Terri - Sorry for the BFN. That sucks. But hooray for being proactive, but wtf about AF? Hope you get the answers you want at the dr. And yes your insurance rep should know your coverage. What a pain.

Sis - Have you heard your results of your glucose test?

FutureMom - Congrats on the house and on the baby shower. They are fun, but some people exaggerate the things you "need".

Blues - Your appt sounds like it went well. I think it's great that you and DH have decided how to move forward.

Wish - I'm so happy for you and your house/land. 20 acres is amazing! You need to plant an enormous garden - that's what I would do if I had a bunch of land. Are you going to have animals or just enjoy the space? Is it wooded? Hunting on your own property? So many options! I'm glad the cyst is shrinking, sorry the bcps put you out of the running for a 2015 baby. That sucks.

Garfie - I think a B12 deficiency could definitely throw things off. How great would it be if that's the ticket? GL.

Kfs - I'll bet you'll start to feel some movements in the next few weeks. I think I was maybe 17 weeks when I started to feel my first? For me, it was hard to distinguish from, erm, digestion, but then you can tell for sure. This time it felt more like taps.

Hi Atty! What's up with you?

Enjoy the snow for those that are getting it! It's 75 degrees here. I know I'm in southern CA, but come on, give a pregnant lady a break. This is my last week of work. So excited for maternity leave. I have many plans. Seems like one of them should be encouraging this LO to make an entrance. At my 38 week appt yesterday, I was only 1 cm and 25% effaced. At this point with DD I was 2cm and 50%. I'll have more time and hopefully energy to do some walking next week. Oh and I have my acupuncture scheduled for 39+4 and 40 weeks. DH wants to induce by 41 weeks (actually before, but I've put him off to 41w), which I'm not on board for, but he gets freaked out by everything he reads, and pulls the "it's my baby too" card.:wacko:
Radkat-Yeah, it's crazy that I have a cyst..I've never had AF stopped before, so it seems so bizarre that she isn't showing up. And you know..the worst part of all of this is that a normal person would probably be really excited and thinking they're pregnant and all that jazz, but my immediate first thought was 'hmmm..I must have a cyst. There is NO WAY I could be pregnant. That's just impossible.' I'm jaded, JADED I TELL YA!!! hee hee. Sad, but true. I hope you don't have to be induced and your little bundle comes out in the next week or so.

So did you finish moving? I can't remember, but I know you wanted to be closer to your family. Well, if we don't hear from you in the next week (because of all your many plans), I wish you a speedy delivery! Come back and let us know how everything went. <3
Sorry haven't updated u All it's been a bit of a crazy Rollercoaster over here!!!

My glucose came back Normal but my platelets are still high :shrug: either it's cuz my iron is still low or cuz my E was high last draw :shrug:
Still no AF and I ran outta test but my temp dropped so I'm assuming she will show :shrug:

So good to hear from u Atty!! :hi:

Terri hope its not a cyst did u start any new vitamins or anything??
Sis-hmmm. What does it mean that your platelets are high? Can you do something about it?

Nope. I haven't done squat. It's a mystery until next Tuesday.
Radkat - Wow. You're almost there! It must feel great to almost be on maternity leave. Keep us updated.

Sis - Ditto what Terri said. What does it mean that your platelets are high?
From what I've read it could be cuz I'm anemic still since they didn't check my iron IDK for sure!!
It could also mean the BIG C or could be due to high levels of Estrogen!! :shrug:

I have implants and one of then has gone flat since the MC kinda afraid It ruptured or something when it rains it pours :nope:
So we let the clinic know we chose IUI and they requested that I get bloodwork again. WTF? If i had chosen to do IVF, I wouldn't need the bloodwork again. So this month will be a wash.

They requested that DH get the Ashkenaz panel done because he is Jewish. They would also like me to get it done. I'm not going to unless he tests positive for Tay-Sachs because I'm Hispanic and not a likely carrier.
Blues--I love your passion. HA!!HA!! I think that if you had chosen to do IVF, you'd go on BCPs, but they would definitely start checking your bloods more regularly. I'm not sure why they need you to start all over with bloodwork again for IUI, but you'll just have to do it. What's one blood draw to get your baby? It's not much.

