish Mischief KFs1 HOH ladies FXFX!!!

Well my OPK was blaring neon dark this AM darker than yesterday so do I count today as ++ not yesterday I hope so cuz if so I might have a chance cuz DH should be home Tom evening a slim chance but better than none!! :)

FFoe is confused too I had a vertical line for today to be O but my temp was lower so it took it away :shrug:
I'm having a ton of pain in my right ovary so IDK!!
Wish/Mischief/kfs1-Your charts look too good to be BFNs. I hope all of your lines come in really dark tomorrow. So exciting.

Yes, my follies are growing big. I have to go back in the morning for another check. My estrogen was up to 2352, so to me, it's starting to get in the danger zone, but I feel like as long as it's under 4000 I should be ok. I'm thinking I may end up triggering tomorrow night, but we'll see. I'm no doctor.

Future Mom-Your baby looks big! And not like a cat alien at all. I like that picture. Is it a boy? Do you know yet? I saw something poking out. hee hee. Not sure if that would really be happening at this stage of the game, but I can hope.

kfs1-I know how excited you are to start IVF, so I hope that if the witch is coming, she gets here sooner rather than later. Did you say you will still have the same Dr. McGrouch for your IVF? I would NOT be excited to see her.

Wish-Did you really slide on your face? I hope not. hee hee. Maybe your dogs need more friends so they don't get so excited when they see another dog nearby. ha! Glad the Clomid is preventing the spotting AND that you got a refill. I hope you and DH can relax your time away from the phone. That'll be nice.

Sis-Hope DH speeds home to catch the tail end of that egg on the move!
Sis, I'm cracking up picturing your husband's homecoming tomorrow! Look out!!! ;) So glad there is still hope this cycle!!!!
Terri - If your estrogen continues to go up, will they change your meds or something? What do you think that means? What are they saying now for the date of your ER? And yes, I'm still going to see the grouch. :dohh:

Wish - Still early lady! Only 10 dpo so you absolutely still have a shot this month! Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on BFP!!!! Oh - and ouch about falling on your face! :dohh:

Sis - Get to :sex: tomorrow immediately lady!

Future - Totally forgot to congratulate you on your engagement! Congratulations! :happydance:
Hi all.x
Erose so very sorry. Hugs.x
Wish hoping it's still too early.
Future congrats on the scan and the engagement. Lovely news all round.
Am sorry my brain can't remember anymore!
Afm letter from the hospital telling me I have thrush so that was nice to come home to! Rmc consultant appt end of oct. Scan next mon to check everything gone. No decision on ttc. Paul wants to, me not so much-it was so stressful this time and that was with the pma of having an early scan and hoping luck was on our side. Guess we are ntnp for now.
Anyway lots of luck for upcoming treatments and shedloads of baby dust all round. Xx
Future mom I forgot to say nice scan and Terri I think the thing is a leg crossed Indian style that being said HB was in girl range but looking at the skull I'm thinking Boy!! :)
Congrats on the Engagement !!!

Neesaw hope u can work out things once u get the test results back NTNP can really make things easier plus u can focus on your wedding!! :hugs:

Mischief yea DH asked for a nice dinner when he gets home and for me to wear a dress:haha:
I think the boys will think I've lost my mind if I'm cooking in a dress for no reason at All ;)

Terri hope that E stays in check if it gets to high they might push your transfer to next cycle
ERose- I'm so sorry to hear your news. Take your time to deal with this and then it's back on the horse. Big hugs, honey.

Nessaw - If NTNP is what works for now, that's great. Still thinking of you.

Terri - Your motorcycle mishap sounds scary. I'm glad it started back up and all is well. Your follie count sounds good. Is your dr concerned about the E level?

Wish - Your chart is just beautiful. If it doesn't end up in a BFP, then I'm extra sorry you have to deal with AF in the woods. Boo. And even getting dragged on your face for "a little bit" sounds not fun. But have to say, after I know you're OK, the image did make me giggle a bit. I'm one of those that laughs at people falling down. I know I'm bad.

Mischief - Keep testing. You've got us on the edge of our seats. And boo to the insensitive coworkers. I agree that either ignoring/walking away when they talk about it or a "I'm glad things are working out for you two. It's been tougher for me." type comment would help them simmer down a lot.

Kfs - If you feel like AF is on the way, then I'm wishing that for you, bc I know the feeling of "let's just move on".

