Terri - I totally agree about your frosties and I'm sure your doc will as well. They made it so much longer than the others - they're super-strong MEGA frosties. I can't believe your MIL's going to be in town the day of your beta though. That totally stinks.

Sis - Let us know how your talks with insurance go today!

Hi everyone else! Still on BCPs until Wednesday and I am convinced that they're causing me to have stomach issues. Back in the day when I was on BCPs, I always had gastritis flare-ups - to the point where I had an endoscopy done and was on meds and everything. And I hadn't really thought about it but my stomach's been much better since being off of them. I was sick one night in the cape and this entire past weekend. Booo.

Had bloods this morning. If everything looks OK, I will be starting stims this coming Sunday.
Terri and Blues, *hugs* I am so sorry about your BFNs...

Terri, I read from somewhere that it takes an average of 3 IVFs for us over 35s to get pregnant. So third time will be the charm! Also the success rates for frozens are so much better. Do you feel confident in your clinic (their SART scores are great for our age, etc)?

Vjean, congratz! How is he feeling? Any insight as to why he had the breathing issues?
Happy Monday ladies!!!

DH and I went to get our labs done now he's off to LA for a few days and we will start the BDing when he gets back even though I doubt he takes his Supps when he's gone :haha:
yes yes Happy Monday ladies!!!

Sis - glad to hear the tests are all done - and I have a feeling you are right about the supplements while he is gone - what fantastically creative things are you doing for all hallows eve???

kfs- oooooo and so it begins.... I am so excited for you twinnie!!!

:hi: katie, driving, blues, radkat, nessaw, vjean, terri (don't kill the MIL -but I do have bail money), Erose (where you lady - hope all is ok), felicity, momof3, and geez anyone else I missed... :hugs:

AFM: still freaking bleeding/cramping I totally don't get it but WHATEVER...:finger:
I started my next marathon training plan (take that uterus:growlmad:) and knocked out 3 miles this morning before work...
UNFORTUNATELY - in the shower I lost my freaking contact...so I have been at work all day like a freaking pirate - one eye matey!!! :boat:
they seriously need to add a pirate smiley...
just saying...

Much love to you all... hope you had a great weekend and have survived Monday :haha:
Wish u ask and I deliver!!!

Here was my week last week!!


The urns are outside now lit up and I will change them every season!!

Finished off w the Fun Run

Working on DS2s costume this week and a storybook pumpkin he has due the 30th ;)
Driving - How are you feeling? 26 weeks along - wow!

Wish - What the heck? Why do you think you're bleeding? And once again, you're amazing for training for a marathon!! Keep it up lady!

Sis - When do you get the results of your labs back?

Vjean - Thinking of you. Hope things are going well.

Terri - Thinking of you (again). Hope you get a surprise BFP today. And if not, drink/eat heavily tonight.

Nothing to report from me. :)
Kfs1 idk the lady was a temp and way out of it when I asked since they are detailed test I'm assuming 2wks+
Wish-When are you running a marathon? I'm going to start running again on Thursday. I have a show to go to tonight, and since we have company it would be rude to get home and then roll out again, so Thursday it is. I pulled out my winter running clothes and got excited. hee hee. Yeah, why are you bleeding? sorry you lost your contact. Hopefully you have a spare at home.

Sis-You are the queen of decorating. How cool!

Driving-Thanks..maybe you're right. We'll see..hee hee.

AFM-Beta today. Someone random called my work number earlier. I'm not answering until tomorrow. Why would the nurse/doctor call you at work? So...I will wait until tonight to hear the message. Unfortunately, when I was having my blood drawn, the rude nurse walked in and said "Hey Terri!" UGH!! hee hee. I don't want her to call me!!!

MIL is driving me batty. We watched Little House on the Prairie yesterday afternoon (her favorite show), and she was telling me what was going to happen the entire episode. I said "Don't tell me." Then she would tell me and say 'oops.' I ended up doing laundry and missed the end of the show. Darn. HA!!HA!! Then at dinner she talked for 1/2 hour on all of the miracle sightings/witnessing she had seen since we last talked. Hubs was watching football (his seat at the dinner table faces out) and I was just sitting listening. Finally, I got a glass of water and went upstairs. That's great if you see miracles, but I can only take so much. You can't SEE the boredom in my eyes?
Terri - I don't have a race picked out yet - this plan is 16 weeks long and it only increasees the milleage 1-2 miles a week - My kinda pace!!! hahaha... probably run the half marathon in the town where I work in April - it will be my 6th time... atleast I know the course!!!

sorry your mother in law is being - well... herself!! :haha: I often wonder how people don't see that glassy "I don't care what you are saying" look in my eyes??? they just keep talking :shrug:

Sis - WOW... you do some amaze balls stuff lady!!! I would just like my outdoor light to hang right :rofl:

:hi: to everyone else!!!

