kfs1-Hope the trigger last night wasn't too traumatic for you. What time is your retrieval tomorrow? I'm SOOO excited for you. Boop boop!!

Sis-Is your hystreoscope scheduled yet? Hopefully you won't even need to go, based on your chart so far. Yeah!

My dad is driving in tonight for a week long visit. He has some business to take care of (he's a landlord), so not sure how much time he'll actually be spending at our house, but I'm excited to see him. I just have to prepare dinner every night. I think I'll start with lasagna. Yum yum. Still no word about moving forward without CD3 bloods. One week of BCPs down already though, so I feel good about that since I have to stay on them for three weeks if I am moving forward.
Sis - Hang in there. Like Terri said, hopefully this will be your month. And if not, you're doing everything in your power to move forward. Stay positive.

Moni - Can't wait to hear about which name you decide on. :)

Terri - I'm happy that you're on BCPs, too, but I really hope you get some more answers soon. That's fun that your dad's coming to visit, too. And mmmmm - lasagna. I haven't had lasagna in AGES. I had to do my trigger at 11 last night and I was EXHAUSTED. So, I watched some TV on the couch and set my phone alarm just in case. :) The only issue I had was that I could NOT for the life of me get all of the medicine out with the stupid needles that I had. I had been using the q-caps before that so... Anyway, I got about 95% of it though so hopefully that will be enough.

ER is at 10 tomorrow at a facility in Manhattan so we'll be leaving nice an early to make sure we beat traffic.
Well I think I have found my dizzy issue my ear started aching last nite so I moved to the couch w all 3 dogs << not my choice as they woke me up every few hrs and didn't leave me much room .... So I'm not sure of my temp it was 98.34 at 5Am!! :shrug:

As for the Hscope no I haven't scheduled anything I don't know price or if I even want todo it I'm going to try and make an apt w the other DR to see what she suggest Also!

Terri have fun spending time w your Dad!! :)

Kfs1 GL w ER hope u get lots of eggs!! :)
Sis - hugs for you!

KFS - GL with the retrieval!!
Sis, hope this is your time, finally!

KFS, hope the retrieval goes well...

Terri, hope your dad's visit is enjoyable. Lasagna is good though cooking every night can be a chore :)

Nothing much new here. Like VJean suggested, am trying to keep to a gestational diabetes diet with just a few treats here and there (DH made a yummy banana milkshake last night, all that was missing was rum!).
Sis - Love DS's costume. Hope your ear issues resolve soon. I'm sorry you have to skip a cycle with you HScope. I'm with the others that your chart looks fantastic.

Kfs - I have to say, I am just so dern excited for you and this cycle. GL with ER today! How do you feel?

Terri - I'm impressed with your running. How do you like the yoga video? I love yoga but some of it can get a little hippy-dippy. Hope this one is OK. If nothing else, it's relaxing, I hope? Lasagna is a great fix bc you can eat it for a couple of days. Soup/chili is another good one for that. Just get some good bread to go with it and it's a meal! It's too hard to cook every night. Hope the visit goes well. I'm glad you're feeling good about where you are right now. Moving forward!:thumbup:

Driving - So glad you passed! Good advice to follow a modified GD diet anyway. That's what I'm doing now as a just in case measure. If I fail the 1 hour, I'm just going to test by blood sugar. I hated the 3 hour made me nauseous, dizzy, headachy the rest of the day. Ha re: the milkshake needing rum. My Italian dinner the other night needed a glass of wine.

Future Mom - Yes, you will probably be able to find out gender at you 18 week scan. Exciting! Report back!

Fezzle - Hooray for a Clomid cycle! FX!

VJean - Love the Halloween pics! Your daughter does not look like a boy, she's adorable. I dress DD in gender neutral stuff all the time and she gets boy comments as well. Reminds me of when I was in college and did a last minute costume of a mechanic and couldn't get a drink to save my life. I vowed to be a sexy whatever all Halloweens after that. I didn't, of course. :haha:

Sorry that the TTC 35+ has gotten a little...young. Just one more reason it's nice to have this thread.

Hi to Smiles, Felicity, Nessaw, Katie, Wish, Blues.

