kfs1-Yeah that's a great number of follies. Woohoo!! Don't be surprised when you have to push hard to get the Ganirelix needle in your stomach. It doesn't sting, it's just a duller/weird needle for some reason.

Are you going to dress up tonight? And if so, what are you going to be? I just hide in my basement. The last time I bought candy, all these upper age kids were knocking and they weren't dressed up AND they didn't say trick or treat. I'm not passing out candy solely because you are knocking on my door. I give up!

I don't blame you for hiding! Spoiled brat kids. This is actually the first year we'll really be around. In the past, we would try to go out and do something because my dog would go NUTS every time someone came to the door. So, kinda sad this year for that reason. :(

Thanks for the tip about the Ganirelex!
Happy Halloween!!!

KFS - I had similar numbers...

Sis - Happy belated anniversary!!

Hi everyone else!!:wave:

I finally bought maternity pants and am definitely showing a bit of a bump with them on...I am much more comfortable at the end of the day. Next will probably be an updated bra...
Hi Ladies!

Hi to anyone I miss…trying to get this message out quickly. Since our “Breaking Bad” series is over, we’re moving onto the “Walking Dead,” tonight (appropriate for Halloween) so I gotsta get movin’!

Momof3—Ahhhhh, I can, but I can’t believe it’s twins!!! I mean your beta numbers definitely seemed high but it’s still just crazy pants. Congrats twice over. And that’s a really great sign that both babies are measuring on track. Hoping you get at least one little fella in there!

Moni—Speaking of fellas, congrats on your little boy! We are really dominating the testosterone pool on this thread. And the best news is that the harmony test came back great! Also, I’m glad to hear you moved onto maternity pants and go get the bigger bra(s) too. Just do it! It’s so worth the comfort. I think we have this pride thing (at least I did) in wanting to stay in my normal clothes for as long as possible. Screw that! I continued to wear my maternity pants for a good couple months after my DD was born and it was hard to go back to regular button/zipper pants again.

Smiles—Yes, I’d love to hear Mia saying “Hi.” That’s adorbs! I will send you my email address. And I’m bummed to hear she is anti-bow/headband. *Sighs*

Terri—We are all holding out the greatest amount of hope that these little frosties take for you. The stakes are high and you know we are all pulling for you! Frustrating that there’s no real answers as to why the first IVFs didn’t take, but obviously good that there are no major problems standing in the way either. Regarding Halloween, years ago, when I was single I decided to get into the Halloween spirit and actually turn my light on and give out candy. I only had about 5 legit little kids show up that whole night and then at about 8:30 pm, two high school boys showed up dressed like Gang Bangers with pillow cases for treat bags. And after they left I thought, “Wait. I think they actually ARE gang bangers who just wanted candy.” Stopped giving out candy again until I was married and in a “non-gang banger” area of town!

Neesaw—Well dang, I’m sorry that you didn’t get any information from your appointment. And I’m sorry that it’s just more waiting on your end to find some answers.

Sis—Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row this cycle and some pretty sentimental dates involved, too. FX for you! Are you taking your Progesterone pills…you think that made you dizzy?

Kfs1—Eeek, it’s getting so close now for you!! Love reading about the process. It’s all very exciting!

Driving—Boo hiss on the 3 hour GD test. I had to take it and it’s a pain just because you have to sit there for 3 hours. The lady taking my blood told me that she had GD with her infant son and she goes….”You know, it’s not so bad. It can usually be controlled with diet. You just need to drink nothing but water and eat lots of vegetables and proteins. Carbs are reallyyyyy bad, so you need to stay away from those. And no sweets.” You should have seen my face. It probably looked like this…..


  • Spongebob Crying.jpg
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Hi Ladies,

I know i don't come on here much now but I could really use some help :cry:
As you know I am no longer TTC all though not preventing lol my cycle has been really off for quite a while, heavy and painful and ranging from 23 - 28 days. I made an appointment with the doctors and they ran some tests and its just confusing me. They say my Thyroid antibodies are high but my T levels are in the normal range so repeat bloods in 4 weeks, Thyroid issues would explain how I have been feeling (tired, cold, hair loss etc) They then did hormone bloods this was 3 days before AF results were:
LH 3.1IU/L
Oestradiol 678pmol/L

They also did swabs to rule out infections that may cause some of the symptoms and they have come back as mild thrush...I have no symptoms of this at all :wacko:

As you know I have been dieting and so far have lost 46lb so would have thought this would have made things better?

I really don't no ladies, am I perimenapause? all the nurse said was my hormone levels are within the normal range..I'm just so confused and fed up :nope:

Sorry for the long post just wish they would give me some answers, I feel like they have just given me the results and left me too it.