Sis - Oh well now it just sounds like you have perfect timing for some BDing! I agree that DH may really enjoy his homecoming. Maybe a heads up so he doesn't think he gets to take a nap first. :haha:

FutureMom - I like the cat alien. They look so weird at this point. And big congrats on your engagement. I think having a 6mo old at your wedding would be great! October weddings usually have lovely weather.

Hi Driving, Fezzle, Moni, Smiles.

Here's a look at Penguin, who looks pretty monkey-like since this pic makes it look like he doesn't have a nose. And it looks like he's shaking his fist at something.


  • Penguin 3.jpg
    Penguin 3.jpg
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Erin—I’m so sorry to hear about the beta. Just sucks. Glad you have remaining frosties and can do the testing on them because you’ve just got to be getting close to this being successful. It’s just frustrating that it wasn’t this time around. :hugs:

Sis—Sorry you are having a time of it with the BD timing. Lmao about you cooking dinner in a dress! I know it must be a really tough month for you to not be distracted with a new cycle to distract you so I’m really hoping this times out. I think with your opk being even darker than yesterday, I’d consider today the true LH surge. It’s going to be close, but not impossible if DH gets home tomorrow evening and the egg takes a bit to spring forth…plus she lasts for 24 hours or so. FX!

Terri—FX that estrogen number stays in the zone for you to trigger and get ‘er done!

Future Mom—Hooray on the engagement…just lots of wonderful things happening for you! And love the pic of baby! But yeah, I laughed when I saw the front face shot and your cat alien analogy. Thankfully it’s just the ultrasound photo!

Wish—Oh I hope that you don’t get AF on vacation. I love hotel BD, too! I totally get it and that would be a real bummer! I really am HOH that you are PG anyway and that’s the cause of the no spotting, but even if AF does come, the bright side is this Clomid really seems to be doing great things for you!

Mischief and Kfs1&#8212;Same thing&#8230;.HOH for you ladies this cycle, as well! <3

Neesaw&#8212;My heart is still sad for you. Probably too soon to make any long-term decisions. Just let your heart heal for a while and enjoy the wedding festivities. You&#8217;ve been through too much.

Radkat&#8212;Loved your post! Still laughing about your comment about him looking like a monkey and shaking his fist. Are you going to change his nickname?? Ultrasounds sometimes get the strangest pictures that aren&#8217;t indicative of them at all. In one of my scans of Cody, the way his face was against my placenta, it looked like his nose was really long, and he looked like Pinocchio.

AFM&#8212;Nothing to report, but does anyone know how to attach multiple pictures to their post?
Photobucket is what I use Katie cuz I post from my IPad but u can copy Img thumb and add each one to one post!!
I had to b&tch slap that 19yo on the other thread. She says she's a stalker, but then she came on there today posting about her beta numbers. F-off, little girl. We are NOT in the mood *guns blazing smiley*

My nurse called today and said that my estrogen is now at 3072. If it's greater than 4000, which it probably will be tomorrow, I have to use a different trigger (Lupron/Leuprolide). They had me buy two triggers last time just in case, and I never used the Leuprolide, so I still have it. No real biggie, but I'm pretty sure my cycle will not get cancelled. I do have more follies this time, so that is most likely why my estrogen is skyrocketing. I also don't know if once the eggs are taken if your estrogen drops. Maybe a 5 day recovery is enough. :shrug: I really don't know, but I will ask in the morning.

Radkat-The Penguin is doing funny things! Look at him! Maybe he was trying to sleep and the ultrasound was bothering him so he got mad. hee hee.

nessaw-I agree with the others. You'll know when you're ready. Your wedding is coming up too, and I'm sure you have a million and one things to get ready for that, so it'll be good to focus on something else for the time being. And...like everyone else says, it usually happens when you're NTNP. *hugs*

Going out for dinner tonight, so I gotta mosey. Smooches to all.
Wow ladies...I'm starting to feel like we might get a few :bfp:'s this month!!!! So exciting!!!

Nessaw and Erin - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sis - get to work! :sex:

Radkat - love the Penguin-Monkey!!!:haha:

Terri - it's funny that you said boy. OH is pretty convinced it is team blue, but I don't think you can actually see that yet. Maybe the legs are crossed since I've been doing lots of yoga and baby is doing it too? :haha: Good luck on your trigger thing - you know all of us are SOOO ready for your BFP!!! :dust:

Everyone - thanks so much for all the good wishes!!! Work was soooo much fun today. I teach high school vocal music, so the girls noticed my ring RIGHT away and SCREAMED (8 am) and the guys had to have it explained to them what the ring means. :dohh: So hilarious. Anyways, apparently I was "glowing" all day (haha could just be the pregnancy glow, but they don't know about THAT yet...hoping I can prolong that for a few months...)
Radkat - Penguin is cute!! Glad all is well.