All is well here. I gained 8 lbs at my last appt, so I need to reign that in a bit. Not the most fun during the holidays, but better than having 50lbs to lose and a huge baby to deliver. :wacko:
I'm kinda think todays temp was a fluke as I got woke up at 520 and tossed and turned until 6 when I temped :shrug:

UPDATE well I talked to Insurance and it appears the Hscope will only be a Copay since its considered testing!! :shrug:
Sis - Ooh, yeah - ear issues will definitely cause dizziness. Are you going to go to the doc to make sure all is OK? I'm sorry you have to miss a cycle with the hysteroscopy but I think it's the right move since you seem to have no trouble getting pregnant. :)

Driving - Glad to hear you're doing well. Curious - what kind of foods can you eat as part of the GD diet?

Rad - Is 8 lbs really bad? I would imagine it's a normal amount during pregnancy, no? Anyway, you have a bit to go until the holidays so just try to eat well until then. You HAVE to enjoy yourself on Thanksgiving! :)

Thanks so much for all of the sweet messages ladies. ER went well yesterday. They were able to retrieve 14 embies. Hope to hear from the embryologist sometime today. Transfer will be either Sunday or Tuesday, which works out perfectly since my DH will be home both of those days. I really am just nervous to hear the fertilization report but otherwise, feeling good.
As I suspected all those hightemps where a fluke or it's cold here today but I'm thinking they should all be my norm of 98.2 :(

KFS1 glad to hear things went well grow babies GROW!! :)
I just got the approval to move forward with the FET! Woohoo...this BCP is all worth it. Not sure of the exact dates just yet, but I can move forward with ordering my meds and getting them paid for. They are significantly cheaper than the fresh cycle, so I'm relieved about that, especially with the holidays and such. Win-win.
Kfs keeping everything crossed for your embies.
Good news terri and sis.
Hi everyone.xx
Kfs - NICE result! Keeping fingers crossed for fertilization.

Terri - great!! Glad you are moving ahead.

Kfs, a GD diet just seeks to keep blood sugar even and not too high. So you need to keep an eye on carbs (especially sugars and things like white bread and potatoes). You can still eat carbs, but they should be combined with a protein and be high in fiber, if possible. So I have lots of apple slices with peanut butter, for instance. I have cut down on potatoes a lot and eat almost no candy/cakes/dessert etc. Also, they recommend 3 meals + 3 snacks a day to keep blood sugar even. I had a slice of pizza today with thin crust, but had lots of salad with that, and fruit instead of a cookie for dessert.
Hi everyone!!! :wave:

So....drumroll please...we had our 19 week scan today and....we're team BLUE!!!!! :blue::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: So now I can admit that I really wanted to have a boy so we could name him for my father (who passed away a few years ago) AND we have the first grandson for OH's family!!!! Super pumped. Don't know much more. The tech took over 100 pictures and she said that he's a VERY active baby (spent a lot of time chasing him around :haha:). I see the ob-gyn on Tuesday, so I guess I'll hear more then. :shrug:

Anyways, I hope everyone's doing well. I have to run cuz OH is taking me out to dinner. :thumbup:
Congratulations Future Mom!! How exciting for you. I can't wait until you tell your families that it's a boy!!

I also hope dinner was super yummy too. :happydance:
:hi: ladies!

Terri - WOOOO HOOOOO on the FET approval... although I just knew it was going to get approved!! :happydance: I hope you are enjoying your time with your dad... today is the anniversary of my dad's death - 5 years ago - I know you are missing your mom too... so its good for us to enjoy our parents!!! much hugs lady!!! and good luck on the cooking...i now want lasagna!!:hugs:

kfs - :howdy: twinnie... soon our fraternal twinness is on display here!!! soon you will be PUPO!!! how exciting!!! keep the faith lady!!! those embies will be ok!!! FX all goes well this week!!

Sis - sorry to hear about those ear issues - and yes ears can definitely screw with our balance and dizziness:sick:... I hope the other dr will give you some more answers and I am just hoping your temps aren't a fluke and you will be having a BFP before any more doc interventions!!

future - Congrats on that little boy!!! how exciting for you and DH!! :happydance: seems like a lot of boys and not too many girls for us oldies!!