AFM: - kfs - I have no idea why I am bleeding like this - my best guestimation is that I didn't ovulate this month (I didn't take my clomid while on vaca) and my body is reacting to that... but other than that guess I seriously don't know...
I thought it was done last night - but it greeted me this morning :haha:

well girls its official - I cancelled my FE appt in STL today... and I talked to my nurse with my OB/GYN and asked she would talk to the dr about letting me take clomid until my birthday in April - then I AM DONE trying... I will be 42 and I cannot keep going on... I hate it... I truly do. If DH was willing to get more treatment I would go to the ends of the earth so he could be a daddy... but I have to accept that he wont... :cry:

please don't feel sad or sorry for me... I have two beautiful girls and they are wonderful.
I am not leaving BnB - I will still be here cheering you on and praying each of you get your :bfp: with a baby to hold at the end of 9 months
Terri sorry about the MIL I know the feeling DH mentioned yesterday that his moms been hinting hard about retiring and moving in w us WTH!! I asked him so how is she going to get up the stairs or are we giving her our room?!?
I gotta get a baby in that room upstrairs quick and in a hurry!! ;)

Wish I know the feeling exactly I'm too old for this mess and feeling sick or depressed every day cuz of something TTC related isn't helping me one bit :nope:
Wish - *sigh*. I'm soooo bummed that you cancelled your appointment! Your DH wouldn't be willing to do an IUI or anything like that? Ugh. Well, I'm still cheering for you over here lady. I hope the Clomid does the trick for you. :hugs:
Terri....I'm so sorry to hear about the negative results. Man...I just knew this was it BUT as you said you do have the two frosties so your BFP is just around the corner. As for the MIL, how long will she be there? Hopefully not long.

Blues....I'm sorry to hear about your negative results as well. :hugs:

Sis....so creative! I'm jealous. I threw 2 potted mums outside my house and called that decorating for the fall. :haha:

Wish...sorry to hear you canceled the appt and I hate the emotional ride you're on. I actually hate it for all of you lovely ladies.

VJean...hope Keegan is doing well.

Kfs....getting closer and poo poo on the BCP's for making you not feel well.

Hi to everyone else.

Oh has anyone heard from Oldermom? Tell her I said hi if she is on another thread.
Wish sending you love and luck with the clomid.
Sorry for the silence, ladies! It's amazing how exhausting sitting around in the NICU is!

Thank you so much for all the kind words and well wishes for Keegan. He has made huge progress over the past few days. His lungs were just a little immature due to my GD, even thou it was under control. They weren't producing surfactant on their own, so he wasn't able to breathe without the help of forced O2. He also has two small holes in his heart, which is normal in utero, but usually closes right after birth. His didn't close right away, but should soon on their own.

He started nursing yesterday, so they took his IV out today and they are also testing him without O2 right now. If he can go 24 hours without support then we can talk about going home!

Here are a few pics... Sorry if it is too many!


Today (I love his chins!)
Vjean-Ok! I hope you can go home today. I'm so happy he is starting to breathe on his own. Yay!!

kfs1-Where were you when that picture was taken?

Smiles-She left yesterday morning. Phew! A day and a half is a day too long. hee hee. I'm a terrible DIL. No, that's a lie. I'm awesome for inviting her up here and dealing with her. I will be a terrible DIL starting today. If her son has no interest in seeing, talking or hanging out with her, why should I? Lesson learned.
vjean - He is soooooooo cute. Keep the pics coming. :) I'm so happy that he's doing better.

Terri - Oh, that pic was taken at Yankee stadium but it's actually a few years old. I have a serious lack of couples pictures for some reason.
Vjean so happy to hear from u and even happier that Keegan is doing better!! :)
Love his chunky cheeks and turkey chin!! ;)

AFM I had a long response this AM but got a call from My Bigs School yea he has DMC for skipping and tardiness!! Not a happy Mom right now!! Told him no GF no truck well he freaked his getting extra credit and doing extra chores!! We will see how that goes!! :nope:

Anywho what's up w my cycle I've had bleeding for a hr a day then nothing for the rest of the day until the next day WTH!! :shrug:
Never had a cycle this long but it's kinda on and off so maybe that's the reason I'm getting really confused!!
Hope that my cycle and my BIG straighten UP!! :grr:
Vjean - Keegan is absolutely adorable! I love the chins and baby rolls. Nothing better than a chunky baby. I'm glad his breathing has improved so much. It's quite a feat to go from a water breather to a air breather in an instant, so it's no wonder it took a second for him to get used to it. It's great that he started nursing too!

Terri - I totally agree to with what you said about MIL. If DH doesn't want to put in the effort, no reason for you to either. I love the line about seeing the boredom in your eyes. Some people just don't.

Kfs - Are you feeling better now that the BCPs are done?