Futuremom - congratz!!! Lots of good news for you :)

Nessaw, *hugs*. We moved forward with TTC right away after the MC as it helped us get past it... But everyone is different, so do not rush anything.

Terri, I don't want to just do empty cheerleading, but it sounds good that you have additional and large follies and I really really hope this is your month. Also, nice job w/the 19 year old - very polite and to the point. Of course, you are one of the least bitter people on boards ever so that part was not quite right :)

I am still having the pelvic pains. Worried that it may be something called a pelvic girdle pain/pubis symphysis, basically I have sharp pain in my pubic bone at times as I get up and sometimes when I sit there. Sometimes it is OK and then I almost cannot walk. Dr's appt is next Monday, so I think I'll manage until then unless gets much worse. Such a difference, at 36 I was still running 5 miles a few times a week at 23 weeks, now I am limping around.
Nessaw: I agree with everyone else. Take your time and maybe focus on the wedding for a bit. You'll know when you're mentally ready to try again. :hugs:

Rad: love that pic!! Too cute that he's shaking his fist. :(

Future: Love that you had a great day. Awww. Such a fun feeling when you get engaged. :) Do you find yourself staring at your ring? :)

Driving: I'm sorry that you're feeling so uncomfortable. :( Does not sound fun. Hope the doc can shed some light on what's going on.

Terri: yeeeeah for yelling at that girl. :haha: She totally deserved it and needs to go! Love reading your daily updates. Can't wait to hear what they say tomorrow. Hope your E levels end up being ok.
What thread is she in I'm in a mood today I will gladly release the CRAZY CAJUN!!! ;)

Ok ok I found it WTH I won't chime in cuz iDK everyone on that thread nor am I doing IVF so hopefully she got the Pic!!
You guys are so supportive! She apparently doesn't know that I'm really not bitter, but underneath sometimes I am bitter. Especially when randoms post about THEMSELVES without taking others into consideration. Sheesh! I guess her 36-38 year old mother (who is still younger than me) never taught her any manners. hee hee.

Driving-Sorry you're so uncomfy, but thankfully your appointment is next week. I hope the doctor can give you some tips to relieve the pain. Sounds pretty bad that you can't sit or stand at certain times.

kfs1-Thanks, pretty. I try to keep up on my updates but sometimes I feel bad that others really don't want to hear every single step. hee hee.

Futuremom-I bet the girls were so excited. Getting engaged is like the ONE thing everyone dreams about. How is it going to happen? What is the ring going to look like? etc..I love love!

I'll update in the morning with my results. fxfx.
I found the teenage stalker thread, and yea, Terri! Very well said!

Congrats, Future Mom! Exciting times!!!

AFM - 15dpiui today and I took two tests this morning. CB digital - "not pregnant". IC - faint but unmistakeable line that is darker than yesterday afternoon's test. So ambiguous... again! I wish I'd bought a FRER last night, but i was too upset to do it. :( I'm going for a blood test today. I want answers. :(
Mischief-I hope the blood test is positive for you today. You definitely need answers.

The nurse reduced my medicine last night and when I went for a follicle check today, everything looked exactly like it did yesterday. :growlmad: The rude nurse was there, and she said 'See you tomorrow. You practically live here. We should get you a cot.' So no trigger tonight, which is terrible. I bet you I will trigger tomorrow and that means retrieval Friday. The worst part is that the game on Friday is either going to be at noon or 3pm. At this point, I have to hope for a 3pm game, or for my follicles to not grow overnight, and do a trigger on Thursday. I'm upset.
Hey all. Sitting in court catching up with everyone.

Mischief, fxed, I can't wait to hear the beta results later.

Terri, thanks for the message on the other board, hopefully shegets it.

Everyone else, hi... Tough to respond to all on the phone.

AFM I graduated from the RE today! Doc said the scan was perfect! I'll try to post itlater. If I forget it well be in my journal.
FX FX mischief!!!

Terri hoping for a later game!!

Moni yay for graduating!!

AFM looks like I Od my worse fears are true not much hope this month DH will be home around 2 which I think according to CM and pain is when I Od yesterday :nope:
Hope those vitamins have made Super:spermy:

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