I agree with your thoughts on not getting the panel done unless you have to, but did they say anything about a full genetic testing workup? Hubs and I both had to do that, and it covers like 30 things (or more). I can't remember now exactly all that was tested, but we did that even before we started doing IUIs. Every clinic is different. I'm so eager for you to get started for real though. One more BFP coming right up! We've been on BFP hiatus for a while, so someone has to be next.
Well I think the :witch: has finally landed been having spotting and horrible cramps and clots!! Since no AF in months I'm sure it will be a BAD one but I'm glad to move on !!

Happy almost Friday!!!
Sis-I'm happy you get to move on, but it has to be so frustrating waiting so long for something to happen either way. :hugs:
I was able to get my bloodwork and ultrasound done today. Yay! The doctor couldn't see anything that would be affecting my period on the ultrasound, but he clicked around VERY quickly. He said the bloodwork would tell the true story. He said that I may have ovulated late, and I should start bleeding any day now. My fibroid is not anywhere that would be affecting getting pregnant or preventing AF.

The good news (?) is that he said that for a person of advanced age, I am a great responder, and there is really nothing preventing me from getting pregnant. If I want to do PGS testing, I could, but the cost is the same for one embryo as eight embryos and sometimes people do fresh cycle after fresh cycle until they get 8 and then have them tested. It costs $4,000. I'm not sure if I want to do that because I'm running out of insurance money and say I did one fresh cycle without PGS, didn't get pregnant, I would have to pay for the transfer, medicine, bloodwork/ultrasounds, etc.. out of pocket. He also reminded me of the guarantee. They will guarantee with donor eggs until I'm 50 (seriously?!), and then I get my money back. And..I did ask about the live birth versus getting pregnant and he said it is for a live birth. I didn't ask again how much it cost, but I'm really not interested in doing that. Now the only thing I have to decide is if I want genetic testing. I'm just not sure. I guess I'd rather go through the TWW unknowing versus having 8 (or whatever) embryos tested and all of them coming back abnormal. It's a tough decision. So...I guess I just wait to see what the bloodwork says tomorrow, and get ready for another IVF cycle. He did say that I have to decide whether to do genetic testing the day I go in for my day three bloods.

So I'm pretty much I'm in the same place I was this morning. *sigh* Time to get a massage and my eyebrows plucked. Later gators.
Sis-OMG I can't even imagine how bad this AF will be, BUT now you can get going on TTC again!
Terri-Hmm I wonder what is causing AF not to come? When do you get the bloodwork results back? But YEAH on being a great responder! Interesting that your clinic guarantees pregnancy using donor eggs through age 50. Is that something you would be open to?

AFM-No the Dr didn't mention any other genetic screening for us except the Ashkanazi panel. I wonder if the full genetic panel is requested depending on medical history. So AF is due tomorrow, so I scheduled my bloodwork for Saturday. Hopefully all is well still!
Blues-I can't remember but I think it costs between $30-50K for the guarantee. They also offer the guarantee for women who don't have insurance paying for all this stuff. That is a lot of money and we don't have it. Well, I could take it out against my house, but I'm not willing to do that right now.

The nurse is supposed to call me back today with my bloodwork results. They gave me a prescription for provera in order to force AF, but I hope I don't have to take that. For your bloodwork, don't you need Day 3 bloods?

I want to call the insurance lady and see if I have enough $ leftover for a fresh and a frozen cycle. I'm thinking that if I have enough for both cycles, I will probably do the genetic testing. If I only have enough for one fresh, one fresh it is, and the frozen embies will have to stay frozen until I hit the lottery or someone wills me $ to pay out of pocket for bloodwork/ultrasounds.
We don't have Fertility Coverage so I know what u mean about paying out of pocket that is the only reason we haven't done IVF I would love to do it w PGD and get my twin girls but 13-16K is a lot of money !!! Testing and bloods are covered that's it !! :nope:

Might go get my CD3 bloods in the AM waiting in a call from the new nurse :nope: I miss my old nurse she was on top of stuff this new one not so much!! :shrug:
Sis - I hate when nurses change too - I hope you can get in and get your bloods and I hope that the :witch: is taking it easy on you!! :hugs:

Terri - ugh so many decisions!!! I also hate the way insurance determines our life sometimes - but that's the way it has to be!! Thank goodness they have covered stuff so far! I hope you have enough for a fresh and FET (hopefully you don't need both) I wish they could give you more of an explanation as to why these beans arent sticking!!! it doesn't seem they say much... unexplained is unexplained I guess... I just have a hard time accepting that answer...
either way! I hope this is what it takes for your sticky bean!!! I always HOH and keep my FX for you friend!! :hugs2:

Blues - my dr quoted me about $15000 without any kinda of PGS testing... and my insurance covers ZILCH... so there just is no way we can afford that... I hope you don't need all that and the IUI does the trick!! :thumbup:

:hi: to everyone else...

AFM - nothing TTC to report (still have 2 more packs of BCP to take)... and that's probably going to be my story... I have to accept it and I will. It is nice to have our new house and acreage to look forward too - my husband and I are having some really nice conversations right now - not tearfilled or sad... we are scheduled to go back to the new house on the 21st to meet the seller and take some pics...so I have a different TWW... we are taking our parents,etc with us...
I leave for Poland on Sunday and I am looking forward to my Europe trip - will probably be the last one funded by the Army for me since I can retire in 2 1/2 years...
Have a great weekend everyone!! :flower:
Sis - I hear ya about nurses. I've been waiting for test results for almost 3 weeks now. I called last week and they weren't in yet and they STILL haven't called and they said they would.

Terri - Holy crap - $30-$50K??? That's absolutely insane. Who the heck could afford that?

Wish - That's so amazing about the house and your trip! Can't wait to hear more about both.
Terri-I was scheduling Day 2 bloods because my AF was due today, and the lab and hte clinic are both closed on Sunday, so they told me to get them done on Day 2. Fingers crossed you have enough insurance for a fresh and frozen cycle.

Sis-I hope you hear from the nurse soon! Have you gotten your Antral Follicles counted? I read a study where that is a better indicator of live birth than both FSH and AMH. If it is over 12 then higher probability of a live birth.

Wish-Congratulations on the house! Please posts pics! 20 acres sounds amazing. in SoCal that would be a multimillion dollar house!!! A large plot here is like 5,000 sq feet!

AFM-AF is still not here. Both DH and I are working from home today. He joked maybe you're pregnant. So of course I starting obsessing about it because I didn't have any symptoms that usually indicated that AF was coming. So I tested and OMFG it is positive! I'm am cautiously excited as it was faint but I only held my pee for like 2 hours.
Blues!!! I'm not cautiously excited, I'm really excited. Calm nerves means you're not stressed or worried and that can help with getting pregnant!! I am getting super excited. Test again in two days and compare the lines. This will be so great. :wohoo: that's how I feel about your test!! Yeah!!

I got a call from the nurse and she said that I have ovulated and my progesterone is ten, so AF should be on its way shortly. I'm happy that My body is still working and that I won't have to take a pill to force AF here. Now I just wonder how long ago I ovulated. I'm probably out without a chance because hubs and I bd'ed earlier in my cycle not expecting a late ovulation. I think we did bd after those early times, but obviously I have no data to show how close or far away we were from ovulation. Whatever.

I also found out that I don't have to pay for pgs until there are actual embryos to freeze, so if I had to transfer a 3 day embryo, no payment for testing would be expected. I was pleased to hear that I only pay when embryos are ready. I'll talk to hubs :wacko: but I'm feeling better about just going for it. If they all come back abnormal at least I know there is an issue. Crazy how things work out. I didn't call the insurance lady because I actually worked hard at work today! :haha: that's the latest.
Terri thats great! I also thought they tested on all fertilized eggs and didn't wait for embryo stage.

Ok im officially crazy. I just bought three different tests to test over the weekend.
Okay, I suck at responding but am reading along pretty well. But um Blues????

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