Hi girls! Hope you survived Hallowe'en! We had hardly any kids, so now we have a huge bowl of candy left over :thumbup:

Moni - I'm determined to try to get some maternity pants this weekend. I've gone to the store a few times and was just so overwhelmed that I left. Maybe I'll try kijiji - might be easier to talk to someone who's been through it.

Felicity - sorry I can't help you, but I'm sure someone else here will be able to. Good luck!

AFM - I tried to post a profile pic of me in my Hallowe'en costume. Hopefully you can see it? Anyways, we go for anatomical scan on Friday (18 weeks) - is that when we find out the gender? I'm so excited! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
Hi ladies...

Happy day after Halloween! Lol. We had 5 trick or treaters and 2 of them were high school kids who rang our door bell at 9:40 at night, I was like " WTF?!?!" Now we have tons of candy left, not good for me since I am now in " work out, watch what I eat" mode.

Sis...happy belated anniversary. Hope your dizzy spell is over. Any idea what caused it?

Terri...yaaaaayyy!! Get it in!!! Whoo-hoo!!! FX this is it, I really think it is. As for the receipts were those for the prescriptions? If so you should be able to get the list if prescriptions filled from our insurance company. Oh and I sent you the video. Lol

Kfs....I tried posting the video but it says the file is too large. My email is [email protected]. Feel free to email me and I'll send you the video.

Moni....team blue!! Congrats. Boys and their moms have such a special relationship.

Driving...hope the 3 hour test comes back with better results.

Katie....yeah, I'm bummed Mia does not like things on her head but too bad! Lol. I put them on anyway. Lol she had a fit about her costume. She was a butterfly and she hated having the hood on her head!!! But she had to wear it, her antennas were on top of the hood. Lmao

Mom...did I already say congrats on the twins? I can't remember. In any event congrats!!!!! (Again?) Whoo- hoo

Wish...how are you?

Hi to everyone else.
felcity-All I remember from my paper, is that you want your FSH and LH to be about a 1:1 ratio. Yours looks good. I don't really know what else to tell you about the other details. I just hope you can get some answers soon. You know you can always ask us questions and hang with us anyway. <3

Smiles-Thanks for the video. HI! hee hee. My nurse wants to see my receipts to see what they charged me. She also said I could use my receipts to claim medical expenses on my taxes, so I hope she's right. The FET is much cheaper, so yes, I will be gettin' it in! hee hee.

Katie-Always so good to hear from you. Funny Halloween story. I wonder if they were real gang bangers. hee hee. Funny.

Hi to everyone else. Hubs and I are finally going out for sushi tonight...because I can! Enjoy the rest of your night all. :flower:
Felicity - I think these are really good numbers, if they are the same units that I know of. I was told that anything below 8 is great for FSH and above 10 starts getting iffy, perimenopause is more like 15+. Terri is right, should be close to LH too. My FSH was 4.3 and had no issue getting pregnant (had issues keeping them but that's another story).

Katie, good to hear from you! And you're 30+ weeks! Funny, in my mind you are totally a long way ahead of me but I think it is because you got your BFP in the April thread, not the May thread, but we area only a few weeks apart.

Terri, enjoy sushi and I hope the receipts thing works out!

Smiles, thanks! I know what you mean about candy being left over. The GD scare came just in time for Halloween, and we have like a bucket of candy still sitting in the kitchen (we had a lot of cute trick or treaters, but hubby always goes overboard and buys like $50 worth of candy from Costco or wherever, plus DS got a lot when we went out). So it is looking at me, I am looking back.
Thanks Driving and Terri,

I've been on the internet looking but it just gets confusing as to what is normal and most of the results are in miu and i,m not sure how to convert them lol

Hi to everyone else, hope you all had a great weekend :flower:
Hi all!

felicity- I'm not sure about the units, but I've also heard that you want FSH and LH to be similar- I know this because my LH was almost twice my FSH which indicates PCOS! So yours looks good in that regard!

Wow, it seems like you pregnant ladies were just getting BFPs and look how far along you are now! I guess that's a sign of how long I've been TTC now! I'm so glad you're all doing well. Driving- good luck with your test! Future Mom- can't wait to hear the results of your next scan! I would assume you'd find out the gender then!

Sis- late happy anniversary!