Driving - good luck on the GD diet - really that diet is good for everyone diabetes or not... the one thing the nutritionist told my 18 year old daughter was that whatever you eat should have more fiber than fat grams... so we are reading labels like crazy and trying to stick to that... she has lost over 14 lbs so far - I think they found me!! haha

Vjean - your little girl was adorable on halloween and no she didn't look like a boy - she has beautiful eyes!!! your little bub is so cute too!!! I hope you are getting some sleep lady!!! :hugs:

fezzle - me and you are on clomid this cycle!!! good luck lady I am soooooooo hoping this is your month!! :hugs2:

:hi: radkat, nessaw, moni,Smiles, Felicity, Katie, Blues and Erose

AFM: I am sorry that I haven't updated in so long...I am on CD12 waiting for my positive OPK - temps are still down... last clomid cycle today was the positive OPK... and this morning it was really negative but this afternoon its getting darker - so should be positive by morning wee...

Since my last update I fractured my thumb (3 small fractures - poor thumb)... and have been sick battling sinus crap... in addition had to move two relatives this week last minute into new apartments... both disabled so my mom, my daughters and I did all the work (and cleaning the old apartments - which took over 10 hours Friday)
all that and I come into work today and get told that I shouldn't have missed my 9am meeting Friday because it made me look bad... so I said to the Sergeant Major - ok who was going to move my relatives if I came here??? after he left I had a good cry...
I HATE CRYING AT WORK.... then not long after that my relative calls me crying because he dropped his tv trying to hook up the vcr and broke his tv... :cry: tv is a big deal to someone who is disabled and can't drive... I felt so bad for him...
life is so frustrating... I have to take care of my family but because someone else sucks at their job... then its implied I don't manage my people good enough.... :saywhat::gun::trouble::grr::-#:-#:-#:-#:
so I am down today... feeling like a failure... hoping I get a chance this month...but keeping some realism in there too...
but hey other than that - everything is just awesome!! :haha:
Ok Ladies I'm having a tough time saying I will proceed w the Hscope!! I think the thought of no chance of a BFP until Next year is a bit hard for me to swallow!! :(

If I get the Hscope after AF this cycle It will be the week b4 the kids get out of school for Thanksgiving so I should O around Thanksgiving I don't know why I always want to O around the holidays I guess it's better than last Xmas when I got AF!! :haha:

So anyways I should O around Xmas in December so I'm kinda going back and forth that we should just Try I guess I really need to call the other Dr and see if she will do a few cycles w out the Hscope or if we r on our own!! :shrug:

Sorry for the rambling as U can tell I'm all over the place :(

Wish so sorry u have had a tough time lately and the Clomid doesn't help the crying episodes :hugs:
When my DH was army he had to hide SRGT info from me cuz I wanted to tell him off daily :nope:
Don't let him rain on your parade O is on its way so think happy thoughts!!
U want O to push back it gives that Eggy time to grow believe me the cycle I got a BFP I Od CD13 I think I know it was later so b patient it's for the best!! :hugs:

Terri yay for Ur FET!!

Kfs1 any word on the babies??
kfs1-Yeah, what's the report??

Wish-Hi!!! :wave: I've been missing you. Sorry to hear about your thumb, and your sergeant yelling at you and such. You are awesome, though for moving your family even with a fractured thumb! How did you do that? Maybe your daughter will use her allowance and buy your relatives a new tv. Sucks that they broke it. And finally, I hope you get a chance this month..c'mon Clomid. Do your magic.

Sis-Kfs said that hscope isn't bad. Why don't you want to do it? You also said that they are coding it so that it's covered, so I don't see the problem, but maybe tell me again. It'll be a good thing. Anything to get you closer to your little wren. <3 I say go for it.

AFM-I heard from the nurse on Friday asking if I had received notification to proceed. She said she hadn't, ha ha. Anyway, she said that I can stop taking pills on Wednesday and get my u/s on Friday. I think I will start taking my butt shots on Friday. So excited to be doing something again. It's been a nice break, but I'm ready to be looking forward to something again.
My main reason is I feel it Isn't needed my tubes aren't blocked I've never a bad scan where they saw fibriods or a polyp just the one where they thought it was a polyp but it wasn't!!
Also my strong pregnancy that we saw a heart beat only failed after I got strep nothing else caused that I feel!! Idk I guess the thought of not having a chance for a bfp in 2014 is really eating me alive that was my goal and it's getting Grimm w this Hscope in the mix!!

I will call the other Dr and see what she offers I really just want to do 2 more medicated cycles b4 the end of the year and he's not even allowing me to try which really Peeves me off!!! :nope:

Just hoping I see a line soon but I don't feel it and every other time I just knew!! :(

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