Sis - Love your Halloween décor. Your cycle definitely sounds strange, but I'm sure it'll even out soon. Glad you're getting DS in line. Sounds like you know just how to get results out of him. :thumbup:

Wish - I think you're decision re: TTC is reasonable. This whole TTC thing is a two person process and there's only so much you can do on your own. I hope you're at peace with it. Clomid may just do the trick though... :flower:

Hi Driving, Felicity, Nessaw, Smiles, Blues, and all the others I'm missing.

Nothing too crazy going on here. I'm not sleeping well which really sucks. I usually sleep well so I'm kinda a baby about it. DH keeps asking if I'm OK so I guess I've been cranky lately. :haha: DD started a new preschool class and she's be crying at drop offs. I'm sure she'll get the hang of things. Going to a Jack o'Lantern festival this weekend. Supposed to be pretty cool. Hope you all are enjoying Fall. It's 90 here today. I'm ready for soup weather. :wacko:
VJean—What a sweet baby! Lil chunky monkey! Very glad to hear that he’s making improvements. Thank God for NICUs. So were you pumping to keep your milk-flow going before he started nursing? Hope you and the family are hanging in there and that Keegan will be going home soon.

Smiles—Thanks for sharing a new pic of Mia, too. Another sweet lil’ chunky monkey! Can I tell you how delighted I am to see that bow on her head? I just have a strong conviction that if you have a baby girl, you must adorn them at all times with bows and/or flowers stuck to their noggins. And so glad to hear you are past the Baby Blues for the most part, too!

Wish—I was sad to read you cancelled the appointment, but I guess it’s legitimate for you to do, if you are feeling like you are in it alone. I guess it’s only because your DH has swayed back and forth from being on board with TTC and pulling back that I hoped this was just another phase of him needing a break from the focus on it and he’d get back on board. But you are right…if he doesn’t seem to be that invested in becoming a biological father, that’s on him. You have two beautiful girls. You’ve certainly done your part to TTC again and then some!

Terri—Oh noooo. It’s totally understandable that your MIL was getting on your last nerve. And the timing of her visit just sucked ( although not her fault), but I’m sure you would have preferred to have some time to do your own thing after the IVF. That whole story about Little House on the Prairie cracked me up! Not trying to blow smoke up your behind, but it sure does seem like everyone says the frozen transfers have a better success rate. I know you are probably so over this whole thing, but I still believe you will get your baby(ies).

Sis—So glad you got the testing done for both of you. And hells no about the MIL coming to move in one day. You have to nip that in the bud immediately!! Even the best MILs would get under your skin after a while. I dunno, it would just feel like having a permanent house guest where you could never really relax in your own home. Anyway, FX for good test results! Also, I like when you share pictures of your latest projects. Great idea with the urns. We have 2 outside our house that I never even thought about doing something like that with. Hmmmm.

Kfs1—First off, love the new profile pic! And very excited that you’ve begun the IVF journey although it’s too bad about the nasty side effects of the BCP. I always thought people made crap up about the BCP having bad side-effects just because I never personally experienced any for so many years. Then, after my DD was born and I went back on the same pill…..they totally screwed up my body! So, I believe! I believe! Hoping you get some frosties to set aside, as well. I guess it just provides a nice back-up plan or future sibling plan, but look at Moni, she’s still trucking along well with her one little embie!

Radkat—Good to hear from you! I’m having trouble sleeping, too. It’s a small price to pay, for sure, but just an uncomfortable part of the journey. And my DD was notorious for crying at drop-offs and clinging to me even when she loved her teachers, her classmates, the school, etc. so I feel your pain!

Blues—Thinking of you and those damn unfair evap lines. Hope you are doing okay.

Mischief—Sorry that your co-worker is so immature. That’s what it sounds like to me….very self-centered like a pre-schooler. Your line about hoping she’s a SAHM next year cracked me up. Hang in there, your turn will be coming. But sometimes a break is necessary to regroup and re-energize.

Driving—So did I miss it or did you have the GD test yet? Really hope that turns out just fine for you!

Moni—Excited to hear your gender news soon!! Do you have any inklings or intuitions?

Future Mom—Eeeek I just saw your ticker and that you are already 16 weeks along. Where did that time go??!! That’s wonderful. How are things going for you?

AFM—Not a whole lot to report over here, but no news is good news in my book. Just hit the third trimester (can’t believe it) and getting bigger by the week. My belly is now finally bigger than my ridiculously big bazoombas. Oh, and my belly button finally popped out, so there’s that. We should be getting the nursery pulled together in the next couple of weeks. I’m very Type A, so I’m in full on nesting mode right now…I’d really like everything purchased and ready to go for the baby before December so I can focus on just enjoying the holidays, which are busy enough. So, that’s about it. Hi to everyone that I missed!

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