AFM- at the beginning of my first Clomid cycle and feeling optimistic, other than the timing could be such that OH's father passes away right in the fertile time. And feeling like a bad, selfish person for worrying about that! But, on my 3rd pill of Clomid today and all good so far. I'm only on CD4 and AF is already gone!
Felicity, this should help - looks like you are all normal.
Felicity, this should help - looks like you are all normal.

lol, this scared me at first as I thought by 'premenopausal' they meant perimenopause rather than just all adult women not in menopause yet! And then I thought 1-7 days was in the cycle and not age!
Sorry I've been MIA this weekend was crazy busy starting w our Anniversary then Halloween and my BFFs Halloween Bday party last nite!!

On Halloween We had a block party and my LO was late for the pizza cuzwe had a Make up mishap and our door bell was ringing Nonstop needless to say my 5 bags of candy was out in a hr!! :nope:

Everyone said DS costume was the best they saw All nite if we had a contest he would have won... He told Everyone " that's cuz my mom worked hard on it!" :haha:

I'm not sure what the dizzy spells are about it happened Again yesterday when I was helping decorate cupcakes and cake balls for my BFF!! I only take my P at nite so I don't think it's that :shrug:

Here's a pic of him in costume

And me
Many thanks Driving, feel better seeing that :thumbup: sorry if it scared you Fezzle I had to re read it lol

Sis that costume is great, I was never that clever making outfits for the kids :wacko: Luckily my daughter is far more artistic then I ever was x
I forgot to Update on my test results All our results are within Normal Range!! So he wants me to do a Hysterocopy I can't remember the exact spelling but it's when they put u to sleep and use a camera to look at your uterus and the dr basically cleans the lining all out so u have a fresh new start and have a better chance for implantation!!

I'm waiting to hear how much it cost and just really hoping I don't need to do that it sounds a Lil scary! :(

Ok the more I read about this the more I'm afraid to do it since I have no known issues w my Uterus!! :nope:
I sent a long email w lots of ???? To my nurse we will see what they say!!
Katie - LOVE the walking dead. How are you liking it so far? Thanks for your support!! :)

Felicity - I'm no help but I'm sorry that you're feeling so stressed. Can they do anything to treat your high T levels?

Future - Can't wait to hear about your scan this week. :)

Terri - Ahhhhh. I think I need to get me some sushi soon, too! There's no reason why I shouldn't have it before ET, right?

Fezzle - Glad to hear that you're moving along on Clomid. How long does your period usually last? Mine's been pretty short this past year...

Sis - Great costume. :) Glad to hear that your tests came back normal. Hopefully the hysteroscopy does the trick. I had that done a while back - wasn't too bad.

Hi everyone else!

Had a great weekend celebrating DHs birthday and Halloween. Friday, we just stayed in and finished our costumes. Saturday, some friends came over in the afternoon and then we went to a Halloween party at night. Yesterday, we went to a chicken wing competition that my DH's Aunt hosts. We came in LAST PLACE! We were first last year but I guess we bombed this year!!

This morning's report: 11 follies on my left and 3 on my right. Trigger will either be tomorrow night or Wednesday night for egg retrieval either Thursday or Friday. :)
kfs1-Yeah!!! Great follie report. Sorry about your wings..who won and what did they put on theirs? That contest sounds like a lot of fun. Yeah, eat sushi now. hee hee. I was really in the mood for hot sake..Yum yum.

Sis-Of course your little one got the best costume award. You are SO creative, I can't even stand it. Glad your report was normal and you had a fun weekend with your bestie and the little kids. fun times.

Driving-I forget when your 3 hour test is, but if it's today, best of luck.

AFM-Not much to report. Still waiting to hear back from the nurse saying I can proceed. I hope she says I can. I went running yesterday because I can't stand that my thighs are getting thicker, and I just feel like a blob. Now I'm sore and happy. I ran 3.3 miles and I only walked twice for about 50 yards. Sometimes I can't mentally convince myself to keep going. I will try to run the entire circuit tomorrow. Tonight I'm doing a yoga for fertility video that my friend gave me.

:wave: to everyone else.
kfs- good luck with the retrieval- so excited about how soon it is now! My AF showed back up after I went for a run yesterday, but today it really has just been some spotting mixed in with normal CM. When I started the Metformin and started getting periods, they were about a week long, but the past few have been more like 5 days.
KFS, nice follies!!

So I had my test today. Hungry morning after fasting since 9pm the previous night, followed by drinking the yucky orange drink again, but more of it than before (I was so hungry it was almost a relief to have something). They took blood 4 times but the nurse could not find my vein on the left arm, so after some ineffectual but painful poking there, she did all 4 draws from my right arm. Should find out the results this afternoon or tomorrow at the latest. This also made me go look at the patient portal at my medical provider and was kind of stunned at my latest bloodwork results - NOTHING was normal - all was low or high. They only told me that my iron was low and sugar was high. Now I need to talk to my dr.

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